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Show VOL. MANTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, IS 88. III. NEWS SUMMARY LOST. Between Richfield and Sterling the UTAH TEBBITOBT. Green Cloth Cover cf a Large Pool Salt Lake City. Yesterday mornTable. Any one who, finds and returns the same, or will give information con- ing, Mrs. Augusta llollengren, who, with a cerning it to Mr. Clark of Richfield or hertwochildren has been stopping at the undersigned will be rewarded for First South Street boarding house, sent her two little boys, aged 7 and 8 years their trouble. respestively, to their lather, who lives W.D. Funk. anothet part of the city, with a mesSan Pete ir Co. Sterling, sage noufjing him he must care for the children. It seems that the couple have BEES' BEES BEES! not been hv.ng together for some time, and he father sent the bos back to FOR SALE. mother v ith a letter stating that he We .are prepared this spring to sell tbeir could not take care of them. Upon the in of Bees. be to Warranted stands fifty arrival of the children at the house, it good condition. The mjstery of Bee was discovered that Mrs. Hollengren Bleeping explained to purchasers. Call had disposed of her effects, and disapor write for terms. peared, thus leaving the two chtldreu Wm. BraithwAIT and Co., alone and friendless. 4 blocks west of Tabernacle, They were sent to the City Hall, and r Manti, Utah. 47 later were sent to the Orphans Home Mrsi Hollengrean appeared at the Hall last evening to learn what disposiSHADE TREES, tion had been made of the boys, but did Bengal Poplar and Balm of Gil- not deny that she intended to desert ead Shade Trees for sale at Funks them. 6. L. Herald , March 31. Lake, San Fete. Will deliver the trees to any point in San Pete on reasonable terras. I will furnish parties having taken land up under the Timber Act, with trees or cuttings at a very low figure. Send all orders to Charles 51 8 Musio, Sterling. AN HONEST OPINION. Temple Office, Manti Utah. Bro. C. E. Johnson. I take pleasure in attesting to the merits of Johnsons Essence of Life, having used it personally, and also in my family, with the most gratifying results. I consider it a safe, prompt and efficacious Provo. Tuesday afternoon Charles Allred and Joseph Justensen, who plead guilty to the charge of attempted robbery of the Nephi Bank, were sentenced the first named to five years and the last named to four years. 1 he sentence for grand larceny, in the case of Allred, was suspended until the term for attempted robbery had expired. On Wednesday morning John Frant-ze- n was arraigned on the charge of unlawful cohabitation, and entered a plea of guilty. Sentence was set for April 14th. His honor announced yesterday that m all probability Judge Foreman would occupy the bench in a week or two, to enable him (Judge H. ) to hear equity cases, a large number of which demanded urgent consideration. It was also stated that court would adiourn this evening until Thursday next, to enable his honor to attend the session of the Supreme Court which meets in Salt Lake Ln-gutr- er March 30. Maiben. Nephi. There are prospects of Johnsons Essence of Life i3 sold considerabe labor for those desiring at the Manti p Store, price 50 it in Nephi this summer. The construe no. B. remedy. Co-o- tion of the water works digging ditches, laying pipes etc. will all, hav e to be done and it is proposed to employ home help and import no labor. cts. per bottle. NOTICE. TO THE PUBLIC OF AMERICAN. MANli. I will keep a Supply of Beef at all Chicago, March 27. Dispatches from the Northwest continues to report severe times at the Snow Stand, Mahti. The highest price paid fof all kinds of Hidfes. ' Call 0n MlTIeor Snow; Main Street, Manti., A. LoWr, Jfe. J.G.Coltrin. Esq. After using your Electric in our family for 10 years, we take pleasure in recommehding it to the public, as the best remedy for Rheumatism. Colic, Cramps, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Cuts, etc., Knd for children with Summer Complaintit cannot be beat. Jos. T. McEwan, IniniiA N. McEwAn Provo, March 28, 1886. , Lteii-rne- Vjmi Cattle branded like cut: Left ear cut and lops down. rrwapuwmmww , I NO. 51. Right ear cut allow fork. Horses brand sw ed on left shoulder. e Creek Range Between and Ephraim,, San Pete County. Name and Address : J. W. Hoggan. , Manti, Utah Six-Mil- , storms of slefet and snow in Northern and Dakota. Wisconsin, Minnesota Over a foot and a half of snow has fallen, blocking the railroads badly. The little town ofRevilIa, Dakota, is fcompletely blocked in and is without fuel, people bfeing compelled to beak tip furniture Tor firfes. In Iowa a sleet storm has prevailed for two days and the tveather has been a great deal colder. It is fear- RAILROADS. VV Pete Valley Stayner & immos, Land Agents, Salt Lake city Bird & Lowe, Land Agents, salt Lake City . T C Bailey, Land Agent, Salt Lake City S strain as Mrs. Saxon had done All remedies would be but partial and disappointing until woman stands everywhere in perfect equahtv with man, until society and church and law regard marriage as a perfect partnership and she an equal partner. The horror of lustful emtdren being brought into the world will continue until woman is recognized as having the right to say when the new life shall begin. Parents, when that time arrives, will have no shame in teaching their children the mysteries of life. Frances Willard, as a preface to her remarks, read a petition, to bfe signed, urging Congress to pass a bill to raise the age of consent, wherever it has absolute Control, to 18 years, She attacked low necked dresses, and said those wearing them borrowed the Idea from women whom she would be ashamed to touch. She alko condemed e the pictures of womeu used as advertisements. She touched upon the impropriety of stage dressing, and th evil of round dancing. Pfesidfent and Mrs. Cleveland gave a special reception at the White House this afternoon to members of(the Womens Councilhalf-nud- - Washington. Delegate Caihe, on the prtesfented in the House of Representatives the memorial of the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, protesting against 20th ult. , the removal to the Southern Utah In- Parian IcFarlan, surgeons. Accoucheur. Darke & Co, Land Agents. Wm T Reid, Land Agens, Manti. HENRY W. SEYMOUR. Hon. Henry W. Seymour, who was recently elected to succeed the late Seth C. Moffitt, as Representative m Congress from the Elev enth District of Michigan is a Republican and was chosen by a very small maiority. This closely contested election is claimed by the Derno-ctat- s as a victory, and as an indorsement of President Clevelauds message as to tarifi reform. Henry W. Seymour was born in Brockport, New York, the year 1834. He graduated from Williams College, Williamsport Massachusetts, He then entered the Albany Law 1855 School, at the same time studying in the office of Hill, Cagger and Porter He was admitted to the Bar in 1S56. For three yeaia Mr. Seymour was a member of the Board ol 1 rustees of the village of Brockport, during which time the Normal School buildings were erected by the Board, He was afterwards ap4 pointed a member of the Local Board of Managers of the institution, which position he held for some time after his removal to Michigan. He went to that State in 1873, settling at Sault She Marie, where he built a saw thilli and a plaming-nnlaud subsequently clearing a farm of 270 acies adjoining the village. He has leased his mills, fecently, to a Chicago firm and retired from the lumber business, but still continues farming, morte as a pastime than a source of profit. Mr. Seymour is a man of independent means. In 1SS1 He was elected a Representative to the Lower House of Michigan Legislature from Cheboygan Disthct, and a member of the Senate, in 1883 from the Thirty-firs- t Senatorial District, and reelected in 18S7. When nominated for the Cohgressional vacancy, Mr. Seymour was traveling m Europe, and wa$ thus unable to give the canvass any personal attention. He is now Vice President of the First National Bank, and President of the St. Marys Falls Water Power Compahy. B.&, Western, 111 111 n 6.000,000 RY M admitted For 1888 will be mailed . T UFKKETOALh I applicant., and to laat aeamn't with J eostomara oat ardenn it, v rr J to all. Evert penoa owe Carden Dt 111. ft .III 1 1. FlidFlowe ,SEEDSir FBRRY&CO., Detroit, Mlcfl . Si L, t m jMtisi'c Dealti, Eagle Rock, Idaho. CD Seed for my New Catalogues of Musical Goods Prices the Lowest, goods the best that can be Made. Agent for the best Brass Band Instruments. Send for large Band Instrument Catalogue, also of fine Guitars. CD La T CD 0) DEALS in all kinds of Mnsieal Merchandise, stationery, toys, Ladies milline Tablet, ry, irEtc., Etc., Etc, Sill, Etc. V rj m OTJTB oolite STOKE CD a. CO r.10WRS.JTA0E r 8) 3 ' Q. Best i Torino e Manti SHOE! FACTORY THo S.P.V.R.uuR. Co. 'GOAL Ciiostor' to bath QmMT L Alma Market. PEQPig-ys- Seedemen Largeet Ir. the wqr'd. CO'S A C. SMYTH, The third anDenver, March 2 nual meeting of the International Cattle Convention at the Chamber of comALL WORK merce at 11 thu morning. There were 300 delegates present, representing Neatly and Promptly Executed and on Very Reasonable Terms. every section of the range country from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast. The meeting was called to order by Govener Adams, who delivered an For Sale address of welcome on behalf of the State, followed by Major Lee, far the Thii Beautiful Building Stone will city. President Head then delivered be furnished in shape or size to the annual address, at the conclusion order, and will be delivered BetweenThistle Station and Fairvitvt of which a resolution was introduced to any point in the constitution the and adopted amending t so as to give indiof the association Territory On tte . , Tuesday & Friday of each wek vidual membership through local or The convention adjourned , Stages leave r till 10 oclocK let N. Et block W. of Main, Erfkview for Thistle at 5 a. m. Art-irat Thistle at 1 tOO p. m. March 30. In the WasHinWoN, ; Lvury Wednesday and Saturday Womans suffrage Gonvention, this Go-o- p. Leaves Thistle for Fairview 9 a. In. morning, Mr Elizabeth Lisle Saxon,, of Created a sensation by, her arriving at 5 p. m. and connects Tennessee, discourse on "social purity, She spoke , with the Mt. Pleasant Stage. very plainly on the social evil, of the imQvnncct ion is made with the D.dc R. prudence of women - in not confiding G. Ry. at Thistle. to their children the great secrets, and Have a finai stock of Homo Made truths of life, instead of letting them Boofa and Shoe. learn from children and servants. also , prepared to de ail are for Vouched Mrs. Armstrong Chant the They kind cf repairing. truthfulness of the charges published in the Pall Mall Gazette, saying she would Store 3 doorB South of P. O' stake her life on their correctness.. She ' of the work of the principally spoke will social purity societies m Great Britain, Girls before there was any legislation Will, you suffer with Dyspepia on the matter were taken in. droves by Shiloh fill to the to continent and Liver Complaint? procuresses 5 under the pretense of Vial.zer is guaranteed to cure you houses of petM ,g them places of service. B Brunei, Manti, and At 43.75 Derton Shattuck'" and "Clara Sold by I - Harriet B. Clayborne Hoffman spoke in the same H P Lareon, Ephraim W Salt Lake City HENRY W. SEYMOUR. dians from their present reservation in ed the wheat is seriously injured. Colorado to the Uintah reservation, or The flood in the Missouri River Valley other places in the Territory of Utah grows more threatening from ddy to day and by unanimous consent, had it printas the gorges are becoming stronger ed in the Rccora. On the same day with cold weather. also Mr. Caine presented the memorial At Jackson, Nebraska, the people have asking for a grant to the Territory of abandoned their farms on the low lands ten acres of the Fort Douglas military and are seeking shelter on the hills. reservation on which to erect suitable buildings for an orphans home, which Kansas City, March 29. The follow- was relerred to the committee on miliing dispatch has just been received from tary affairs. Rich Hill Mo. : About 4 oclock this FOREIGN. afternoon, there was a rumbling sound in mine No. 6, at this place, and a moment 2S. Latest advices March London, after a terrible explosion, that entirely from China says the crisis in Honan is wrecked the mine and buried in the but the distress of the people debris over a hundred miners, who were ispassed, appalling, 2,000,000 people being from all bodies cut jofl escape. Forty utterly destitute. The nearest towns have already been i taken out. The are invaded by hordes of naked and superintendent of the ipme was taken starving refugees from the flooded disout badly.injured, but. will survive. In tricts, who like swarms of locusts, are the terrible excitemept and confusion it devouring everything. is impossible to give a list oT the names, or even an estimate as to the full extent of the disaster, but it is now thought that over fifty men were killed. The mine is situated six miles d'stant from town. There were two explosions, and the total loss of life will reach jt is said sixty men. Rich Hill is located in Bates miles south of County, about sixty-fiv- e STOrJE-GUTTE- R , Kansas City. , are No , Latest further, particulars UTAH. MANTI, obtainable but it, is -- claimed now that not more than thirty were m Tombstone, the mine. Monuments, Late Surgeon in the British Royal Navy. ( Offioe at residence Two blocks west of City Hall, Manti. Telegram promptly responded to. ilke il anovve. Land Agent?, Salt Lake City v gtSCD ill-fa- 3 I a, trt |