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Show ThnrgJflyt August 19, 1938. EUREKA REPORTER Pag 3 Mra. Rowena Hanks and daughter, j Mr. and Mra J. Vern Rife and IN T11K IHNTltUT (XUTIT OF THE Helen, are In Midvale visiting with aona. Jack and Robert, left 8unday. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF relativaa and friends. THE STATE OF UTAH IN morning on an automobile trip which ! will take them to the Atlantic coast. I AND Full JUAB CXH'NTY. Mra. Arnold Gunderson Published on Thursday of each week of Salt They will be absent from Eureka for! ee Lake la at Eureka, Utah. the City In week son spending and Mellor Mr. and Mra. 0111 three or four weeks. Reed.; West Tlntlc Miulng Company, Ura. Heber Miller of Mer-,r- s Eureka with her Mr. rela-.cand' parents, with in are Orangeville the cvUltlof C. E. RIFE proud purcnta of a J. VERN RIFE Mrs. Ned Hickman. Jo,,cPh. - Lynch: and Th. Tlntlc Stake M. I. A. Is hold- Itlrl, born Sunday, August 14th. baby C. Lynch, Publishers lives and friends. Mra. Tea a and Fashion Show In ,'1aIaora the jing m n n partners. Mra. Frank Fowera returned on Eureka Ward Amusement Hall forn,er,y Mu" D'1" fox on A group of nine private airplaneu on'hU Hil PLAINTIFFS on Sun-,- 1 Monday to her home la Ogden after .Tueeday, August 2Srd, at I p. m. un- Unded t the Tlntlc airport Entered In the postoffice at E feva a week In 10 m. spending of Eureka til them from' The with la her p. ell Otto F. Ilirk. aged (2 being public cordially .. re k a, M morning, Com-A Utah, aa second elaae mall Bonania Mining Mr. Milling came here for Monday at hi. home In ProvI.fSJ parents, and Mrs. C. E. Rife. Invited. There will be a small ad-- 1 gait Uk City. They a . Jonea matter under the Aet of March I, I .vany, Goorge corporation; mission chares Eureka and an of aeelng Ulneu of a year. Mr Blrk w.. tba purpoae and Mrs. A. D. Baird and Land Company, Edward G. Jones, 1172. waa the gueat well known while here the party children are home after spending I The Ladles Auxiliary No. 23 of Raul C. Lyon, Mary 8. Fields, Ezra throughout the ,t,te a baaeball player their annual vacation In the Yellow- - the Tlntlc Miners Union met last S. Lloyd, and estate of B. I). Field, of 8. F-- Kobertaon. ' yeara waa stone National Park and vicinity. evmet Kike night at their hall and after the bust- - deceased, and all other persons un- Tuesday The Lady hM ress session cards were enjoyed and known, claiming any right, title, cs- club rooma and fol- -, their at eulng delicious luncheon aervud. rrlze late, or Interest In or Hun upon tho session carda Mrj. G. c. Llndaay and dauahter CaliforafuTln!i0 lowing the hualneaa w,nnera wara Mra Kat A real property described In tho pl.ln- were J Mlaa luncheon Inea .L enjoyed. nice a Llndaay, vlalted at Sal In e.ureza, a guest at tad of Mrs. Maude tiffs' hoehouse. won The Lake Juber, complaint adverse to the plain-teasacore, 8hea high City during the week On their Mra. Stella were Mra. Elva Webb and Mlaa tiffs' ownership or clouding plaln-Haroand raffle return to prlie, Frank Eureka Onrrlty Ura they were accom-UrA Dignified Service at a White of Goshen was a Mina Webb. Tho next meeting will tiffs title thereto, Maynard Cronin the all rut panled by Mr. and Mra. Edward Bon Nominal Charge, be held 7th. All members are DEFENDANTS, hostess for tho evening ner and aona, Todd and Bob, of Graaa member of Utah's rifle team which Spt prize. The SUMMONS. ot attend. left PHONE 54 urged week D. the to In A. Baird. during Valley, California, who returned to compete araa Mra. the national rifle shoot at Camp Per- -' STATE OF UTAH TO SAID .THE a afler !h with Coll Any Time Day or DIVIDEND DEFEATED 1IY Lou Barrett. Mra. Carrie Dun- DEFENDANTS: nd Waada- - Mr. ,ry, Ohio. taT? I were Mr,. Sarah Clement GKMMELL 11.111 i YESTERDAY You are hereby summoned to apL,ndwy and Mra Bonnep Night. L ui PVr Cn McCormick left on th. Eureka people who at- pear within twenty days after the for Ben II. Bullock, who a abort time Saturday her Renop Navada, Dividend lost a "heartbreaker" to aervlra of thla aummona upon you, tended the Black Hawk celebration she will vialt for several weeks with the Oemmell Club last Ambulance Service evening to if aerred within the county In which la Sanpete rounty lent week end. ago waa Bpending lot of time and her aunt and uncle,-Mr- . and Mrs. the tune I to S. It was a heart this action Is otherwise, They not only enjoyed the program money In developing mineral dalma brought; breaker because the local boys start- - within thirty days after service, and from a spectator, view but were In lr. the North Tlntlc Mining Dlalrlct. James Blackett. hua an transferred hia activities to the entry Indicative only t0 lo,e defeat the above entitled action; and tba parade with Mrs. Jamea Mansun returned to ed out Iika 6 ln ,ead ,B ,lia alxth ,nn,n by of your failure ao to do, Judg-aftof the great Tlntlc Mining District, oil game. He la sinking a well in her home In Provo week,ho the during Had It not been for the fact that the Virgin River Oil Flelda of BoutNOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. a visit In Tlntle with her sons ,tkIly bombardment which sent the ment will be rendered against you ee kos farmers of Sanpete county knew trn Utah and last week two promln-gothln- g Dan Manson of Dividend William' 't,eran Tim Richards to the show- - according to the demand of the com- Ha waa rep,acad by Bm,th and Plant- - "blch haa been filed with of mining and therefore cnt eastern capitalists from Wilmlng-eoul- d Andrew and Lee Manson of Eureka' I Zuma Mining and Milling Comtwo additional runs were acore be- - the Clerk of said Court. not Interpret the Eureka entry ton, Delaware, were In that section a corporation. Location of pany, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Myers, and sons, faro the end of the game. It was a, This action la brought to recover! the ladles from thla city would cer- - Inspecting the field which Mr. place of business, Eureka, lock haa control of. have won a prize. Doyle and Ruben left last week end further heartbreaker because Dlvl- a Judgment quieting title to certain Juab County, Utah. Location of for their annual vacation. They mo- dnd collected 12 hits aa against 11 real estate In Juab rounty, state of property, Tlntle Mining District, tored to Denver, Colorado, where for the vlsltori. Utah, which said real estate ronilsta' Utah. The defeat put Dividend In Fourth of patented mining claims more par-- 1 they will be the gueita of Mr. anJ Notice la hereby given that at a Mra. Roy Myers, Jr. place In the league standing and tlcularly described as being situate! meeting of tha board of directors of eliminated them from any chance of In the West Tlntlc Mining District,' said corporation, held nt tha corMr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of Vir: state and county aforesaid aa fol-- ! porate office on July 11th, 1228, an winning the second half. ginia City, Nevada, are visiting in Mows, to wit: assessment of 1 cent per share, beEureka. They are former residents MOTHER OF EUREKA MAN Queen No. 1, Copper Queen ing No. 42, was levied on tbe outCopper of thla city who usually spend a few cPPep Queen No. I; Bonanza, standing capital stock of tha corporaDIED AT AMERICAN FORK No days each year in renewing acquaintBonanza No. 1, Bonanza No. 2, Bo- - tion, a payable to H. D. Bhrlvar, Its ances. u- No- SurToy No- - S491 secretary, at tha office of the Tlntle Joaeph Karren of thla city waa nan and excluding therefrom Lumber Company, Eureka, Utah, ImPUii Mr. and Mra. Joseph Ellsmore of called to American Fork last evening a11 that Prtlon of the ground a of him tbe mediately. l'loche, Nevada, spent the past weak by message Informing In Eureka visiting with relatives and of his mother, Mrs. Nellie A. braced In San Juan, Northern Light Any atock upon which thla assessand Charity Ude Claim. ment may remain unpaid at noon of fi lends. They were guests at the Karren, aged 13 year.. And baa Kltig August 18th, 1928, will ha delinhome of their son In law and daughtShe waa a lifelong resident of Am- ;ad , Amended, quent and advertised for aale at puber, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Roundy, of erlcan Fork, having been born there . November 11, 1874, a daughter of ;pad KiIng No. 3 Amended, Lad( lic auction, and unless payment la Dividend. made before will be eold at tha ofAlexander and Mary Hutchison Charlea H Allred, popular state Adamson. fice of tho Tlntle Lumbar Company, ad ,n T,n,,r Mining District, Eureka, Utah, at 2 oclock p. m. of patrolman of Spanish Fork who for Surviving are her husband, Joseph the past two years has been making Karren, Sr., and two sons, Joseph p?un!y and a,a,a aforeaa,d: 8u"ay September 15, 1938, to pay tha deregular visits Into Tlntle, haa an- Karren, Jr. of Eureka, and Alex Kar- - No- linquent aeaesament thereon, toLFATII Fit BURY nounced himself as candidate for ran of American with the cost of advertising gether a . Fork, daughter, Flelnllffa Attorney. and expense of aala. sheriff of Utah county on the Demo- Mrs. Katie Roberta of American ah' cratic ticket. Eupeba H. D. 8HRIVER, Fork; also by four brothers and one ! Fub. August 4. 1832; (First later' Secretary. waa Georga Gourley quite badly Dub- - September 1, 1838.) Location of Office: In the office of Funeral services will Injured last Saturday evening whan the Tlntle Lumber Company, Euhe stumbled and fell through one of Saturday at 2 p. m. In the American reka, Utah. IHswith Fork Ward Third Chapel buildthe large windows of the Elks Publication July 21, 1928. In-o- n (Flrat B. Frank POTPOURRI Shelby preaiding. ing. He receiver a half dozen cuts bop Last Publication August 11, 1228.) tha head and back, all of whlcL ferment will be In the American for cemetery. were of a aerloua nature. EUREKA crPran: ur REPORTER JPb . ma hL Neil ODonnell r.; Mortuary es ld a. I " J2.J " ,eauri er i Bul-taln- ly em-dea- th j ,ra.ciCARGHE.e9i, M IF Fruit in the Rose Family MM Mining Blanks PRACTICAL NURSING Day or. night services. Mrs. Abe Webb,1 Take advantage of thie attractive oiler. AH you need to do u call in at our store, select the Pacific Super-Keatyou want pay a unaU deposit . . . and tell us when you want the heater and the coal delivered. You may pay the balance on convenient monthly terms. has set amazing recThe Pacific Super-Healords fer economy, convenience and efficiency. coal bills, Ujer find H saves V to V on their .. rooms more . . heals . fire ft holds tho longer smoke and bums It warmer. up fleers keeps rccL keens the bouse cleaner. Theres no othsr heater lio it oa the market Manufactured by Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co Appiicaes Division. Provo. Utah. er er Phone No. 812-- J. with alM S THE ONLY HEATER EVER COAL SPECIALLY TO BURN WESTERN the crj-ar- y The diagrams at ths right .how how beat up wanes healer pwciaue chimney, while the Super-Heal(A) hures dally designed rad moke. It reduces waete. Slr.amlined lor (B) holds the heal Iwm bred That's radiates this eslra heal tola the bouse. . winie luel every less need why yen'll hot-pla- pre-heal- Co me in and get the complete heater story of this sensotioncl and place your order DIXON-TAYLOR-RUSSE- now. P.I. i the hew iwe keel Ine N," eeeka. AclUf bums luol ieper-Ke.l- fim. vee IimI Im. t hi(k wiik Me Ihee Im COMPANY LL F.srluslve hwlnt tor Peclfle Supet-IIeMe- re . . I' v: rv- Call No. FURNITURE REPAIRING 1SI-- J. Work called for and re- V - Stoves, oeeoeeoooooooo ' .1 l!3iS ' . 42 , , . " LARGE MODERN SALT LAKES FAVORITE HOTEL 4 FAMOUS RESTAURANTS DINE ft DANCE ROOMS IN THE NEW MIRROR ROOM FRIDAY ft SATURDAY SIGHTSEEING HEADQUARTERS M - 1H Wra Ck. mvW.Wmi PimIJmI ; 8. FOR SALE Four automobile tires, All In flrzt class consize 800-1dition and will be sold at an amas-Ingl- y low price. Look them over at once at tha Reporter Office. FOR 8ALE Modern Hotpolnt Range table top, calrod unite and cooker. Utah A real bargain at 186.00 Power A Light Co. 400il2;'4. SALT LAKE CITV 4444444444444444H4444444H44444 ! Keep the Rain and Flies Out IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OK T1IU FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TIIE STATE OF UTAH IN AND FOR JUAB X)l'NTY. WALTER GILSON, Plalntirr, vs. Roof Repairing now HAZEL GILSON, Defendant. ROOFING SUMMONS. THE 8TATE OF UTAH TO In A vf WANTED Nursing, day or night work. Charges reasonable. CaN 97 and aak for Mrs. Ernest Bud weeks. Koclhij SUPEH-HEATE- Parts and Grates for all 2. (IiuIumn) Ordinary Healer Robt. H. Towers .y3wr,w,".vrrsf;yT turned. Esiwsen Aug. 20 and Sept. 10 Prices Reasonable Western Newspaper Union. m at the regular heater price Right now la the time to have the work dona under the government's N. 11. A. oped. at Reporter Office house on FOR SALE Eight-rooChurch street, modern, hard wood floors, bath, good condition. Easy terms. Inquire W. F. Shrlvar, Provo, Utah. purchase of a Expert Plumbing. LOCAL ADS. or ill equivalent in other merchandise iuith your According to botanical classification, some 2,000 herbs, shrubs and trees are grouped aa members of the rose family. These include strawberries and raspberries, the American Beauty rose, plums, peaches, pears and apples. It is thought the peach came to us originally from China. However, like other commercial fruits, hundreds of new and Improved strains have been devel- The museum of the French Conservatory of Music contains the only guitar known to bear the signature of Antonio Stradivari, violin maker. I By planting aeeds In small pots of poor soil, and by pruning the seedlings, keeping them In unfavorable' conditions and maltreating them, the Japanese can grow mlnatnre trees, which, at tha age of 100 years, are only II Inchea high. BA1D DEFENDANT: Yon are hereby summoned to sp- pear within twenty daya after the service of thla aummona upon you, If served within tbe eonnty In which this netlon Is brought; otherwise. within thirty days tfler service, ftnd defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure ao to do. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court: This action la brought to recover n Judgment dissolving the bonds of ' matrimony now and heretofore ezlat-lin- g between yon nnd the aald I plaintiff. C. N. LEATHEROl'RY, rialntlfra Attorney. P. O. Address Eureka, Utah. (First Pub. August 11, 1021. Last Pub. Ssptember I, 1121.) ii an easj job but if you wait until wet weather it becomes a hard job. We carry & complete stock of every kind of roofing and will be glad to have you call for figures. Screen Doors and Screen We have ln stock screen door wire but our screen doors are so reasonable that it might be economy to buy one. BEIWE! , I Tintic Lumber Co. PHONE 44 EUREKA, UTAH ' |