Show 0 0 8 fowls TEE CHEAT allun commoners IA hii conne this evoL dogal the ibe li I 1 hobbert for toni to gilt ami ad the law of stealth with rt the door lower door boor M cents dt four tick 11 1 60 gadery 25 ticket kuhtic tt at clow of lecture rn in avato arto during each da at the totiana louse J 2911 I 1 fra of overcoat tt at siegel broo all tf from vhf the private of 1101 holcomb tab aco co K kimball i crisall aslock a broon folls overcoat bound with mth el vat and with ft a velvet collar 20 reward will be 1 I arild aid lor for the same ul and no DO forkl ked it U stured to the tl tat bez doice I 1 28 if Rs kt at ilia coyal palace rt lc R main street tract dia if t Isa vreta CAO can g KI I 1 the th finest ably of eng idi VanitA hoM kt at russell A wee a lower lor lo r in rim L javit household formation boight at t MUD main ill all I 1 joi ao no knofl no 33 commercial B lm 1 I 1 havo have on hand IA a of fino fine california al ai pin which ilia vt ill sell KU al his low lowrina rila U cull call anil and ron co them jal I 1 at tt if if all fanta Fan tp hall strett mil fill ho bo go Y fretting on hun dersi of didjun iskades in an R good liner 31 isic in the gallery daf F F M ILk iov choicie malloun Mil loun at t be calle lo IQ of U C IL II BARBATT ir 18 78 veto main bereft A lanng stack prock of Cluth clothing wg brals and nd abo rhet kt at siegel bf broi dit ir N fikso NIC NOTICE A k 11 roni com of ML IL moriah lilo riall lodge no 70 I 1 A 7 F r mil and L 1 M I will fco held blia evening a at t aj 71 ocl oct fur work in the F P C degree decree all brethren br ethren are arc corli cordi illy ally invited to attend it S Ocre tary yesterdays ARRIVALS WHITE HOUSE J iaron D W Es anguin 0 J jima lines city 1 0 I howgil IV F junn P doda dog bing tinn him davis J J P hoptar barney owens califor lift jl am amea J kimble Ki nible nevada J D B thomp ton son qular 0 allu ailts tintic gintic A L I 1 mal deml hion orilen ogden J if johanning antor bingham J valid Vilh bol otlia vote vict na n B D C J 0 cracker city cily n special notices notice nolice of CI desind 1 0 elefter after ill date the price of rocky foun I 1 in coal will bo be eight pei to lie it ll alier ier reed in the main part of the city cay laz leave orl rs with it P wool woods agent jasa tt cilas 0 sapt kriard gaii to ta 10 riven given it at VA 1111 on february lit IL got yeka youir bianka its desdy lot iio de hedou teacher of t liture and P jallag an ILK 1 german geri end and fren french I 1 salt julto atty t A I d 18 th mug it pos rm omoo ila IV C gaw 14 I 1 per red to fjeld 0 or ill ro iohd I 1 d picture anil ad lao ingriam ing ir armeis mine and every do de of at inlet 18 aru I 1 fertile real heard and in t town own rd to the wash in ton lien f boulb ut hr cut caeton of inan af bode 60 6 cant coola 35 25 cols rd nl tf I 1 if yon van 1117 rit N no I 1 french calf bowed sowed boota john iid ono one door north of salt VT lako loiou juuso repairs ex tacal WA 33 1 I SITUATION NITI TATION SITUATION by an salt in uncut gd of dry ry G leathed leat sed so 0 bool d criven apply at this fihs ihs tt 11 flock handest in exchange for foa lauds in and lom loeu or for I 1 or for iowa linked property apply amra lowell bor ila sel I I 1 1 aon 11 e ai 01 AM AI iliae ilia e farr 1 l upturn a mok kro are ilia sale rolo for booths I 1 b cz im 0 as an are now a w to I 1 ap pp it he iffe arlo and d eftim bes 1 in 1121 qunti au r to flait 1 1 an I 1 apty for or 1111 ir I r lay 11 ill main tract 11 t lime 1 city I 1 I if WC TO A SUIT MIT or OF T W wua finished rod mil rooms look 4 lo 10 a vory locality near r bari b ari boand AIO V ar 0 IQ C Nl bolis bolt RL at lio ts U ii lat tf 1 v A S GOULD SON conveyancers notary public aro AIND commissioners OF DEEDS give special go 10 the tb lc ancor po ur alloa ration or r missing rin pul I 1 under the iraq oft aih DEEDS AND DONDS eonda YOU DEEDS MOItT lOKS POWERS OF ATTORNEY i and other just of writ drawn with slid LAST aft 1 TEMPLE between far fro al cat DJ salt lake lak near SALT CITY GEO C BATES ATTORNEY at LAW C MYRON HAWLEY ATTORNEY at LAW clerk of supreme court territorial librarian J we HASKIN ofelon in kimball block west til of V 8 war mr ahat a binco jarkin tt til GLASGOW 1001 importing co col I 1 NO 22 FREMONT ST near hear front mi and market SU sta san francisco WW WM manage patronize home industry I 1 UTAH CRACKER FACTORY THE under undersigner undersigned signed an ir now prepared pr rl to 1 tho the bared tajo 0 and the ho public with batter crackers Crac keri soda crackers picnic vanic crackers Cra ckon boston crackers cracken ginger snaps ro M or ard nearly opposite weli brott C rot leve now hotel basl tt if X va 11 IV I 1 N th alt J district court coart of viah Te vitol jacob Us UM md ad ayo a 1 y in john JAS ashy os okar kestal t 1 I to la irl rami Koe or of d dmm 1 in tabb th bot e lo 10 nr dired by it clr mft flask DIs ia g court art rate f utah the dy day of ZY A 1671 1 I HI ilow 10 1 ii public clr 1 I t th cort art uong ilir doer lo ia provo fro city U T b fn an ati hoar of J 2 I 1 if 01 ad au 3 cl k B m nd A tb at ath b d dy y 61 f U 1 b AD A p IS ima X the 1 I to IU 0 two to t th a so oiin na 4 aft y fl luto in I 1 al l to ID lh ur wb wlter 14 IOK or via allaf 1 la th ohio district I 1 flow county utah cub T tr rl ellory y bodard d ud and im aw lt 60 rt iss I 1 f 0 the ahn bunke bof jod iod jil edg or 1 via I to B t h aune am wa inki boott an abd t lib h 11 II 1 th alpi P par abil d 1 alm iriT P kaj ta eb 1 I 10 a aay r tu 1 tho tb forest us bed l prop property tty will III he sold ola aher l the lb P aaa of cf k ta inorio al alfa b by J job I 1 k 1 i jb justs nil ed C cr y tva B I 1 es I 1 iya dud aggett letb ditl for tb aa of t e thousand ta aix eybl la gold e colo eke 41 of th he all 1 I 1 1 1 9 be velh ik enia 14 I 1 kofl 11 tato 01 ol 4 coil 1 at alt greal crul ors ori rt right g hs of barred by dacres a of court conte tr tie of r oal cull ch C h la in sold cola 1 of 1 the lb rotted 0 aff law IRA M uett w la clatt oth iraj Is 01 ol sid liu ja 1 loth both uio ilia DAILI and tam rne bare ft a large slid binm g circa littlon mong among the live life raw men of blie territory mil are arc therefore the best ink malam julas for to them tho if who ho to the public ia hixt terms ib land ra lawrence nce I 1 dr ifor IN I 1 f v DRY GOODS C GROCERIES ROC E R I 1 E S provision provisions J 9 AND mining tools ale to 0 o special to bayers aej etro la in rm ift ot at large additions I 1 I 1 TO OUR alar ADT IMMENSE STOCK D DRY RY GOODS of ere ry braile graile and color ft 1181 41 re ji MAL I 1 S S cached and unbleached PRINTS I 1 I 1 GINGHAMS I 1 1 I 1 it S v t CHECKS STRIPES 1 1 alws Sli AWLS NOTIONS an immense STOCK OF CLOTHING I 1 I 1 HATS AND CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES v llila ladet i gents end nj chilldress it att car miners outfitting outwitting Out fitting A specialty I 1 fresh california butter flour corn meal I 1 BUCKWHEAT I 1 Y alx X epam al daso J 1 wo I 1 california CAN GOODS i ia I 1 great variety java costa rica andrio and rio 40 C af JF am M ROASTED AND GROUND SMOKING CHEWING r W am AL 4 av C 0 OP OF AND satisfaction I 1 IN AND PRICES 0 0 43 CL a aa T attala ft tAla jre to any part of the city FREE OP OF CHARGE I 1 WT W AND C california A L I 1 F 0 R N I 1 A LUMBER COMPANY 0 incorporated july 1 I 1 I 1 0 0 capital stock s 7 0 7 co c C re I 1 Off loois i a main st salt lake city I 1 rive DOOM south walker broa bro AM A M 1111 L I 1 one block south IL R ac depot 1 11 IB XZ ibm a I 1 M presidents PRESIDENT 4 3 7 IW C j 4 it I A a c SECRETARY quilliam x DURANT CUTTING Foiw aidin commiss loa MERCHANTS S DEALERS IV it flour flon r G grain rai n an and d prod produce n ce 1 the highest market price PAID min in cash for wool and hides our nor and Iff ifelice lice tint clock black south of V U C tt IL il depot salt take lako car and Fir branch stich emidy station due P it IL A FOR PAI it t nr 11 combow brodek pomp tot tin BEST PUMP 11 II rac rbi FOR MINING AND irrigating 7 in n drum drom guaranty to deliver IWO tells of water per manuto 83 drum m to deliver iab galls of W to manuto 10 jn drum guaranteed to lo galls fill of ter per al allorte loute 12 ink in drum iru arken to deliver galls frail of water por par minute 14 in drum genar guaranteed alite to du galls of water por par minutes 10 6 drum guaranteed aarto iol to deliver walls of ter per nal minute lomes 20 in drunk to deliver galls of wattle war por par minute 3 X la ia drum guaranteed to lo del deliver iv cr wf rails galls oi of ira water torpor per minute agents for sale of victor scales roh FOR RALL a noT nEna dmn cullers pullers Pul lers jabo ly iron rounder founders washington LODGING HOUSE OR K IN t its 0 it SALT LAKE LA KB CITY S SPRING F it I 1 N G 13 BEDS 30 1 S I 1 THE lar BEST ST IV IN TOWS TOWN BB 3 33 GOO 0 soo THIRTY newspapers TARYN TAKEN N ost tt tf proprietor SETH M N BLAIR S kt k t it t amo orax IV 0 oy V 9 it ma ajo AU AND at il over 97 Z Fil block look with C M hawley onica bauni bouni frodi 10 into in to u la ill I 1 allu tt fr rail road shops A IN ALL ITS BRANCHES wagon ai carriage building AND REPAIRING COACH AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY I 1 k ron FOR rish fish bros li wagons wagon OF RACINE WISCONSIN ho horse a shoeing I 1 by the only really educated in the territory I 1 A HOPPER hoppek seix ap ea 25 cents per game i AT PIONEER BOWLING SALOON second south street rec ne neri neit ri li io 1 fugitt awl i the only ruil full length alley in the territory oryl 1 rl ARK clver 1 a k IV 9 11 ar MNO lAXOn and nl in anti inori nn ordo ori to 10 jowl a ame thi ibb tho the PLAIR OF brynd jhb ha CITY the nar bar IA magri supplied with the tb flot brands of A it 1 porter panel and 1 I ift efam ane cuan also klaretes Ala retes r liver F 3 sk MAIL iva RD fr delanza mining engineer engine ere K fl jl aft of every d uld to 0 be L found rt at his oak t the lh slim land calas altris J lob 8 tt tf SALT a T LAZE CITY storage asi tois sion store I 1 ophir city ric JIB am M ae pd I 1 TT A VINO lilt for conf n y of ads oo 00 or ale an wa A fujil assor terent or of ulden bd dia dually goods on band at lowest mam 10 for cub h tel 31 fm union Pat patellae ellae ift 11 ad tim abl tables UNTIL NOTICE TRAINS WILL LEAVE A AND ARRIVE AT DA FLY ats cras i I 1 A giniva may dally r eidt peria a atio ivelith IF 7 gierow E lie p pm 6 pra axt 2116 p pk I freight igal I 1 m elith t avisia caly ir made fit t won orion with ciui irth ll 11 d flora we all wines in ID Sont born borke utah at D ib leri fed for mam at mimes wb jim pacito L K for mo r acet d chr Gior rod 4 all plot delete 1 10 colordo 4 aud no maxis lah N rth tha cb 1 ice luck island and its uzi I 1 annl MO aror kanu olty st jo aad coa all 11 alff gilead 4 kisr 6 love lt LD of f Sla seno fur for all points fut east and south T act for alaio rik RI r arlof well frics fo A c co F fatt t lonale fursh binl it it I 1 in n lamat tut 9 ake CJ chi ieli at att union P wills it IL IL ticket ossa in aloa a t hah bobko brab en kopd lo pD cr cn q bo annand acor l A corob litto vabre beai ai biado vh pagers der dc rd line to visit doer dealer RD an their baity I kal ran R tb ml of as m wit take rr fross froin cheyenne to danter aw flaro into t 1 vasil raty kocl rac for bad and all inia in ID liqua to 6 apply at t boffl I 1 Q 6 bid be h taff garefal 1 lo 10 ve leabra 6 shri lessels lessees pawa 9 ellew elle w la all castere Fa F stere and tb stall abi or of tin kI I 1 1 I quick W it a llna ase i I 1 goal ticket asset acol T E cht and IMPORTANT TO MINERS SALT LAKE CITY sampling mills corner of af third wrt anti bourth honch sonth streets LEWIS JOHNSON CO CRUSH and SAMME oro of all kinds ASSAY samplis carefully PURCHASE ores it at liberal rates or SHIP ON 03 commission to t their friends in Fri england gland linn IS MI BON liverpool dauw ewe opposite Tri liODe beat MAUI STREET W WANTED A N T E we Gale galena iia COPPER MON ORES at MONITOR rj an I 1 T 0 R smelting smelling Sm elting furnace adelf A self Re flowing and refluxing ol of HOT CARBONIC GAS it at UNION FORT two mues miles north from sandy station ak lett THE EAGLE EADLE WORKS manufacturing co ox stamp MUs mills rock breakers and nl III all other lhost MIN aum team engine cular caw mills mill grist stairs MUI Lai thes 11 jele and kaj 11 kinds of mae rt at tuft prices pm alanl ud lot for mills end and K ask fil delory D N ant agent if we iii file houton tiller tita distl tr finde ema iret AUBURN MILLS 0 I 1 21 and nr f l J jotta wry III 1 ur the N LAND sud ud company WILL PURCHASE SILVER ORES at the lh fo louit NET KIT antu om y ji c i IMI tali I 1 K I g 1 sit 88 I 1 4 ltv s a lu Q ul 46 is Is st st 1 M 1 Z 1 do R ina 63 st is I 1 st mot a 1 I 1 it 1 P 74 01 al 11 jsn ati II n RE 1 I i win rit is se I 1 st ka N 10 st 1 11 11 1 1 boim louiia I A 3 ko litch far or As af u to d trub lah r V U S or C akki it 4 corrar to sh hj ap pp aiters fn sit fr 1 tarase ens aass PI ed by artiery or umber at t oaties pd at 1 I shipper sh P F F lart I 1 THE celebrated grafenberg FAMILY MEDICINES hf a ba it kaj ad approved pt oJ hr nor chaa ts sty st ysa jr dix cat which vine they lun ba b broa via h rm 41 la in utah aly T t Y 1 1 w kod a wll dorily n 1 a a of f th t b public s b 1 i godbe co cost I 1 ar AND RETAIL AGENTS IQ TER OF 0 UTAH irra ov of to rent kent evo pt on an the Lia raf fur for I 1 1 bublic I ank t tr tp apply to mr fr E L T per office jail tf L A WUITZ hare JIMI roc elved ft a alno supply apply or evory tIang in ID tho the painting of houses anum they mo are I 1 to 0 cle cule al if of arr IT jo in mel r usual and eff ilent at X V bajt at gooda as i step pro brea tit I tf |