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Show II Tuesday, February 15, 1955 THE DIXIE SUN PAGE FOUR Traffic Dance What's Coming Thursday, February 24 ketball. 17 Band concert, college auditorium, 8 p. m. Delta Psi Omega meeting. Friday, February 18 s jamboree. Calico-Jean- Dixie college at Snow, basketball. Hurricane high school at Dixie, Saturday, February 19 s jamboree. Dixie college at Carbon, Calico-Jean- Wednesday, February 23 Lambda Delta Sigma meeting, 7 :30 p. m. Spanish club meeting. p. of p. m. Paper Staff Traffic dance, m. Recreation hall. 9 Traffic Dance Chairman Frank Marshall has learned who does committhe work around Dixie. He is shown here with his tee for the dance. Left to right: Sherrie Ann Ott, Donna Rae Gillespie, Ada Ann Pendleton, Marguerite Baldwin, Sylvia Cox, Geri Kaye Chadburn, Irene Hatch, and Linda Lou Crosby. all-gi- rl TRAFFIC DANCE By Donna Rae Crillespie The Traffic Dance, with a smile and a cheer, Friday, February 25 Teachers convention, all day. Has come to Dixie again this year. If you come well teach you the Classes dismissed. Mambo beat, Faculty party, 8 p. m. Dixie high school at Kanab, And how to dance on your own two feet. basketball. The best band in town, so I hear Saturday, February 26 say, Girls Sports day. Will be there that night, just waiting to play. When the Top Hatters play just so right Everyone w'ants to dance all FINE PORTRAITS through the night. The date of this dance is right at the door It starts at 9:00 February 24. At Reasonable Prices Invite your girl friend, your boy friend and also your pal Come up to the Recreation Hall, its your night to howl. Dixie Photo Shop Warren L. Rollins, Prop. MAKE Center Clothing Company Your School Clothing Headquarters Everyone come, come one, come all, And join the gang at the old Recreation Hall. Theres eats and names and marriage, too, And the cost is just 5 cents to you. So bring your gal to be your wife And have the best time of your life. The Dance revue which was scheduled for March 11 and 12 has been canceled because of the production of Kiss Me, Kate the following week. As many of the participants in the revue have parts in the musical, this would make too much duplication of time which the students did not have. However, an assembly will be presented by the modem dance class sometime the latter part of the spring quarter. AUTO PARTS The class in international relations has been at work for the past quarter on preliminary prep-- ! arations for attendance at the Model United Nations conference which will be held at San Fran-- , cisco State college, May 5, 6, and 7. Dixie students will represent New Zealand at this years conference. This is unusual because; New Zealand has a delegate on the security council which has rep-- j from only eleven' resentatives countries. This is the fifth annual confer-ence of the model united nations. Dixie has received invitations to the conference all four previous years, but the first year the invitations arrived after the funds in the department had been spent for: something else, so the Dixie delegations have attended only three' years. At the conference, each college represents a country. Last year! the Dixie delegation represented Canada. They wrote Canadas foreign minister and he sent them pamphlets and information on Canadas views on different issues. The delegates studied this information and became familiar with it in order to truly represent Canada at the conference. At the conference, the coun-tries will break up into groups rep-resenting the different blocs found in the United Nations .to decide; on their arguments for the points brought before the U. N. From 60 to 200 members will be in each council of groups. They will debate the issues with which the council is concerned. After the councils have finished, they take it back! to the general assembly where; everyone present will debate the! issues again, tand vote on them As only a few bills pass the general assembly, Dixies Canadian delegation felt very proud that one of their bills and another which passed the as-- j they ( after game. America meeting, 7:30 Snow's KDIX Boosts Operating Efficiency by Recent j Overhaul of Equipment recent overhaul of radio equipment at Dixie college has boosted operating efficiency of KDIX, campus radio station at the school, and has improved reception throughout the community. The campus station has been broadcasting for two hours .each school day since the beginning of the current academic year. Although there has been no actual increase in power, the equipment repairs have made it possible for the station to broadcast effectively within a radius of eight miles. A student-facult- y organization, with Miss Myrtle Henderson as faculty manager and Brent Lovell as student manager, plans overall programing for the station each week. Program directors plan each days broadcasting which includes a wide variety of live and transcribed programs. In addition to the live programs, written, prepared, and presented by students at the school, a number of transcriptions are being received by the local station from the army, navy, air force, French Broadcasting company, and treasury department. KDIX also broadcasts one transcribed program each week from the Brigham Young university. A wide variety of popular music has recently been made available to the station through the signing of a contract with a leading recording company to supply all its latest releases to the station. The d record library is further increased by records obtained locally. This year KDIX had expanded its service to the community by announcing important events that are scheduled by civic and church groups. Anyone desiring to have announcements made over the campus station may do so by contacting Mrs. Lillian McQuaid who directs the Capital Town Spotlight program on the air. A 5 1 sembly. Prominent people in interna- tional relations will talk to the students at the convention and will take charge of the Mode' U. N. j Although it is still subject to! change, Dixies delegation will probably contain eleven delegate? and some observers. i Y.A.A. NEWS sports day, to be held Feb26, is being planned by the Womens Athletic association. They will be the hosts for visiting teams from nearby high schools. The day will consist of basketball during the morning and volley ball during the afternoon. Lunch will be served to the visiting teams by the W.A.A. A ruary 7 Portraits well-stocke- COMPANY Phone 111 j J basketball. Stocking stomp, Recreation hall, Thursday, February 24 Future Business Leaders Students Plan United Nations Trip Wednesday, February 16 German club meeting. Future Homemakers of America meeting, 7:30. Dixie high school at Valley, bas- Thursday, February Dixie College Modern Cleaners Well Pressed Some Parts for All Well Dressed Cars Phone 115 There is no substitute for quality ODEGARD'S Photo Shop |