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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, JULY 2, 1931 REPORT Cast Iron Pipe a Faithful Servant 3fade to the Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, of the condition .f of the Tremonton Banking Com- - j pany, located at Tremonton, in the county of Box Elder, State of Utah, at the close of business on the 21th day of Jun, 1931. K'S?-',-- .. j .Sunday. Marsh Abbott, of Morgan, is spending a couple of weeks at the home of his uncle, Lewis Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and Bernice Peterson enjoyed a fishing trip to Blacksmith Fork canyon last Silver rtr family. The K. K. Klub of East Tremonton played ball with the Kitchen Queens of Tremonton last Monday, on the school grounls. The score was 32 to 10 in favor of the K. K Klub. Next Monday the winners will play with the Social Service Sewers. Tickets are on sale at five cents each. completed. . Og-de- 1,283.32 2,926.00 Currency Total Cash on Hand $2,504.81 Expenses 809.70 Interest Paid Cash Short TOTAL $4,781.85 3.15 Total lilnlC. GROCERIES $210,715.99 LIABILITIES Paid in Stock $25,000.00 'Capital 12,500.00 Surplus Fund Undivided Profits $1,856.63 1,922.57 Exchange GARLAND, UTAH Specials for Thur. $3,779.20 Net Undivided Profits Due to Other Banks Deposits Subject to Check $85,597.93 258.33 Cashier's Checks Dividends 36.00 Unpaid Time Certificates .... 6,123.17 Savings 33,095.84 Deposits .... 39,219.01 35,195.00 75 TOTAL y icon fiPe.x.PT,3ieccTOG op Public Hfoej Right, mvo mcke-- i One of modern man's most peeuiirr characteristics is his lack of appreciation for useful things he has creatra Recently Mayor Harry A MacKt-- 01 Philadelphia, learned thai the oldest cast iron water pipe la w.e Ouited States was still giving perlec; service as part of the Quaker City's water supply system So he decided to dig It up and have a look at it Hi if was done before thousands ol spectators, and was carried ever the couairy oy radio and movies The old pipe was still in perlct condition after its sleepless underground work of 114 years) It was pu' down at a time when traffic consisted Of a few horse drawn vehicies aiid dwelling and Dusinese ed:3ces were small two and three story aflaus The terrific road stresses ot modern trucx and railway traffic and the enginrerir. j of huge apartments and commercial buildings have not harmed it ami nav? not affected Its uncaii'.i .Dii:t to resist rust, corrosion and d'.sinu-grarioIn the parks of Versailles m 1664 o y Total Demand Deposits 85,892.26 Total Time Deposits Other Bills Payable Miscellaneous . Vf9 fMluADBLPlllA OFFICIALS IHSPecT 464.69 12,444 23 $210,715.99 ) STATE OF UTAH County of Box Elder J Snenrer C. Tavlor beine first dulv sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the 24th day of June, 1931. SPENCER C. TAYLOR Correct Attest: X. orVr of Louis XIV cost iron o:pes l.oni tue i;6ervo.is o; .car-J- .f lo UiOii oi to u,i..j ve These pipes, ar:d f3u.ita;us -- .iw 237 years oi are msell m scr..cA All over America hundredf of cities, ancient iron pipe is carry.n? it burdens evidently uncomplainingly Chattanooga s cast iron p.pe stilJ serving ccan Its useful career during the agonies of the Civil War Seme of Richmond's mams are 101 y?arc old Tlie same is true in 3t Louis The ut ility and duraKi'iry ot cast iron pipe main? are proved oy the ptrma.' .y.r.e of the present uistaUstions havt r.c(i t!ieir ccrunu:s:i!- - fetroit i2 voars wc-.- Ljuivii!e ,i Oreaon o.TJ Directors, Subscribed and sworn to before fne, this 26th day of June, 1931. JAMES BROUGH, Notary Public. SEAL) My Commission expires the 4th day of October, 1933. STATE OF UTAH, Office of Bank Commissioner & Fri., Ja. M- !rs .: - ". .Min-- A'W. n:'n.' Ui !onj rat: tiio'.-ili- n e?;Mi;; '.e- v; r !.? af ;r.t oi br.prenntiou iua-!!.t- '' I HELPFUL HINTS 32 - 'f-- n Boiled Ham e:-i- POUND nn.1 v. "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 OVERWORKED NERVES East Tremonton r Ham POUND j. den. Mr. and Mrs. Voscoe Call and chil- dren, of Salt Lake City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Aband medium sized orauges out bott. west this seascn and prices are Mrs. P. E. Ault attended an execulow. The economical tive meeting of the State W. C. T. U. Housewife buys large quantities ot at Salt Lake City, Saturday. these sizes In place of ber usual Mrs. Charles Garfield and daughters order tor one or two dozen large Fay and Lavern, Marie and Mary oranges. With these In stock, sh' can prepare dozens of tasteful frui: Westmoreland, and Ruth Pack were guests of Mrs. Calvin Kay, Sunday. cups, salads and desserts and o' Mrs. Lewis Abbott and daughter, course see to It that each membei of the family secures his or be. Danna Jean, spent Sunday and Monmorning fruit Juice. day in Farmington. Mrs. Jane Abbott went to Morgan Purchasing In quantity means real saving witb many foods. p;n Friday, for a two weeks visit with her 'Icularlr with those that will ken son, Dr. E. M. Abbott some time. Study your market-jnMr. and Mrs. Earl Kay and baby you can save considerable were Sunday guests of Mrs. Kay's mother, Mrs. Albert Giles. Mrs. Marion Woodruff was a Logan visitor, Saturday. Bert Garfield and family, of Harris-villwere Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Georee Garfield. i. Miss Olin Garfield had as her guest In proposipg a year's moratorium in on Sunday, Miss Marie Hutsley, of payments on intergovernmental debts, Oerden. Miss Franke Beal and Vernal Johns President Hoover has received the plaudits of the world. For once, he finds himself acclaimed as a courageadded that; not only Germany, but alous Executive. n most every other This time, the President looked nation, he leaped, for he secured in ad- was badly 'smitten by the Hawley-SmoAct- - To pay its debts, a State vance the assent of the party leaders in both houses of Congress. Some of must sell its goods. I In fact, debts his most enthusiastic supporters are must be paid in goods, the econimists found in Democratic ranks. It is even state. Our 1930 Tariff Act shut out hinted that Owen D. Young is respon- exports from other nations and sible for the substance of the pro- brought on an orgy of tariff raising posal. Mr. Hoover has repudiated a in Europe. This commercial antagonparty tradition in recognizing that ism engendered a distrust which led payments of war debts by England, countries to spend what little money France and Italy depend upon pay- they had on armements. President Hoover, his critics will ment of reparations by Germany. He is trading on Wilsonian ground ir tak- say, has followed an illogical order of ing this initiative in into nation.'.l co- procedure. His reversal of Republioperation. Cut Democratic lenders can policy should have been staged must be expected to make the most when the tariff bill was before him politically of this capitulation to their for his signature or veto. How much ideas. In the words if Kepiescnlative simpler it would have been to lower Eans of Montana: "The Admin stra-tio- n trade barriers, permitting a free inter This would pnss?d a tiriff bill thst dis'ocat-e- d change of commodities. the commerce of the world, put have enabled all countries to pay their millions of people out of work, and debts and would have made unnecesmade it impossible for Germany to sary the present sacrifice of ?250,D00,-00at the expense of American pay her bills. Now we are asked to evil the day." postpone Representative Evans might have e, PERSONALITIES -- debt-ridde- ot , : over-taxe- ".; v v.,--.- . 1j P0t RoaStS SALMON POLITICS TO your ears in work every nerve at high tension. No wonder you snap at the wife and bark at the children. Watch out ! Overworked nerves may lead to Sleeplessness, Nervous Headache, Nervous Indigestion and a host of ether unpleasant disturbances. "Why don't you, try Dr." Miles' Effervescent Nervine Tablets? Just ore in a half glass of water makes a pleasant, sparkling drink delightfully soothing d nerves. to Dri Miles' Nervine? 13 now made In two forms Liquid and Effervescent Tablet. Both have the samo soothing effect. Sl.fiO at your druj store BABY BEEF STEAKS 15c 19c 25c BACON Sliced, lb Sirlnin Rni.nH I t ITp Pail 93c Per Lb. MINCED Abbott of Morgan, underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson, of Hyrum, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott on Monday. The Misses Phyllis Richmond and Lucille Allred and Clifford Prince, of Salt Lake City, were week end guests of Irvine Garfield. Mrs. Lavon Garfield spent several days last week visiting friends in Og- be-fo- ra 8 Lb. WIENERS 9Qw Brough and family. and LARD U. S. INSPECTED MEATS ? w.ih-ou- Lewis Abbott and mother, Mrs. Jane Abbott were called to Ogden Wednesday evening, when Mr s. E. M. Today Betty Says: THERE'S a bumper crop of small 53c pounds 39c QUALITY ABOVE ALL Mrs. Clarence Brough and baby of ugaen, were week end visitors of R. G. Lb. 3 In Our Sanitary Markets plHn.-Hiigl- THINK WILSON All Brands 22c full P- Ca?t iron p.pe tt on'', ose 01 First Grade 2-- July Tt Z '.,:e 53 t COFFEE Creamery Brr.r-iv- "a -- l I, W. H. Hadlock, When You Think HARDWARE '0. .10 , 10 limit BUTTER ... ) ) Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and eorrect copy of the statement of the above named company, filed in my office this 27th dav of June, 1931. W. H. HADLOCK, Bank Commissioner. '' Lo? Fattltitr-- 3 Cj-U- Memphis Pi Nir. 87 NtwsrK a3 ( Mashvi'le " i. BETTY BARCLAY'S R. C. HARRIS, H. G. SCOTT, E. H. WHITE, Sugar .; imgiT.etca'fTO fST Mvncyxt!. MEATS :: TREMONTON, UTAH Less Expenses and Taxes Paid, etc 3,314.51 .."-'ri-- luchfleld Local nataunum ot to public Heber Landscaping of Wasatch stake tabernacle grounds practically Manti Oiling of road between here and Nine Mile progressing rapidly. Ogden City purchased car of Utah rock asphalt which will be used for maintenance of road in vicinity; Bids will be opened July 1 for con Cedar City Cox & Merryweather week. road struction of 19.2 miles of gravel contract for heating and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Poulter, of n and six bridges between Price and Cat received of new First Ward Chapel. plumbing were visitors in the Charles Pe- canyon, estimated to cost $250,000. terson home Tuesday. Brigham Beauty City Brigham Bids opened for construc Ogden Miss Zoir Garfield of Draper, visit- tion of addition to Madison School Salon opened for business in Knudson building on West Forest, St ed Monday with Charles Peterson and building, estimate to cost $4,000. J m y. at the church services at Bothwell ' RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $145,864.03 Stocks, Bonds and Se3,708.53 curities, etc 17,000.00 Bank, House, Furniture and Fixtures .... 3,700.00 JReal Estate Sold Under Contract 10,091.13 Other Real Estate Owned, 4,785.15 ' 20,782 15 Due from Other Banks Cash Items, $ 517.53 55.00 Gold Sun-Ida- Max Beal was one of the speakers J. feme were visiting friends in Preston, 0 K.K.No.1 Choice Heifer Beef 6 1 New Potatoes 10C Large Size for 19c 25c K.K. Olives Free V POTATO CHIPS DEVILED MEAT Ubby's Picnic Size 33c lb. 1 1h K 10 n. 19c PICNIC TOMATOES 2 Pounds 15c Walnut Meats Large Halves Per Lb. 49c Fancy Chocolates 2y2 Lb Box 89c SUGGESTIONS Pick Me Up Napkins Wax Paper 9c Hearts of Gold 10c 5c - In Roll Paper Plates lOc Dozen Marshmaliows 19c 1 Pound Marshmaliows x 1 COOKIES 6 29c Pound 15c for 25c Tuna Fish 29c Medium Size Small Size r-- Peanut Butter Kiddies Delight 10c Pints Peanuts Li & 25c Becco Grape Juice mu 2y2 can Salad Dressing 15c Gold Medal Pork and Beans 5c Picnic Size Pints ji Dill, Sour or Sweet 10c 5 ozs Corn Beef 8 oz. can CANTALOUPES B. P. r ;?c 13c RSii 2 ibs. 45c |