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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1637 AGETWO Entered at the Pcotoffloo at Utah as Second Class Matter. Tre-aaamto- Published at Tremoaton, Utah, ECONOMIC a, Home Economist Gives Hints Por Paris Exposition Building New Landmark fflEAn RTVEB VALLEY I.KAItTH HIGHLIGHTS on fborsday of each week. Subscription Rates Gloom ( $2.00 One Year (in advance) 11.00 fjtx Months (in advance) - 50 IThree Months (in advance) HAPPENINGS THAT AFFECT THE DINNER PAILS, DIVIDEND CHECKS AND TAX BILLS OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL. NATION- AL AND INTERNATION-A- T"Ke only place in the U. S. where catalog and eaverttinff matter coverinar any line of buaineM r product can be obtained Free and Without Obbsttioo i the American lnduatrial Library. Write (or BuaineM Advertiauui Matter yoo are interacted in; aame will be promptly forwarded. AUEIICAR IN OQSTBIAL LIBRAfiY WlDMriaS Bmildiast CUm UUaoi DITORIAl ASSOCIATION NATIONAL To Your Town S L LOCAL WELFARE A I 1 1 tt Mi' ? IM11'!! I III 1 rJ SI, Recently the business indicators 1 have shown the effects of two adsZ verse influences strikes and floods. if1 t 1t Both caused sharp reductions in con-- 4 sumer purchasing power, and both - fr were felt throughout the entire instructure. dustrial XT.' ? Most serious strikes involved Pacific Coast maritime workers, and automobile workers. These strikes have been at least temporarily settled. West coast shipping, tied up practically 100 per cent for more than 90 days, is resuming normal propor tions. General Motors plants are again operating. But the labor outlook is still mixed. It is regarded as inevitable that EaTKStma. more strikes will be called this spring and fall. Objectives of two of these figured in last century, have so drawn their budding in the cedar tree which has since THIS symmetrical the orig- plans as to continue the preservation When and strikes will be the coal and steel in literature history. classic manner is the new was destroyed to make of the Pompadour cedar. Into this new dustries, which employ about 800,000 Museum of Modern Arts which is be- inal house numerous way for another the architects care- museum will be moved the men. At the present time, the soft ing built on the Quai de Tokyo in fully preserved the tree in planning masterpieces of the art of our own coal mines are operating under a la Paris for the Paris 1937 International the new structure. The second struc- times which are now scattered among bor agreement .effected between the Exposition. The site of the building ture was lately occupied by the Polish the Louvre, the Luxembourg and was occupied in the 18th century by Embassy which recently moved to other historic collections. These will operators and the United Mine Work a house built by Louis XV for Mme. make way for the building of the at last constitute a coordinated col- -ers. This agreement expires on the backPompadour. That famous lady planted Museum. The designers of the new lection in an eminently suitable last day of March, and it is widely j of the residence like their a of ground. prototypes the in her building, garden forecast that at that time the union p will will make emands the operators refuse to meet, and a strike will fol- 1936. And it is of course certain that CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Bold low. So far as steel is concerned, it will be an impetus to construc-io- n there of John intention avowed has been the in the afflicted areas after the The United States Civil Service L. Lewis to force the closed shop on he of extent waters recede and the has announced open comCommission Gold To the industry, and it is said that he as follows: determined. been has examinations petitive has his plans all ready for what may damage Park ranger, $1,860 a year, NationConsequences of these adverse in Next stop for radio listeners who prove to be the greatest strike in fluences has been a recession in the al Park Service. recent history. week go "Exploring Amenca each business indexes lately. Yet Senior educationist (senior specialAs the U. S. News recently pointed standard and Carveth Wells" will Conoco with conhas of the general tide industry ist in elementary education), $4,600 be out, "Modern industry is now so in tinued Texas Pleasure Island Galveston, adjustment is made a year, Office of Education, Depart- of the South the d that the for forward, ifand tegrated and story of which will influseasonal ment of Interior. catastropes troubles of any one part soon reflect world explorer famous the told be by ences. Items of lntesest follow: Principal, Indian community and in the Continental themselves throughout the whole Oil company broad RAILROADS: Carloadings are run- boarding schools, $2,000, $2,600, and cast at 6:45 to 7:00 Strike effects take on national im Sunday night thead of the com $3,200 a year, Indian Field Service over KSL. portance." In other words, when a ning consistently station of strike hits a big industry, such as parable period last year. Outlook for (including Alaska), Department "Known as Treasure Island In the . motors, its dampening effects on business is good. Worst problem faced Interior. when pirates roamed the Gulf days Junior warder (female), $1,320 a the industry is legislative it fears trade are felt immediately through- bv 01 MeXICO and DUned their loot in TTVHri-a- l H11 rVii,.V. Tnrtnerrinl Tnatiriitinn matoriollu in. out many other big industries stell, tkot lo,o 13 without! cost of operation for Women, Department of Justice, nwf9alcs' rubber, oil, textiles, transport Car crease the inWest means for Alderson, Virginia. increasing providing must out of stock, and dealers run Medical technician (tissue culture), come to compensate, may be passed discharge salesmen. In a thousand a year, National Institute of $1,620 Congress. communities purchasing power de- by U. S. Public Health Service. subtropical climate with an average Health, Also UTILITIES: ELECTRIC face is felt clines, mildby groceries, drug Chief accountant, $5,500 a year, as- temperature of 70 degrees, and stores, movie theatres, every com- a grave legislative problem, are up in make winds of winter tempered ly mercial activity. Cumulative losses the air as to what Federal power poli- sistant chief accountant, $4,600 a numerous summer sports enjoyable run up into the billions. These wide- cy will be in the future. Power con- year, principal accountant, $3,800 a the year around." accountant and auditor, $3,200 spread influences of a general strike sumption has been very high, is now year, Also included in Wells' broadcast are regarded by some labor leaders declining somewhat, due to seasonal a year. Commodity Exchange Admin will be an unusual description of how oi Agriculture. as an asset they feel that public influences. Summer electric consump- istration, uepanmem Full information may be obtained Galveston was "lifted out of the sea" opinion, impressed by the brake put tion, particularly in the domestic from the Secretary of the United following the disastrous hurricane on normal prosperity, will throw its field, is naturally least of the year. which wrecked the city in 1900. STEEL: Iron and Steel Institute States Civil Service Board of Examweight to their side to force a settlecustominers office or at the post ment with employers. Yet the auto- says the industry's 1937 construction mobile strike settlement gave labor and equipment budget will be 45 per house in any city which has a post heads a great deal less than they ask- cent ahead of 1936, totaling about office of the first or second class, or j from the United States Civil Service ed for, is regarded by A. F. of L. $290,000,000. By Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen D. C. President Green as a setback for the PRICES: Cost of living is holding Commission, Washington, v close to recent levels, with neither imworkingman. Luby and Peter Rasmussen and The influences of a natural disas- portant advances nor recessions in packing, food, utilities, department Miss June Anderson spent the week ter, such as the Ohio river floods, are sight. Commodity prices are likewise stores, steel. end at home, visiting with Mr. and oOo of course similar. Factories and stores reasonably stable, with drops in a few Mrs. Owen Rasmussen. close, people must leave their homes. lines. Some experts look for sharp The feeling grows in many quarters Mrs. Frank Heslop, who underwent Their purchasing power is almost en- jumps in grain futures, due to a rela- that the President may have done an operation recently, is now able to himself serious harm by his proposal be around. We are happy to have her tirely stopped. First and most drastic tively small world crop. PROFITS: January dividend declar- for reorganizing the judiciary. More with us again. effects, as a result, are felt by the retail trade industries. During and ations were not extraordinary. A and more Democratic Senators and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gunnel spent following the recent floods, the large number of industries paid less than Representatives are saying "No!" to Sunday with her parents, Mr. and mailorder houses reported serious in the same period last year. Advances his advocacy of a SuMrs. Elias Anderson. drops in orders. However, retail trade were registered in such industries as preme Court. M. W. Hansen entertained his Sun- for the country as a whole is man aging to stay ahead of the levels of 5 J , as well as to your Country PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS i PROBLEMS INSEPARABLE FROM Free to Public ....... , H a j J WHO ARE YOU? The Romance of Your Name By RUBY HASKINS ELLIS An Edmonstone ? HpHIS family originated In northern A France, with Count de Edmont, a 'duke of Flanders, whose son William, .'in 1063, went to Scotland as a special attache to Queen Margaret, wife of IKlng Malcolm. The king bestowed upon him the Jland of Edmiston and Umet for faithful service. Archibald Edmonstone was the first i of the family In America. He patented i ! ii I Used Galveston Isle As Place Bury Pirates inter-relate- i i i re I j ! fTlsL ZZZTIL1 Z's Ling Rooras and glare should u come in first lighting y0Ur ho"? rectly, according to Mrs. EffieT" rows, Extension economist ' f01" Utah State Agricultural colieg, speaKing on correct lififhtin moei for. the home. Too much light is just aa dar ous as not enough illumination v Barrows said. One can see to under one foot candle of li full sunlis-h-"t undpr rv, ,A..0ris J( candles available out of iy doors v ther extreme is to be recommerZ" The one foot candle causes eye and extreme brightness great eye discomforts unless parts lar care is taken to eliminate 6 by suitable shading. Twenty;five foot candles or ii?(lf are declared by some to be the tical lighting goal, Mrs. Barrows saw The international commission oiml lumination has set 5 foot the minimum to be used on student desks. Other authorities claim that 10 to 15 foot candles give ample fl. lumination for efficient work. The most favorable type of im, ing to be used is either direct, )m J rect or semi-indire- ct lighting, is obtained in a simple manner tv direct plan of lighting is accompli ed by overhead, hanging, or portable" lamps that direct the light only h the downward direction. The shads used are opaque so as to reflect and not transmit light Indirect lighunc is accomplished through the use inverted bowls that transmit the tot upon the light colored ceiling, 4 reflects it throughout the room, fl ceiling must always be in good shape for the sake of the beauty of the ef. feet, however, more foot candles of power is used in the indirect method than in the direct The is a combination of direct and indirect lighting through which the lamps &n placed in a bowl so designed as to reflect some light directly on the ceiling and some directly downwarj , through the bowl. semi-bdire- day school class to sleighriding anj coasting party on Monday. A good time was had by all. Mrs. J. H. Howe is visiting wits Mrs. Ira Anderson. Mrs. Howe is from Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leonard, Miss Pugsley, Miss Rigby, Miss Horsley, Roy Hansen and Roy Larsen were dinner guests of Mrs. W. Fridal last Wednesday evening. Causes Short Circuit I land In ICS!) in Maryland and Virginia, and succeeded his father as commander of county militia in Maryland. He married Jane Beall, daughter of the Kinlan Beall. Through intermarriages the became connected with many prominent families, among them the Ormes, who claim descent from tlia royal house of Stuart. well-know- n ' Power of Gold "The power or gold is shown by onr dragon," said III Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "which, though unlovely in form, becomes beautiful when artistically ; ,!, tflded." ,,,,., A .dirty and gummed distributor cap, coated inside and out may cause a short circuit in the ignition. Bronchial Cs0Uil ELWOOD - fust A Few Sip i and Like A Flas- h- Relief! Sper-a few cents toe': at any goo drugstore for a bottle cff- triple actingof a coupli BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE tc: ticcs and steeD sound all night long your Irritating cough of t ronchltis it W Oer control. One little sip and the ordinary cough Is on its way continue f. - 2 or 3 yi f rMt! tfnt nd often vou'll hear no i tough old hang-o- n cough seems to neip; ir nor io y Fully Mtlsfiel with BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE money w - d ..- im- Adam's Drug Store.- -(- Adv.) - wwaawaaMaaapiewiamaiaauiai anauit jpsmammicwmBMmmmmmmmmimem - ACTUAL rHOTOQMPH TN January, 'T'S 4.f 1 86.8 proof Studebaker tales went 'way ahead in fact they were the year largest in the company 't history for fifteen years I And that sensational sales advance stems Straight from the new 1937 Studebaker's remark able economy which equals and often betters the best showing of the smaller lowest priced cars I Before you buy any new car, you will be smart to strive a Studebaker and find out why it's called America's spotlight car of the year! A of January last ... UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. The straight whiskies in this product are 15 months or more old. 25 straight whiskies; 75 grain neutral spirits. 5 straight whiskey 4 years old, 20 straight whiskey 15 months old. eonrwoHT im. jos. s. unch Will QUART t co, inc, schema t k WEEJl No. 229 no. 228 WyJM .WMM |