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Show Free Pres.-Wednesda- August 30, y, St&t FftlT fOF PJjU 7 e As in the past, you will be reIt's State Fair time again this to a release form which Lesal Rights year! It is time to start thinking quired sign Read the Public Notices about what you might want to en- ' will assure that USU Extension held ter for the Fair which will be held and Utah County will not be liable for the articles. Sept. Again this year, Utah State will have entry forms to fill out and University Extension Service will will collect registration fees. Arreceive articles in home arts, fine and crafts ticles will be transported to the photograarts, hobbies, at the Utah County Extension Fairgrounds on Sept. 1. Following phy AN ORDINANCE Development Standards or bv lm- - Office. The location is 100 E. Cen$Ukmi 0( the Fair those items entered at the Public Im- lrisonment of not more ter, Boom L 600, Provo. REPEALING TITLE 17 and Utah County Extension Office will OF THE LEHI CITY provement Specificatthan six (61 month or by be picked up and returned to the Items will be received by Luana MUNICIPAL CODE ions. August 1989 both such fine and Bunnell on Thursday, Aug. 31, office for exhibitors to pick up on A revision, three copies of imprisonment. AND ADOPTING The Mvwwi R n.m. and 4:30 p.m. She Sept. 19. which are filed in the imposition NEW TITLE 17 ENof one PUBLIC NOTICES UflhltoKMw 1989-Iag- Emcfcice Your 7. Notice to water users The State Engineer proceedings aa per Rule received the following R625-6-- 2 of the Divito sion of Water Rights. Application) Change Water in Utah Chamberlain County (Location! in D. SLBAM). proposes) to change the Persona objecting to point of diversion and an application must file place of use of water as 6 a Protest stating the evidenced by reasons for the protest. (A58080). Ordinance No. Domestic: 1 family. PLACE OF USE: NE1 4SEl4See6,T6S,R2W. HEREAFTER: QUANTITY: 0.015 cfs. SOURCE:8in. well 100 ft. to 500 ft. deep. POINTtS) OF DIVERSION: (1) S 71 W 26 from El4 Cor, Sec 6, HERETOFORE: T6S, R2W. (.25 miles QUANTITY: 0.015 cfs. East from Cedar Fort) SOURCE: 6in. well 100 USE: Same as Heretoft. to 500 ft. deep. fore. PLACE OF USE: POINTtS) OP DIVER- SEl4NEV4Sec6,T6S, SION: (1)S 200 W 850 R2W. from E 14 Cor, Sec 6, Robert L Morgan, P.E. T6S, R2W. USE: Irri- State Engineer gation: from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage Published in the Iehi 0.25 acs; Stockwatering: Free Press Aug. 23, 30 10 head of livestock; .ind Sept 7. 1989 54-55- To have a hearing before the State Engineer, persons must request a hearing in the Protest Protest must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, on or before Oct. 6, 1989. These are informal TITLED WHEREAS, the need and revision clarification of Title of the Lehi 17 City has Municipal Code come to the attention of the City Council: and, WHEREAS, the Lehi City Council is desirous of modifying and clarifying said title: NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Lehi, Utah as follows: hereby repealed. Section II The State Engineer received the following Application) to Appropriate or Change Water in Utah County (Locations in SLB&M). Persons objecting to an application must file a Protest stating the reasons fcr the protest. OFUSifi:SWi4NWl4 Sec7,T5S,RlE. point of diversion, place and nature of use of HERETOFORE: water as evidenced by QUANTITY: 0.007 cfs. (A26632da). SOURCE: 2 in. well. HERETOFORE; POINT(S) OF DIVERQUANTITY; 0.167 cfs SION: (1) N 67 W 210 or 16.0 ac. ft. SOURCE: from El4 Cor, Sec 17, Underground Water T5S.R1E. USE: IrrigaWells. POINKS) OF tion: from Apr 1 to Oct DIVERSION: (1) N 2440 31, total acreage 0.13 W. 200 (2) N 1530 W. acs, sole supply 0.13 acs; 650 from Sl4 Cor, Sec Domestic: 1 family. 25 (3) S 270 W 1270 PLACE OF USE: SE1 from NE Cor, Sec 26, 4NE14 Sec 17, T5S, T4S, R1W. USE: Irri- R1E. gation: from Mar 15 to HEREAFTER: Nov 1, total acreage 4.00 QUANTITY: 0.007 cfs. acs. PLACE OF USE: SOURCE:3in.well284 Wl2Wl2SEl4Sec25; ft. deep. POINTtS) OF El2 Sec 26.T4S.R1W. DIVERSION: Same as HEREAFTER: Heretofore, but adding QUANTITY: 0.167 cfs thefollowing(l)N210 or 16.0 ac. ft. SOURCE: W 157 from El4 Cor, 8 in. well 100 ft. to 500 Sec 17, T5S, R1E (44 ft. deep. (POINTtS) OF W. 300 S., Lehi) USE: from-A1 DIVERSION: (1) S E 291 from NW Cor, to Oct 31, total acreage Sec 31, T4S, R2E (2.5 0.07 acs, sole supply 0.07 miles N.W. of Lehi) acs. Stockwatering: 8 USE: Irrigation: from head of livestock; DoMar 15 to Nov 1, total mestic: 1 family. PLACE acreage 0.25 acs, sole OF USE: Same as Heresupply 0.25 acs; Com- tofore. mercial: Small business Robert L Morgan, P.E. i.e. gas station, retail State Engineer stores or convenience Published in the Lehi stores. Other: Sanitary uses for office building. Free Press Aug. 30, PLACE OF USE: SW1 Sept. 7 and 13, 1989. of Water Rights. APPLICATION(S) APPROPRIATE WATER (A64152): 55-79- Clement QUAN0.015 cfs. SOURCE: 6 in. well 50 ft. to 300 ft. deep. POINTXS) OF DIVERCherie TITY: 1697-Imgat- (1)N 420 E 200 Wl4 Cor, Sec 7, SION: from T5S,R1E(9291N.9550 W, Lehi) USE: Irrigation: from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 0.25 acs; Stockwatering: 8 head of livestock; Domestic 1 familv. PLACE pr iom Lehi public hearing Notice Title LTony Evans - is hereby Sections: 3.David Fox - An- a public hearing held September 12, 1989, at 7 p.m. in the Lehi City Council Chambers located at 105 North 100 East for the purpose of , 17.04.010 ment Develop- standards public An- approxiA-- and improvement specifications adopted. Violation 17.04.020 17.04.010 ment Develop- and standards public improvement specifications adopted. The publication known as the Lehi City Thousand Dwight Howell - Mgr. "There's no need to drive out of town when you have Golden Corral in your backyard." 100 Item Super Bar Steaks Cut Fresh Daily Friendly Service Fast Lunches Artists of original western art wishing to be considered for the 22nd annual CM. Russell Art Auction, an international juried art auction, are required to send at least 10 photos or colored slides of some of their work, along with a resume to include previously attended art showsauctions, any "fiwardff received, and where their ' art has been displayed. Mail material to: Artist's Relations Committee, P.O. Box 619, Great Falls, Montana 59043. Please include a stamped envelope for return of photosslides. Deadline for entering is Sept. VISA Your uptown, downhome steak house L State, 458 American Fork Dwight Rowell 756-922- 1 PartnerManager , Dollars Art sought Need insurance for your home, carf life, boat or RV? i Call me! Glen Pack have the right coverage 140 South Main I Pleasant Grove for all your needs. instate1 785 1255 AllkUle Inmurancr ('umptftv Ulr from- AllMslr Ufr Insurance CumpMv "Ton of the Line" CO-O- P d, Crj-dPERAT- DR TIRES specials 15, 1989. Art dealers representing artists may also submit materials to be considered. Dealers deadline is Oct. 1. For more information, contact Great Falls Ad Federation, P.O. Box 619, Great Falls, Mont. 59403 or call (406) 3. SMITH DRUG CO. And Your A-- 1 4 -- Penalty. 761-645- nexation of approxiacres to mately 1.2 acres to l mately located at about 1000 located at about 10900 North Frontage Road. West Main. 2.Delbert Norman Published in the Lehi. Annexation of .774 acres to RA-- 1 located at ap- Free Press August 16, proximately 1080 West 23, and 30, 1989. given that there will be nexation of 17 Subdivisions 55-79- 13, 1989. of the 17 City Municipal Code is hereby adopted as follows: (55-3818- ). These are informal proceedings as per Rule R625-6-- 2 on or before Oct. 13, 1989. These are informal proceedings as of the per Rule R625-6-- 2 TO pro- the point of diversion and nature Michael J. McMillan of use of water as eviproposes to change the denced by U19651 Title A new poses to change Engineer, 1636 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. on or Division R2E. TO CHANGE WATER Keith Bushman persons must request a hearing in the Protest. Protest must be filed in duplicate with the State Oct. Sec 31, T4S, APPLICATION(S) To have a hearing before the State Engineer, before 4NW14 Come home to Golden Corral! -- Section I Title 17 of the Lehi City Municipal Code is Notice to water users 9-19 office of the Lehi City penalty for any Recorder, is adopted by violation shall not reference in its entirety excuse the violation or as presently constituted permit it to continue; and shall be known as and all 'such persons section 17.04.010 of the shall be required to Iehi City Municipal correct or remedy such Code. violations or defects 17.04.020 Violation within a reasonable penalty. Any person time; and when not who violates any of the otherwise specified, provisions of Title 17 or each ten (10) days that fails to comply prohibited conditions therewith, or who are maintained shall violates or fails to constitute a separate comply with any order offense. made thereunder, or Section III who builds or conThis ordinance being structs in violation of immediately necessary any detailed statement for the preservation of of specifications or the peace, health and plans submitted and safety of the inhabitants approved thereunder; of the City of Lehi, or any certificate or County of Utah, State of issued Utah, shall take effect permit thereunder, and from immediately upon its which no appeal has passage and first been taken, or who fails publication. to comply with an order PASSED by the City as affirmed or modified Council this 22nd day of by the City Council or August, 1989. by a court of competent Gary Tripp jurisdiction, within the Mayor time Fixed herein, shall ATTEST: severally for each and Gary Lewis every such violation City Recorder and noncompliance Published in the Lehi respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor, Free Press Aug. 30, punishable by a fine or 1989. not mroe than One SUB- DIVISIONS. for 8-22-8- Health Am. Fork 756-356- allowing public input on the following proposals: Main. P18575R14 P19575R14 P20575R14 P20575R15 P21575R1S P22575R1S P23575R15 495 24 W..Main -- P18580R13 9 55,000 mi estimated milage $55.95 $57.95 $59.95 $61.95 $63.95 $68.95 $69.95 CO-O- P Perry Thomas. Pharmacist Labor Day Sale With OTC Self-Car- e Medicines il pays When you labor long and hard for your paycheck, to stretch it and save at Deseret Industries Thursday. Aug. 31. thru Wednesday. Sept. 6. The sale of OTC (over-thcounter) medicines continues to increase along with the public s Much of the interest in e seems to on emphasis come from the increased cost to go to the hospital or to see a health professional. Many cone- self-car- e. self-car- Coats for the LIGHT TRUCK TIRE 2 steel belts Polyester radial body plies Country Squire AP Radial Special purchase STQ95 tread design Designed for pickups, vans and light in sively through addition, many people like to take care of their own neaitn self-car- 31X10.50R15 trucks $99 95 U23585R16 Long-Sleev- Ski e All-Seas- on Radials Apparel Blouses 0S7F 1 i I Nf mrmkrr: hk . kI rrf.rW.hm eh-- . h Ikr Our Best Work is Your Best Buy 9 612 Deseret Industries Thrift Store 1375 E. State M. med- Fanner nrescriDtion-onl- y to available which now are cines consumers as OTCs include anti svmotoms: low-dos- steroid e creams and ointments for skin ir State rhatinni: sleep-aid- s; 373-792- 0 758-417- 6 two antihistamine I topical medicine for athlete's foot; and an effective medicine. At least 12 nmcrintinfi.anlv medicine in gradients are being mentioned as anti-diarrh- ea riln . thmr tm rr r Mrrl . bamUrnnwrf. rri4 7.00x15 C TL . . 7Sx16.SDtl 95016.SDtl $54.95 $46.95 $54.95 $62.95 $65.95 $77.95 Quality Where It Counts A good 111 deal on a great tire. 1 i P15580R13 P16580R13 P17580R13 P18580R13 P18575R14 P19575R14 . P20575R14 . P21S75R14 P20575R1S . ii . . . ' $39 95 j . . P21575R15 . P22575R15 . P23575R15 . (Tread detlgn may vary) ' 6gfo()(ojL5KIiir histamines for colds and hay fever Provo American Fork Hician. 29 52 95 . $ 99.95 $102.95 $110.95 $116.95 PREMIUM Multi-Carri- er 700i15Dtt . 700I16CM.. 750i18Ctt . 7S0i16Dtl . . . CO-O- P nrohlems. The U.S. Food And Drug Administration (FDA) is promoting self-car- e by switching a number medicines to of prescription-onl- y OTC status. These are medicines that the FDA has deemed to be safe enough to be used routinely without the supervision ot a pny PURCHASE ON SIZES Tough Tires for Tough Jobs e, Much information is available to help in the care of the less serious health problems. T"Vs m ... $ 97.95 31x1150R15 . . 9.50 R 16.5 ... Lt23575R15 ditions can be treated less expen Family U21585R16 8.75 R 16.5 JvfSPECIAL " potential OTC candidates. 7K v AMERICAN 521 West 200 No. 75B-CS0- 4 PROVO PAYSON FORK 444 Etit 1st No. Price includes; mounting, valve 55 Wet ft 373-7G- 43-431- 5 itemt 4 So. 3 P.E.T.. Computer Balancing Available ?V |