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Show Friday, January 24, 1992 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Twelve HI GUYS! WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Jou satisfied people for the best S7 haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. If you can explain a. I can cut it. rlamey 's 2480 So. 1 313 Main MloF. 10 106 Chrony PREGNANT? Free services: Pregnancy tests, counseling, medical referrals. Call Pregnancy Resource Center 363-54313 24 hours. PREGNANTT'Loving family wishes to adopt female child, 9 infant 10 2 yiv, CaucasianHispanic, legal, expenses paid. 26 after 5 pm recreation leaders from 9 pm, Monday Friday working with children ages $4.83 per hr. Must be 21 with a valid driver's license. Apply at East Millcreek Recreation Center -2230 E. Evergreen Ave., Equal Opportunity RECREATION Hiring an, II am 10 I pm, and pan-tun- e DISCLAIMER 124 BORED? Have fun and keep in shape at the same lime. pjn. workdays. For information about classified ads call In keeping with the Chronicle's desire to run honest advertisements, if you have any proof or evidence to the contrary, please call the office immediately. AUTOMOTIVE 1980 OLDS OMEGA, needs carb. work. $400 or best offer. Great sutdent car! Sec vehicle at 1730 W. 1500 S. Ask for 4 Travis. Call for sale; ask for Kyle. l29 1984 TERCEL Good condition, very dependable. SI 200. 6 Call Joe l29 '81 DATSUN 510 WAGON w Sony pulloul & speakers. 3 129 $500 oboDevin Mens, womens gymnastics classes or open gym. weekniles Huge modem gym. On Foothill Blvd. by Regency Theater GRAND OPENING SALE! 30 to 50 off quartz and leaded crystals, sterling silver necklaces, chains, rings & 124 charms. Glitt Foothill Village outside ZCM1 II WHY NOT? I visit $4. 00, 10 visits $35.00. 313 677 So. 7th East Phone TAX TIME AGAIN! Student Tax Evaluation and Prep can for information 219 help Call FLAT TIRE ON FOOTHILL Weds, morning, red Taurus. I helped you fix your car loo flustered to ask your name & After 10 pm 124 9 Please call Dan. phone tax property. Repossessions. Ext. GH-9- 7 17 for current repo list 34 ROOMMATES for a C 6-- 7 quadraplegic. ROOMMATEATTENDANT 7 24 Two bedroom condo in Murray. Call for details. RESPONSIBLE MALE SEEKS SAME 10 find 4 share 2 bdrm apt Clean. No smoking or drinking. Shane or leave BUSINESS CASH FOR COLLEGE! Learn the quickest & easiest ways and financial aid. Call et l28 LOOKING FOR MOTIVATEDCREATIVE l24 3 to OPPORTUNITIES you can win both scholarships 7365 484-6- 4 PERSON to represent product line from an Inc. Magazine top 50 company. Part and full time opportunities. Serious income potential. Call 2 56 3673 or 130 1 ROOMMATE NEEDED SHARE 3 bdrm. house. 10 4 min. from campus. $165, 13 utilities. Call Randolpho at 3 124 or leave message at 533-8- 5 ROOMMATE WANTED Grad to share house. 8 lo campus. Call after 6 pm 10 min walk 124 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED FAST! $l45month 128 12 utilities, no smokingalcohol. Call 355-36ROOMMATE NEEDED URGENTLY! Female, LDS, own 12 utilities. Jennifer bed, bath. In WVC on bus line. $235 l24 3 DINING RUTH'S DINER WINTER SPECIAL!!! All you can eat GREAT VIEW fireplace. WD. dishwasher, micro, close to 3 U. $225 129 utilities. 3 yr. old every other week 24 P.M. spaghetti w garlic bread." $4.95 EDITING WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks & dissertations for 0 313 logic, style & continuity. Winslow's SERVICE LEGAL HELP FOR THE STUDENT BUDGET Divorces, SKI BETTER with sharpen and hot-wa- x ENTERTAINMENT lUIGDM At ZHYSuper fOOE Bowl Sunday, Jan. 26 for incredible Super celebration party. Only $2. withstudent I.D 124 ft ft ft ft ft 24 1 skis. Professional edge for only $9.95 5 yrs. pro shop well-tune- d experience. My work is guaranteed. leave message. Call Johnny nearUofU.$170mo.52l-S21- l24 9 FUSSY ABOUT CLEAN? Check out our apartments: 752 0 E. 800 S 210 Top quality. WALK TO U Share house w 4. Furnished, clean, quiet. Wasatch Men's Dorm. $l85mo includes utilities and laundry. 6 124 1 facilities. Banner Properties. bdrm, $325month. Laundry 128 9 University weekends. IS AVAILABLE West village, for all ages, during weekdays and 583-47- ACTING CLASSES AT THE GRAND l24 HALL THEATRE Saturdays. Beginning, intermediate, and improv. $50. eight weeks. Donna Todd 52 72 12 West 400 South. HOUSE CLEANING available. Call 7 7329, David Rishton 124 Efficient, reliable service. Ref. 129 TRAVEL LAS VEGAS $99, MEXICO $149, ORLANDO $189 vacations 4 days3 nights for two I all 27 FOR SALE TYPING FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes Mountain Diamond Co. 63 8 with DEMOS AND RENTALS Rosi. Pre, Some like new. bindings complete ski packages Hundreds to choose from 601 S. main, SLC 595-09 224 YAKIMA RACK Gutrrram AQUARIUMS 10 hte. ha 9K. 3S2 laOevei, l4 GALLON NEW $9.99, complete deluxe gift sets $47.99, 55 gallon sets. $259.99. Angels, algae eaters, platies, zebras, whitcclouds, $.99. Marine fishes, coral, plants, . Salt Lake Aquarium, 4689 S. 2300 E. 218 dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate 0 welcome. Specialize in Jeanie BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 chJdrai - Aves. home. 4 127 occaaona1 weekday. Must have car. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS pramplBoyACal fcrmirwor 10no7pm I weekend wowig; - ngnt xi 131 ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income 10 assemble products 700 Dept P6423 from your home 124 POSITIONS night w possible day shift, hours, gnat for student 680 E. 100 S. WAJTSTAFF e Flexible u. 124 EARN $10.00!! People ages 40-5- 9 are needed 10 fill out an anonymous questionaire about everyday experiences. Not restricted lo university students. Call Angela at 27 Psychology Deumliiieiit 124 THE TRAINING TABLE Immediate opdrungs available e for day shifts only. Work in a fun atmosphere, with great pay. No previous experience required. Apply in person 5 127 at 809 East 400 South. pmMon-Fr- i Box 1236-- Corvallis OR 97339,.State licensed agency. - Papers, l27 ENTREPRENEUR COMPETITION seeks students who own their own business to compete for e substantial cash awards. students who business has been operating since before July 1st 1991, submit business plan by Feb. 1 1. Contact Jim White. 350 SSB, est. 6186 for details. 124 GOVERNOR'S PART-TIM- E SALES Realistically make contact Brian at $IO-$2- 0 3 TIME. FULLPART plus an hour. For interview, 124 PIZZA HUT is looking for a few good people. Driving days & nights also need inside help. No calls, just come on down 8O0E4O0S. 128 TELEPHONE FUND RAISERS Utah Symphony is hiring k individuals to call during our Winter fund raising to February 22. Calling will take campaign from February and 10-- 1 on Saturday. $7. place from 9 Tuesday-Fridahourly salary, plus bonus for calling every night of the campaign, will allow callers to make $300. Please call Lynda 6 or Tricia at 128 GET HIRED the easy way! Learn how to get employers to call you and give you the job. Guaranteed. Free recorded information. 128 S J ! J i jj jlj AC'LU AMERICAN (?IVIl'lIBERTIES UnIoN OF UTAH volunteersinterns, if ever we needed you, we need 3 128 younow! Please call for information. Carol BALLET AND JAZZ TEACHERS NEEDED Afternoonsevenings. Call for appointment. The Winner 0 School 128 2l2 5 -- 581-640- 6. MORTUARY EXPEDITER: Part timer, hours can be flexible, BIKE RACK 58" holds two bikes, fits rain gutters. Only $50. 5 Call Michael l27 Publishing. Transcribe tapes. be full time. Variety of duties (everything from washing cars to ALPHA OMEGA English M.A., teacher. Typing 95 cents 313 149 OVERNIGHT TYPING. WP 5.1, laser. 5 31 3 Starting rales $ .25pagc. $4 minimum. Sandi, CALL housecleaning lo helping on a funeral). Compensation: $5hr (can be discussed). Must have a "conservative" suit of clothes & a good driving record. This is a no smoking company. Apply at the Holbrook Funeral Chapel, 3251 S. 2300 E. Call 5 LOST & FOUND LOST - A GRAY AND MAROON PLAID SCARF probably Auditorium 1st week of school. Return or call in 124 Kay at Chronicle office. 240 Union - I'm John Harrington. I own Impact Media g Services, Inc. I'm a former Emmy broadcast reporter in Salt Lake video City. I am producing a full-leng- th documentary. am looking for ONE junior or senior female broadcast, film, or theater student. If you think you are "politically correct," have been accused of being or a "yuppie," and come from an class or affluent background upper-midd-- you have a shot. Project shooting 60-9- 0 This a is days. supetb experience with new broadcast equipment; NO PAY, expenses work; only; on camera and some travel out of town; long hours. Project aimed for national release. Send resume with recent photo to: John Harrington, Impact Media Services 2170 S. HWY 189, Wanship, UT, 84017 3 For questions call (801) (day) I vy d- R LUNCH... le s t- --at. ri ra Lines Now Hiring. Earn $2,000 per month working on cruise ships. Ful- World travel! Holiday, Summer and For ltime employment available. tMP 730-- 6 sJiurwBRuwcHajjBlO Employment Program call ext. C289. ' ;WrJH.I.l 5 al lt l29 9 TOP DOLLAR PAID for your car, truck, van. Runs or 1 1. It's worth not. 485-5- 1 220 your time to call. BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Do you need any extra 4 per month? Call 0 26 8 I NEED 6 PEOPLE to learn my business. Call 26 CHILD CARE FOR 9 YR. OLD SON in my home, near U of U, Friday afternoons. Pref. female, salary negotiable -7 possible full time position for summer. Contact Joan after 5 pm. 130 a lasting Applications are being taken for Special Olympics Director. Contact Irene at the Bennion Center at for more information. 130 Exploring the power of the mind, the power of the inner space where we create and live, is exploring the deep, eternal rhythms of life. It is so much more than positive thinking. It is inner seeing, inner knowledge. Most of all it is inner listening. ..listening to the still small voice of truth. With this quiet voice, each of us has unlimited potential. With it, your life is an evolution that leads to true understanding and mastery. Come explore the Inner Space Seminar, Saturday, January 25, 1991 Registration 8:30 am; Seminar 9:30-4:3- 0. University Park Hotel, SLC $30.00 fee includes continental breakfast Call Sponsored by the Rosicrucian Order, AM0RC GENITAL HERPES TREATMENT STUDY. Need people with genital herpes. Both males and females, 1 8 or older, in good general health. University approved research. Compensation provided. For more information please call: 6 or QbOod 534-451- Vfers a quote. Take a minute and compare Allstate lor value, You may find we can save you some money on your home or auto insurance. Call me today . . it'll only take a minute. John Thomoi 131 So. 1300 1. Week off (oinpgi) l2 512-660- 0 B STANLEY H. KAPLAN oM Take Kaplan OrTake Your Chances 363-444- 4 Classes start February 8th For other locations call award-winnin- fjfw sJjBEfdv.l So JOCUMS, sorry to have inconvenienced you Thursday morning when you tried to hand in your letter to the editor. I guess it's hard for a 2ndyr. law student to make allowances for human error, but I had a bad morning (kids, dogs, et al) and was lale opening up the office. Love & kisses, Arlene M. Calkins secretary, classified ads mgr., 127 columnist and general whipping person. Cruise house. Pay plus meals. Call SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to make impression! VIDEO DOCUMENTARY PERSONAL- 2fiafL TWO NEEDED FOR KITCHEN clean up after A OOO Work on a OOO COULD THE PERSON WHO PHONED ME ON SAT. THE I8TH 1 am, saying they had found my wallet at the Training Table, phone again, or leave it at the main desk in the Union 130 Bldg. Thank you. (!jUSTE$ WANT A TASTE OF THE MUSIC BIZ? Programs & Activities Board needs 2 coffeehouse coordinators. Duties include booking local musicians every Thursday at the Union Deli. Must be a student with a lot of time & a lot of enthusiasm. Must be available from 1 pm, every Thursday. No experience necessary but helpful. Will train. Inquire 6 ASUU.Call Margie. 129 Call for but generally 9,10 or 11am to 3,4 or 5pm, with some evenings & Saturdays as needed (20-3- 0 hrsweek). Summertime could l30 Myron the Hun, CPA. Most vicious auditor in all of Western Manchuria. GENITAL WARTS STUDY Patients with genital warts needed. Males and Females over 18. University approved research. Compensation Provided. For more information call TYPING OF REPORTS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS by former English & word processing instructor. Desktop 9 "And in this corner. ..in a lovely hollandaise sauce... weighing in at 270 calories per serving... the challenger ...Kid Cauliflower." 581-640- 313 RESUMES, PAPERS, THESIS, WORD PERFECT, Wordstar, notary, fax, laser, transcription, business. Fast & 1 .i.e. Jrl,mar l3l Ballroom. reports, 485-57- 8 268-- 0 your 217 WORDS EXPRESS Quality overnight word processing. 25 page. Corrections free. Also resumes. &e DRUMMER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for modem rock 1 27 band. Must commit to 5 nights perweek 2000 SUMMER JOBS! Tetons. Grand Canyon. Lake Powell, Alaska, New Hampshire, Utah and more. Come 10 the 1992 Summer Job Fair, February 12, 9 am - 2 pm at the Union l29 1990 NISHIKI COLORADO, specialized tires. Shimano 7 LX components, like new. $375 (neg) Call Jason A GUARANTEED ALASKA JOBS $1.000wk., room, board & airfare. 80 pg. guide reveals prospects in: fishing, oil, education, weekly info, & more. Alaskemp guarantee: Secure Alaska job, or 100 refund. $9.95 $3 S&H to: Alaskemp, 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Overnight Word Processing of all papers, 4 0 yrs. legal experience. $ .00 DS page 313 reliable O.f-i- o MUSCIANS WANTED for volunteer community orchestra. American West Symphony and Chorus is auditioning for all instrumental parts. Especially needed --brass, clarinets, and 0 for appointment 127 bass. Call Susan manuscripts, resumes, cassette transcription, etc., WP5.I, laser. Helen 484-- 1 100, 313 years experience. HP Laser III printing. "My greatest sorrow was losing the Ms. Garden of Eden Pageant. They found out I posed clothed lor Playboy." "I'd tell you what. Clem... This here evaporated milk cow is one hard heifer to milk." LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO AREA, care for two wonderful kids 3.6. Quldcart experience. Nonsmoker. Must drive, car provided. Kiaron Walraven, 696 Francisco Salary negotiable. Blvd. W., San Rafael, Calfomia 94901. 127 3l3 4 TYPINGWORD PROCESSING FISCHER RACING SKIS w Marker M48 bindings. V. fast - $400. Nordical Racing boots $150. 7 130 GERMAN SHEPHERDLAB MIX approximately 6 mo. 0 old. needs good home. For adoption information call SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS! National parks, forests, fire crews. Over 9.000 openings! Send stamp for free details. Sullivan's 1 13 East Wyoming, Kalispdl. MT 59901 27 WORD SERVICE All types. Fast & accurate wordprocessing, transcription, composition, editing, etc. editing. WOMEN'S MTN BIKE Like new $250. Lisa students 31 3 WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. Mrs. Nelley. 4674320 313 286 LAPTOP COMPUTER, FAST! 40 meg. drive, David. 128 software, batteries, etc. $ ) 000offer. 124 5 FREE ROOM AND BOARD for female to help me with my 8 124 six yr. old daughter a few nights a week. COMMISSION 210 IN MY HOME in 1 DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky USED SKI SALE FOR LS SKI TEAM bonus. DISCOUNT LEGAL SERVICES for University of Utah CLOSE TO U! 2 bedroom garden apartment. Heat paid. 9 $37Smo. Banner Properties 128 ALL UTILITIES PAID! eves. 409 PM $5 hour LEARN TO FLY Competitive rates, immaculate aircraft. 4 Contact Brad or Donna at Westflight Aviation 210 BABYSITTER ROOM FOR RENT Furnished, kitchen, bath, super clean, FUNDRAISERS TELEPHONE HELP NEEDED for growing company. Answering telephones, shipping, errands. Flexible hours, 0 between 8:30 am and 10:00 please contact Lola at 124 am, Tuesday Thursday. 27 students. John K. Morrison, Attorney FOR RENT ACCEPTING 20 NEW PEOPLE! 1991 accounts. 10 $445 5 23 day! Talent, extras, fashion. No experience 25 HOUR AM and PM shifts available. $5.50 an hour plus bonus. Work out of office at 3300 S. 805 E. Average hourly rate $7.53. Call I.M.S. al VCR REPAIR Free estimates. Cheap rates. Free pickup & 0 31 3 delivery. Work guaranteed 90 days Dan debt, etc. Tineke van Dijk, Any. by Buddy Hekerson HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. 0 ext Details. CaU (I) 80S 2 $1 (U repair). Delinquent 0 Your area (I) 80S message $ Men's ONLY. 5 313 MOTHER WANTS TO TRADE babysitting with another mother. Times needed: Wed. Th, Fri. mornings. Call Karena REAL ESTATE GOVERNMENT HOMES from '86 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY 4 door. 4 cyl. stereo, must sell $2200. 278-2- 1 14 129 1986 VW JETTA, silver. 5 spd.. 4 dr., air, cruise, power, 2 sunroof. $5000obo Marcus 130 13I 6 STAY-TA- sneaks $ lop brands dress shoes $ 6 Employer NOTICE - The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and words S3.00day , propriety. Rates are as follows: words $5.00day. $20.00week. The $12.00week., 16-3-0 classified ad deadline is U Booa prior to the dale the ad K to run. Classified advertisements will sot be taken after 4:00 WANTED CASH FOR MEN'S mokxrycle jackets $ street leathers $ p boots $ SOI jeans $ western, motorcycle, lace-u- p 501 JEANS WE PAY UP TO $13.00 EUR0W0RLD TRADE 1626 South.State S.L.C. 649-213- NO TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS. W3 DEAD OR ALIVE LEVI'S 485-169- 7 3 |