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Show JAMES RANDALL, POET children and granaohildren about Ixlrx To his gifts as a yoet and joumall: ue aaas tne charm of brilliant conver THE AUTHOR OF "MARYLAND" sational powers, and those who hava AND HIS CAREER. seen, him of late describe him as p- ssed of all the e enthusiasm of s and manner, and still in appear Lyric Struck All speech Hearts He is Now an Attache of ance a young man, without a: touch of In his hair. During the last sea he United States Senate-fcyrl- -- His Other silver son Mr. Randall has had a number of Productions.; nattering offers for a lecture tour through the country, but the author of RUE merit in a Maryland, My Maryland,"' Is singu song is ja passport larly indifferent to the emoluments of Which no sentry this world, and can say what few poets will question, and are able to claim, that he has never long before peace written a line of verse for money. Consumptives. Oct. 21.(Special.) JLnKurlngr , UTAH. 7i. P8" siMtiVil ilinnon. l Coft-- w. west. Richard a, . Merrltt WmEL King. C:tU feif feJJerV . -- Frank II arr a T. B. Lewis. School! UTAH COMMISSION. , iCCiB lt 17.. TbatchW ;fFNorrel..'--:nia- iuAB COUNTY judge. .. ueto . " f :srTeyff ? . vv , . yazier Edward Pik y. iianrora .IKkrm Ockey . . . . i . . . Enst ice wr: "";.;...... :::: reasaf v - .i My Marylanid," that fiery bitj of rhymed eloquence, had grossed the enemy's lines, and exacted its meed of praise from the literary critics at the North. Oliver Wendell Holmes says of it: "It was; the best poem produced on either side during the war." And the poet himself writes: "Soon after its appearance abundant evidence was borne to me, that, whatever the fate of the confederacy might be, my song would survive It." It crossed the ocean, and when It came out in England, Mr. Randall; received an autograph letter from a member of Lord Byron's family filled with expressions of admiration of it, and containing a request for a manuscript copy, and an invitation to the author to visit his correspondent in London. About this time Mr. John R. Thompson, for so many years connected with . the South ern JLiterary Messenger happened to be auroad, and upon the return he said to lJeprezin A. L. Jackman ...J. iT.fw 9Sullivan' t collector i ttorney VMarylaind, DCEY.a eii fchartfes Foote I I had been declared, Lake City. Lake City. Lake City. txt&..9t ; c nPTAL OFFICERS. ran REV. JOSEPH COOK. The Prohibitionists Ma-- Nominate Him '. for President Next Year; The above is a portrait of Joseph Cook of Boston, probably the; most aggressive orthodox preacher of the pres ent day. His name has lately been mentioned in connection with the nom ination of the presidency on the prohi bition ticket next year. Joseph Cook has no equal on the lecture platform or . Amick COUNT! DIRECTORY. Joshua Greenwood Jnfl" (Andreas Petersoa. T ifTTLABD fa ; Styler. r ....IJohn jamesC. Gardner", Holbrook. . Selectmen - i Sheriff" Assessor ?tm,...... Jno. Dd'BecoraVr Clerk Alma Greenwood. A. A. Hinckley Thoa. O. Callister. AtSSr" V- -.-. ,arTS . M. Hanson. Wlllard Rogers. Smith Joseph D.Teenies. - -- m afSsatv: r. d. c. oaa. Mr. Randall: ' bloomer girl if the day "auTi had lived in St. there would . remarks about her in to the Corinthians. Epistle First or not Whether ! ;nd of liquor. has 11,000 children, too Chicago j and twenty new her schools jr : ! many bulldo- hare been erected during the jar. This gives one an idea how gs j V ; i 4 . thing may frankly and truthfully i said in no part of this country to-.- 7 old-fashio- ."tScularly. young man shot a young woman she would, not love him any It seems that some people will se. what may appear very aantic when enacted on the stage a subdued lights, soft music and cartridges is nothing more than sUliest learn that; er ' i sort of foolishness In e (If our. every-7lii- e. young people would be ciore careful about their diet 7 would not be so liable to lose the e brains with which they were eh 1 fed.. ; ', "ttle A the boom structural iron is so great, the manu rers are unable to supply the de- u3. For two months the Carnegie ; Pittsburg dispatch says -- aetural mills have been to limit. The a time company on the delivery o'f contracts for kinds of material for running put : . ;u orders for material to' be de-within sixty days would be This week the limit has been" ed Jsi -- 53 i, and orders for delivery under months are refused. The same Editions apply to other large struc-- 1 mills,' cegie Ei MOOQ It Is estimated that the Company, has contracts on present aggregating almost tons of structural material. liait -- structural It vas announced two weeks ago for the not go much tons, and the contracts of production cf the year will ?cnd 100,000 1 hand Will rnn topII re-fd- sr 1COf5 JAMES RYDER RANDALL. to madly. Among the crowd, silent and unsuspected, stood James Ryder Randall, who, (at this demonstration, felt a hand laid upon his arm, while a. vwice at his side said: j "Do you not; as a Marylander feel proad of that song?" "I don't know," replied Randall. "I ara. afraid that I am rather practical, ar.d I feel convinced, if he were to ask it. that there is not a man in this vast throng who would lend the author $5." "Yes," said ,the stranger, "but they will give hlml "a splendid funeral." Through his mother, Mr. Jtandall Is de o scended from. Rene Leblanc, the gen-tlnotary" in Longfellow's poem, "I3vangeline."l His father was a merchant of Baltimore, and in that city, on Jan. 1, 1839, the poet wasj born. One of hfli earliest teachers, Professor Clark, had formerly been a tutor of Edgar Allan Poe and up to1885 was still living in Baltimore at the age of 90. In 1849 young Randall entered the old Jesuit Before his college in Georgetown1 circumstances graduation, however, abandon his to studies, And him obliged Baltimore a in brief a experience after f a term service and as, a book store, of Florida, he teacher in the wilds drifted to New Orleans, where he filled a position as clerk in a merchant's sap. j ping office. I j j - - 350,000 337,500 RAILWAY. "Yes," said Joe, again. Half an hour later the barber noticed the housekeeper out in the hall, look GENERAL BANKING ing curiously into the shop. He walked out to where she was. In All Its Branches. "Hello," she said. "Which is It? Are J. H. Erickson, you, drunk or crazy?" Quo. C. Whitmore, Presideat."What do you mean?" asked' the bar W. W. Akmstrono, Cashier. ber, with much dignity. "You must be one or the other, judg ing from the message you sent up with that shampoo." C. "What message did I send?" "Joe told me you said to tell me to Manufacturer and Repairer of take a cup of tea and put it in the bottle and' lie about it!" No tiresome layovers. Close connections in union depots, And positively the quickest roata V. Krdrrj Uteitj Atlantis To the Great Rivers and Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly OSTLER, i In which the seats are free to holder of regular train tickets. y. All kinds of Ehoes made to .order. Vorkmanship second to none. First door south of Tabernaele, ; - Vassar College has opened with an enrollment of over 500 young women. NEPHI. Rosa Bonheur is engaged on a mam MAIN STREET, moth picture representing a fight between two enraged horses. Interested women are planning a! series of entertainments for the benefit GEUERAL MERCHANDISE of the Model Lodging House and Work-- ' shop, an offspring of the Woman's AHD PRODUCE' Call on or address S. V.DARRAH, j COMMERCIAL PASSENGER Room 21 Morlan Block, AT THE Salt Lake City, ' STORE DESERET CASH ' Goods at bottom prices fcr & 0CEEY, - Czsl Main Street, Wholesale and Retail General Passenger Butchers; " ' & Ticket Agent, Sti Louis, Mo. - Mill Work a Specialty. Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. - TOWMD, H. C.j spot cash. ; Utah. - or ; j JIIO. DEVSIIUP, MGR. OSTLER AGEE FREIGHT AND club. The annual meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Evans- ton First Methodist church will occur at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the resii dence of Mrs. E. E. Marcy. Chair Cars Reclining BOOTS AND SHOES, OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. modern Equipment and ! I I 1 GRACE BROTHERS' mm Lumber PORK I VEAL of state during his recent serious- fll- - MDTTON lua H 1 1 1 II 1 y A7 7 7 7 7ness, and helped to win the hardest fought battle in the Democratic party in the state. She is now editor and proprietor of Kate Power's Review, the only paper on the gulf coast owned by a woman, edited by a woman and published for women. This paper has Manufacturers of and Dealers in . . had a phenomenally successful career, OCKEY,1 Mouldings, ..! Windows,: Doors, having attained the fourth place in Hard Coal, Mixed ware, Paints, circulation among the state weeklies NEPHI CITY, UTAH. Caskets, Comns, Pickets, and having kept up an exalted literary etc. Wire Combination Fence, standard. Miss Power was" for days Free delivery to any part of the city. mail orders and the Southern; Trade. to attention given Special helpless, her father's death being prob Salt Lake City to tills, from By ordering from us you save the freight able at any hour; but when, on Wednes point. day before the county election on TuesR. E. L. C,E. COLLIER, suffererbeloved the passed day, the crisis, this girl with a lion's courage In a tender woman's heart, kissed the Engineering in all its Branches, brow' of her father, and Iwith that kiss Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty-- I -17 Pianino Mill Butter, Lard, Sausage j OSTLER & j - . Land and Irrigation Engineer fcr Central ar.d Land Irrigation Co., Co., Clear I Ue Fillmore Inr : d Irrtpation.Co. and WhJU Mountain Lfc.. rid 3rr;gUon Co. ' Grace Broth ere, UTAH. NEPHI CITY, '. ' - 1 Office: Court House, . Fillmore, Utah. OSTLER & ALLEN, - . HAS FOR BALE FULL CREAJU - -' Al H AfflESS CHEESE. Deseret is noted for the fine quality of its Wilk, Butter and Cheese. Giyt o ur products a trial. V I Dealers in and Manufacturers of THE DESERET DAIRY CO, s BRIDLES, v . HOPPLES. NOSE SACKS, ETC. N. S. BISHOP, ' . Among the poet's ojLher patriotic verses are "There's Life in the Old Con- - Land Yet," "Stonewall Jackson" and ;9 International a LfCadon was attended by dele-. "Battle Cry of the South," but he KATHERINE MARKHAM POWER, Iron Italy, from the people's the a a as a benison, started forth on her laregards "At Arlington,' written c? 1 Agri-'Sa tounaea Belgium, the French upon niguy bor of love. yf later date, and After traveling in a day 100 miles by best poem he aas syndIcates, from British poetic incident, the 1 rail and road combined, visiting evefy 4 Stores, and from similar and ever produced. ', one of the 125 delegates to the couuty travwhile In the of the war, close organisations Near the Etatss Germany, Switzerland, convention at their homes, and reMr. Randall in a railroad caij, eling Jr sitAustrla-.Vva the Netherlands, turning late at night to the bedside of borrowed a newspaper from lady a her father, she would spend - several The lady, then Rournania, Russia, Servia ting near him. itralia, the primary purpose be- stranger to him, was Miss Hammond, hours planning the next day's corre"certain how far the his future wife; the paper was the Au- spondence to be executed by her sisteYs. ''Ple had been or was capable Chronicle, of whlcti he afterwards Indeed, in less than five days she h?..d. gusta sjplied to Industrial enter- became the! editor. Other papers with visited every precinct in the county which he had been editorially and except four, and thisj failure was due ca the store otherwise connected arej the Baltimore to an unfavorable change in her father's 7' United Particularly in the American, the Catholic Mirror and the condition, requiring her presence near en--:- st him. And though it jail she never let teemed to evoke great Georgia Constitutionalist ofher father suspect that there was any At present Mr. Randall holds an satisfactory results at of the fight in the county, putting her abiaviii apparently been fice under the Eergeant-at-arm- s that direction. Less suc- - United States senate, and is the corres- sence down to important business of CTldsntly resulted from efforts pondent of a number of papers, his let- her own, lest it increase his illness. ters from the capital being widely cop- And, during ail that time, Kate Power's production, 'addresses and r?.ptrs read ied. His home 13 In Augusta, Ga., and Review has never failed to show its in its accustomed plac there, in the intervalsl unclaimed by sparkling1 face time. at right cSdal duties, his life is passed sith his SUPT. Horse Furnishing Goods DESERET HOUSE. t WE GUARANTEE Hssissartsrs fir UIHIKG EEL '7 , CJty and county Newspapers from aH -' j- ra- -- v co-onerat- ive j clUuh. On tpesizae&s from Detroit ; - whra.o-- STery tZlag BSSPECTABLH a. mmmlnt WeU cl . "... 7:77'- ::-7;- i ' '" ' EO"-.--far:'a- ANTESD CUIUS far a3 te TactfiaeaUla oa Application.. DESERET, J. F. GICR3, Prop. - - . . 1 -i UTAH. "CUPIDEKE This erreat VegetableRESTORED Vitalizer.thepreecrip- ' L-o- U Dissssos of the Kidneys and.LMifc? j i " you of alJ nertion of a famous French physician, will qnicklrcure as Manhood, vous or Kiiscases ef tlie generative organs, such Nervons DebUity, Ingomrila I'ains in the Bade, Seminal Emissions. Ca Fremlxea. ThU Water la a CSAU MRS. t 3 WJIIOOD ' j a : "Perfect - THE PUREST WATER ON EARTH. Cm i psits &s3 ItTlriWr 'Prevents or yolar , . qufefc- - of topotener. C yiPIDWE deanaea deliver, tho the horrors DEFOflE and AFTER all v irnrn and the urinary . rTTtrrTTBT' .tno.honinfl rpntres smsll weafe orgaDi i. . does not elitect a pennanentcora CDPIDENKistbeoniy fcnowa reraed Irotfi(ia. A written guarantee eiven and 8l and tesUmoniala. tXXO a box. San Fra.tsco. Cal. Jbr SrO, FOR GALE i;;fl ! and Cowboys' Outfits. Sheep Men's ? Co-V"1- Te 3 We also carry a full linej of Co-operat- ive :j-i- vo liari flfi UTAH. CAPITAL SURPLUS K atk for a ticket that resi VIA National; Bank, NEPHI, Tv co-ope- Be irare and CITY, ST. OR UTAH. .! --- He . - . A NEPHI, Joe to take it up to the housekeeper. "You .tell her," said the barber, "to take half a teacup of the shampoo and put It in two teacups of water and apFirst . JOSEPH cook.; in the field of religious literature, air. Cook was born in Ticonderoga, N. Y., January 26, 1838. He was educated at Yale and Harvard, and after studying four years at Andover he was granted a license, ' but declined all invitations to any settlement . as pastor, He two for Andover years and preached- in in Lynn, Mass., for one year, and in 1871 went to Europe, where he devoted himself to study and travel 'until near the close of 1873. Upon his return, he became a lecturer on the relations of religion, science and current reform. His "Boston Monday lectures," in Tre- mont Temple, attracted general atten tion. In 1880 he made a lecturing tour around the world. Mr. Cook's published works include "Biology,'! "Transcen dentalism," "Orthodoxy," 'Conscience,' going to MSAS h J. M. tary of State by Untiring Effort. Miss Katherine Markham Power, f Jackson, Miss., successfully conducted ob-rr- ed 3 If yea are Carefully eompoundedi Mall or express orders promptly attened to. VIce-PresIden- CAPTURED THE CON VENT.ON. Mist Power Makes Her Father feecre- - American Sun-i- y cessation from secular ior, respectful quiet, and worship for who are inclined- - so generally as in the south. This fact Is lied with extreme gratification by rthern visitors, already unhappily miliar with current' practices oughout this section and the west the a day of Is Your patronage solicited. . Ten thousand people surrounded the The number of - Washington monument in Baltimore at :plls enrolled this year exceeds 175,the reception given to the! French vis " if. itors to the Yorktown Centennial, and when the Dodworth band played "Mary The Olympian games are to be reiy Mjaryland," and the guests, ved at Athens, in Greece, next April, tiat it was a distinctive air, zi it is time for the winners of the owed low, the crowd cheer larican events in athletics this, year put themselves in communication ith the director of the games. The serican universities ought to be. well "Heredity." "Marriage," "Labor," "Sopresented. In addition to talcing part cialism," "Occident," and "Orient." Hi i the games they can brush up their greatest popularity arises from the fact reek in conversation and reading the that he attempts to show that science .37' papers. is in harmony with religion and the bible. One getting there i3 ' ! and Bologna. PRESCRIPTIONS CICAGO, "With the, directions?" "I envy you above all men." "Why?! asked the poet, past sing it there.' " Chi-!g- o Mutton, .Veal, Chipped. Bj I "Yes," said Joe. m there is anything in hysiognomy, there is no doubt that 'me men's characteristics are betrayed r their faces. For example, if a man a bottle nose you mayiKnowne .in ! Choice Fresh Lie DliDGGISTS, Joe took the shampoo and went up to the housekeeper with it. In a short time he- - came back, and the barber asked: "Give it to her all right?" ; said Mr. Thompson, "Because," when I was in London I met in a drawing-rooone jof the most beautiful and charming of women,r who asked me if I would not like to hear a song ofe my southern country; and upon my replying In the affirmative, went to the piano and sang, 'Maryland, My Mary land!' After she had. finished, she turned to me, saying: When you see the friend that wrote that, tell him that you heard; It sung by a Russian girl who lives at Arch angel, north of Siberia, and learned to hare been some ! tn-ijtinen- ply." j complimentary ia f and Slioe Holer. the hotel barber shops a small Italian Large Stsck at Salt Lake prices. boy named Joe officiates with the whisk broom. The other day the hotel house SOUTHERII TRADE SOLICITED. keeper sent down to the proprietor of the shop and asked him to fix her up a M'NALLY LUNT, bottle of shampoo. He fixed it and told -- Sidney HARDY, E MoNALLY & LTJHT, A QUEER SHAMPOO, f T A WhiBkbroom Boy Got His Instruc tions Badly Mixed Up.' From the Buffalo Express: In one of i i G-EORG-- it old-tim- World-Famou- ReCincinnati, ports say that a leading life insurance company is accepting risks to the amount; of $300,000 on lives of consumptives taking the Amlck Chemical Treatment for lung disease. The Amick Chemical company, of Cincin A perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing; in e2 Is nati, actually paying the premiums It branches. Special attention canea m on this insurance and Dresentins: doI- - hi new style. Universal feed sewing maicles to their patients. This, company chine does all its work inside of the shoe. claims to have the most complete sta Two doors north of Union, Main St., NephL tistics on consuii) ntion In the world. and; that these risks are good, provid- in: the patients". take a course of the . . |