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Show strju Page Four PAUL NEILSON RETURNS TO DIXIE New past two weeks are: Keith .Iverson,. Washington; Elner Pickett, St. George; Theodean Heap, Parowan; Emerson; Hall, TriE in the Art . Hurricane ; MacDonald Gayneld Mackelprang , Kanab Armstrong, Cedar City ; ..Wilden ; . . H Tweedie, Hurricane. ' Paul' Neilson, Washington, commissioner of amusements, has just returned, from Bryce Canyon, where, he had employment his registration This brings to 418. of. sociol- - field. tion, but they will be in the The librarian and studen.ts. wish,, to near-future- HR. ASHBY ex- Reid , for groups the BENTLEY ELECTED THE reported. STATS A. OFFICERS LAST WEEK elected Mr. Huntsman as state di,rect'or of the art and poster work., Mr. .Huntsman is very well qualified for This we and are very-- delighted. t:o office, . fill it. have him TIT CHANGE hour, WOODWARD in the .D. : : .. This was tried a time or found unsatisfactory. .D. SHOW YOUR PEP AT THE : - THE r .. - .D. - COIMENGELLENT ... appointed COMMITTEE, by the senior class, will, meet Wednesday with Mr. Reid, who is supervising them, and will discuss plans for the. commence-- ; mSpt program next-spring- . ...D. ' : ; .A3kE'LIES ..OUR NEDliESDAY VERT - SUCCESSFUL school HAVE BEEN ATTEMPT AT IN THEIR guidance, and keeping up our pep.They are .the backbone of -- our school. A.I L. SPECIAL FENSE TRAINING OF THE NATIONAL . supervisors PROGRAM week-en- .D.- received. or Watson, body room, Pay U ; ,-- . A. ,; still being your money now to D.C. PICTURE money, - and John T. ..by at. ..the d DE- instructors were attended-- last, YEARBOOK ;. , is Jack Rancher- in the .student ,. DELTA ESI OMEGA, .D. . dramatic fraternity, regular .club; meeting last, week.-Atthe .conclusion of-- the iqeeting refreshments; x'ere served. ; held , TODAY, will'- of Mrs. which light after served. refreshments .... two, but was : GAME . meeting of the Us Ik er, and Mrs.- Ashby, : the first end,.; second the third and fourth years, years, dance separately. D. S ASSEMBLY PRO GRAI I - - HIGH SCHOOL .CONSIDERED A old .way of holding social by having and then . j Woodbury . - , devoted- school, P. T. . met year in the Science building. The program- was in charge of CHAIRMAN the College Registrars association at a. meeting held in Ogden last: Saturday., This convention has, been rotating for years and' will be held here at St . George some time in November in 1941 .it. has. been .The-- its large organization, WAS the .of - .D. and so for this achievement we congratulate Mr. Ashby. ", U .MR. room dining THE. FACULTY WOAFTERNOON. ..YESTERDAYMENS CLU3 heldsecond as a ELECTED RECE'-IL- guidance holding, monthly is- . : the Central, copnittee- .of jbhe This comUtah Education association. mittee is one of the really important within Hawkins-- , ; .. under-th- A., CLUB, . of member - -- HONORED, WAS ,T.- to ths discussion, of general problems in vocational choice. This is one. of the vital problems in the lives of. all students; at this- tine.,. Several of the future Wednesday assemblies will be devoted to the discussion of specif ic phases. of vocational choice. are not ready f.op distribu- THREE INSTRUCTORS F. - be-- . been-cataloge- his kind contribution. s .NEXT; WEDNESDAY Mrs. Spencer,, .the. li- press their appreciation layouts for posters for the Festival. v .d., oclock,. has presented .to the to-Mr- life after-whic- . - and was given by and works of Gilthe Guild me- officers, ..yesterday noon fo T.he: discuss: future plans for the cfubi next meeting is. Wednesday nightmat seven, -- ' According to brary has few books In this special As yet, the books have not ogy. NIGHT MET MONDAY report the Evelyn meetings in the Science building. enrollment' up the field began of,- .D. H. L. Reid library 56 books in Stewart, mbers. THE REID MAKES GIFT TO LIBRARY.. Mr. bert-, - is just. completing total the Jane ' . during the ART GUILD room. -- A Pace on Fine-Art- : summer. He .BEAUX 8 BRIEFS N EWS registered within- the students ....- ' |