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Show C his tsle, under And every fbeyherd te.ls in the dale- and on such oc,-;o- httorn e'erv shepherdess takes cold, and torture with ceuralp.a until some ,je'S zlt zen a i vises ter secsirle, the ITpoi the he j. to fcalat.on UiL The maids of old were not necesearily old e Tto5e who do how to profit by julsfortunes desert e them. Sirce Cih, Willie we have you: won Lave been away, darl ng, 1 le not bai tne soul to send to the dnisririst s for niy lr. Euh's Coi uh bjrup: and when my cough svrun is gone I feel like I had lost my best lr.end. mi-se- d iere, . W . 'tice t or Quick Yt ork. And to think, said he, as he pressed her little hand, to think that I never w:-- ar. rett net know - sawjouis before tonight' she answered, sudden, It eO ill but then id. tional mip a ; i evej a ci ' L'ritt, . a, in tentln. from sr ihl Yes, he said, impulsively, it is the old. old story the o.d, old story of love at first sight. And added to that, she gurgled, my being a widow. No soap In the world has ever been imitated as mmli as Dobbins Electric Soap. The n.a ket is full of imitations. Be carelul J. B. Dobbins, that vou aic not deceive 1. Bhila delpbia aud New York, is stamped on every bar. A si ielde is a victim who meets his executioner and kills h in. now . the. ' ? of j Hill prI; 0PefHQS tho ;,P . that I j, innud ri.Miee,; tnildr At n. 's dwi it. dm h m-l- c. id t'ly OXC ENJOYS the method and results when charm Both Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant in trh and refreshing to the taste, and acts on the Kidneys, Ull thill Emtlyyet promptly But, Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headeating,, n Swit aches and fevers and cures habitual .ledge i Constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proand is. duced, pleasing to the taste and acVhMnh, ceptable to the stomach, prompt in the its action and truly beneficial in its ft. T. effects, prepared only from the most By bit healthy and agreeable substances, n wafr its many excellent qualities comice, a. mend it to all aud have made mil- r.. the most popular remedy known. tv-- i tr., . Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c per; and $1 bottles by all leading drug.el an akin tel gists. Any reliable druggist who ng thro; may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who ,rly a t Do not accept Irishes to try it. s foully it udes,., any substitute. some! CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 1 delight st - 1 t at all. ut allui. hi- - out I amir romidti. v infu ine air, I 1 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, NEW YORK. LOUISVILLE, KV. N.Y. ifOICHEADAGHE 'I'oaiilvflveiireil l) (Urge IJUIe Fill. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, In rtigestiouand TooIIeart. Eating. A perfect reua edy for Dizziness. Nausea Drowsiness, Bad Tastefi iu the Mouth, Coated! Totigne.Fam in the Hide g T0K1TD LlVEIl. Thejl regulate the Bowels? Purely Vegetable. ' Price 2S Cents. lSSEtim CAETE3 CO., LTJ7 YOiX Small Pill; Small Dose. Small SSEESSHtlSH Priced cure Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation, Liver Complaints, take the said and certain remedy, SMITHS Malaria, 5 BILE BEANS Tse the SMALL SIZE (40 little bean to the bot They are the most convenient: suit all ages. fiTice of either size, 25 cenu per bottle, 7, 17, 70; Photo-gravurff panel size of this picture for 4 ents (coppers or stamps). J. F. SMITH & CO. . Makers of ' Bile Bcan6. ' fet. Louis, Mo. ICCIfJf 'ftlOOiliM MOTHERS PHEW MiLoe'? 12 minis- wered ot. Baf :lcrg;i'-- mat o turn PATENTS r ' poli' r them, :ing. ead -- i e Breweries, Mines and Land Companies Bought in Less Than Two Years. e- -- mo-imr- , uniitiple-nu.uon.iire'- P W. I i 0, Anglo-C'uliforn- Com pail v....................... Otis Stell Company Illlsiiury and Washburn flourmills Pacitic Mining Company Peter Schnoefen Brewing Com pany. Phu-uiand Lmeral breweries.... 8wan ltiver gold and silver mines Silver King Mining Company San Christian Gold Hydraulic Company St. Louis breweries Terra Cotta Lire and Sound Proof Company United States Debenture Corporation Uniiid States Bolting Stuck United States Brewing Company. . Van Duseu Elevators, Minneapolis Western American Investment Company 1,000,000 ter 2.500,000 1.250,000 3,100,000 1,050,000 Hed Not Gone Out. His wife was away, but she kept him under surveillance, as far as from a distance. He was compelled in his letters to tell how lie his Have you been out nights since time. I left?'1 site inquired regularly iu a postscript. And he, honest himband that lie was, answered: I have not gone out a single night since you loft. He told the truth. lie had noi gone out once. He had staved in the game every time. And this world Is as hollow is a soap bubble. Merchant Traveler. 1,000.000 6,000,000 4.000,000 4,600,000 2,000,000 2.100,000 2.000.0UO 3,000,000 2.000.n00 1,500,000 1.400,000 0,500,000 6,000,000 3,001.000 1,(0 ,000 15.(HK),000 1,500,000 5,000,000 2.500,000 6,000,000 2.000,000 2,500,000 10.001,000 4,500,000 10,000,000 1 k U., Omaha, A-- ls ta.e jour cea er for them. ai y others. MjU-tu.i.n- n, ..00,000 4.5011,000 , th-- ir Electric Lights In Home. The electric light is to supercede gas In Rome. The motive power will bo derived from tho waterfalls at Tivoli, and the station for tho distribution of power will bo near Porta Pla. Rome docs not in this case lose in what it gains in modernization, for tiio few electric lights already established as, for instance, on the Qtiirinul Hill and in tho liazza Colonna lend a stnglarly new and beautiful aspect to tho Eternal City, as seen in the evening from tho neighboring hills of Frascati and tho other Castelli. The spectacle of Rome, with its mighty overhanging cupola, illuminated by tho eleetrie light, across the wide Campagua, will be remarkable. Chicago Herald. 10.000,000 33,750,000 Fire Insurance Co., Omaha, c a. Neh-ask- m (,e.-- 1 1 H,mi-iiis- , 1 1 For Scrofula, Impoi crlwlied Hlood and General Scotts Fmuhion of luie foU Liver OH, There are man peo; the.r go d deeds. lias do equal m tbe Lead tbe followof Medicine. I one of butts KniuNion travc lMtle ing: to my ow cbil I for Sciofula, and tbe effect inanelous. O. . Okay, M D.. White Ilall, 1ml. Tbe of Minister to Cicece is looked upon as a fat office. Tbe new stamp is smaller than the old one and easier to lick. The Irritation Cough and which induces iom:hti immediately use of brown's liioutbial by opho-phite- repint only fll all stiel engiavmgs. It Is easier to he good to iveryhody than to somebody. Nearly 30 Years. Suffered 1 N, (. hestur m., liultinudrf, Md. For nearly S care i Miffred wnh rheumatism in arm and shoulder; could iml lilt my arm. Le tbuu two boltles of M. Jacobs Oil W. H. lihbiON. cured cue. Of Many Years' Standing. oadMlen, Crockeii Co , Tcnn. Mr case was rhcurnMii'-if nmuy gears' EtandliiK. ct utmueri during tbe war; tried most ecrylhin without relief ht. Jacob bKLD. KoOoK. Oil tmally cured me. We rotomnund Tans.iHi 1uiu U make tient woman. Nw leans rieavunf. February 16 iOT-- 11. Fpl should and mivknciv how child bearing llff I II Bi VcanbeetTeu. without Pam or Danger, I f Ilf till a pa- - O ... STUOT. g 15? ThHliii 1 Poi and Complete fhortes and Songs, Boole NicvikCo Oc. h'awau, h. . m, P ISOS REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use. 1 f Is immediate. A cute is cot lam. Lor I licapfvt. Cold iu tiio ili'iul it lias no equal. rixri. T It is anointment, of which a small Is applied to the nostrils. Iucc.GOc. Hold by drurglstsorparticle sent liytiiall. E. 1. Uazri.ii.nk, Warren, Ba. Addiess. Omaha, Neb. t Ij f L.J fFREE Irinted, SICEDSSS y and upwards uccordinff to rarity. or rnut. hcHpcto! ficurcity, any A 1h. loooooOeTtn Cf it fifth byo. gae free. It. It. Hliuniway liockford 11L Jriv ) TOK i'rcttieat ' ILjr 1890 1890. Npriug of a to 000 Trier Raspberry hardy and prixluefcTe; j 00 per 100 06 00 per 1 000. to 000 (Jirtrg, later, large and prod mo tire; SO per 100 ts 00 per looo. Turner and Cuthbert best, red I 00 per 100, to 00 per 1 000. SenJ fn ordore early, and ten.i for dee rlptlre catalosrue of the laieit coliectiorv of 1almi, Draeealaa and other deco rati re plants in tha went. a large ttork of greenhouse and hedifng plane hardy roes. ahrub and Tine, tweet potatoes, cabT bare, cauliflower, tomatoe plant at low down price. True bred poultry egga for hatching Blaclr C chm, I 00 for 13 egg, fl C. ltrown Leghorn, tl 00 for It egur, lly mouth Hoik, tl 00 and tl 50 for IS l't Lin Duck, tl 0 for IS eggtj Tulouae Geee, tl 25 fo egtr io for ft 00 tp; Wi V, J. lllsrit,PIattmouth, Nob. FARM FOR SALET One of the best hill farms In aslnnuton. d doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that satd firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hat i.s Catarrh C r re. FRANK J. CHENEY. Fworn to before me and subscribed in my 6th this presence, day of December, A. D. lSo. A. W. GLF.A80N. . (SEAL Rotary Public Is taken Cure Catarrh internally and Halls arts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Fend for testimonials, F. S. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tree. UsPSold by Druggists, 75 cent. RJV OPIUM 50c s. Btatb or Onto, Citt or Toltdo, i( Lccas Countt. Fraxk J. Chkvit make oth that he Is tne senior partner of the firm of F. J Chenet 3: Co., D. C. WAbUlNUlON, IT Km Pernnanehits Arithmetic, Shorthand, etc , thor nttchiT taiiptit hT mini. l,(Hi rales. Oicnlars fiea. UH AMT LOhLLL,4ol Alum btM budjuo, is. Y. only rertalt Hehlt. The nod lr. J iay core l.ebaa in. Ohio.l. Stephen, RniTCWBn,,,rt Femoue Mtevnurl Steem Washer maL. John Would, ou Louie. Mo. HUklllOon Hiin-ted- About Ilarly Peas. sorts The early peas of may do very well without being bushed; but if the tall kinds, such as marrowfat and champion of England, are grown, some pains must be taken to keep them from the ground, or they will probably mildew. If you can, cut the brush and have it ready before the spring work begins. If you cannot get brush, haul a load of straw or cornstalks and place it near where the peas are to be After the last cultivation planted. spread this between tho rows and let vints fall over on It. This will prevent mildew (to a large extent), will keep tho pods from getting muddy and rotting from contact with the ground, and will reder picking easy and clean work, even just after a hard rain. PEMSICMS.,T AXt'y At Law. PAIKICI UfABUKLL, Balm Apnlv Balm Into each notrll ELY BKU8., 66 W arreu St. N Y. AK3 A ttoxnmrua Buffalo. N. Y. entaea'ed J. H. DYE, P AOTS by using Elys Cream Be W Information tttAOi Catarrh hwrTCff book-keepe- May-hel- P Lete Principal Lxaminer U S Peusion Bureau yra in lat war, 15 adimlh aiiug c'aiOia, att aiiice orat loot end A d ventures ofewfl til CV We want an Atrrui kit swiy loaudlArlLkl Kitrateimt Freight prepaid WntA at once for cie cuiam. Ac. Kmpiai Pub g House, St. lAUi, limn. Time, Pam, Trouble and will CURE 2.000,000 2,500.000 Me-sr- claim fn fl 3 M 6 ) Another couple of lucky investors in the Louisiana State Lottery arrived in the city 1. 000.- SK) yesterday. They weie two young men named 2.000.- 000 John D. Mayfield, a private hanker and secretary of the Texas Savings Loan Assodat.on 1.000,000 Mr. F.d. 12,000,000 of AVaeo, Tex., and his t. C. 'they were ae o nj anied ly their friend Mr. J. A. an Ktten of Little 1,000,000 Rock, Ark., where Me-rMayneld and Himst-d- t formerly 1.1.000,000 and were lliinstcilt 4,nno.ooO copnitners in of t.cket No. fi4,3s5, which drew 5.5nn.0( 0 3,000.000 the lust capital piie of $.i(K),)00, and on the t rcscniat.on of the ticket at the oflite of the Lottery company were promptly given a 2.000,000 Cheik oathe New Orleans Nat.onal Bank from s of the prize was These, with others ranging for 415,0U0. by Mr. Iiimstedt. and his employer $10,000 to $90,000, make a total of ow nedhim a eertilieate of depos.t for $10,000 fave the ticket w as cashed. Both gente-me- n $205,505,000. w ill remain in the city to witue-- s the carnival and will leave for h me on AVedue-da- y Mormons in Canada. next. driven who are w Jowl'll U. tolea, II. Vs atNTfcU, YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, have In etock, pmked ready to ship, a half dozen small newspaper outfits suitable for publication of papers iu small towns or In the Fioux reservation country. They are bargains. Address Western Newspaper Union, IVe t Tour dei,T' J fill the hand Atcy., ff At Drugoistu and Dealers. Cigar. It takes an impatient man to If Ton went Tonr witliout penaioQ THE CHARLES A. V0GEIER CO., Baltimore Md. Honeyed words belong to the confidence man aud the loer. tliW Heat in the World. r Nona uj1'4 namtn uti nd prion are K hiiHiidi gtnuin S4)..L A IkU Y If Tour will not ! you for hJW inartit'tioii, wnhotu ctira buy iiuv t from th4 fa V. L, bOlGLAS, Hrectoit, Maaa M. nPMQinH,,,"nol,l, RIIEUMATIS Utt6hlnj;ton, I.C IJuilOl Prosecutes Claims. for &SuccesfuHy ll Dot ilaby was sick, we pave her Castorla, she was c Child, sac cried for Castoria, she became Hiss, ctio clung to Castoria, she had Children, she gave tftem Cftstori, S3 SHOEfLV.VVv1V, Aud Ollier Alverti tis Are CURES PERMANENTLY n When When When hea DOUGLAS W. L. gTjAcoBsofr IIoui-'ENK'-)- bold only In boes. Fven if mnrr:A&o is a failure it dots follow that duorie is a suicc'S. who with Sere - r. ie r Ivans Ttiamn- a. i'v. L) e aler. IiusK,at The pt tures in the Rogues Gallery are not 1 l!l whole realm with e Another Piece Paid. (New Oi Nob., uivio.-uMu- e, pa-s- de en-i-- language. pos-ibl- Tim a!-a- ;s in-e- .n The Xevv York Sun ha devoted a page to a review of the English movement oil America. The nituatiou i, thus summed up in the introductory remarks: Is England buving up all America, or is nhe only pulling a big mortgage on the country? It half the teportsare true ot the purchases of brevveiies, the ev ndieate of grain elevators and the capitalization of flour mills, we shall soon have nothing but British beer to drink and Engii-- h milled flour to bake. The fact in, not half the stories which obtain ciieuiatiuii s mother-in-by the about fabulous deals of mvnlerious law, who, on d mg. has left a w ill Engli-- h sv ndicutes have any bu-i- s iu devising i,oOJ apiece to ea It of her truth. grand children. Of coui-- e only an Genuine investments of foreign capof love was nieint. jet it seems ital, which are intrinsically enoi niou- -, ridigntous on the f.o e of it. However, havj bien made iu this country during lic.uu that the recipients will dt vote the money to charity, pro! ably to the the past eighteen mouths, but, in incut of i eds in That with thcLusiuessof the nation, endow Is a charming f tshion v th sumo of our the total amount represented is almost and wealthy women. Tho The sum of English income from a donation insiguiikanr. of $5,000 suffices capital placed in the United States to support one bed, and tho donor may, if she chooses, designate an occupant. within that period may reach which represents a maximum Thus she may, upon learning of some earning power of ay $20,000,000 an- person poor and ill, p'ace tho sufferer in a hospital. The young nually. A big sum, but small com- comfortably Gould lad.es intend to us their suecial with the a income even of pared single inher. tames that way. New York Letbig town iu this country. The ter. of tl.e sudden influx of foreign A lluMlan Aerdiel. capital lies not so much in the fact of An engino driver on the Central Asian its coming and the size of the stream who sustained concussion of the as the manner and direct ten of its dis- radway brain in a serious arc. dent on Gen. tribution. It is gAng into industrial lino some tune ago has just enterprises rather than rai'roads, mines sued tho railway o!lieia.s for damages or telegraph lines, aud the investors in a court at bamareand. and obtained are from the English middle r lasses. very sat.sfactory and somewhat origiThe court d"cieed The first large inves'ment of this nal compensation. class was in ISbS, when the New York that heandoe inpa d 7.0(0 rubles down at once, addition, should teceive Brewery Company was formed for the 30 rubles, or 3 a month, .vith an exlocal beer of the factories, 10 purchase tra rubles for every eh. Id which might be born to him. Correspondence enterprise being capitalized at $1,000,-00while the subscriptions for stock Loudon Times. f in London amounted to on, 0U0. Old Lore Letters. This was followed by the organization A special dispatch from Canajoharie, of the United States Brewing Com- N. Y., says: While at Stone Aiabia a pany, with S'), 500, 000 stock, all of few days ago a citizen of lalestine w hieh was taken it a day or two. The Br.dgo found a bogrimmed and badly next venture was the purchase of the battered metallic box. It was opened Frank Jones breweries in Portsmouth, with much difficulty, and its contents consisted of a locket, a bundle of parchNL II., and Boston for $0,500,000. letters and a piece of faded blue The enterprises in which lias ))ccii ment ribbon. The locket is of gold and fine invested a million or mote of English workmanship. On one side in monocapital heie since May, 1888, arc as gram are tho letters A. II. D., and on follows: the other a cur.ously wrought hunting Tne letters were written in American Coal ,fc Iron corporation f 1,000,000 scene. 1778-7- 9 Land Developby a lady of evident royalty in London. ment corporation 1,750,000 They were to her Ala-k- a Mining & Exploration Comjetrothed and couched iu the most tenpany American Breweries & General Seen rities Trust Best A Sons breweries Bartholomew Brew mg Company.. Baltimore Brewing Company Canada Lacrosse fc Southwestern Railroad Construction Company Car Trust Investment Company. .. Chicago breweries Chicago elevators Cincinnati breweries Deckers Custer Miues Denver breweries Eastman lork Backing Company. . Elk Jltn. G. & E. Mining Com-- . .. pany Elmore Gold Company Emerald A Iho nix Brewing Company Frank Jones Breweries Iron aud Laud Company of Minnesota Indianapolis Breweries Kaisen Gold Mines Law Debenture Corporation Eeadville Mines London and New York Insurance Company Land Mortgage Bank ef Florida. . Lenotvpe Company Mono Lake Gold Fields of California Mortgage Trust of America Mexican Land & Colonization Company Niw York Breweries Company.. Middleborough Town & Land Company New England Flagstaff Mining Fcikhil Shojs Made in our faitory, at On aha, Netraskx jiSSS.j- - a- uin'jt The Mormons, being from pillar to post on account of their peculiar views on the marriage question, bought some time ago a large I prescribe and fully en tract of land in Canada on which to dorse Die ii as the only locate themselves on leaving Utah. In specific for thecertameure of thle disease. this new home t icy are turn ng out to U. H.iNtiRA HA1X.K. D., be a very desirable class of settlers. Amsterdam, N. Y. We have sold Big G for One condition of their being allowed many years, and it baa of to remain on Canadian soil was tlmt Sven the best they should conform to the laws of the D. K. DYCTTE k CO., Chicago, 111, couutry. and content themselves with Vr4 JUrfcl 61.00 Bold by Druggists. monogamy. They were made to unThe address of eoldlers derstand that any violation of this rule who bemsiteailed a less numberof acrestban WOat would lead to trouble, and, though reSOLDIERS luctant to conform to this condition, Colorado. ilOMESTEADS. they had no alternative but to submit. Several visits have been paid to the 6 Colens, 4 Cbrv ,2Carnatlon, 2 Rosea, LA N TS Gerauiuui. f muiIhx. Agernt uin. Ivy, on behalf of the Governcommunity r R liE Aspaiagus, Nasturtium Tnrenin.Oxaha wl.Caeta.iMevm. C. VV. Turuley, HadJionfleld, A J" ment to ascertain whether the law was being obseived, and all accounts go to 1STHK1 show that the followers of the prophtlSCERS PASTILlES.&,r, r et are honorably adhering to the terms of their bargain. The latest reF. A.T,FI!TAN!$C says the Mormons have turned a port f) Ynsliliigtou. fceud lor circular. wilderness into a smiling garden, and the older FverTthinp' No larger in many ways have taught i NubiHPr Nnrheapr. TREES sS? NUKsitiKe.IxUJSiaaa.ilo settlers a salutary lesson. Their worldly aflairs are prospering, and. whether M U wanted to loam teletrrt.pliT VnilVP neces-ar- y to salvation or not, it is said I UUlIU iflCtl Situations furmshiKl on rail eo&us. is. Address I ulentin' thool, Janesville, the men now show no desire, even if wanted thev had the opportunity, of going in STANLEYS KEW BOOK! Acanta BrT. terms. Mud for" plurality of wives. t lor uutflw j. MFRtMH A OO., OmafaA Nb. iSSf it ry large shoe Rifuse ta Insure zcith a frc;tt nhalU cJ If not kept in your In urjriie cV., and thereby town, wrie us. askit g whore to get cid in L'UiIdin uP ho'tu them. They wear longer ard fit letter than any other shoes. nzu blues have XIUiRASKA. M e make been m-too narrow. A reward cf F.fty Dolthem wide. lars, in gold, paid ft r every par tfonr wn make of shoes that sotta na paniFoKLV Nitf)AI4 A Iowa ! Co cle cf shiddy, or anything hut solid leather. M e make or.e l.undied and Vou .Perfect Intlcmnlty 'ey men's. M:,ss and fifty stves cf . C hild. en's New 13 0 Assets, d and Standard-Screw- , . $?H,1 KHJ.OOO.OO Capital, . EleGrain. Glove. Kid ar.d Gondola. ( iieoi-- rd Prfmhim Hsserve 00,544. 54 YVe gant stjies. w,de ar.d go All O'fcfi i labilities, ,17,7 also carry one hnnured ai.d fifty stj les but plus to Vvhcy Holders, 1 IS, 3 JO. 74 of Men's Goods, Rubbers. Ac. S 33,076.92 Losses Paid 1889, Y. V. MullS E & CO., Since Organization, 149,083.55 Sl.ce Manufa, turers, Omaha. AV ihatie need fie made in eld polities Wales G odyear Rulhers aie tho best. to i hatte cf the s.emfany name. Da nai fiu i be ateu ed fiy icwf enters. ihou0-that atSadard aud Cod at III Word. Taking hsts Iona teon ttie shirnn-L. B. WILLIAMS, S. R. JOHNSON, irk at which DM Hevergal lias said: Every year, Ills sh.lf's h I rewident. d, recto Vice FreAlJcuV 1 rniglit a'most say every day I l.ve, I t,j fuesp lo a. 11 tiers, eompoaeduf fterv uimotifo-- stimulant, with an M. J. BURNS, e more clearly huwr a lie re- -t infusion or extra, l poss.ulv ot some U:ue birk. s era io 8 notary and U&nag r. are slid sumeltiues recommcnd-- d as .lnucai and ghMue-- s and power of our Christian wuh or sum. ar to, or p s,essin ; virtues knitted life lunges on one tiling, and that is, to those of Anierc-- s eh tsen fumev ned' ms. 'itiese perish ,.ee.l,lv, while the pre.lt subduer taking lol at Ills word, in iiovuig that and nres, nine of dise sse pursues its ucessful lie teal y means what He sn and accare, r malari nervousa ness ketnes troubles e mslipsUun and cepting the v ci y wolds in vv hit h He s His goodness ami gi.U'b, without not ouly on th.s, but on mauv comments su!st, lutiiig oi iitu s or altering tho precise moods and tenses whuh lie has teen orelgii flisslokis. The re c pts fur foreign missions for tit to use. the month of December have h en such Fair as to greatly encourage the board. Tho Is 11 that Is asked for Flay Dr. Bierce's Golden total receij ts have been f.l,Cb2.92, of Medical Dim overr, u lien t iken for catarrh whit h $5,Ui0 w as a legacy. The i liurclies in the head, or for brunt li at or throat atfee-- t ons, orliing (commonly Known as contributed $16,662. 97, being $11,270 in of the tin gs an if taken iu excess f tho reoe.pts in December, IS'8. consumption ami given a fair tint, it will cure or tune, The gam for the eight months of the llie money aid for it w l be refunded. It j fwaljoar was $.3,037. Tins ratio of is the ouly guaranteed cine. inereaso needs only to be maintained for Cleanse the liver, stomach, bowels anl four months ai d the board may close whole system by using Dr. 1ierees Bellets. the year with its debt removed. -- -- M orsf.s county, Vermont. Large Sucar Orchard, 2.000 trees; 300 acres, equally dir'deil be tween wood, pasture and cultivated binds. 14 thorough b ed Buildings cost 16,000. Jersey cows, teams anil other stock. Modern tools, abundance of water at house ami barns tlie year round, Present owner too oM to longer manage the work. Price $7,000 If sold within next two months; 4,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent, interest. Write for further particulars to Alfred Joslin, Waita-fieli- l, Vermont. Two-tlnrd- SBSffiSSS lie rtie ice-col- d IN coin-par.n- $tti, Strange Spring In tbe Koek. An oeeas on.i! n rre-- j oi dent wrie: nus ju-- t reai ned me i ar- - of of bt. Vincent, iu France, have lo: suf- A quo. .. dent. M r.i g An fered from influenza, owing to i c: ta.n your in r; of t io..r w I. ;e u a. r w d ov eri u flow sage ru.es of ihe found r. lie d e ing forth fr m a cai k iu a li git r k on asce.iom, lu oau-- warm i iloiue-andevt- the au-- e p" m if Iv.non Simon 1ind.i-toreusouab.e e nnfori. of So:, ngu n, la- -l Eromv--. v When the s sters shuu.d regard I heni-I, - a t ur ions effi ct on drank, the the p .1 prine as w I... h eau-- e the ur.i.jM r. for loiiinieiue to suffering in the or. d. and the w.th whiih needs bou.iv tn ngtiu 'lh y swell ai.d i e look- - and feel as if he were s'ej t in goed I eds from U at n got io 5 about wto bu.jt for jj.p ,.xt u.., m.nutes, in the uiurn.ng, end Lad goti i,,vu er.l after i. ih the swc.. lig gr.idua..y sub-- s do- -, and i o Sci ,ou- - ffn t is fv,t exec: t do diet, were flee Horn vae line-- their duly, and w ero not to salute any a s .gl.t tu,z ',uc .n tiio l.oiul for about an one tv the way w h n out-id- u o: th- - con- ho ir. It - tne taix f the town and one azer to try tl.e uiiecr effi et vent oil ti.eir errands of men v. sa uta-tioin co.d weather were. saui the rev- of tl.e wat r. A s..mpleof thewatri' erend one of tne mo-- t fir:de now .I. mo bar U of an export of B s:on Nor .well (Conn ) Bu letin. souries of itiroat and puiim ry a sease. for aua'v-.- s In line Wi atlu r they were the tau-- e of Tlie Itueeaneers of 011 loss of time and took the m.nd from the Flaunted th- - ski.ll and cross bou-son winch should be set. Pa. it object d, fiantr at the masthead Your modern pirate, Mad Gazette. not on the seas, but upon the bizh reputation'? standard remedies, skulks und-- r various At ealth At ell Spent. A current whim- - ea ity of wealth is dizui'e. His hole and corn r traffic has never the gift of money of Jay Gould s eh.l-die- n to an a decree affected Hustetter'a Mom ich B uur-.r- Ei tie s. iter. t OVER $200,000,000 INVESTED AMERICA. A Doh n on the Habit of KU'iuz. g It is sz.d that the ENGLISH BOODLE. dies is sold under such trying conditions; no ordinary remedy could bustain itself under I used often to read the newspaper aloud such a plan of sale. to my wife, said Bert Robinson, and once For all chronic or lingering Coughs, Weak I was fairly taken in ' by a patent medicine Lungs, Bmttmg of Blood, Bronchitis, ShortThe seductive paragraph ness of Breath, Asthma, and kindred ailadvertisement ments, it is a most potent remedy. VV bile it began with a modest account or the but ended by setting forth the vir- cures these diseases it also cleanses the blood, tues of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discov- invigorates the liver, improves digestion, and ery, which, it was alleged, was a sure cure builds up both flesh and strength. Contains for all Bronchial, Throat and Lung troubles, no alcohol to inebriate, no sugar or Bvrup to and would even cure Consumption, if taken sour or ferment in the stomach and interin time. The way I was taken in was this: fere with digestion. It is a concentrated, I had lung disease, and I bought a bottle fluid, vegetable extract Dose small and of the remedy; I was a stranger to it, and it pleasant to taste. It stands alone in the field Robinsons of medicine, and is as peculiar in it wontook me in and cured me. experience is identical with that of thou- derful curative effect ns in its composition. sands of others. So true is this, that after Therefore, dont be fooled into taking someBear witnessing, for manv years, the marvelous thing recommended as just as good. cures of Bronchial. Throat and Lung affec- in mind, Its the only Liver, Blood and Lung tions wrought by tnis wonderful remedy, its Remedy possessed ot such transcendent manufacturers feel warranted in selling it curative properties a to warrant it manuas they are doing, through druggists, under facturers in selling it under a printed cera positive guarantee that, if taken in tune tificate of guarantee, which wraps every Wori.db Dispensary Medical. and given a fair trial, it will relieve or cure bottle. in every case, or money paid for it will be Association, Proprietors, 663 Main tttreet, N. such other for Y, mala No refunded. Buffalo, remedy TAKEN IN. SICIC Billon. lEIIEI.A.IXA.CIEIIE Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, Indices, tlon. Billons Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and EPPSS GRATEFUL-COMFORTI- They Ae a Purely Vegetable IiXVMH PTT ONE PELLET A DOSE ! WITH MADE BOILING MILK. po1fctT!y the greatest disrov ery ef tbe age! If vou uant o sals f'wr io'n In makemonev seeurt its triuturs at once. IT WILL PAY YOU WELL! Send two-ren- t stamp lor large eircuiar with hundreds of Testimonials, end a Treatise on the fterra Theory of Ihsease. ISrugrlaia especially re le virile na fsr leraaa. if you mis qneeted this opportunity you will regret It. THE BAD AM MICE0BE KILLER 00., bT. JOM5PII. MCA THE GREAT FOR REMEDY FRENCH KAVA FOURNIER. MEN OMiY, Over 30.000 cases successy treated Id the leading Paris hospitals. L'sed iu dailr practice by all French physician. Medals and thplotnaof Hotior, Paris Ki positions. Act with magical rapidity In new case. ( urea absolutely t hose cbrouic case which other reme ful tl.es only relieve. h u!l package remedle eentf.OT).. express preHandkonie , free Kata I o ruler Agent-)--pamphler K.l.tth Sf.X.Y paid, is 3 jojk 1 Perfectly T In equaled I SMALLEST, TO CHEAPEST, X.A.ZSB. BASIEST A NG. COC O A bowel, are promptly relieved and permanently cured by tho use of DR. FIERCES PELLETS. are and Harmless. WATER. BOILING MADE WITH CHICHESTERS ENGLISh PENNYROYAL PILLS. KeU Croaa Diamond Jbrand. Tbsaniv rvllabis rill for Ml, fcifo m ask Druggist for im UIa Bread, it red in i.u bur with bintooa Tskeuootfcer. Belief fmw imp! ter parUcs'ifi nr-- sore iud . Idle,Ce Madlseu Cklch enter Ckseltal Wi letter, tty util, Ac f'mpre. i Ikiiada tMi-- rk t |