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Show FARMERS ARE AN OLD MAN'S TRIBUTE. Pica for an Ottering. a diffi mice between an offering and a collection In the mind uf colored at least one h 1 when who preacher, persistent announces that he wants mouey tor any certain object. Not a great while ago, when It came time to announce the collection, which is deposited on the table in front of the pulpit la full view of tha minister, he said: I want a offering dl inorniug and not a collection. Maybe you don't know It, but dere la difference between a collection and a offering. A offering I what you give out of your heart and n collection la anything dat Is left over. When you give a offering dere la more heart In it than dere I In a collection. Remember, bredreo and alstern. It Is a offering dat I want dla mawnln." IN IT." There Ohio Fruit Raiser, 78 Years Old, Cured of a Terrible Csss After Tan Year of Buffering. Sidney Justus, fruit dealer, of Mentor, Ohio, saya: "I was rured by Doan's Kidney Pills of a severe case of kidney I rouble, of eight nr ten years' standing. I suffered the most severe backache and other pains in the region nf the kidneys. These were especially sever when stooping macr Justus. to lift anything, and often I could hardly straighten my back. The aching was bad in tbs daytime, but Just as bad at night, and I I was always lama la the morniug. was bothered with rheumatic pains sad dropsical swelling of the feel. Tha artaary passages were painful, and tha aaeretlona were discolored sod so free that often 1 had to rise at night. I felt tired all day. Half a box served to relieve me, and three boxes effected a permanent cure. A TRIAL FREE. Address Foster-Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Fur sal by all dealers. Prlee SO cents. Am Total Products of tha 8oil Reach an Enormous Bum. The farmers of the I lilted Stales are our greatest benefactors. In 1904. lot example, our farm products were well-know- worth In the aggregate 14.900, OIKI.ihmi, an Increase of 21 2 per cent over 1899. The sum Is three times the gross earnings of all our railways and six Hines are amount of the capital stock or all the national banka. The corn crop would pay Ihe national debt. Next to corn comes rutton, worth this year 000,000, while hay and wheat about equal the value of eorn. The rice crop reaches nearly 1,000,000,-inh- i pounds, being 20o,!i00.00il pounds more than ever before. The secretary of agriculture become impressive, however, when he tells us that the hens of tbe country In one nonih lay eggs enough to pay a year's Interest on Ihe public debt. The farmer Is said lo be prospering this year beyond the record. To prove this the secretary shows that In the three dls- inrlively agricultural states of luwa. Kansas and Mississippi the deposits In ill kinds of bank Increased In the eight years from Juno 30. 1896. to 'lrtnher 31. 1904, by, respectively 184, 219 and 30 per cent. During the .ume period the deposit In all hanks of the United States as a whole Increased by 91 per cent. Ualtiuiure Artificial Sea Waves. At Munich a large swimming bath haa been fitted with a motor, connected with, a contrivance which createa eighteen perfectly natural ea wavea" a minute. looking Comforts of Travel. The porter on the California Limited this winter will be prepared to pres a gentleman' trouser while he wait. Thi I a new wrinkle, introduced for the benefit of fastidious dresser. It isn't absolutely necessary to carry along an extra pair of trousers, either; tho porter works while you sleep. On this luxurious train dally market reports are received by wire; there are the latest morning and evenlug newspapers Issued en route, fine stationery. a library of western books and current magazines. A Whitley exerciser fur those who wish to keep up their athletics, and electric curling Inins for the ladle are other travel comforts. The Santa Fe Intends to keep its fast flyer at Ihe front. Sun. 9100 on a Full House. full house greeted Dr. Griffin Sun day morning at tha M. E. Church at Freaks Are Out of Date. tha quarterly meeting service. One It Is announced by the new Hippohundred dollars wax raised to meal drome management that "freaks will unpaid bills. Richfield (N. Y.) Msro-eury- . not he hired, and that the public no longer cart's to sec human abnormalities and I(k. The man. the bearded woman, the boy and the original With Schilling's Best, comes can no longer make largetoin-a by exhibiting tlieuiselves curious piililic. There was a time mistake is imjtossible. when a good freak .voiilrt receive $12" nr 1 Ml a week for sitting on a platMoneyback fixes that. A oxi-llle-d TEA four-leegv- nihht-r-nec- k CHARM Writ for oar Kinwladin form. A Buufc, A The proprietors of tin Hippodrome and other large shows presumably do Millions of Homeless Persons. not exclude rrcaks for any otiier mocourse of tblrly-slIn th years tive hut th'it their ion is not 5,000,0110 persons have beeu cured for profitable. It has been proved by the in tbe asylums fur the homeless In experiments of the Inst two years at Berlin. Couey Island that the more reflect able an entortsinnii-n- i and the more it appeals to the average American household Ihe more It is. The tea of this country is, profitable It Is a good si tm of puldie development. New York World. on the trash. , hmu frmurlora. TEA average, The waste is great. Twr Nfc f rarer nwnu junr nun? If you IhMIllNtfa Mart. A Strong Inducement. Senator Penrose of IVnnxylvania celebrated his birthday recently In Philadelphia. A rhlladelphlun. during a congratulatory call, said of him: "I remember Penroses entrance Into politics, when he was a hoy of 24. He won the liking of Senator Quay by a quaint little speech that he made to the Republican lender during the presentation of a petition. This petition was laid before Mr. Quay by a delegation, whose spokes-mad waa Insufferably and tedious. The man talked to the senator nearly an hour. Every one stood during Ida siioech, and it seemed that It would never end. "When, flnnlly. it did end. Mr. Quay asked wearily If there were any further reasons for the granting of the petition that the delegates hud to offer. Penrose, tall, and straight, and boyish, smiled and said in a low voice: "If you don't grant ft. sir. we'll have that speech repeated all over again to you. dial Uncle fcben's bxpsrisnce. De race track man," said Uncle Ebon, don' make his money by bein' smaht hlsse'f. He simply lets de other folks go ahead an' be foolish. TEA Good tea costs no more than poor, as a rule. It US Twr grant return JTiNir left 111 lag, t ir jw BMC. Troubles Never Insurmountable. Troubles are a good deal like th hills on Ihe rood; no matter how bad they look, you can always get over then. A flUAU ANTKKI) CURB FOR I' 1 1. KM. lUkls. Blind, Hlradlag nr Pounding I'll.. Yunr will rrfnnd nomay If H.Vn OINTMKkr SMI M wn fW la S I It da,,. Wo. VW Profitable Inventions. - No one class of inventions haa been A Woman Policeman. Another calling which has been er and tha inventor as musical In- spoiled to women Is that of an officer struments and appliances for same. of the law. though it is doubtful if Numerous Improvements lo the piano many of the gentler sex enter this have been a source of large fortunes, new field. The city of Honolulu has and various devices are at present a woman filling this Kisltlon. and she being continuously applied. Radically Is not only young and pretty but aew Instrument real wealthy. She Is Miss Helen Wilder, pusaesNlng merit era the Inventions needed in and her father is one of the great this lino. Tho public Is always ready sugar kings of the Pacific, worth sevto adopt almost anything new In both eral million. It was her love of chilInwind and stringed Instruments. dren and animals which caused this ventor. to seek young wnnmn of twenty-fou- r this appointment. She is a mounted officer and wears on her soft felt hat the silver badge of her calling. She a revolver. Not long ago this carries to Best applies Schilling's unusual young woman found that the the dealing between your captain of a vessel which had lately put Into port had for some slight ofgrocer and you, as well as to fense locked his two little girls in a cabin and kept them on bread and tea and baking-owdc- r. water for three days. Alone she went aboard the vessel and ordered the Vwr srarar NHn,m muarj Ityoa iliHCI Ilka It protesting ruffian ashore, where he Inspect Dog Meat. was duly punished. Ip the last report concerning tht umber of animals examined by th In Winter Day. official meat inspectors in Germany. The das luivc lint their lirlxhlnr and I tillfeel (tain Tit dogs are Included. Whether this Of the ln. I. dreary that nigh around me of seen that dogs are eaten In that the blooming bilsht, I have lull reinenilH-renine, and th eauntry la not explained. song of til iile that eerm In th meadow To he singing to nio of a dream! of the I ay. Mimrwhere the xanten blooming hrlxht. prime are San Francisco is Tea-Tow- n; And morning daa-nin splendor and th s light I hr night. But the tlnwi--r I Invert are ashes. and no we've done our so profitable to both the manufactur- TEA nr TEA lovc-siar- part to make it Tea-Tow- n. lw (racer rvtanw rmr many IT jou doa'i Ilk it. Mexico In High Position. Mexico aland at the head of Spaolah-Americscountrlea In the the n alter of letter. TEA The cost of a cup of good s of tea is about three-tenth- a cent. U SVWT ymtna of Srktlllsg'a kxkMi Hint W Maks Owd Th. HmI Th I Work of Silk Worm. It require (.300 silk work to on pound of silk. r gleam Where niv soul l wit sighing for the meadows nf a dream! The dim diys hove n pity no promlao for ttir years The atm me stormed from heaven and the clouds rain rtitwn their team! For a fine tlvi marti- - the niornln haa failed with It- And the pmnuxe uf ihe eprluBtlme ia th liartnw of a dream! At lama tVinstltutlon. aitar-ltr- a pro-dao- o le-a- Another Edition. "Where have you been until thia late hour? asked the wife of a literary man. when hu came home In the wee small hour. Oh. Ivo been sitting up with a nick friend." rcldled the man. hanging his hat on the gas jet. "If any one should ask you. dear, dont forget to tell them that that 1 edition f that particular the forty-fiftf.etii'U." of your piece h BUTTERFLY Fond of Fresn Air. the Danish beauties get out and akate and enjoy the air. They think nothing at all of being out In tho open for hours aud hours at a time. It Is their existence. It is a severe case of illness which keeps them In the house at all. All n ii THE swer. long-winde- is strange. OF Beautiful, They Represent an Absolutely Silent World. After ail, says a student of Nature, the chief charm of the race of butterflies does nut lie In their varied and brilliant beauty, nor yet In their wonderful scries of transformations, In their long and sordid caterpillar life, their lung slumber In the chrysalis. Nor does it lie In the fact that we do not yet certainly know whether they hare in the caterpillar shape the faculty of sight or not, and do not even know the precise use of their moat conspicuous organ In maturity, the antennae. Nor does It consist In this that they, of all created things, have furnished man with the symbol of his own immortality. It rather lies In the fact that, with all their varied life and activity, they represent an absolutely silent world. London An- 1 Benefit of Warm Baths. Warm baths are the moat effectual means of keeping the skin clean and healthy. The temperature should be 92 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid prolonged Immersion and rub the skin well. A FELLOW FEELING.. Why She Felt Lenient Towards the Drunkard. A great deal depends on the point of view. A good temperance woman was led, In a very peculiar way, to revise her somewhat harsh judgment of the poor devil who cannot resist hla cups and she Is now the more charitable. She writes; For many years I was a great sufferer from asthma. Finally my health' got ao poor that 1 found 1 could not lie down, but walked tbe floor whilst others slept. 1 gut so nervous 1 could not rest anywhere. Specialists told me L must give up the use of coffee the main thing that I always thought gave me some relief. I consulted our family physician, and he, being a eoffee fiend himself, told me to pay no attention to their advice. Coffee had such a charm for ma that in passing a restaurant and get-tia whiff of the fragrance 1 could, not resist a cup. I felt very lenient towards the drunkard who could not pass the saloon. Friends often urged me to try Postum. but I turned a deaf ear, saying, 'That may do for people to whom coffee Is harmful, but not lor me coffee and I will never part. At last, however. 1 bought a package of Postum. although I was sare 1 could not drink It. I prepared It as directed, and served it for breakfast. Well, bitter as I was against ft. I must say that never before had I tasted a more delicious cup of coffee! From that day to this (more than two years) I have never had a desire for the old coffee. My health soon returned; the asthma disappeared, I began to sleep well and in a short time I gained 20 pounds In weight One day I handed my physician the tablets he had prescribed for me, telling him I had no use fur them. Ho stayed for dinner. When I passed him his coffee cup he remarked: 'I am glad to see you were sensible enough not to let yourself be persuaded that coffee was harmful. This is the best cup of coffee I ever drank.' ho continued; the trouble Is so few people know how to make good coffee. When ho got his second cup I told him he was drinking Postum. He was incredulous. but I convinced him, and now ho uses nothing but Postum In his home and has greatly improved in health. Name given by Postum Co., Battl Creek, Mich. Look in each package for the famous little hook, The Road to ng i i MAKES i Elbl.CE EIGHT HAS ITS OWN METH ODS OF WAFARE. ARMADILLO Into Catapult, Transformed Made Amnia' Bold Attack on Intrepid and Truthful Hunter Brave Saved Lif of Mhster. Hound Some curious stories of the wild and woolly West have been sent to east- ern newspapers, but the following dispatch from Oakland to the Buffaki Times easily surpasses all others in the riotous imagination of the writer, who has sent one of the most timid of animals out on tbe warpath against a hunter: Even those who are familiar with the Armadillo in his native wilds are not apt to give him credit for his fighting abilities. While nature haa provided him with a 'defensive armor which is a protection against most of his enemies, instances of his atare tacking man, even in extremely rare. The experience of Fred Petuecky on a recent hunting trip proved that an armadillo can and will fight when able to choose Its battleground, and its method of attack ia unique and ter rible. While riding toward camp one evening Mr. Petmecky beard a hound baying in a thicket. Knowing the dog was aware it was unlawful for It to run deer and not expecting to find anything more dangerous than a wampus or a grufllnt, he left his rifle in the scabbard and went to investigate. He found the hound baying at a huge armadillo, which he seemed afraid to attack. On seeing its new enemy the armadillo rapidly prepared for action. Making a noise like a lion, it seized a small sapling in its month and looped Its tail around another. Then, by contracting its body. 11 bent the sapling held by Us mouth as far as it was able. Having thus transformed itself Into a catapult, it released Its hold and was bnrled with terrific forcoi Doubling itself into a bail as it flew through the air, it struck Mr. Petmecky on the shoulder, knocking him down. Nearly stunned by the force of the blow anil the fall, the hunter staggered to his feet just as the armadillo was ready for a second attack, which ft made with like results. The hnnnd, which had seemed to be surprised and too terrified to take any part in the strange battle, now recovered itself and, before the armadillo eonld launch itaelf at the nmu again, seised it by the unprotected portion of Its body and killed it Had It not been for the faithful hound Mr. Pttmeekya Injuries might have lieen serious. As it was he was too Bruised and Battered to mount his horse and proceeded to camp on foot, bringing with Him the dog and one of the saplings bearing the marks of the armadillo's tall as proof of his singular adventure. A Dangerous Question. Assistant District Attorney William Rand Jr., of New York, was talking about the dislike that women have to telling their age in court. As a rule," he said, "a woman, notwithstanding her disinclination, gives her age civilly. Now and then, though, she makes some caustlr comment that atrlkea with unpleasant force the her.1 It is always ask a woman how old lawyer- questioning dangerous to she Is. In a New York court I once heard a lawyer examining a maiden lady. He was by no means young, but he strove to conceal his years. He wore a wig and his mustache was dyed. When he asked the lady her age she bit her lip and frowned at him. "Your age, madam he repeated. She continued silent. She frowned harder than ever. 'Really, madam, said the lawyer, T must Insist upon your answering my quest ion-Obstinacy Is useless Bore. How eld are you? Forty-threshe said savagely. 'How old are yon, you fool? You look about ninety." Turning Defeat Into Victory. Even if you do get worsted in reconflict there Is no occasion for take gret. Just draw a deep breath, GENERAL DEBILITY RESULTS PROM a good look at tho situation, then up IMPOVERISHED EL00D. and at it again. The renewed vigor will gained hy the little respite Th Kenredjr That Mabra Nw Blood you eventual success. The greatest come at the llauishcs Waakuraa. Headaches, achievements alwrsys aad Kcrtoua Troablr. close of the hardest fight. Chicago Hundreds of women suffer from head- Tribune. aches, dixxiuess, rewlensueiix, lauguor Os loss. Earliest Gr aud timidity. Few realise that their The Johu A. halter heed Co., Ia Cross, from the had comes all of stale misery Wis., always hive somethin! sew, non their blond. They take oue thing fur thing valuable. Thi year they offer new money making veg their Lend, another for their stomach, aiming theirEarliest Green Ealing Onion. an a third for their nervea, and yet all the Utiles, ia n winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener I It while it is simply tbeir poor blood that is the cause of their discomfort. If oue bure remedy for making good, rich bhaid were used every one of their distressing ailments would dlsapjieur, as JUST SKSI THIS ROT1CK AMD I60. they did in the case of Mrs. Ella F. and they will send you their big plant aesd Stone, who bad been ailing tor years and and catalug, together with enough was completely run down before she re- ae-to grow alized the nature of her trouble. 1,000 fine, solid Cabbages, 2.UU0 n:h, juicy Tnrnips, Fur several years," eaid Mrs. Stone, 2, OiiO biaiu'fiiiig, nutty I suffered from general debility. It 2.UU0 rich, buttery Lettuce, begun about 1896 with indignation, ner1.0U0 splendid Onions, vousness and steady headaches. Up to I.UU0 rare, luscious Radish rs, l.OuO gloriously brilliant Flowrra. 1900 1 hadn't been able to fiud any relief ta thia great offer from thi condition. I was then very la In all over 10,000 plantest their warranted made to get you to An enthusiastic thin and bloodless. vegetable seeds and Dr. used had Williams' who Pink friend, ALL FOB BUT 16r POST AUK, Pills, mrgeri me to give them a trial and providing yon will return this notice, and I filially bought a box. if you will send them 26c in postage, they I did not notice any marked change will add to the above s big paikage uf of July Sweet Corn th from the ns of the first box, but I de- Sslzer's Fourth earliest on earth 10 days earlier than termined to give them a fair trial aud I Cury.Peepu'Day.FiretufAil.etc. VVif.U. kept oa. When I had finished the second box I could see very decided signs Berlin Homes for Poor Girls. of improvement in niy condition. I beBerlin has ten homes fur poor girls gan to feel better all over aud to have where the rhsrge for lodging and hope's of a complete cure. light Is $1.50 to $2.50 s month, and I used in all eight or ten boxes, and for board and lodging $10 s month. when I stopped I had got back my regular weight aud a goud healthy color aud PIko'k Cure is th lixt medicine w ever used uf th throat soil lungs. Wm. th gain liaa lasted. I can eat what I for all affectionVauburt-n, IiuL, Fb. 10, 1MXL O. EmuslsT, pleuau without discomfort. My nervousness is entirely gone, and, wliilu I had Odd Collection Mania. constant headaches before, I very ron-lcourse of a law case In LonIn the have one now. I cheerfully recommend asked a witness whethdon the judge Dr. Williams Pink Pills to women who It er wbh s fart that people had begun n suffer as I did. to collect old weather cocks. The witMrs. Stone was seen at her pretty ness said It was. lmino in Lakewood, R. I., where, as tht result of her expedience, Dr. Williams' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sjnp. tha giini, reduce Pink Pills are very jgipular. These fa- for rhlMrrs Me thing, suftnas ZicsUuUlab cures wUuioolvj. mous pills are sold by all druggists. A book that every woman needs is pubCheer for Rejected Lovers. lished by h Dr. Williams Medicine Rejected lovers need never despair! CumiMiiy, Schenectady. X. Y. It is en- There are four and twenty hours in s titled Plain Talks to Women, and will day, and not a moment la the twenty-fou- r be scut free on request. In which a woman may not change her mind. De Finod. Ingratituce of Republics. The American ben lays enough eggs In Winter Us Allen's Foot-EatIn oue month to pay the Interest on A powder. Your feet foul uncomfortAnd able, nervous and often cold aud the national debt In that time. damp. yet an old eagle which has seen more If you have sweating, sore feet or tight Bold by all than a century of service and was shoes, try Allen's Foot-Easnever known to lay sn egg is retained druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents. Sample as our national bird. 9 la simply un- sent free. Address Allen 8. Olms tod, LeUoy.N. Y. just. Denver Post. Knew Value of Humanity. "Dr. David Favortt Ranaady hod ilyawfla aud kUluay dl own avrt my life: I Kenuedy. the Empress Catherine When UabotUih fciMmuir Albert UsrtrlU, founded the Moscow Foundling hospital sn anonymous donor seat 50,000 Money Made In Fractions. Sugar may- be produced at a fraction rubles to Its first president with this less than two cents a pound In Cuba. letter: He who takes the liberty to The profit In ordinary years Ilea In the offer this to M. de Betski will have else of the fraction left by the most completely obtained his end if hy economical methods of production. means of this gift Russia shall at Germany, the largest anger producing some future day have one more reacountry in the world, regulates the sonable subject, virtuous citizen, or selling price of the commodity. happy man. HER BLOOD TOO TRIM ipip d s. o. - Women in Out Hospitals Appalling Increase in tne'Nmkor of. Operations Performed Each Year How Women way Avoid. Them. . e, Twilight. Th twilight Is sad anil cloudy: Th wind blows wild and fre; And Ilk th wings of Klnsh th whit caps uf th ssa-blr- m. flshrman's cotlng shines s rudiltcr light. Thre And a little face at th window Peers out into th night; Close, rinse it is pressed to the window. A if those childish eyes Were looking Into th darkness To see some form arts. But In th And a woman's waving shadow Is passing to and fro. Now rising In th cplllng. Now bowing and bending lew. What tat do the roaring ocean And th night wind, bleak and wild. As they lieat th craiy easement. Tell to that little child? And why do th roaring ocan. And the night wind, wild and Msk. As they beat at th heart nf th mother. Drive th color front her cheek! Longfellow. Balked at Boiled Elephant. In recognition of her generous patronage. a provision dealer sent to Mrs. Richard Mansfield a New Year's present of a beef tongue. The cook's assistant, a colored woman from th wilds of North Carolina, had never seen such a thing before. Putting her hands on her hips Auntie gazed upon it curiously and long. At last she Inquired of the cook: Do you all up Ntrf heah eat ele- phants? No, answered that busy person without looking up front the fowl she What put such foowas dressing. lishness Into yo' head?" Why that there." pointing to the That's a slio' null elephant's tongue. trunk what he picks up the peanuts wlf ain't It? Going through the hospitals in oar large cities one is surprised to find such a large proportion of the patients lying e on those Mdi women and girls, who are either awaiting or recovering from serious opera- snow-whit- tiiMIS. Why should this be the esse? Simply because they hare neglected themselves. Ovarian and womb troubles are certainly on the increase among the women of this country they creep upon them unawares, but every one of those patients in tha hospital bods had ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, all feelgone "and ings. they should remember there ia on tried and true remedy. The ful.owing letters cannot fail to bring hope to despairing women. Mrs. Ijred Seydel, 413 N. 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa , writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I was in a very suriims condition whan I wrote to you for savir. I bads serious womb and ovarian trouble ami I ouuld not carry a child to maturity, ami was advissd that an operation was my only hop nf recovery. I could not bear to think of going to th nosiii-ts- l, plenty of warning in that bearing-dow- n for advlm 1 did as you ino wrote feeling, pain at left or right of structed ma yon anil tank Lydia K. Pinkhams the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in Vegetable Compound; Slid 1 am not only a the small of the back, leuoorrhms, diz- well woman today, but ha vs a beautiful laby ziness, flatulency, displacements of the girl six months old. I advise all sick and womb or irregularities. All of these suffering woman to writ you for advice, as symptoms are indications of an un- you bars don so much for ms." healthy condition of the ovariea or Mias Ruby Mushrush, of East womb, and if not heeded the penalty Chicago, lnd., writes: has to be paid by adangerous operation. Mrs. Pinkhsin: When these symptoms manifest them- DearI have beans great sufferer with irregular selves. ilo not drag along until yon are menstruation and ovarian trouble, ami about suband the hospital obliged to go to three months ago tha doctor, after using th but remember mit to an operation on me, ahl I had an on th that Lydia K. Pinkham a Vegetable ovaries anil would have to have an link-ham-'s nvn E. mother wanted to trr Lydia Compound haa saved thousands of My Vegetal ile Coinimind as'a last resort, women from surgical operations it not only saved me from an operation When women are troubled with ir- anil but mad m entirely well." menstruor regular, suppressed painful Lydia E. P nkham'a Vegetable Comation, weakness, leucorrhnra. displacement or ulceration of the womb, that pound atone removes such troubles. liraring-dow- n feeling, inflammation of Refuse to buy any other medicine, for the ovaries. Iwekaehe. bloating (or flat you need the liest. Mrs. Iinkhnm invites all sick women ulrne.v). general debility. Indigestion, llcrudvice aud anil nervous prostration, or are beset to write her for mi vie with sueh symptoms as dizziness, lassi- medicine have restored thousand to tude. excitability, irritability, nervous health. Address. Lynn, Mass. Veietabto CMUNiud Succeeds When Others Fail. Lydia L Pinkham' v ats-es- |