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Show Tin- - Wise Shoppers Can Still Save at GrocerJ Stores Continued from page I bux rt6 ; igei I j in 1?? Pi ' c ded baking jn lor pew jTt m ihoeuCde pudd.ng and cun md ughe!ti cheaper than the same tlii'j taa-nnu- crop doesii see prices ii lit ha i itcua ta the grocery store i online down "until we hace a not tier good growing season W ke prodjjvtb ttUistnc. in the meat counter She e unQisier can purchase fned cixbi-- h and haddock ad, ha. and full dirnpp (aimed looked hall) cheaptl dial, buying fiesh ami piepanng at home Canned whole clink th otten lie pui chased til ilivjpfi limn liesh nom the in, ,n countu Duh j arated niasht c! potatoes cost almost two (ents'ls than nomemadc mashed potatoes A serving ol luVvxed ground coffee cost i f i opts instant t ost otil.v t) h A cpp of tea made 1, wit I iits hulk, Km cost ')(, cents lea h.u-- - .1 cedts aistati! tea i (itoccis ale tiustiatc-- and concerned oxer serious in llationary piohletns but thee need to adxance prices hu (ash tiow and the under upilahatnm thai would lake d place if thev didn l l U'loil'C" S dl C ll'M lie idersud Hoped oil lmjs tnbution s stems reduced w a Brand mass production Sixtialists sac that dried bean prices which had soared 100 porpent, are down now aj is the price ot nee Potato clops were good and pnccif should remain low uni dhhe siting Bee f pi ices also remain low and pxpci.s sjc that eoiisum ns should fill up fieczerx w Ink' 'prices remain steady Bee! is expected to rise some m tite! spring So will poi k pi legs vh store manager said salad oil and margarine pi lews are sky rocketing ' f tsars' "' of1, m . Hi ec i ft ( Ik " 4V ir-- 7 If $ ,v ' : 1 i Srri y.s lr A "VS lX o k iv V d i ' is W ' V ir s H t? stf J. w: I.' ' . , A t ' ' :r7, i? v & u ' V'1' ' f f.-- tile wee ..'ad ale also being i e ,ter extent lhrtn i 1 't i" local ai the e totaled Si 37. but in i, s ! rrrr ii 7 L ' t , V I; ials a 1 A S. s ery md to ' X t j?, of t OllpOlls ex tJ r ;il frzzrzcs: f tf The specialist was eon iiutsl stu could save money U shupping the newspaper S ' " L i set olid 'toi netted percent savings 1'he th.rd 'on hrumht a , m ent l savings and thi the Ust toaith store netted a whopping d percent sa III. , MvW Us - ife S one skue she only porch iU vhtr'h ('amt !o i ' 25 Ai the next store those same items would have coht - a savings of ovei 20 s,l ? pK ri elit ost m if ,. A J 4 4 xJViV.nl Tlf ! In !(. , s U A ' 'ss n $ . vU) fb I1-- ' t l .' r w -- . i 1 ""V-s- ? f V pryj rising unhuiuii, it gets harder and harder x.?X . ,. '.S jifieoV , e-- With high cost of lewd and rapidly e vl i &,v " Lr m ,, i f rt ti ii' 14-- m t?ZJXr''' , 4 - .o; j ifss to stretch the food dollar, but with wise buyiug, a shopper can save. he detail iirocers sax more people are shopping newspaper specials trying to save money Stores max try to lure ' ' hoppers with leader sie xvdl Id! i ials and hope you xour grocery cart whue on I cost Dess to produce through expanded nroduct lines dis gi o, w vt gi oi Uis. H, iked and would eat, ol were w anted to add to W. fMw( V h, f. Cwd reasons for slmptung the ads I ebruury f items she i efit crtaii, loiueiueme i ri I li Un-ga-r lane most rops he sees the va to get sugar prn es down is to get more crops planted a, the spring Lawrence ' Alder exeui bXe diictol of the I tall Ketai! Grocers ysociatioii, ers need exploited why to keep changing pi ices on uoeen items rnd partially piepared t be, ause of the demand beans and the loss last mw I Salt iLihe tribune Ktmda.v in 4EW there National exKrts sax vou ion 'axe between H) and H ii c tent pc by shopping SPRING the newspaper ads Huwex.r a Imul suixtx lound ,,ou an yj' c i eil more One eolisumei sliopped ads from - all on hei wax work iso as not to The specials met and were things '2 ARRIVALS siieeialist lour stores nome from waste gasi her budget her family American Spends $51 Each Year at the Supermarket A wer&ge The average American spends approximately year at the supermarket Thats $2, OH fot a (ah'dly of four However, it s possible to save up to 20 percent of tins, by shopping more knowledgeably. Here are a half dozen suggestions for wise shopping Compare the prices m the various supermai kets Many are now using unit pricing to help vou find the best buys for your familys needs. - 2" Compare on a basis. For beef chuck roast are and assume ground "example, "both $1.12 a pound Ground beef may provide four servings to the pound or a cost per serving of 28 cents. Chuck roast may give two servings to the fyoond or a cost of 56 cents a servmg, 1 MATTE JERSEYS SPORT PRINTS POIY-COTTO- H BLENDS vNIW- - $511 id 1 Read and clip food ads in the newspaper so you what products represent current best buys and wbat the 'specials are Take these clipped ads with you when you go shopping. t Jliake a shopping list based on your weekly tpodTpians and suck to it. Impulse buying is expensive. 5 Plan menus around plentiful foods When there's a good supply of a food you'll find better pru es 6 If you know you use more of certain items, slovk.upVhen these items are on special. 3. 4- - fcl?23 tefe dW YD. POLYESTER DOUBLE KNITS FLOCKED CHECKS FANCIES know NIW? Aj YD. POLY-COTTO- N KNIT KNACK BROADCLOTH fPE. PRINTS xO'!:' c I POLY-COHO- N SINGLE KNITS cu IW vOl: c 0 r nnn favorite GT touring car overhead cam engine Fully Independent suspension a Radial tires front disc brakes Power-assist a AMFM radio etck i Also available: 260-- 2 22; 'AJJ m wtaaaviagfeafcjS t Americas 2800CC ikO LA BOUTIQUE PRINTS DAINTY VOILES POLY-COTTO- N BLENDS POLY-COHO- N BLENDS f P':u v NEW? c EW? Vi GT luxury for four Cottonwood Mall Valley Fair Mall Q 4. Fashion Pluco Mall 4.. t St a? K Slot g "THE IHTERMOtIKT AIN'S LARGEST DATSUN DEALER . A. V, |