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Show PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, JULY 2. 1931 Bear River City World's Largest Cheese Firm The Pep Cooking Club met at the home of Misses Arva and Velma Dallin, members of the club at 2:30 Wednesday, June 24th. There were eight girls present out of the eleven dressed and was later taken to' the different ways. different ways. Arva Dallin, reporter Misses Marjraret Miller, Harriett Sorensen, Esther Ohman and Arlando O. Sorensen spent Tuesday at Lagoon Mrs. Sina Thorsen, Mrs. Emma Oh man, of this city, motored to Salt Lake Tuesday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Andre ison and family, of Elwood, spent Sur Jay evening at the home of Mr. and 2.1m. Rast Petersen and family. Mrs. June Thompson and two daugh ters. Dollie and Darhyl, and two grand children. La Nae and Billie Krotch, of Elwood, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Emma Ohman. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hansen ard children, Miss Bernice Iverson of this city and Carrel Hall, of Portage, Utah were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs C. 0. Andersen, of Bothwell, Sunday. Mrs. East Petersen, Mrs. Raffie Christensen and daughter, Hope, were shopping in Tremonton Saturday morn ing. Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson and Mrs, Christian Zinck were Brigham City visitors Saturday. Merit Jensen, son of Bishop and Mrs. Osey Jensen, is confined to his bed suffering from cuts and bruises which he received in an automobile accident Saturday evening while enroute home to change his suit, after having slipped into the pool while attending a dance at the Crystal Springs, and as he turned out to avoid striking an other car, ran into a telephone pole. The car, a new roadster, owned by Marvin Nelsen, was demolished. Merl was rushed to the valley hospital, in Tremonton, where his wounds were dressed and was later taken to the home of his parents. He is getting along as .good as can be expected. Mrs. June Thompson and Mrs. Wm Woods, of Elwood, were the guests of Mrs. Rast Petersen Saturday after4-- Collinston H - Honors One Man One Horse The twenty-fift- h anniversary ot tne largest cheese business In the world tea Just been celebrated In Chicago with the presentation to J. L. Kraft, Cheese president of the Corporation, ol a bronze plaque commemorating the early days of the Industry. The story of a business which grew from total capital of $65 twenty-fiv- e years ago to an international organization which last year told ltf ales volume at around eighty million dollars, was recalled at the ceremonies. The plaque, presented to Mr. Kraft by his employees throughout the country and abroad, waa sculptored by the famous English artist. Diana Thome. It represents Paddy, the old cheese-wago- n horse that played a dramatic part in the beginning of the beese Industry In Chicago. Paddy was the first and only asset, aside from fifty pounds of cheese, acquired by J. L. Kraft when he came to Chicago , from Canada, twenty-fiv- e years ago, determined to build cheese business with 165. which represented bis total capital. Recalling the early days ot the cheese business in Chicago. Mr. Craft aid, Two rolls and coffee for my own breakfast and a bag of oats for Paddy were all I had left to show for my original $65 outlay the second morning I waa In Chicago. Determination, lots of work, and Mm faithful ministrations ot Paddy Babied us to cany on." Kxaft-Phen- lx Mr. Kralt souceivea tue iues ol pasteurizing and marketing cheese in sanitary and convenient form to preserve lt uniformity and keeping qualities. It la an idea which. It is generally conceded throughout the Industry, is directly responsible for increasing our national per capita conof cheese from r sumption pound ten years ago to almost live pounds during the past year. A wagon and horse represented the total equipment of the cheese indusyears ago. Today the try twenty-fiv- e ramifications of the business started In Chicago by J. L. Kraft are worldwide. Kraft plants extend into more than thirty states of the union, where dairying was unheard of until four years ago. through the South and along the Pacific coast, and In Canada, Australia. Cuba and England. . 1 last D-A-N-- C-E A v ! They mean too much to W-i-t- -h Conshaf ter Frank AND HIS Rhythm Kings SPECIAL FEATURE For Saturday Night Is A E f KISS DANCE The girl receiving the most kisses will be given a 5 pound box of chocolates We All Want to Know Where We Can Find Service rr , "i r r am m r 1m atata t r - - H. G. Scott Drug Co. Tremonton, - - Utah' Good Fountain Drinks Surety Bonds, Contract Bonds, Public Official Bonds. Farm Loans, Property Loans, PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST - BUILDING & LOAN Save As You Please, Income Accounts, PHONE 47 -- lirin a rtgpr,ae,atgp'3t i ; All of the above together with the best of service can be obtained from JAMES BROUGH Tremonton lies. BVR. Tel.- - Utah Bell Tel Office -- -- -- 101 31.J.2 Last Thursday ten families from here attended the Christensen-Joreen- sen and Hansen reunion at Bear River City. Eight grandchildren of J. P. Christensen gave two numbers on their band instruments. Others from here that took part on the program were Venan, Wanda and, Norma Ardersen. Several othar young people from here attended the dance at night. J. P. Christensen has acted as president for eleven years, ever since its organization. He was released and his son, R. A. Christensen, of Tremonton took his place. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hansen and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Christen Hansen and son and Mrs. Gertrude M. Hansen of Mink Creek. Idaho, called on H. C Hansen last Thursday morning on their way to Bear River City. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Romer went to Pocatello on business last week. They also visited relatives on their way. Mrs. Mattie Bench and dauehter. of Logan, were guests of J. Walter Green last week. Mrs. Alice K. Hansen and daughter Oretta, of Idaho Falls, visited relative? and friends here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larsen and children, of Bothwell. visited with rela tives here Sunday. Mrs. H. P. Rasmusserf and son. Pe ter, accompanied bv Mrs. R. P. Han sen, and daughter, Ellen, spent the week end in Salt Lake visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jensen and children, of Corinne, visited with on Sunday, also on Mrs. Julia Jensen, who's health is very much improved. Miss Wanda Andersen entertained at a birthday party last Sunday. Marinus Jeppersen and son, Harlow, of Mink Creek, Idaho, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmus- sen last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Simons and Mr. nnH Mrs. Jerr,c-k of Mink I !aho. visited w'th H. C. Hansen lart Fiiday thn reunion. upin thfir return Mr. rod Mrs. Gunner Kelstrum and children visited with their daughter fi-o- in Ogden ljt Sunday, mm week. Don't Insure Your Car Until You Have Investigated the Low Farm Group Rate Offered by the FARM MUTUAL Leland J. Hanson LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Call 70.0-- 1 For Rates r Arid a. 4l yffllY take chances of delay and danger with worn tire on your Fourth of July trip, when you can get the Safe, Trou e mileage of Firestone Tires at these low prices ihd greatest tire values ever offered. ble-Fre- You get Extra Strength- - Extra Safetyand Extra Non-Skiwear from Firestone Tires. They are Tread. Cord Breaker and heavy Non-Skidouble have a -- Gum-Dippe- d d d -- We have sections cut from Firestone Tires and other that we want you to examine and see for yourself how MUCH MORE PER DOLLAR we give you. Firestone Tires not only meet the price but excel in quality and service any speciaif brand tire made for distribution thru mail order houses, oil companies and other distrib utors. and construe tion facts that you may under stand the Extra Values you get at our service station. We list prices Seram Wright, of Ocrden. is snend- ing this week visiting her grandfather R. P. Hansen. The Misses Myrtle and Iva Whitten. of Ogden, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heslop. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cottle and Mrs. Fred Nash, of Tlain City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heslop. Dr. Wayne Frank left for his home in Logan Tuesday morning after several months stay at Marion Miller's. The Apres Midi club met last Friday at Jennie Miller's. Bunco was the diversion. Mrs. Mnrinn MilW th lucky star winning high score and Mrs. itiadies Nielsen low. Dainty re freshmen ts was served bv the hostess fr It .llmMmf i Come in today equip your car with a set of Firestone d Balloons -- get the greatest Tire Values in town, and make your vacation trip in comfort and safety. Cuin-Dippe- COMPARE PRICES FIRESTONE OLDF1ELD TYPE Oar Special Brand Mail Cash MAKE OP CAB Price Each Order Tire Oar Caih Prlra Per Pair maCa0F 4.40-2- 1 r or s 5.50-l- Auburn ChTroIt 5.00 S.60 10.90 Jerdan 7.1.X0 5.50-1- 9 O irdn- - 4.SO-- 2I Ford Oar Special Egth 0rder Oar w fta Per p,lr Tire 3.$7 Balck $4.98 $9.60 $4-- ? 4.50-3- 0 $16.70 ) 9.1$ 8.75 17.00 C.9C X730 11.40 11.40 22.10 "-5- 0 11.50 .30 Jj.ft- - JJ.ge 1J.10 13.10 25.40 15-3- 5 a9.se j r M.i--c- For. ' Oa'-lan- 6hvrolei. 6.C3 Whippet 4.7510 Erakin Pcrlcfl... I2.9O 6.SC-2- 6.75 75 ,Plnoatk S vfiTni-!:- ! 13.10 5.0019 Chandler 6.00-1- 9 Dod( Durant Hupmobilej Franklin HadMn Df Soto r.rah'm-P.- 6.98 13.60 -l Pontile RoOMTClt.... wuirt-K- . 5.0020 Ehcx 6.0O-2- 0 Pk.rdl J 6.00-2- 1 Pirrcs 7.10 7.10 Naih .251S I3.0 7.90 Oldamobllt. 7.90 15-3- A 6.50-2- 0 Stntr 7.0O-2- Maraaette.J O Lni""z: 0 COMPARE CONSTRUCTION and QUALITY Slic owMd 4.50-2- 1 Bri.dM.ii Size 6.00-1- H.D. oian.u 9 Order Tift Moreltubbcr Volume, ru. in. jKare Voialit, 172 ... pounds Mcm WUHi, their grand- daughter, Glenna Dean Beck returned with them to spend the summer. Grandma Hansen has cone to Oo-den to spend a week with her granddaughter, Mrs. Zyril Wright. Stanley Carter, of Salt Lake is visit ing at H. P. Rasmussen's durincr this - Savings' Certificates. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING a. y vs..- - On ciour JULY trip Lowest Prices Biggest Values 0:-e- y LOANS . Elwood gMA. yj Kel-stru- for Those BONDS of '. Tremonton, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT you. fEnfoy the . . . . A I load demonstration and a recreational hour of games and stunts. Mr. Harvey Sessions, of California, was calling on O. L. Brough Tuesday in the interest of the potatoes being en-oy- Moonlight Gardens Utah Fire Insurance All Kinds, Automobile Insurance, Fire, Theft, Collision, Public Liability, Property Damage, Plate Glass Insurance. several days fishing in Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gordon and chil dren, of Salt Lake are visiting with relatives in Beaver Dam. A very large number of the Bowen descendants held their annual reunion at the Girls home in Logan canyon, of an enjoy Saturday. t -nature Everything was mere to make it a aoie happy celebration. Mrs. Olive Durfey and three daugh ters spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marble in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Newel Sargent of Grace, Idaho, are visiting with relatives and friend3 in Beaver Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bigler and Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Lefler and daughter, fcivelyn, returned. Monday evening from a twelve day sight seeing trip. passing through Star Valley, Yellow stone Park to Canada, returning by way of Seattle, Portland and Western Idaho. They had a wonderful trin. J. J. White anl family of Garland were accompanied Sunday by their daughters, Mrs. Aileen Simmons and children and Mrs. Olive Durfey and daughters, in an enjoyable fotor trip to Smithfield, where they were joined by their brother and uncle, George White and family, and proceeded to the cool canyon for the day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler, son Clar ence and Miss Baker, of Logan, were the afternoon guests of Mrs. Alga Wheatley of Honeyville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons a good show in Logan Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Jensen, of Lo gan, are transacting business in Col linston and Garland, this week. Mrs. Vance Bigler, who was operat ed on at the L. D. S. hospital '"n Salt Lake last week is on the improve. Mrs. Florence Loveland, who has been very ill is able to be out agab. 1 AT THE , Rob-be- 4-- H the and We have the Experience and Equipment to give you the Best in Optometric I Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jensen and Mr. The Home and Community Section and Mrs. La Grande Jensen of Collin ston and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jensen of North Bex Elder Farm Bureau will and daughters of Garland, had a de hold a social on the lawn at the Bear lightful fishing trip cut to Clear River High School, July 11th at 2:30. Creek, in Western Utah. They spent All officers, leaders and meuoers of three days and had wonderful success. all the locals are cordially invited. club F. F. and WilforJ Durfey enjoyed There will be a fine program, Mr. Don't Neglect your Eyes grown here for his company. He is very optomistic and says the crop outlook is good. Mr. Brough and County rt Age: t Stewart, made a survey of the fields of potatoes last week end report they are looking fine. The Kids Kooking Klub of East Tremonton held a lawn social on the spacious lawn at the Lewis Abbott home, last Wednesday afternoon. Games were played and a very" enjoyable time was had by the girls and their parents und friends. Ice cream, cookies and pop were sold, and a nice little, sum realized from it. I - noon. Jay, the nine year old son of and Mrs. Oscar lAndersen, had misfortune to break his left arm also his face was badly scratched Wednesday when he fell from a of hay. FARM BUREAU NEWS indie, ) . . 16.99 15.73 4.75 4.74 .27 .576 0 5 ,MJ 0 . Moro Thickness, inches . . . (Mre Plies Tr,i iSm frjP. ' 161 Type Mora Ruldtcr Volume, cu. in. 298 Mora Wchilii, ixnmds . . . 28.35 Mom W idth, , iMC,ct t More Thickness, 67 6.80 st8 $t Inched . . . .840 Piles .1 Trei .Sal Mr Samo nc Lr efln!.Bra.nd Br.,.ni Ord.rTm Pries . . a manufsclur-- r 7 Sti.4o 11.40 for Hi.lribulort "d oilers, un4er , nanW "re n'nufaf,Mr" ' 'he Vublic, usually hrVJZ u tn,Lty ! beM FireZli lh,Uuf' name on hi. own nam.. every lire he makes. ihlv?l C uaranice and ours. rUS.eS' V1 Vou arc doubly protected. UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. a Phone 28 t U II J El Phone 103 |