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Show .... ... Page Mine .. ' VoO is Spring The' sun and frofti their shines down on dear Dixie winter cover Bertha Heilson (We ' find the birds, the bees we trees well blooming. but surest sign of spring can be soon the faces and in the .eyes of the and itself, in good. be rational to doing human laurels of .this 'The handed, to a sw.ell and manages the ' week pal of ours study ?7n are being, who runs ' It 'is hall. are able to through her efforts that get to study, and have longer study hours. Thanks, to her we no longer will have to do in' three weeks of our quarter the whole quarters work. a. Our subject., Vivian Spenser, has and very nice personality, cooperation ..one can Shoand. plus-likes dancing usually find her (in her odd 'hours)wo or Announcement of .week! All 'those bo meet sure to in the supreme seniors next discuss to the Wednesday library D day activities and to select a" pin 1 or ring. The Bacteriology department is offerstudents. ing some spring trips to We wonder. is some new love affairs will bo the result . We also wonder Paul if Crosby will continue to save seats in the assembly roomy all spring. This 'beings? bettor pray for rain or, better,' snow. Wed ' feature ' ; this weather vdiat, oh' what can date, Schuylers have changed any in its sin in. order to appreciate the tc cartoons a 1 such statements as, from .Nerd Broc'kbank, "Gin is the spice-blife1 ;"and, .from Stanley Meehan, "One has couple appeal: Schuyler Gardner. and if after wonder nature.) dent s . ' This spring fever causes twitters and; stammers and, much to our amazement, it manifests lath cutest Couple in the air. HIGHLIGHTS looks like .the straight fool!! ... and narrow road to an altar. Seen in the assembly hall: Two girls and two big, red, shiny apples. April Janice. They ,:ate them. . the about Seen ' Who? and Pioma Dixieites 'campus: ; . in-th- creative doing gym, with. dancing Mrs. Tpir.ian. She is Mrs. Tollmans net. (II rs. Tollman says were "all her pits. Had we., know hpw fools.) And she has, it ' is going to school here in the high school. He is a very a boy who Woodward gifted musician. We think marvelous the way Mrs. Spenser is standing up under this epidemic of spring. fever . The' study hall; (if it werent' for her able supervision) would begin to rock like a 'Midsummers its Might Dream .to Heros or -- Spenser. Those and Fantasia.a swell 'teacher, Mrs. .. av time good activity may be table 'after lunch. Its around a found are Kiss Buggert and This college boys. isnt a discussion either. participants several round-tab- le 'in their debates. Ms v;ant to th"g.nk sunshine them (Follies' w-ol- for. sending; a into the life. of a; .certain girl. WO really appreciate; the attitude they take about those they left, behind them.' Anyway we think they swell representatives of odr are-reall- Here- s college laurels to .D. them, too., girl to Sweetheart of Dxcelsior bail in Tyrone Power Weber Coll . will choose a Girls, sit (the-debaters- did and-they-reall- nule as .D. campus "Considerable . personality-it'e- s supreme report all that) of ' ,D. and ' . : nay a' symbol of Aggie-Dixi- e, rivalry , the battle axe .should be sharp' as a razor and thirsty for blood. .It should be looking for something solid to bite into. It should 'cone prepared for a summer stay in the highlands." Dacian Are we going to take this? The"Axg belongs hore in Dixie. "As up take notice !" '.."We hear Clayton Sullivan is on the loose with a now car and a broken engage -mont(?). The only requirements on your part is to broken heart. tliat ' mend the 'article Road Andrew, in .D. ... . on "Charm by .JLblcne Weber Signpost, in the the library. It is really good. , Weber is hold a a. charm week. It is an sponsoring annual check-u- p under the direction of the Associated 'Women students. .D. . ; T'.rflfV- - Psi Delta The vn ri h i r-- , -- r 1 c , Omega members.. 1 i |