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Show CCt CN TOE SEASON'S call SAVKSS IN TOE 756-766- ft MA OP 765-969- S MESSAG- OUR HEAR Call E- RUG 7b6- - 4156 to hear our message fiom the Bible. Ask lor out free home DOCTOR enpett seimce steam clean any 2 rooms. 10il2eacri $15 95 Neil Davis Assoc days Bible study. 15 CUBIC For Sale ASSIGNMENTS OF Alpine sewer connections City $1350.00 each. or 756-- Call BACKHOt ".3. 3 useful Certified teacher All APPLE- S- red and gold delicious bananas, greenings, and tomes containers. Blame Bring Bradford, 720 So. Locust. PI. 11 Grove CUSTOM PAINTIN- G- contractor- Sip Licensed FOR SAL- - & to babysit in my home Kids or infants, two weekdays. kinds of my own to play with. Toys, hot meal and snacks. 9 27 2tp Phone MONACO, 2 dr.. low mileage; 15 ft. trailer, 77 Volare with ax., excel, cond. '67 DODGE APPLES tomatoes. and Ions. You pick or picked. Call 7854586. 9 20 3tp All REMODELIN- Gtypes, additions to existing structures, porches, patios, sidewalks and driveways. Basements finished. All bids given free of charge. Custom Call cond., amfm 1977 cassette stereo, power steering and brakes, new tires. Must sell, HAY BLISS 8 23 tf ELECTRONICS REPAI- 5:30 Larsens 365 Call p.m. E. 500 So., Am. Fork. 64,000 miles, A.C., vinyl roof, radial tires, bucket seats, 3 spd exc. gas mileage '74 DUSTER, to trencher. 6 in wide 2.4 ft. deep. Do it yoursellers or 2 1968 CHEVELLE crushed velvet interior, door, 327 and B&W radio, speakers engine, am-ffor stereo set up, extra set of tires, exc. cond., best offer, call TV 6 after Call COLOR Fork. " flatwork CONCRET- E- and steps, drives patios. Small excavation loader porches, leave front-en- LESSONS - intermediate. A left. Call Julie Natural Call - ild If you call need, New work have me a oi lit Free FRAMIN- CEILING ACC0USTICAL estimates. Call Don Ainge 10-tl WATER WELLS DRILLED RON'S GLASS Main AND 10 Call 9 tf PAINT in Am. Fork. ij24 - 76 West SERVICE - for 30 years, ask our KELLER'S across from Fork. Call hospital. Am construction tf WEIGHTS by 1978 Datsun 810 4 Sedan, this gorgeous little luxury economy car is like new, 6 cyl., auto., P.S., radio, heater, air cond., silver color, only $4995 1976 Buick Rfgal Hardtop, 350 V8, dr. auto., $3495 .Marvin's Motor Plaza ArnetKin Fork Phone 756 2880 OFFICE & WORKER, Apply Fireplace Furnace. 782 Lehi or call 7688411. Canyon . Alpine Fireplace Furnace. W. State, lehi or call BUY radiators wire and copper Contact pick up POSITIONS A WATER Appliance, T.V. Furniture Sale Save $100 on Sofa & Rockers & Save $50 to $100 on 782 metal workers, progressive new company needs welders, laborers etc. Apply between p m. at Alpine Fireplace Furnace, 782 W. State, WELL' Paul $500 GE GE Color TVs available for full now time Save up to Billings Sal! Lake City. 268 4566 2 15 tf bediooin dim., kitchenettes and mom rentals 4,1 Ejst State Rd PI Grove t il ','85 1512 12 9 1! NJ) Save $100 on 40" School 3871. Boyd Morrill 768 One W YOUNG scrap batteries brass Will Small house in Manilla State. progressive rapidly expanding company in Lehi, must be well enthusiastic, motivated, with own transportation. Sales experience not necessary. Apply or on Jt WILE C.L Alpine W SALES opportunities available, full or part time with Alpine Highway. Norwegian Elk Hound, black gray in color. REWARD, call in age. Apply person. Rhinehart Oil Co. 585 East State Road, A F 8 23 if good EXCITING Trade-i- n Ranges New Warranties shop M 1A ?1 )h 266 W. Main Amer. Fork for appt. call Experience not necessary unless t apply as welder. 9 Lehi or mm mm - or Calf Am. tp SALE - little girl's French Provincial twin bed and dresser. Call 756 3417. Highland HUNTERS ft. Retail, $700- range. see at or comfort. FOR miles. 1974 Indian motorcycle condition. 360 Honda 1977 $350; XL350. very good - SALE THE BIGGEST TRUCK EVENT IN OUR HISTORY FEATURING MANUFACTURING. FORD PICKUPS cond.. $900: L 4 dr.. very good cond.. $1295. 1974 Renault 12 FOR SAL- Gas range. Good condition. $55. E- burner WITH THE BEST 9 SPECIA- L- stove, - camper 10 ft cabover FOR FE iC SAL- F- Blessing silver trumpet excel cond like new. $125. Call after 6 p m. in fridge., full cond.. good propane tank, $1000 or best offer. Continuous cleaning elect, range, exc. cond.. Ig oval table, sq table w2 leaves. 4 chairs, nice wood cabinet, etc. 413 E. Main. Lehi or 768 9867. the PINE POLES FOR SAL- E- size 20 ranging from 3 to 8 inches ft long, also pine firewood 9 27 2t S- Burning wooa those Have 01 l ai deposits ot soot S i ipuvj!. H liom yruu ihimnfy 1 b m m by Mountain Wes Oninc 14 m. feaJUrtrJFr cleaned modern equipment efficient w.ii Call 768 31 fW fast, dt1 tPT '. MLEAGE...THE LONGEST RAMI IN AMERICA! rSi dnitf"u.'. Sweeps. Using the UlrM - - 74 cc. Very good Fork. 2t 4 17- PTEMB2R 16th. pump, jacks and furnace. Many for info. extras. Call Sale - Am. in Rae cabover camper. $3 100. Excel, cond.. 81"; ft., porta potti room with sink, queen bed. 4 burner stove, oven, elect, and gas fridge. fresh water tank with water well camper Go El m m m. 1 ... 1 1 v i: it- l - i zrz - b - -- a if m I j !iv'i mm m mm It t m mm? Ill I m I w u:-t-- ' Take a Ford Styleside Pickup with 4 9L Six, optional tank Add Ford s overdrive, and a standard 19 auxiliary tank Total 39 4 optional 20 gallons Figure the Ford pickups estimated V cruising range on America s best EPA estimated mpg mpg EPA estimate, 24 mpg m hta wv-highway estimate Result, the longest estimated range of any pickups in America! mil 1 1 1 ll JIWU 5 - - Managers Quality wedding commercial 624 So Center Lehi commercial, residential, remodeling, repairs and maintenance specialist in licensed motorcontrols. service. electrician. HOUSE master contractor, Call 8 30 tf . Has Openings For Management Trainees complete electrical services. electrical McDonald's of American Fork 2tt appointment8 ELECTRIC TARR Call CLEANING DONE - Call 756 with positions for individuals and the mature judgment management ability, Some others. direct and motivate to ability Challenging helpful. supervisory experience required-colle- ge with commensurate is experience plus Salary TO BABYSIT a 2 3 old girl in PI. Grove. Also for sale Kitchen Chandelier and carpet. 756 3615977llp year 07 DOLLARS OH TOUCH FORD V--8 KCKUPSBZCAUSEOF excellent benefits package. 4328. Bonnie Emery 9 27 Up WOULD LIKE KOSI THROUGH OCT.TP. VOUCArlSAVE MANY HUNDREDS For Appointment Mr. Greenwatd Me contact at 756 - 5045 are an equal opportunity employe' MF f INCENTIVES LOOKH.' FOR to .'6 4803 TO US. in i t and cuddly we are ready for a new home Call 927-1,- The excesses of our youth are drafts upon our old age, payable with interest about years after date. comoansons call 9 IRtE KITTENS 7569206 MILES t.ST HWV RANGE and horn For more info, UTC. Steve al RIDE MILES EST RANGE iw SPZOALFORD A fep wiih oihcfs i;stim,n-More intormntion about mileage Compare Your mileagf ana range may dillpr rtppendinq on wed disl.mce and weather Actual highway mileage and r.innc will pmhably be leu than estima'prl Calilprnia estimates lower 4 41 Si' no' available in not included California on F '00 nicKm O'esei engines ani 2 P.S, P.B., radio, heater, air, extra nice, priced to sell, only 109 Cast Mam Kit and Careful - PHOIOGRAPHY- portraits Specials jjggjdr. Co- RIM A.F. SERVICE gas and convenient store cashiers, minimum 21 yrs will you craftsmanship ap References happily predate furnished. Free estimates on jobs large and small Licensed contractor 1977 SEWING REMODELING ALPINE T- in dog SELF working conditions with growing company, need to be good typist but business experience not : T- needed for of TYPIST Miscellaneous LOS- Men - SALE DEER Sporterized . one wscope. free Mustang II Sport Ghia 2 dr., V6, radio, heater, air cond., vinyl top, pretty blue color, low miles, like new, only ft. 17 WHIRLPOOL AND SALES MACHINES in- Cart w right FOR New. ROBERTS 2t customers. Inside and for 8 E- TWO GUN- windows storrr outside stalled Call estimate 756 sale. Call $480. Call 120 W. 300 So., new REMODELING MACHINE SEWING REN- HORSE AND DOUBLE TRAILER FOR not been used free display model Whirlpool standing, connoisseur, double SAL- oven you for your G- estimates. 3429ArnFoik Would FOR Everything from minor home conrepair to custom new for free struction. Call oi remodeling BLOW ON nf west Help Wanted bdrm h - AKKOUKCK G THE FIRST or ieeds call 785 5477 concrete SALE price. Call Mont . 9 27 tf 1012 East Fork bedroom house with in Lehi. 2 RENT necessary. NEED FOR South Center Street Am Fork 756 7688 6 29 tf $45. Also Ludwig clear concert drums with hardware and cases. Excellent cond.. unbelievable equipped with many extras. $700. See to appreciate. . home. All types carpentry. No job too large or small. Phone For all CARPENTER' - FOR VACUUM B 2 Call ample parking Can provide 1 200 s,q ft space or 1 800 sq ft space BARRAT1 DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 30 . BERENDSON A meeK'-- Fork. FOR WANTED assembly line machine and tool operator and cabinet finishing operators. Apply at ROBERTS MANUFACTURING. 120 W 300 S Am Fork 9 20 4t t ome, caipet. drapes, laundry close to room w. hookups, school & church no pets, no smokers $290 00 Util pd avail Oct 1. call 225 9112 oi 768 9565 9 27 11 It 27 FOR SALE - 11 Mallard ducks, very tame and good with children. SALE Trailer. E- S- HUNTERS plumbing plumb to 756 4509 (I please) Colin Grant 2 22 tf NEED HUNTER'- estimate by a licensed contractor. Also playground equip tram standards Basketball polities. Remember, lot your fences and gates, call Don M QUALITY SALE 1977 Rancho AND HEATING PLUMBING CONTRACTORS SAL- Companion. Call Yates. ALPINE. FOR neat fence around youi loi a tree today like a from CLASS Viewpoint. ftiis LINK FENCING CHAIN yard? NUTRITION FREE for message. SALES AND SERVILE Beginning and few openings CANTALOUPE- S- for AND USED WASHING MACHINE for dig and form Slate Road Am Reams. 6 28 tf FOR GOAT Ford 289 engine, great shape. $350; Fngidaire gas dryer, $75. 5 yrs. old. Call $50. Call SHARPt Nil) special. 69 A & Concrete. A Am. SCISSORS Air '' tf&g W Fork 600 sq ft - fireplaces f FOOTING- S- We Expert Service it if. RESIDENTIAL 7 lease 20 South for conditioned ideal for office oi stores. $190.00 per month for 27-l- t FOR sale. Call Carl Day and veneers Call " FOR weaned. Woodrow 9 27 2tp calves just Smith. repair TOMATOES Call 1 E- Priday's Office Supply STONE MASONRY HOUSE Call $195 per mo, plus no non smoking, deposit, drinkers, no pets 768 3979 9 2tp Jersey and Brown Swiss cow. Will calve with second calf April 20. Also small feeder - TRACY mo FOR- K- 2 bdrm home for AMERICAN SPACE 1 hookups, also fudge no smokers, no pets, 768 3281. 9 27 It good close in No pets. $200 pt mo. Call 756 3526 or see at 90 South Center. Am. Fork 9 27 tf 2tp Center Street Plaza Center Stieet Am I- HELP wd has basement, 3 bedroom COMMERCIAL Caprice, 9 Call FOR SAL- ADDING and rental '71 Chev NORMAN SERVICE. TV AND TYPEWRITING service. with sleeper, chrome rims, $125; a 5 h.p. 1 with boiler, $200; 2 ponies. PIANO year warranty. rates. 2 LEH- Reg S- Great Call E- Solid oak dresser, radial arm saw with table, wicker back chair, and dress form, size 12. r p.m. cart 2 replacements Reasonable machine 1960 CHEV PICKUP E- FOR SAL- Authorized service. ac, amfm 1979, low mileage, radio. color Expert Mazda RX7, - SALE - Am IN RENT PUPPIE- Lab Fri. Baby & clothes, small organ, bee hives, misc. and more. 1045 E. 300 No.. Am. service center. Picture tube RCA HEAIEY FOR Thurs Fork. SERVICE TV COLOR - children's and Ph. service. complete - RENT FOR Collie and tot disposition children Call 756 7249 or 756 2825 9 27 It FREE leh. Call 768 30pm 9 27 It in nanny kid. $15. Call GARAGE SAL- 1 x apt. Cozy T- T- FOR bdrm stove brick fireplace garage, beautiful yard, limit 2 children. No smokers, drinkers 2t or pets Call 756 3335 Tel. MILK trenching service, $1900. MALIBU Lawn - LANDSCAPING DUPLEX bedroom - Call pets. $75 for 'n ton truck load, delivered. Call ot 756 2882. sale FIREWOOD for PINE PINION after improvements, FIREWOOD All R- HIGHLAND house with carport and new furnace. Close to church and school. Avail. Oct. 7. $285 per mo No smokers or used furniture, din rm. set with hutch. $75: kit. set. $50: love seat. $35; 10 ft. couch $85; 2 end tables, $10; pen. $15; make offer. 756 3913 Call Rent oi buy, 3 bdim 3 baths, .util. entrance. Ig family rm with fireplace. 2 cat garage 1620 sq 9 13 3t It. Call HOME IN FOR RENT - SALE play COAL. LUMP or slack 4tp 1979 VOLKS RABBIT DIESE- L- Also Best Honda Accord. 1978 reasonable offer. 7564446. FOR tf 8 23 - FOR RENT horse collars and hames. or see at 370 E. - t - HOUSE NEW FOR REN- 3540 after 5 rent. 10 TOPSOI- Lminimum yd . delivered. $6.00yd. Call homes and businesses. Call 9 27 after 4:00 p.m. best offer. Call sale. Call Stephen Chipman 7562134. SALE REN- $195 pei neighborood. includes watei and gas 756 2530 9 20 2tp 500 N.. PI. Grove. STRAW for & FOR sale baby things, housewares, more. Call tUnxi it Saturday. Sept. 29, 115 pm. first street north then first street east from stop in Highland FOR 756 $50 00 old. APT 1! For Garage G- tools and yellow delicious Red - PUPS 9 weeks E- sale 3 bedrooms. 1 stove 4 dishwasher fridge Ah cond . w 'd hookups, caipet & drapes. Water paid Call 756 3820 for appointment RENT FOR 6 I Bonanza bath, FOR each, mother has papers. or 768 9252 9 27 It LIKE WOULD I DOBERMAN SAL- MOVIN- Cucumbers E- FEMALE API IM It Acme E- tunxjli' tape guitai and speakei lacks $375 00 Call 75M39attei p m 9 27 tf 7802. 9 27 Juicer, little used. $75 00.768 9454 9 27 It Call Venoy Turner. Automobiles CAMARO - air FOR SAL- Mt(;iMu AM CANNING TOMATOES foi Each $10 00 768 8819927 Call SALl- - stereo with E- For sale, used one $100 7689372. USED BED. TWIN BED Am Foik. 9 ot kinds FOR SALE and misc. items Saturday. Sept 29. all day. 8 No. 1st East. a m unlil-3- trenching utility lines septic tanks sewei ditches etc leny M lones 756 3675 Alpine "8 16 GARAGE AND BAKE Many WOR- FREE7ER $150 00. 768 9 27 11 9830. yeai openings foi elementary aged students Call 756 7756 756-743- 3 cond PARLOR STOVGIANT PIANO LESSONS UPRIGHT FT. Good 768 8917 eves. steaming mad at dnt "We're 9 thirty mid lJSfn7lA jrL Ford Tri-Cit- y 190 East Main Am. Fork Phone 756-358- 5 |