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Show eau To Give For GreaterSafety pres-- . Kline, the American . Farm November 3 and Jduct a series of public I A. V Elder Farm president of Box bur-n- d the Sings. which are Prin be northern Utah. farm people, will hroughout November 3, Kline, who able the most as ,ribed the U. S. to talk on, the will program, farm lt Og-- 2 at Weber college in . in the oclock J after- - a meeting will high school in teCity beginning at 7:45 This talk will be broad-- r from 8 to 8:30 p. the meeting most ns eas-labl- e Elder county will be held Saturday at Logan. in Nibley hall, in will also be held earlier d and Provo Smoot said. to iBox Sat-M- r. Books one, County irk Warns Poll destroying or re-- j con-- j poll books, books the names of all for election in inct that are posted in il all precinct headquar-ril- l be severely punished K. B. Olsen. rehended. ;ider county clerk, said t : in. T j:'' Sir iKAct I if n . $ il Jensen ()- hTth Denzae-kigaw- who died in the Brigham spital, will be conducted .day at 2 oclock in the on in the Deweyville Sat-mornin- g services neyville erend Perry will be at 7:30 p. m. at Buddhist church R. con-Tuesd- Og- - MasuoKa, include four grand-:and one sister in Ha ivors may call at ne at Deweyville nds the n fami- Wednes-lomin- g prior to services, will be in the Dew-- t rment the Felt cemetery under of the 'Harold IB. di-- i Politics Mats To Hold Stand Explained Garland yin Elder county will hold a Thursday, 'he Main ee of Demo-part- y rally in November theater with a charge, thrown in was announced A it to-!- Norm y Watkins, director. the rally, which starts Jg "clock in the evening, all ounty and state candi-o- l this area will be intro-witDemo-campaig- n e h the Congressman K. Walter. w. complete talk highlight showing of 'the All over 16 invited to attend. included. are fjrce Issues Call Skilled Teachers IVM4 Cal1 W3S icials Base, Jr for SSUe(f in Cheyenne, qualified and ,ex- instruc-af- r teachers and schools. ,at ed tO-- at the Warren forces technical I vacan-nearl- y three hundred employees. The need loliowingr type person-- , fetors in the electrical (Powerman) and fixed mmunicauons schools, Tenters, plumbers, elec- tivomachinist6- painters, w,rnechanics, warehouseman truck and oth-- maintenance personkeing made 1 - nation-S- t the toase to mi these va 1 Senator To Meet Thursday Honored Tomorrow V r; ? ti r; J , it i;;. South B.E. President Inter-mountai- n n offi-CC- n i Farm Bureau n the mammoth air they have Cub Scout Pack - II one-hal- V with Bishop i I -- SekigaWa Will hapel i n . said. for j i it Dies October 29 be made to punish any offen-lie- 71, Is;, K Plans To Annie L by all voters services V! t-- wool-growe- will Box by the Box 4 , Sewing Contest time of the day. It is aious crime for anyone Ev-io- rt reve or injure them. ral bells will ring for adults next Monday when the school Box Elder county adult will hold its first session at Box School i f ' H Sponsors Dress I and Ring For Adults To western paint murals depicting history. Box Elder early high school art classes were Next Monday Eve appropriated $150 for materials . Observe National Education Week books oto posted place so that they inspected Pioneer Building t lire al. peo-gister- lublic Privilege To Vote Elder school board the request of the following In the single year of 1932, 14 Sons of Utah Pioneers of Box , banks in the state of Utah failElder county, according to the ed, immobilizing $9.8 million of last approved minutes of the deposits. Since tbe banking holElder high school, Superinten school board meeting. iday, no depositors of a Utah dent K. EWelght announced The murals will be placed In , bank has suffered a pennys loss. the S.UJ?. Pioneer Memorial today. was That the declaration of Beginning at 7:30 oclock in building to be built up Box El- Senator Elbert Thomas in the evening, the classes will be der canyon. last Thursday evening held In the high school library. At the Oct. 9 meeting the at the Liberty theater at a DemFeaturing a wide variety of school board voted to pay half ocratic rally. classes for both men and wo- the cost of a $60 "'Federal Deposit Insurance men, there is no entrance fee to combination for the Yost , corporation," Thomas continued, pay. All of the classes will run school. an agency created by the Confor a period of 10 weeks. The board the pay- gress in 1933 ,has seen to that. The following courses will be ment of half ofokayed cost of mag- the The corporation protects each offered at the opening of school azines for students that will be depositor in an insured bank If and others wi'l be considered In their study. The stuused loss a to of maximum against there is an interest, said Weight: dents will pay the other half. $10,000. This congress, the DemElementary sewing, physical Upon the request of Mrs. ocratic 81st congress, raised the education for women, modern Shurtz, home economics teacher maximum from $5,000 to $10,-00dancing, swimming. at Bear River high school, the Growing toward maturity board decided to pay transporRemember those Principal Jones Of Perry School days before pre school age; growing toward tation costs for high school girls, . . . with Rex Baron, of the 20-3- 0 Federal Deposit Insurance? In school age; growing delegated to do so ,to attend the club; Junior police and 1932, maturity .July 5, the Tremonton Junior ponce Girls, pose with safety sallies toward maturity adolescence. Cedar the banking Homemakers conpresented here in company right life, photography, vention.City Family Perry school by the 20-3- 0 club to place at intersections to your own town failed. Have you international world problems, increase the safety of the school children. The clubs goal had any A request from Principal banking troubles since relations, metalcraft. Baird of the Fielding is to have Safety Sallies at all of the schools in this area. Ralph then? No! Thomas said. adult Spanish for beginners, school for a tennis court and Rill Davis And Lawrence Geislen,, the senator deContinuing of radio recreation, elements playground equipment was declared of on one And of 53 J. Commerce Get that Chamber . Junior the the Out every B. E. School (technical); recreations for men, nied by the board, but they inLay commercial banks operating toVite campaign committee, place one of the posters design- adult adult public speaking, dicated they were In favor of day in Utah is insured by Feded to remind people to vote in the window of the News-Journdramatic Interpretation, hered the equipment but would have eral Deposit Insurance corpor Jaycees throughout the U. S. have undertaken ity, health. to wait until the money was ation, and every depositor in the Farm mechanics (machinery), available. project. those banks can sleep soundly, farm mechanics (woodwork), from Sons of the Requests knowing that his bank deposits The 1950 American Education farm machinery repair, poultry Utah Pioneers Kent and Jensen Begins 3:30 p. m. On Sunday, NovemTraining are availsafe and immediately Week has been set for Novem- ber 5 crqp production, for use of gymnasiums for dancproduction, President J. DeLos Thomp- able. livestock production, home lm ber Throughout the nation son will discuss "The Moral and ing were okayed with the stipThe organization of which my provement and beautification, ulation they be used on the schools, colleges, churches, clubs, Spiritual Values in Life; Mon-da- opponent was president during sex education (Miss upholstery, present rental policy and when November 6, The Modern the year 1949, opposed Federal homes and other institutions Hazen). not interfering with school acof class Box senator the Elder the Deposit Insurance, will commemorate the week History tivities. of The inL. declared. auxiliary . Wilde, with fitting programs and ac- high school, Steps wefe taken .and a $1000 in Utah is sponsoring a Make It structor, with David Morrell and S. Speaking on agriculture tivities. advance payment was made for Wool contest, it Beverly Ross, speakers, will dis- Box Elder county Thomas said Yourself With This year, American Education cuss the purchase of . a new White of the that the government has spent was announced today by Miss bus with Superior body from week comes at a time when pub- Citizen. Responsibilities $5,616 during fiscal 1949 for the Bessie Hansen, home demonlic interest in schools is keen. stration agent for Box Elder LUenquist brothers. Mr. iBunder-so- n eradication of disease and Bangs June Tuesday, Johnson, eighth The purpose of the observance advised the advance paycounty. Is radical this and Mrs. Annie Jen L. questioned: will discuss "How We Stranqulst ment to protect the board from is to appropriately do homage grade, divibe will sen four died October 29, 1950 at San dangerous? the1 BalCompetition a contemplated six percent raise to the great men and and wo- Obtained the 'Right of coat "In he and 1933, sions: "beet continued, she original dress, where Francisco, California, Garth lot"; Welch, eighth grade, men who made sacrifices and "The had resided for the past 20 in the price. Growth of a Democratic growers in Box Elder county had dress and the awards for the SupL Weight advised the gave though - d service in Ballot in the United an income of $56,599,000 while winners will include nine $25 years with her daughter, Lu- board States; in 1949 of his investigation to the dress woolen made three founding, not alone :he Ameri- John Linford and Roxalene cash cille Edwards. $134,397,000, Death was due they prizes, Ridd, use of school children as school can nation, but also the Amerito Castwo time to a and and the ailment. heart trips working required lengths Suffrage Today. can Educational System. Amepatrols. He reported the to earn enough to buy a pound per, Wyoming for the contest She was the wife of Peter Jen safety " Wednesday, Eberhaft Zundel, of sugar was reduced from has city supplied police to stand ricas very survival as a free nasix there. sen who died In San Francisco at Lincoln , and Central school f tion depends on good schools. clerk of the Box Elder county and to four minutes nine years ago. He was one Miss Hansen emphasized that school district, will speak of .ha , r free of W bulwark are the minutes. They to .enter should fir? ChiefS f BrH oinierbutThrb'oair .... Jieed&i .Thursday, " wheat," " "Thomas thgcixlsthewishing flhTariy vT imConcerning office extension phone City. six representatives of Bear River to organize Junior Police said: Wheat farmers in Box mediately for entry blanks and The rise and growth of our Mrs. Jensen was born March ority school will discuss "Edu Elder and added that If they are they high received led en$2,011,822 county to inform them they wish to free education service, that Pvt. Darwayne W. Coburn 8, 1877 in Brigham City, the would be used cational for All. Opportunities only for encour1949 on in loans their crop from, ter. to the establishment of free. . 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lars They are Dennis Simmons, stu 'the Commodity Credit corpora into. pupils aging safety chanunderstandbe mutual blanks The should She Peter married dom, unity, entry Stranquist. Cobum of RFD, dent body president; R. H, Peck, tion and $60,950 on their 1949 nels and would not be used Brigham Ercan-brack- , our in common desires to mailed Mrs. L. D, Sterling ing and of Bearfax, the high to direct traffic which, he 6aid, has begun a course of in- Jensen in the Logan 1903. Provo, just as soon as City, great nation, constitute Amer- school annual; Duane Kerr, ccr barley crop, and $48,136 in loans Lack-lan- d temple, September 8, was at doctrination by law. for farm storage facilities, training She was an active member of The prohibited icas unique gift to humanity. editor of Searchlight, school pa possible. board approved the recomAir Force Base. The contest is open in the the Relief society and the Daugh- mendation Without free education a demo- per; Carolyn Jensen, secretary of of Supt. Weight to ters of Utah Pioneers. junior and senior division, from cracy could not exist. use school a bus student body; Janice Last, pres north and going to 18 14 to 17 in. the junior and Survivors include three of her one Will Be The sponsors of the annual ident of Girls organization, and going south from Brigham 22 In the senior. The articles six children: Lucile Edwards, observance of American Educa- JoLeene Allen, a member of the to transport football playCity need been now have not San especially Francisco, employed by ers after practice. tion week are the following: The student body. Speech Instructor contest. made for the the governmental Tokyo, Japan; National Education association, Milton Johnson will be modera The board voted to 'Deadline for the local contest Jack Jensen, Sah Leandro, Calif.; 58 new front desks andpurchase 20 rear the American Legion, the United tor. On Friday Superintendent Cub scout pack No. 17 of is November 15, and for the and Mrs. William (Alice) Slate desks besides about 100 new States Office of Education, and Kenneth E. Weight will speak Brigham City will meet Thurs- state contest November 29. V. Watkins Arthur of Senator seven grand- chairs for Box Elder high school. Kaysville, Utah; the National Congress of Par- on the subject, day evening at the Community will be honored by the Womens children and the following Teamwork. Satur Presbyterian church on North ents and Teachers. Supt. Weight reported to the club of Brigham brothers and sisters, Mrs. Ella board Republican that war surplus commoKenneth E. day, Kleon Kerr, instructor at Main street, at 7:30 oclock, it Superintendent a at Henof Lund Dr. Thursday reception City Brigham City; diHI-SPOwas announced this week by dities, that could be used by the Weight announces that as a part Bear River high school, will TS 8 at November oclock of 2, ry Stranquist evening, Ogden; and school Jackson Rev. Arthur Gillespie, pack comare often availof this years observance the rect three students, in the evening in the new Fourth Dr. Ephraim Stranquist of St able atdistrict, low prices, and recomBox Elder department of educa- - Johnson, Carolyn Jensen and mittee chairman. recreational hall, it was Louis, Mo. News From Box Elder ward mended the board take advanCub scouts of Den 1 will dem tion will broadcast a daily pro Donna Green in discussing announced today by officers. Funeral services will be held tage of the reduced Problems. a onstrate model at American den prices. meeting 2 gram from the local station In at oclock the afternoon, The reception also will honHigh School The motion unanimously carand cubs who have qualified or all of the county and state Thursday, November 2, at the ried to purchase the materials, will be presented with their Harold B. Felt funeral home after candidates of this area. been Bobcat officers Is band have investigation shows a pins. Of Pep In with Bishop James Jensen of the is cordially invited IA11 cub scouts, their Everyone need, through the regular purtold Cache that the Knitting to parents, Third ward officiating. attend the reception. channels. and the parents of any boy in- Mills, who are making their Friends may call at the fu- chasing As you remember," commentBecause of electrical and terested in cub scouting are in- sweaters, will have them ready presi- neral home Thursday from 11 plumbing changes at Central vited to attend. for the Friday Bear River game, ed Mrs. Boyd Sheffield, By Ina .m. time of services. until Watof school, created by the addition Registered members of the announced Lowell Peterson, club dent wasthe cldb, "Senator kins responsible for the bill terment wil Ibe in the Brigham of the kitchen, $127.00 for wiring funda- are committee GillesRev. the of pack One president. of all (Note: truth. We are in support and $300 for plumbing was apThe sweaters will be white which gave Brigham City the City cemetery. mental obligations of the free candidates of both parties so pie, Charles Claybaugh, Albert Intermountain school. Indian to is F. J. by the board to hanStoller with a and Dr. emblem reprepropriated States Stoner, purple press of the United Lets show our appreciation to N-- J Will Hold long as they see fit to go along Frank Saito. M. L. Bidlack is senting a musical lyre. dle the new conditions. serve the public as a medium with the fundamental princi- the cub master. Mr. Bunderson recommended indiAll members shall wear the him for what he has done for through which they, as Election Party ples and policies set down by Brigham City and Box Elder board authorize the use the that etc. one den has been sweaters at regismay Only games, rallies, or organizations, viduals the Farmers themselves through tered with Mrs. Charles county. of a private car owned by Mr. ClayNext Tuesday express themselves. their own organization as it Cutler living at the bird refuge as den mother. A Beet Vacation baugh acting News-Journtradition office will The that with and the peoIn line Survey effects agriculture to transport children attending second den is in the process of Wood, Richard Bosley, Noell be the usual scene of lyn following B.EjHJS. beet workers survey suspense schools we publish the ple working in ' agriculture. in GerDell and J. Sackett are City at a others and Barbie, being registered to will be taken Wednesday and activity next Tuesday eve- cost of $2.00Brigham statement. It was handed by ald Speth dialogued a skit porFor example, we have two per school day that contemplated. Elelections. follows 'Smoot all Box that announced V. in president A. Freeman, Principal us by state representatives the service is rendered. Mr. traying ghosts striving to make ning As in the past the tabulaSecretary Jean Shonka. of the South Box Elder Farm der county, Roy 'White, a Demo-crat- e Bunderson said that this would humdina this Halloween real of Box of WCTU tion To find where, and how many voting results in Speech Contest and Clifton Kerr, a .RepubBureau and vice president cost less than half the amount Elder county will be received of worked in the harvest is the ger. both fine men that have Held In Bear River the state Farm Bureau. It does lican, The class officers sponrunning a bus over the route. junior ediCity office the the at main the we reflect that to might purpose throughout seen fit not necessarily support agriculture The board approved the recomsored the assembly and Miss Pauline Miss Riverside, Davis, Box Elcount vote for school The know of the farmers whether stopping evening. torial policies programs as built by mendation. won the W.C.T.U. sponsored for that time is worth while," Joyce Thorum, claSs "mom, dicounty, state and national ofto der News and Journal which through their organization and half The board rected skit. and the produced contest in Bear River fices will be received from the cost of voted 300pay Miss Shonka reported. we can wholeheartedly support speech are entirely feet of replacing October held 29, Box bunday, City, Elder to all Smoot all county V. precincts, both men. This applies By A. wor nout sewer line that the New System during sacrament services in New up and posted on a Bear River City school is conThere has been some misun- other national, state and coun- the Indian Students at Box Elder last added bulletin Students L. S. D. ward that to chapel the board keep nected to. The line is owned large Seven Indian students derstanding on the stand di- ty candidates. witnessed a new all Wednesday interested informed. Box Elder Is largely an agri- evening. Box state Farm Bureau board of entered Elder in the absentees and by the L. D. S. church and the regarding system the award, following Everyone is invited to come cost will amount to about $450. rectors have taken on the po- culture county and I think It a Making three days, reported Miss tardies go into action. Mrs. Wanda talk Johnson, to office by in and the newspaper's will be wise at this time to print was INew regulations, school secretary. to clamp litical situation in our state, The purchase of three lots of Bishop Vernon L. Johnson. Shonka, watch the voting results pour land Ina As of in order to help clear this up l the full action of the board of ' on result unexcused additions absentees down that adjoin the Garland music for the proFurnishing in. dian personnel would like to make the follow- directors of the Utah State Farm gram at the school was authorized by the and disregard tardies, stiffens Viola Goldie were and are to Poll matjudges on this requested . Bureau Federation board to alleviate the crowded Indian school, more the action of those who have ing statement. Stevens of Bear River City, singphone the election results to condition there. The property, students are attending Box El- broken old rules, reported PrinFirst It is regrettable that in ter: a and vocal solo a N-by duet, J as soon as they office ing the which belongs to Grant Bosley, the last two years the agricu- Farm Bureau Position board cipal Freeman. It should prove are tabulated. Jack Johnson of Tremonton, ac- der from that district. apMOTION: That the conmore will be bought for $2,950. much he lture program of the nation (tha satisfactory, of Theron Butler As by companied and usual doughnuts, Hamlet Will Be Shown ' tinued. The board authorized the purhas always been a prove a firm 6tand on the prin- Riverside. coffee or be will served. effecpunch and issues as presented an chase of an electric range for pro"Hamlet, ciples English program and legislation on a non- by the American Farm Bureau duced Bear River high school and for Shakespearan tragedy, A New Addition ting it has been built been thrown Federation and as previously es- Pork Valley LDS Ward has will be seen by B. E. students A new loud speaking system Comes Der the payment of $1.00 a day to basis) partisan next Wednesday or Thursday at Is being Installed in Box Elders tablished by the state. Vigorous Names New Mr. Ray Kimber of Grouse head-ointo politics. Bishop attoward to LDB. seminary, according the Roxy theater,-accordinto He'll Ride, Maybe Creek to transport his children This has brought about our opposition will be taken these with who have opposed HitchFreeman. Mont to the Grouse Creek school from S. do was HELENA, away C. those Abel (.UP) Hirschl Principal This to Rich, Ferdinand president. tempts we wi issues. This ac, Olivier, Jamed new apparatus will enable con- hiking is tough these days. One his home. present program, whichbut one principles and candidates for named second counselor in the Lawrence to Park Valley ward bishopric Sun- Shakespearian actor, will star as versation between the three unlucky thumber trying to catch agree is not perfect, with th tion applies S rooms and also add convenience a ride between here and Great Birds Take Over national, state and county that has 'been built day. Ferris James, former sec- Hamlet" agriculture GULL LAKE, Mich. (UP) for was named first counselor of all ond .organized broadcasting conferences, it Falls thought things would be help basis, and was reported. The new mater- much better under Communism. Goddie Phillips will be minus a Five principles and Issues counselor to fill the place of Halloween Assembly and on a as we The Juniors Halloween as- ial is to be ready within the As each car passed him he pair of trousers until a family were referred to: Durward Palmer who was' regive way to one, built was enacted Tuesday next few weeks. 1. Taft Hartley law and its would shake his fist and shout of wrens decides to fly south for sembly the a of member made the politicians. cently by under- state counterpart, the Clegg-Ves- t morning before the senior divithings will jbe different when the winter. The birds built a nest stake high council. Second It has been ur stand law. The Farm Bureau is opposin one of the pockets while the The , News-JournStalin gets over here. that some President Robert J. Potter and sion. telephone stood by par ed to the repeal of these laws. his counselors were present at A cast of seven, including number Is 1,000. Phone In your Police said he finally gave up trousers were hanging in was against the Democratic This Is in disgust and took a bus. Lynn May, iLuAnn Secrist, Mari- - news, please. yard. the meeting. - ty and all candidates. from (Continued on page four) thing the furtherest District dels record ' 0. ,s flye Thomas Lauds Bank Insurance At Meeting Thur. School Bells Will PAGES 1 h at South KSL It's A 10 OK Material For Mural Painting For SUP Tre-mont- evening , s, s y announced Smoot, president of vice .. fVi it was U t BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 1, 1950 Utah Friday will be in if IMPORTANT ISSUES AT MEETING VOLUME 55, NUMBER 44 Allen .B. BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTS ON rTT sin Utah .w i il ident of Farm 1 .1 |