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Show Till: REPORTER YOl IR ADVERTISING rlr f1 Si HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR Jay i'1'vning OWN NEWSPAPER e Volunw? Hlty-On- Kuivka, I'tah, Kritlav, July ... Eureka A Good Place to Sleep -It s Cool That Is; Night Wonderful From ('dll. The Reporter Years Ago Kin-'k:- i I right's l,'--- n slogan iiiiil J. j Well tj, lllji ( - CIII.M v. t llcsdav iiftel III ii, I) Jinn ,.,11,, n iihii'ist tliiml piopoi turns. hut 'ieil I n't i iic any ,1, iimig, Ails ill, Hr It i is ileil tile lit is I l:i'lv dllMiirl.'il.ly nil, I, Hist nt ' tills III .,. of UciithiT W l.lll.,t:, III VS tills pa-- t Week hrtVi.ill j Hiinuiil meeting 'li,n!ylii.l, the ,, lie residents Wile Ai the regular . trM jtmkholders of the Ziima till While llinsl III the plenty gliltit.ll' f. l"l tile Mammoth. I.ow-- ' Sinine nnil Milling Co., the entire iii the Niirniuihl.ne illril s 1V, JUst ii levs miles was iiuny, lill'l board of director tually welt it iij t ,, ,i , ,j;iv ill;i 'i'i lit e lumfuil, ,1 int me Won- The offt-- night. Kiiiekaiis : i'i i'MIlg just how We lute III cool nights consisted of W. F. Shriver. iehll t,i In- mi luviil'cd 14 vice-pre- .. H. D. Jones. j nn Cro-B- tr A. F. and nee. trca., Shriver. and P. J- - Fennell, directors. Ciller Consolidated Mines Co-- . 2N Ae meeting unanimously ratified ears; Mountain View, 1; K. L. Gar 0 nets of the officers and board ity, I; Dtitgoii lav; liar X. 1. for tlw pest year and commended v licir efforts on behalf of the enm-Mgand the stockholders, witermastcr. Dennis Harrington, had installed a new drinking fountain on the aidewalk just Plans art now fomplt-u- - f,n- - tin- - Piim-t- r I)av Vdt of the Morgan Garage. The wterfur thin fountain came from l,y the L. I). S. Sunday School. the ipring owned by James Moris the for tin- - dav: Races for on and was generously donated children nt in 1111 a.in. on iinijri'am ' Main Sr him for this purpose. tnet. instiad of high school as for the fisrt time in many years reported in last weeks Keortci-FreTlie Eureka Methdosit church would not Pioneer Day (July show at Star Theat-r- e Miiniored a farewell party for the pietuie hare a celebration. The L. D. S. at 2 p.m. Miniature parade at Willard I. Fuller family. Monday church officers, who on previous 6 pm.; Irii I 'ante in the 16. The Fullers are evening QUADRUPLE AMPUTEE . . . evening. July occasions had put cm celebrations at the LDK thiin-hFin- - works tin- - city to make their leaving Werner Kft. Oakland, Rriningrr, vert planning to help with the preceding the dance. home in California. Mr. Fuller Calif., martnra' first quadruple coined wagon program which was has assisted in the wirioti departeut artificial trie Umba amputee, Salt in Lake being arranged City. ments of the church while in tin la He at naval of victim a to been hoapltal. asked had Eureka put vicinity and it is with deep regret Korean bullrta and frostbite. float in the big parade. t tint the congregation hade the Funeral service for Mn. Eva During the week the officials of tarewell. family 1.. Vhii Tron. p, a long-tim- e resChest had been the Community The following program was preMr. anil Mn. Oscar Erickson ident of Kun-ka- . were held in Sait Hiking a drive for funds and had sented: wmg, "Jesus Savior Pilot LDS and laike on City family and Mr. and Mr Bet with good results, the busTuesday at the Early Me." was sung hy the congregamen houses and individuals of Chan. Warren of Mammoth drove ami Evans Mortuary. Rev. George tion. with Mrs. Miyo Yamashita Eureka were donating freely to t oNcphi last Saturday and en- l.I. WctxT and Neighbors of V Orion prayer. accompanying; wm in rharf!' of the the worthy cause. Petitions were joyed the parade and rodeo, two Name the 'Take Sherwood: hymn. of the outstanding features of the i feeing circulated through the mines of Jesus with You;" Instrumental Mis. Van Trump had made her I'te Stampede held in Nephi last of Eut Tintic asking the employeservices at th duet, 1 at Vern Never, violin, amt Sunday evening leav-imin home week. Salt I,ake since es to donate a dollar a month or City L. 1. S. Eureka ward were u Harry Randle, Mandolin; fan-wel- l Eureka many veai ago. She follows SO eenta each pay day. This was address. 'The song. Opening " Harry Randle; piano wdo, Spirit will remciidiered by the older j of God Like a Fire Is Mr. and Mrs. Vern lVay and being signed by most of the empMrs. Orion Sherwood; presentaBurning;" residents of the town, and by loyee! of these properties. family recently moved to Priivo to (Opening proper. John Castleton: tion of a gift to Frances ami Tim former residents. many j Lein than a year before the make their home. Mr. Peav. an emJesus ( hire f my. by Timmy' teacher, Miyo Interment was in Ml. (Hint sacrament wing, Tintic Community Chest was 'Humble Birth." ployee f.f th,- - D&RGRR has been cemetery in Salt Ynmashita. in behalf of the Sun(tv of a gift by the lodges, churches, transferreil to Provo. We are sorry The program ua- as day School; and Red Cross of the District to to lose the follows; Tnnubiine solo. "When to Mr. Fuller, hy the W'SCS by Poay family, and wish ore evenly distribute help to the them well in their new home. Mr. 'I Grow Twi Old to In earn." by the Ityan; people who were up against it. 'Bay Colovieh: talks were given hymn. "God Be With You Tii we " The following short Meet Again by Adrean Elton ami Glen reports show Recent visitors at the home of whit the chest had done since Mr. We are hearing many com- visal solo. "Without a Song." Iiy Following tla- pnigram. varum and Mrs. E. It. Bryson were atsmt habit Bonnie Ryan, accompanied September until distributing 200 Mrs. were enjoyed after wihch by granu-Rryson's sister and family. plaints in our community were served by Mrs. grocery orders amounting to $800; Mr. and Mrs. Janie song. especially Margaret Luca; closing liaison and M orders of coal $77.60; milk for late at "Sing We Now at Parting; clos- Sherwood and Mrs. Alton linker. son Jimmy of Dayton. O. During about the 21 fhmilirs, also Eureka. Mam-not- h their stay they made a short trip night on the way home from ing prayer. Iae Bird. and Silver City schools. to Yellowstone The meeting was conducted by Allies demanded Russians lift Park. LeVar Bry- group festivities. How far should H54A8 for curb on West Berlin export. clothing; $60.29 drugs, son and Mr. Goldie Clayson of parents go in curbing the exu-- i ' Bishop Alonzo Sandstrom. doctor bills and nurse, $97.40; Cafe Pavson son and mother of Mrs. beranci! of youth? ill for unemployed $48.00 It's when there isn't any Bryson, accompanied them to the The LDS Boy Scout unthat parents need to LDS troop home The left Raison for park. der the heeoiue alarmed about their youth. leadership of Bishop Osme last week. Webb ' As long as boys and girls journeyed to Warm Creek where the to boys spent the night group lestivities and have ilFun-de-la- y scndinR ml camp life and enjoyed bath-ta- g a Mrs. Kla Bonner is friends allied rather noisy, tune joyous, in short vacation with in that the way home, there isnt' a great popular resort. Those Ely. Nev.. making the trip were Dick Sylvestdeal about which to be distutbed. The Santaquin - Tintic Stake Rrimarv Trail er, Bob Douglas, Stewart Kce-eAfter all. they are just normal Mrs. Martha Van Wagoner in Glen Allen, Dean Manson. youngsters. second annual Fun-de-la- y Builders groups held with several other public Henry Wall, Lloyd Douglas, r- of ' I'nlesK Wayne company expressions ll l'UllKd 1 al K I,'r:(l.lv Tiilv IS (tamieton, Gerald Sutherland, Ray health nurse of I'tah. enjoyed the nin e get out of all hounds of m- All Trail Builders of the stake, Vu Leuvan, Jack Russell and week end at Grand and Bryce son and , I am propriety, then-foretheir wrents enjoy a with Surniel Laird. The LDS canyons. had should not certain that parents troop otiec a year and enjoy the purchaiecl a truck which they used enmake much effort to nirb the ta day that give children, pnrenta. Mrs. I). A. Bruno of Midvale, re- thusiasm of youth. If we do not miking their trips to various and leai tiers a chance to develop Ptacet in the state. turned to her home last Friday, surround our adolescent with t a unity of pursuM' and a feeling her with week visit a two A number after feel of friends of Elmo ninny restriction and if they of understanding tit it benefits McDonnell. Mrs. Anna that we are trying to bo fair and Mby tendered him a surprise sister. Ih it h Primary and home-lifimdorstnndiiu:. they are likely to Pfrty. the occasion being his Games and singing were enjoyed Mrs. Duane Milne and sons of listen to us when we it is wise tarthday. The affair was spon-- d A grass fire at the home of Mts. over to make by those m atteiidalii . along with by Miss Phyllis Black. The Mammoth, were in Carbon suggest inns about the pos-- , M.ngarit Hailing ton. caused event eating week i nd. visiting with Mr sible curbing in certain situations cm dement for awhile the all miMiitaiit jtamwas spent playing games, the bv the flowed by a delicious luncheon, Milne, who is employed in that of their exuberance. campfire last Sat in day afternoon. As usual m The Prm. ary Slake lead-i- s Although we cannot ixpict the Eureka File Department resytaei were won by Neva Pace. area. . Kolilli-o- n. Sailu1 them to manifest the thoiiglitful-Mrird Miller, Arlene Clement old and their barge. in good style ponded d Ed McClain. and and Mrs. Jack Coffey drnvejr.es ami judgement of adults, we pi vented the lire from spreading Those attending t l Alene and sfiimhave end treatiil all j.resent witti milk them week . lions-,.m expei Other than giving to the Rife. LaVcm Sander-to Iiik over the and bubble Woodrow Jensen. Arlene Cle-- t, the tim-- - visiting at the gun! f..r the rights and want, or Maggie a nal seme, no damage iii. kes ami Ed McClain, Howard of Mr. and Mrs. Ber' that t'l. v I. a I Inst the r.atui.il wa- - ilo'ie wa u'o happy to ii jmrt glllil hiimc A All Walds ill the stake wife simnlaniety and ipii stionmg spirit Frisby, Bob Douglas. Fields anil Mr. and Mrs. J. Cromar and Neva Pace. w'.tll lU ill alleluia llee. t.im-kan- s CoffeV. The returned home Monday that is h"!!i one of the chat ms tinMi 'and one nf the pi ereii-:- !. s nt Hamong last Dorothy Jaeger of Tintic iiflernunii. in I'te Stampede Nephi hildh-KMl nnntiul i was pleasant surprised. "ton Mr- -. Jerald Kennedy a ml da.gti-te- r It mav be. however, that ymi week were Mr and Mr. Wm. Gear week for last dnte lilt Timi Atherley anni-her being ; hirthdav and Harold Mrs. Siie'h sons, Hal tlieir Nam y of Maininotli me vio a(cntua!e wy. Kootic was played Bt Oregon, where Mr. Ibeiitnii Touv Kchevarrii-tta- . not In which by jiiglie m 'nmptoii I'al f, at tluPrizes were won by Billie ploynicnt. for t!ie i omii.allds '.hat you and Mis Wil'ord Redmomi and In I I, in nlfy and Catherine McCnr-i: diiiglilei, ,li and t t!:a l.iiudv and Mi and Mrs Melvin Let III son g.V'e t'le-l- ! IbKlney and Keith Mwlrley, ii.--i :i dainty luncheon waa I e, so. do her Atin-iley.is Vo;i wh'lii'Vi'i f Mr. and Mis. D. L Angel. Patricia aftei a Billie Thornley. Cath-- S retlirili'd holin' list week t1:Du. a! McCormick. Lila Bixby, vaiatuin spent m D Mrs Mr. aid l.i .iii.Athiil.y jWBBIxby and Margaret Mrlla"u t" 'p.im-"- l L. Athcrlev Mrs. George Tttesman entertain-t- n Eureka. FP'hlis rlub members. The itert.lT.-'Mrs. D. I.. tlierle me was ISoo. g Mr. John list nek fji diiinei a at j'Hiiv the first prize, Mrs. three me iili.'ts "1 i"'1 familv. TT Beck the all-csin prize. A whosi bU'tlidays fail "ii Itil-'wax Nerved to; Mr. cessivr days. Katherine Bussell. Twenty ld- - -t' - I ' I Numht-- Copy- - per r Twenty-Nin- e Officers Warn on Local Juvenile Deliquency, Use of Air Guns I ,,,w'n 10c Lu, 1 luo.-tui- made to the complaints have officials of Kureka I'ity, Utah, concerning delinquency. It has Urn reported that many of the Ore Shipments for Week of July j y a smaller children have Bit gun with which they slioot out window and street lights. Iii many place they lire making target - of uiirh lights. A Bit gun iii tin- hand of a youngster is a potential dangerous weuMin. A child Hhould only be allowed one for use in the ress' mote hill and preferably not Long-HInethere. In addition to the foregoing report have come into the office Word was rereivi-in Eureka in regard to children throwing ris ks ami other misile at the ope- last week of the death of Mr. rator of motor vehicle. Needle Thomas Tancock (Gertrude Mc-- I Minelli in South (lute, Calif. She to Hy that uch a practice entiled Thursday, July 12, following danger the live of the driver, lingering illnewf. their (uiMwiigiT and the missile Mr. Tancock war born in Silver thrower. City January 21. 1U04, a daughter The object of this warning is to of Angu Hnd Mary McDonnell. urge the parent - of the children She moved with her family to Euurnto more to care of Eurrku reka when a small child. She rethat their children do not ceived her education at St. Josparticipate in any of the above eph's School ami Tintic high activitie. school She married Tom Tancock in It i not the piirsse of the poand left to make her lice department to ileal harshly Kiiri-kn- . with anyone, but nevertliele, licnie in California soon after her when any children are apprehended marriage, and ha made her home in the alNive practice, it will be in South Gate since that time. include her husband, neceary for the police - to turn herSurvivor father, Angu McDonnell of tluover wich children to juvenile court. It would weni that till ac- South Gate, Calif., and one half brother, Wm. McDonnell. Salt tion should hi- not LDS Sunday School Will Sponsor Pioneer Day Celebration Tuesday 2-- Former Resident Dies in Calif. Methodist Church Has Gives Farewell sinsm d For Fuller Family 'Services Held in Salt Lake for 1 ; w-- e Former Resident News of Interest j ihmI-crii- ft srr-virr- s. i ln-c- Rppi-atn- l Ward Conducts Sunday Services - g lake City. Funeral service were conducted on Monday, July 16, at South Gale. Eurekan Leaves For Work in The MTonnell family la well in Eureka, having made their home here for many year. In the past six yearn, Mr. McDonnell ha lost two wm and hia only daughter. known Saudi Arabia prcw-ntatio- Let Them Whoop! son of Mrs. MarFrank garet Lucas, left Tuesday evening on the first lap of a journey that will take him once again to Dhar-rnn- , Saudi Arabia. He left Salt laike City hy plane for New York. He plan to leave N. Y. on July 20, and will fly to hi destination 8 in Arabia. the greater part Frank bus of the jnist six years in that area An Interesting letter received by Him first "stn-lchwas for two your RejMirter tins week told of a Veal'S, the second olie was for 18 minion of the Win. Owena fammonths, lie entered the employ of ily, held on Sunday, July 8, at International Bechtol Inc., at Dlmr-ra- Iagon. The family met at the after being released from scr resort and enjoyed the day anil pn-sidi-- Wm. Owens Family - war-hoopin- sN-n- t " Stake Sixty Boys Participate in n Last Friday at City Park vice in World War II. a picnic lunch. Those attending wen- - Mr. and lie wa accuinamed a fur us Win. Owen, George Owen, Mr. Ida arid Salt mother, City hy young niece, Pat Lucas, and Miss Mr. Cleoiie Downey. Mis Helen Marie Downey, Mr. and Mra. J. Ann Trcloar. Owena, Mr. Hnd Mr. Kill Downey, Mr. and Mr. John C. Downey, Johnnie Downey, Ann Brandon, all Mr. and Mr. Elmer of Salt K. Paulsen (Margaret Owena) and daughter Myra of San Francisco, Mr. Amelia Barlach (Mr. Owen' abitcr) of Okland, Calif., and Mr. Bible Study. Wdlnesday at H IM) and Mr. Dean Henriod, Mia Fran-cell- n Henri's and Hal Fielding nf i in. for thuse who wish to study Provo. on an adult level. MYK Thursday evenings 7 Nearly all of those mentioned above are former and p in. resident of Eureka, and lioaul meeting Friday evening we are alwa.va pleased to hear at 7 .io p iii. Choir piiii'tii'e Friday veiling lit new concerning our funner resx no p n, ident. The letter nlao mentioncl that Siiiuliiy Si'hiNil 10 HO a iii. I bem- as Myra Paulsen, daughter of Mar"Living Togi-lh-ii xt is found in 12 mid Bttli garet Owen Paulsen, will icon be vee non televiHion. ih.ipti'f- n tin- - tsHik of Boiiihiis .laik and Betty Biiker Ii w ill give a ieMirt on Youth Fellow-shiInstitute wlueli was held in Ml Pleasant Iasi week An .(Mi n iii Worship ni auth-an and m:.p,i'iug mis.'.age lke y, ii. their News of Methodist Church Activities er A A Much Excitement Results from Fire e. Di-lor- la-ss- t- nt Mil-Gord- - - Kl-a- atti-iulin- ! the liv A I da light els e Eugene n .i rul h"i Marguerite titling is B-i- mnNirmii. d.iughtci Barney. Mr. AI.'I .u.d M : and Mr. Dean Beck. ,f Bishop strum, t t us ru'd lim flienihiTa of the Elk1 of this wck. I ?5lr r,,8ilar meeting at the ill lit lull HI S.U Hay n 2!"' Bridge " ';' V 1 tla-in- c son of Roh-efrom t igdeii Xian is lieie it gland-niotlii'i- , New Plastic Home Termed Successful .f r. I livc-ris-r- i ill-la- rit-iii-'- - t- S-'- home The siici completion of the home near wot Ill's fust Mr. mul Mrs. Mark Hickman of Danville. Cnhf.. plastic to reduce pimmsc a for few days th-- - cost of building homes by as S.dt Luke visited tlll.l week ill the home of Mr ,afi ,t is learned tmlay. lliikman's parents Mr. and Mrs. According to XV. D. Barton, for Ned Hiekman. wliom the first plastic home is n limit, families desiring a XX e are happy to resrt that home should find the Imilding cost Mis John J. Hannifin has re- not IliiniHi but only f.'i.iHK). turned trom the Pnyson Ii.isu1ul, The F. II. A. lias approved this wlirii- - she has Wen confined fur new kind of construction. It is claimed that the plastic the past several weeks, home will last longer than those J built of the usual materials, since English A Professor of English had a th-- ' r inforeed. I.iininiitcd plastics are except lonully very pretty siretarv. one dny Ins i Mod throughout home i fireproof, mildewile, entering his study unexpect- stioiig. Tin-termite-pnsif and w-prof. edly found the seii-elai- f I ' uriied ami y. I f Ijh' their Mr. and Mrs. t rank Gear drove in Salt leike last Saturday and Hie "Merry Widow" pro- nit ion whu Ii waa staged nt the ' Ar-bun- all-M- lolleiteil r I he business scs-- 1 she was the guest of icl.il'.vcs. was playe.1. Mr. ii r.,n winning the first j, KulM-r- t Dunn, wi." nd Mrs. Allen n ! n V.imii.oM. vis.ti-- g Ivey the ,l, n11'. J',n heun was served. lus isirenls. Mr and 'rs i.i Henrmd hostess assis- - In. nn. i cl hi nod hi' Mrs Austin Howard. n.oir-li. Svra.-H.M-N Y ..n illt-'ll ing. His wife ai HI. - r ' tuC.lir visiting Mrs. John Cronin rr- - remaini'l femi, Duii'i tluKail . noun. n itumlav fnllnw- M m clla 3d o'i! ''' k They vi- Mrs. Paul Ulv-o- i relatives m lot f i was "id I m Sait ('it ' Ena .La Mr,i Mcfe aZ. dr,,Vi' tip to Oregon and JJit S.it last n ,,l, wdh r0,,til to Calif.. Genevieve F.kli"t. ! :I,H tag l! 'L.v,,,,l,d some inten-t-.yt- . Wixm-t" They were nerninpanied Mrs. tnp by Mr. and Mrx. II. P. v,s,t Of HcIjut. Thev report de- "r Mr Glen .,,,rinfl the rntlre Glen la-e- . hit Muid.iv ,feek vacation, U- enter the s. ivihDouglas, N.t-- h D'1' wife. M.iriim ' and his sister JL other hand, why Oiotii ci the to h- him emhnrrnssed to admit ..',u li'oni It y,lu have been wrong ? was l and ns vet !"' mif telling the world Fort Utal vn,. WHy will li' s' are when wlaer know Just Ju W,rr fur tioni'd yestenluv. Jr Tn--loa- ng. w"-Wee- k 11 t"li"-''M- - duS ami visiting with his I :it ln-- Hint Mrs Nell Rowe - ! i Tin' Kureka Kiwunis rltili met regular session on Monday evening at the Memorial Building. Tile icgiilui' order of liusli-s- s was r out. with Pres. Win. k'ollowing th- - tasty ilmner. seivisl by Mrs. Decker. Hie iiicmhiTs enjoyed mime very interesting colori-.- l slide show n by tlx- - Randli- - Brut tiers. Ixs and llar-lHimy bad taken mnne highly interesting piitures of lu trip Must a lew weeks ago. mid Ie had MUi.e Ix'diil ifnl slules of the The Hii'ii around the District. members thnriiughly enjoyed the Showing Of the slides. m Weliie;.day evemi.g. t Mi--I- , the iilv t , Black-- your own home last WedFennell, nesday afler siehding a short vn-- i atioti m Salt Lake at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fennell. Mr. and Mis Fennell Hindi- - the trip Bun-2innin- Mr. Iiiiii h of m - 0;s i Sun-la- Jo line and Eileen I ennell, laiightei of Mr and Mrs. Martin -' Mr. Clia. t In- eviiy Mc-nnlc- k. John Bunnell. Mr lim r. ti'iid ser-Mar- ie Mr. Jwie. Grant. Kiwanis Meets in Regular Session 1 1 A ut Has Reunion At Lagoon July ill Ills r.onlVA KinliS AC,lS rlrr for the people. Brilish pi a If and a flrsh -cokired nyloa nwtmsult, of the scene that Ihrmici, the streets nf Coventry In a Um city to nla U clemency Ibe brn Ddy took a audo ride through u.arlnr . a loaf- - I It aid I j knee." sitting "Eiistai-hc.she said. "I'm surprised." The professor turned nmnml. "No. my dear." he said. "We ymi are astiriilied " wife ulwnys "Whv is it sees a blond hair on your coat but never a button of lt?- - Earl |