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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929. BEAR RIVER TALLEY LEADER I lace and button rockets are in the ' open places with daisies and the fox There'll be red haws and wild j grass. Subscription Rates One Year, in auvance $2.00 grapes to gather. The slik of the sweet corn is brown. Six Months, in advance fl.00 .50 Three months, in ativance. woodpeckers have come into the oaks, pounding and skirling. Entered at the Postoffice at Tre- Thickets are growing yellow. Soon a dried leaf will come tumbling out of monton, Utah, as Second Class the shag bark hcikory. The pips of tlie wild rose will turn red. The old - Published at Tremonton, Utah, on wheel is on another turn. Thursday of each week. Dame Fashion I Smiles Red-head- ...WANT COLUMN.. Published bv THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. Incorporated NOBODY READS THEM Why do newspapers print editorials? The editor is told that nobody read? them and that the day is past when newspapers can mold public Coal Oil Range-C-all FOR SALE Mrs. H. P. Rasmusen, phone ! 45 65.a-- l. FOR SALE 1 Bargain. Call Binder, Cut 60.0-John Heaton. 80 acres. 2. 45p opinion. No. Nobody reads the editorials FOR SALE Gleaner Combine, cheap. U. M. Hunsaker, Plymouth, Phone unless they attribute to .Shakespeare 44.J-1- . 44tf a Biblical quotation . Unless they "exhibit clearly the FOR RENT rooms. Two inquire, colossal ignorance of your editorial Mrs. Walter Wyatt, phone 58.0-1- . tf writer" upon the subject at hand. Unless they "exhibit clearley the coPAID For Dead and Useless lossal ignorance of your editoral wri- 'CASH Cows and horses. Reverse call ter" upon the subject at hand 493J2. tf41 Unless they display "a spirit of un- Brigham fairness scarcely in keeping with the BABY CHICKS of the heavy varieties fine tradition of your paper." for sale now. Call F. B. Barlow, Unless they contain facts "so palpab39 Friday and Saturday. ly false" that a retraction is demanded Will and cows buy veal, at once hogs. Phone 36tf Unless they are so biased that peo- 44J1. Garland ple write in to say they have stopped FOR SALE Team of Good Young reading them, indicating that some horses, weight 1400 and 1500 lbs. previous tmie they were read. 41 Unless they have stated the case so Murrey Hill, Elwood, Utah. and so so so fairly clearly, accurately, PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on entirely in keeping with the opinion the right kind of real estate. NOR of the reader that he is provoked to MAN 7tf LEE, Brigham City. offer his heartfelt congratulations. Unless they have fiercely and courFOR SALE Good building lime ageously attacked the terrible corrup- $12.00 per ton. o Sugar tion existing in high places. 18tfd Co., Garland, Utah. Unless they contain a typographical error, corrected after the first edition GOOD BUILDING LOTS For Sale. Some right in town, others two jriving Rabelaisian flavor to an innocent sentence, which makes the whole blocks out. Also two homes for sale. town smile. Call Leader office. No. Nobody reads the editorials. TAXI and STAGE Between Dewey, Tremonton and Garland. Call Bell WHEN WORK IS PLAY 42tf There is a leson for grown-u- p men Phone CO. and women in that felicity of child- FOR RENT Service Station. Call 102 hood to make play out of work. Many Tremonton. Blue Light Gas & Oil adults can recall when the Co. 45tf home of the cows" was made the occasion for a buffalo stampede and the WILL TRADE A bailer real wild west lasso sort of cow punfor cow or heifer. Call or write, ching, and the fun which made play Delbert Holmes, 544-Brigham, City of the harvest lobor, and the show 45p house and snow man which made walk shoveling great sport, as well as the HARVESTER FOR SALE. 9 ft. cut. 'Fair conmany play games that came to raking the leaves, running errands, beating dition, a real snap at $250.00. See L. rugs. Was there anything men call J. Hansen, Phone 5.y-work which those same men as boys FOR SALE Native Black Currants could not have made a at Starlin Stanfill. Phone good game of? tf. Making play of work is the real secret of happiness. Happiness is never WANTED A first class Service attained through slaving today in the Station Salesman. If you know anticipation of being able, financially, stuff, apply. If you don't; Do your not to play tomorrow. The man who takes answer. Blue Light Service Station a pleasure is in work makes play of No. 9 Adam Imthurn, The Gas Man. it-- is enjoying life in its full. He does Phone 102. 45tf not need to depend upon financial in- Tremonton, Utah. dependence for his happiness. He is NOTICE FOR BIDS the man or woman whom the world has always mistaken for the inspired The Board of County Commissioners genius because "love of work" "ambi- of Box Elder County, will receive bids tions" and "aspiration" are terms for- up until 2 o'clock P. M. Monday, eign to a world finding in work noth- August 5th, 1929, for furnishing to ing but "toil" "slavery" "labor" and Box Elder County the following: "drudgery", and working for nothing bridge plank: but "repose," "relaxation," and a 8,000 feet 3x12-1long . 17,000 feet 3xl2-lholiday. long Love of work is possible either in f.o.b. Tremonton, Utah Said plank must be furnished diging ditches or sculpturing enternal to the standard specifications marble, but good work is only possible from men and women who make of the County covering bridge plank, play of their work. To the eye and copies of which may be obtained from ear is seems paradoxical, but the the County Clerk by prospective bidmind has long conceived that human ders, upon application. beings who make play of their work BOARD OF COUNTY play less at their work. 74-a-- 2, Utah-Idah- horse-pow- er McCor-mick-Deerin- g, 4. 14.1-5-- per-petUi- ill 5. 6 S -- COMMISSIONERS, - It Costs You Many An f n S 4 Indians are said to talk abour things as being "good medicine." Dame Fashion la $2wL Inclined to think I anything is good medicine, It Is bright color. Lately she had the opportunity of ata dance tending rprital ho OiUflrAn ana quite youn girls, and later, an l evening til liner Acre To Fight NOXIOUS WEEDS if m "ta , YYT K 5 r 'if pA daocins pretative a r 1 1 s t s, and Grace J. Austin. by hIrd a dramatic swimming exhibit at an Indoor pool, where "King Neptune" in costume presided at the "Rivalry of the Nereids," and swimmers attired as fishes and frogs kept the pool alive with glancing silver and green, llad color been abstracted, the value of all of these would have been lessened bv at least Also not long ago Paine fashion attended a session of the Daughters of the American fievo-lutio- n where a group of sweet old ladies, all over eighty, and one of them ninety-four- , formed a center of attrac tion. All but one were In black garb, and the fifth one wore shades of vlo let, deeper and lighter combined. Perhaps out of the list of readers. the number Is comparatively small who must buy or make a "formal" gown, ond yet In those days of happy youth, It does seem as though all of us might find some young relative In whom to be Interested, even though a "formal" Is not quite the gown we might think of choosing for ourselves. You can easily see the connection In Dame Fash-Ion'thought, for If ever there Is a place where wonderful color floats and combines and radiates, It Is at a great function, like the many university Senior balls all over the country, back in June, where perhaps a thouthree-fourth- s. -- d light-hearte- fr The Lode o: Being Well Dressed "There's a Reason" is a slogan that applies to more than breakfast food! Every well dressed man knows that reason. The right clothes give him inlend assurance . . . .recommend him to acquaintances poise crease his friends. ..In fact, they go a long ways toward making the world .... s .... a rather nice place after all! Let Fishburn's help you dress right on less. sand "formals" gathered. These formal gowns could never have been prettier than they are this year, for the reason that it is a "tulle and taffeta" season two especially lovely materials. Dame Fashion took especial note of one that might picas. the most fastidious. Its bodice was of wild-rostaffeta, and over Its taffeta skirt rippled the little ruffles of tulle, with this artistic touch, that each ruffle was double, wilh a ruffle of pnlest orchid placed over each ruffle of pale rose, so that In effect, ns the skirt swayed back and forth it seemed to have fascinating shadows instead of simply one general rose tone. At the waistline was placed at the left a spray of roses with n canny leaf or two of rich black velvet, which acted with ns much effect as a punctuation mark in a sentence. Gowns of this type, with living roses to give the punctuation Instead of artificial ones, are often worn as maid of honor and bridesmaid gowns at formal summer weddings. Then the droop of a hat matching the gown comes to add to the picture. And that reminds Dame Fashion that at an elaborate tea of late she thought If It were possible she wonld see which were most abud or the close ndantthe hats. The ones had gained greatly In number with evary fur coat now in storage, for fur coats simply glower at wide brims, but It was still about half and half. And spenkfg of weddings, Dame Fashion held In her hand recently with so much Interest one of those newest of new wedding rings, which will fold perfectly flat and are made of little platinum links combined with tiniest of bars, set with little diamonds. Even wedding rings, it seems, e "Take It From Me" Oh! Oh! Talk About a Tie! Dapper Dan I Couldn't Turn 'em Down! dipping-In-the-bac- After one but say it in swanky straw, I knew I couldn't deny folks the that, it says only flattering things about the fellow that selected it ! thrill of gazing on the combination There are a few more at right hat! Got of me and the FlSHBURNS' FISHBURNS' wide-brimme- d are too You don't have to be a sleuth to save the bargain See WE GIVE What's you. more, prices are down Z7T!SZ3 down! FISHBURNS' Wash Dress of Blue and White Printed Percale gain's a bargain, and a thing is what they tell FISHBURNS' 'way It's at . DISCOUNT STAMPS oral&una i I Weed Growth H A Experiments conducted by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station have shown conclusively that by proper methods ir-- t i I 1 i ' m Mr .and Mrs. Harold Peterson and daughter, Joey, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsberg, Herman Forsberg, all of Salt Lake, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr .and Mrs. A. Forsberg. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lawrence of Richmond, were week-enguests at the home of Lorenzo Bowcutt. Mrs. Delta Marsh and son, of Will-arare spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bowcutt. White Flower "0t made t0 Pvent White flowers are the favorite deco- thh wSr? measUres wil1 have to be rations of black evening gowns. One T. P. Meister, Water black point d'esprlt model has Its Master white gardenias sparkling with dia Fti5?T1CST0 mante as If entirely covered with EDITORS HT.1- j- frost. ennoa Auit, de- ceased. tS.ther ... d WEEDS CAN BE CONTROLLED d, Co- - Published by this bank in cooperation with the Agricultural Committee of the Utah Bankers Association Shaded Chiffon for Evening Distinctive and new Is the chllTon note sounded In modish evening attire. Not only Is shaded chiffon a novelty, but the cut of the gown of this fabric Is decidedly new. Ankle Socks for Wear at Dances; With Pajamai For further information consult your county agricultural agent, or write the Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah Tremonton Banking course July brings sales and sales but I've found one that is different ! A barOf Sa8 for" yourself! ) Not to Mention the Reduced Crop Yields on Land Which is Badly Infested with Juty shekels at Fish-f- a u r n s' this month ! You can't miss 'em there are bargains on every side and in every depart-men- t. easily portable! (?,. 19:9 Western Nercs!ai'er Union I Like These July Sales! Bargains? Til Say So! wide-brimme- turn- down Better than self. at look myself under this whispers, for this tie speaks for it- wide-brimme- T. L. Davis, AUGUST Israel Sunsaker, Jr. G. G. Sweeten. August berings a touch of fall, sun is pereeptibily on its wav south. Earlier it takes its candles through If modern should invent a better the woods and goes to bed. Evening mouse trap, the beaten path would may bring a suggestion of chill and be made bv oeoole askinchim tr thought of a log fire. Queen Anne's make speeches. Dollars Grace Jewett Austin By colorful little drct la made of btut and white printed percale. It thowi a tie, collar trim, stitched belt and a skirt border of plain bluo broad Thia cloth. , . Silk socks of ankle length for evening wear at dances and also for nse with lounging pajamas, which costume they complement. Is one of the amusing Ideas which may or may not have a vogue. These are presented for feminine acceptance In all colors to match the frock or pajama costume, presumably to be worn In lieu of other hose. Cuffs are used on the socks, some In mesh of softly shaded colorings. Light tones are suggested for the boudoir and similar Informal wear. NOTICE vouJw01!1 t resident 1929 Lstate uate rhe, Present clail"3 with """Igned at his y 0f November, A. D. of Mary FfH1-- ' Melinda Ault, Atto"ey for Administrator publication, July 11, 1929 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Since the warm weather has arrived, Deceased, I percvieve that many people are fSS;?f S allowing their spring water to go to vouchers to the Dresent c,ams with waste. Many people allow the water res.dence in undersigned at her Tremonton, or to 10 run in onter to get a fresh drink, a;tf,rne' t Brigham thinking ice is being saved, however, ritv" vtlh bpfor the 18th day Ice does not cost as much as the nf ? October, A. D 1929 water which they waste. GERTRUDE SANDERS, . As July and August are our hottest and lowest water months, please re Estate of H. C. Sanders, Deceased, frain from wasting the water, and Lall, for Administra- Attorney see that the taps and toilets are Kindly l u I free from leaks. Date of 1st publication, July trix 11, 1929 j |