Show August 13 1973 Page 3 The Environment and Man Program at Utah State University is designed to vironment and man organization provides give college students and the community alike a primary understanding self-hel- p environmental problems and solutions that surround us The Program which has been in operation for approximately two years is responsible for some of the finest programs the university has ever offered A organization use planning With a final goal of a workable balance between comfort necessity the environmental program has entertained instructed or touched and aesthetically pleasing environment the workbook helps virtually everyone on campus Under the skilled leadership of Cyrus M McKell the program prospers The program was initiated in 1971 with the aid of a rather substantial of a million dollagJ&nt furnished by the Rockefeller Foundation Prior to heading the program Cyrus McKell was the head of the Range Science With a Department is that philosophy daring yet sensible community members decide on the best uses of their own land Relying on citizen involvement the book strives to define problems identify sources of information and methods to get the desires of the community to the attention of the decision makers The workbook asks questions and helps the community find answers to their land use problems Money from the large grant possessed by the Environment and Man Program is divided into several categories Although the fund is not wasted portions are alotted to people or organizations who have a worthwhile project in mind For example money was provided to a school to furnish busses so that the fifth and sixth graders could take part in an ecological field trip six-tent- hs McKell molded the new concept into a workable tributary of the university “The environment should be respected but at the same time its use must be planned” McKell believes “It " THE ENVIRONMENT AND MAN PRO- GRAM BELIEVES IN WISE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF THE LAND” Cyrus McKell director Story end Photos by Barry Willis self-hel- p program An example of this system of operation is the program’s Workbook in Land Use Planning Distributed in communities under the leadership of the environmental staff the workbook provides a suitable format for solving the problem of land of far-reachi- ng somewhat of a was with this philosophy that we undertook a program of wise use and management of rangelands” Getting a philosophy such as this across to the population is difficult People involved with the environment usually fall into two categories On one hand you have the grizzled old farmer that believes the land is wasted if it isn’t supporting 10000 head of sheep or being sprayed with gallons of Inadvertant An Weather Modification Workshop that will bring together engineers meterologists and industry representatives is also Senator Frank Moss will address the program on Tuesday August 14 at 10:30 am His speech will n We Get be entitled “Clean ecologically dangerous chemicals planned Place this man in the same room as the straight line environmentalist who believes one person per square mile of land is “overcrowding” and you have a fight or worse yet a standoff Balancing on the tightrope separating the two factions the en- - Air--Ca- It?” Other programs sponsored by the organization are much larger but still seldom recognized by the programs beneficiaries An example is Summer Quarter The environment and Man Program provided $10000 to the summer program JJ Platt and the Harmonious Living Center located in the basement of the University Center is another facility helping sponsored by the hand of the Environment and Man far-reachi- ng Program i $ 4 A V The Environment and Man Program of USU provides numerous activities to IIUIMIIIIIH— 1 MS— I eillllllllll— !!— — MB— —— Maternity Insurance Pays $500 directly to you For information Call Dance Insurance Agency 752-848- 4 get people involved with the use of the environment UC MOVIES HAND MADE “Great Escape” Jewelry Wedding Bands 258-275- 8 i 50 t Check activity center for Show Times J |