Show 1 t tM 41 M L r a aL ar L- L r ir U Pictured by flagpole at Administration l Building are new officers Wayne Vayne Beckstead president Joy Brooks secretary Wayne Vayne Beckstead the Electronics Electronics Electronics Elec Elec- student who vho became president at Utah Tech after getting on the ballot with write in started started started start start- a campaign ed his term tenn of office with what he called a tough situation Its this split campus he said Its going to be difficult to coordinate student activities with the two campuses so far apart part He said one thing that will help bring the two campuses closer is the fact that Paul Gunnell Gunnell Gunnell Gun- Gun nell the male vice president attends classes on the Downtown Downtown Down Down- town to Campus The new v officers have agreed that he will be in charge of student activities on that campus campus campus cam cam- pus said Wayne Paul is a Heavy Duty Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Me Me- student J Other officers elected are Joan Larsen a Commercial Commercial Commercial Com Com- mercial Art student who is a daughter of a parachute manufacturer manufacturer manu manu- female vi vice president Joy Brooks Business Practice secretary Sheila Ward Wardell ell Bookkeeping Bookkeeping Bookkeeping Book Book- keeping treasurer and Joann Porter Business Practice his his- torian The officers said the year is still too young for them to give a detailed outline of their pro pro- gram But already several matters have popped up in Student Council and student officers' officers meetings Wayne said the officers took steps to insure that students from the Downtown Do Campus are well represented on the student- student body committees that were vere appointed appointed appointed ap ap- ap- ap pointed recently The Student Council also suggested that individual parking parking parking park park- ing stalls be painted on the parking lots at the Redwood Road Campus said Wayne J Joann Porter historian Ralph Gant faculty advisor Sheila Wardell Vardell treasurer Joan Larsen Paul Gunnell vice presidents Split Campus Causes Headache The stalls have been painted Another matter that is sparking sparking sparking spark spark- ing considerable interest in the Student Council is the matter of blazers for the officers Should they get blazers with emblems signifying their offices or should they wear vear sweaters veaters Student Councilmen are talk talk- ing the matter over They're also considering class rings or pins for graduates for forthe forthe forthe the first time in the schools school's history Council members are looking into the cost of school rings and pins Maybe well we'll take a poll of the students to see if many are interested in buying rings or pins and if so which they prefer prefer prefer pre pre- fer said Wayne He encouraged students to keep in touch with their cers We want vant to hear new v ideas he said And if students have gripes well we'll hear those too Wayne said students will always always al al- ways have a pipeline to the officers through their Student Council representatives They can also contact the officers via Ralph Gant student government government government govern govern- ment advisor in the Dean of Students' Students office The new v president president president dent said the officers will meet every week in their new v office room of the Administration Building Wayne said he is enthusiastic about the prospects of having havinga a great year in student ties He praised his fellow officers and the as a whole saying Weve got a great bunch of people here and I have no doubt this is going to be the greatest year ever for Utah Tech |