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Show 9" THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE, UTAH ffiTfIMS. RUIN .CAUSED h 1 if IN INDIANA 4 - , BY TORNADO , jkJNew THE FREIGHTER AZTEC SENT TO BOTTOM WITHOUT WARNING-B- Y SUBMARINE. Tempting lven American Reported to - Have Been Drowned, Naval Guard With Ship Captain Being Picked Up. aslre: Washington. French admiralty dispatches to the French embassy here on April 2 announcing the sinking without warning of the first armed American merchant ship, the freighter Aztec, by a German submarine, said apparently Lieut. William Fuller Gresham anU twelve American bluejackets, constituting the armed guard of the vessel, had been saved, but that eleven of the crew were reported missing.'"' The guard with the captain and tree other members of the crew in the second officer and eighteen men, la were picked up by the French patrol boat Sirrlus after three hours. Eleven msn are thought to have been drowned when the first boat to put off was smashed. The third boat, containing the econd officer and eighteen men, is not directly accounted for, but the fact that only eleven are reported missing, lead8to the belief that It must have been picked up. The admiralty report said the Aztec, bound from New York to Havre, was torpedoed without warning April 2 off Quessant. The torpedo struck sauarelyamtdibips, emitting a powerful gas and putting the wireless out of commission. Officials said the disaster would not affect the policy of arming ships,' which wi'l be continued in the most efficient manner possible. Secretary Daniels declined to make public the list of naval officers and gunners who manned the two guns placed fore and aft on the Aztec. , Until the survivors are listed and the department la officially advised concerning those whose lives may be lost, he said, "it will not announce the naval personnel of the Aztec." fty View showing tho destruction wrought by the torpado which took a toll of 44 lives CITIZENS OF SPARKHILL, 5 .t - J i - 1 't y f , Ile.a.iSy V 7) FOR TRAINING -- v Good for teeth, breath, appe- tite, digestion. '4. f ' , - ... 4, sfy & " ' ' y t ' e j. it f-- - vV :amrtMiti aaMaa4aietw;anif Frank The little village of SparkliUUN, Y wjll not be entirely unprepared In the event that war conies. tripe, a New York lawyer who resides in the village, has organized the citizens Into a'home defense league and is going ahead wlththe mUltarytratnlng. The picture shows the league out for a hike. FUouge1 v IS SPEAKER. cutting GRAIN Four of Five Independents Vote With ' Democrats. t CHIEFS OF UNCLE SAMS ZLsctfcI FIGHTING FORCES (SI:ozmj Democrats, with the aldTof four orthe fivs independents, organized the house when the new .congress assembled on April 2, Speaker Champ Clark of and Missouri, sweeping Into office with him all the other Democratic caucus nominees, Mr. Clark received 217 votes against Washington.-i-T- he forTlepresentatlve Mann, the 205 A Good Re- . PACIFIST8 BREAK PEACE. A ' e, I Senator Lodge Is Attacked and Knocka Assailant v Washington. Pacifists who came to Washington by the thousands on April 2 under the guidance of the Emergency Peace Federation to protest to congress against war had a turbulent A German prisoner put to work In France. time. There were various disorders, the most sensational Incident of the day Pillowing a call at the office of Senator Lodge, the veteran legislator from Massachusetts, by a pacifists group from his state. The senator was called to his door to hear the Arguments. of the visitors. There were harsh words and then blows were exchanged between the senator, aged 67, and Alexander W Bannwartr36 years old, of Dorchester, born in Switzerland of parents. Senator Lodge sent his antagonist to the floor with a blow to the jaw, and while the office force was clearing away the other pacifists. Ward Davies of Arizona, who happened to be passing, pummeled Banna art vigorously before turning him over for a beating at the hands of David B. Herman, 'a half grown telegraph messenger. FRIEND OR F0E7 jin ilinSim?. .TT Hugh I Scott (left), chief of staff of the United States army, and Rear Admiral Wllltnu S. Benson, head of the great United States navy. Gen. L POLICE PATROL NEW YORK HARBOR ) . , X. V' V s S Swiss-Germa- n "V- - s VV J x NX ' .... V . v, v 'Vi s4' L !'?' v v' N v V A V vvS'- - v s 7 - vV.v ' W 'n! . -- Beat He Cotrid Offer, -- j The Modem Law. Then you think I cant learn to Look here, sheriff, said the Irate singThouseholder," this section is filled with I not I fear men and BuL professor, I do to yearn: to be My house has been robbed five times f musical. tn the three weeks. Do I get any is advia. Take my yodeling up from you, or dont I? protection -I have done all I can for you, Mr. Hard Luck. Bltckensdorf returned the weary ofHows the world treatLuck HaYd ficer. I warned you after the second '"7 you? ing robbery to move out of that house, and oftern" Not very It Isnr my fault If too continue on are there knowing'that'these burglars Not Aftwt Tk. Hm4 Tfc. Outotne TiMt Dm. after your stuff. of lt tools od hung effect. Jnttr br noyoo wtboot Bronx Oolnlno o bo turn ua DrrTOOTOOMOrrlnnno - tho two!. Thf a. W. USOVS I . ooo Qmin.n.iro U The Hint Sufficient. i eigMuliewbbox. fco-Pa, why do you Insist on my singNot Hard to Do. ing when Mr. Rlmley calls? They spend their money falter than Well, I dont like the fellow, and yet I hate to come right out mid tell they make it. trick nowslaya. "Well, thats-n- o him to go. A PRETTY FACE fa the resuft of healthy second-stor- sneak-thieve- y s. - Andrew Bonar Law, mem- r ber house of commons that the total casualties suffered by the Turks in battle of Gaza, Palestine, were 8,000 ts ' fcMtfnmnMWiMutiia yy Threat Against the PresidenL - Camden, K J. Technically charged with threatening the life of President Wilson, Edward A. W. Simmers, ja German, 67 years old, was held under $20,000 bail for further hearing by United States Commissioner Joelin here on April 2. In default of bail. Simmers was remanded. Accord ing to secret service operatives, was strongly opposed to the ,United States entering the war and If he had a bomb he ' and T- Beauty Is but skin deep yet It greatly depends og a clear eokspioTiqw free om writ kies and i are thfown "ionc'poiTOns la out by the kidneys. The kidneys act sa filters for such products. If we wish to - ' Jl y - and prevent old age coming too soon seour chances, for a laeghf e, yre should drink plenty of pure water and take a b-tt- ca ' little Anuric, says the Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y. . Wed-pesda- y e f d over-'com- st de-Jth- at ,A sinidng jackte coming up out of ' use speedy launches equipped with machine guns, jVrvant batih of one of Uncle showsThey machine gun. a jV.ticcmn manning ' a - 'N The picture sugar. , hollow chteka. Health always brings wealth of beauty. A healthy state of fce system comes Pierces ' Dr When suffering from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, e worn-ofeeling, the simple way to obtain to is disorders merely these a little Anuric from your nearest drug-giand you will quickly notice the grand results. You will find it many times more potent than bthia, and that it dissolves uric arid as hot water does ut rs world-fame- tondition. physical the Blood efVwar-cemteilijstatedBrtfe- j unr To Prevent Old Age Coming Too Soon! Turks Suffer Heavy Losses. Sim-cie- 4 corn-pestere- sachusetts, who voted for Representative Lenrott of Wisconsin; Gray of New Jersey and Dallingsr of Massachusetts, who voted for Gfllet of Massachusetts, and Haskell of New York and James of Michigan, who voted present1 awnwu"i - r i ECONOMIC RULE IS UNBROKEN Description. fun-uybon- The five Republicans who did not support Mr. Mann were Gardner of Mas- London. it after every meat tWj' publican choice for speaker, who not failed to receive an Independent vote,. but lost the support of five of . his party colleagues. All the Democrats present voted for Mr. Clark and were joined by Scball, Progressive of Minnesota; Martin, Progressive-Protectionis- t of Louisiana; New Socialist of York, and London, Randall, Prohibitionist, of California. Down f What does a. shad Consist of anyhow T asked the Western man who The More Money, the Higher ' I had never eaten that kind of fish. Prices, Haa Been theTJaw Line Well, replied the Eastern expert, World. of Earliest Days . t Tt Is mostly backbone, wishbone, and then aome. When the Indians of New England found plenty of seashells oat of which to make their money called wampum, the more of It they would give for a YES! LIFT A CORN blankeL baskeL kettle, pair of moccasins or feather bonneL hays Girard in OFF WITHOUT PAIN! the Philadelphia Ledger. The political economy of King PhiCincinnati man tells how to dry llips race and time still prevails. Ev- ' com so or a callus it lifts ery day this year the rest of the world up off with finders. has dumped a cool $3,000,000 of gold upon the United States, Now we have d men and women nearly 1,000,000,000 more gold than You need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes we had when the war began. If we had cheap wheaL shoes, overthat nearly killed you before, says this vegetables, or coal after havcoats, Cincinnati authority, because a few added nearly 60 per cent to our drops of freezone applied directly on a ing we should be obliged to tender, aching corn or callus, stops gold hoard, those fine all spun and dasty tear up soreness at once and soon the corn or we were books economy hardened callus loosens so It can be political In schoot lifted off, root and all, without pain. taught But the books stand, and rightly so, A small bottle of freezone costs very on Httle at any drug store, but will posi- for the very paper they are printed coloboosted this been upward by tively take off every bard or soft com has unor callus. This should be tried, as It ssal wave of gold. When this breaks metal crest of matched yellow ts inexpensive and Is said not to Irriand recedes after the war well, we tate the surrounding skin. Phillip and ils Famv If your druggist hasnt any freezone shall follow King amount of It a smaller and pay tell him to get a smallbottle for you prim we buy.what for from his wholesale drug house. adv. f Only I with you a boon to the p&rchedmouth in hot work or on long auto trips. 1 , ' is .V ' ?" " Have it always ' y ' !T confections. Ir'r n ,w - The third of the t VMSLEV trio of refreshing, rs: ' ,ztcrf implies. c 14 I ; y. as the name New Albany, Ind. long-lasting! 7 V ) rVr five-inc- h CHAMP CLARK C-:,- . j, N..Y., OUT at TTTJvV Mi ., - As toothsome utkmuM4iMf&tif Miaadufcasaaarfocw facibaa v for woman , wv!h ' Doctor 4 r j : Javorlt . 1 - Viix ' t Prescr1pspo.-- It medicine prepare i this ailmentalt ctres whies derangements and weaknesses , make womans life miserable You can overcome most bodily fi' escape sickaere, build up year fcs with regular hours, plenty of water, fjr oa si tie food, and a chance to get the natural a Take of out the syFtom. live once or twice weekly. Much $ is made of jaice of aloe, ,J and sufl root of JiLp, to all dnr'gitj years ago br jx'i Pierce ami known as Doctor Pleasant ivlleta. Get them i ( ? l May-appl- e, sugar-coate- d 1 1 1 t. |