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Show COL BECKWITH SAYS: "I Take Pleasure in Commending SKATE SPORT. LAUGH TURNED ON SURGEON. Sailor May Travel a MU fetiowce aitli No Power Save the Wtad. To bo Met neff the mart the Hller ix the boat and skit ltC blended at tie speed of a high-tes- s lonnotiTt is the spert el skatroailits. y writer in Coax try tale tn America. Za aa aatezaobDe, ia a racing keel, oo a feSoodrei bone. Ike Kaa tilt (ildfs by or fc). ?r or tndle is a piece of lest freight, For Pe-ru-- na SAILING LIVELY Coughs and Colds. ipi U"' ul rpTr steal tie Jice ( nearest fta.e-sa;- tie s UNDERPAID FOR THE WORK. From the uaquetifUd endorsement ot many of my friends, I take pleasure la commending your remedies for coughs end colds-- " Paul E. Beckwith. out-doo- . jhfe ' are much less liable to catarrhal diseases than Lhoee who are housed up ia' illy ventilated rooms. And yet both of these classes are more or less subject to catarrh and catarrhal diseases. The soldier as well as the civilian finds It frequently necessary to use Peruna on account of coughs and colds. No one is exempt. The strong and healthy are less liable than the weak bnd ill, but none entirely escape. MOUNTAINEER TO CTRE A COLD IX OX DAT Tike Uitdifi Tfctjei. A rc) m feAfif if it ftfi w care-- B--IGrvre &C. H M. I OVERALLS Full of Business .a the End. Commercial Traveler (wrecked on a desert fsand) to cannibals: Wen, since you're determined to eat me, kindly do me one last favor: Use our brand of mustard for the sauce. It improves the flavor of all meat; it never molds or absorbs moisture. Youll lied a sample bo in my right . hand coat pockt. Mit. WtMkW fm NO BETTER ONES CAN BE MADE t for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds. Old ... . Sores, Corns, Bunions, t, Gait (niM, Contracted Muscles, Lame' Back. Stiff Joints, Frosted Feet, Bums, Scalds, etc. Inflam- AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, subdues ' iAETRiES1 STpor loosen, the Fibrous Tissue the Muscle promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving natural alaatioity.':. j Tr'.M : f. 'ssiarasts niinm $ RIIEUO ATISQ-- sciATIC Y ' L AStmtJr 600 Craig 8t. Knoxville. Tenn..' write.: I hate been trying the bath of Hot bprinr. Arlt,Ior ny-gLi more relief from Ballsrd Snow senamo poatoffloe order for Sl.w. thing 1 have ever tried. Inolod large bottle by Southern Expreia. JJn' JyeSicineor $1.00 THREE SIZESi 25a. 50p AND GENUINE ; u BC SVRL YOU GET .THE Bailarct Snow Liniment Co 'fqaLfi T. LOVI8. V. fivA lb b... T U Soetkiac ggai. KUllMOUu ttCAMLC eksz. Be. Ituxrol ttkut CIIIIER IN& D1PHTHERII REMEDY salu iv all onueaiara fES"..Y".b."."d:vllEViR FAILS for Ana asNMAL joett. .HALL1 S Agents. Dfgg. ai SI. MURK'S Superintendent "j'lii nil n 'fvr np s a 10c axd this 5 ones to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. La Crowe, Wis., and they will send you free a sample of tha Wheat end- - other farm eeeda, together with their great catalog, alone worth 3100 00 to any wideawake farmer. W. X. U.J Provided for Plain Living. I A Newark. (N. J.) man left his non 100 In Ms wilL but 'was evidently afraid that The youth would uso it all at once for riotous living, so bo fixed it so that ho would get 31 a week. ! hw rseerist e t!p Amesg thW who GrsaS Prt-- et Sa Loss ot ms C - lb was lie A. J. 1 ewsrS-- Uie i L 8URTbHfTjTQj.tM.T. HOWARD vti' 75c; Gold ss:; zinc or CopperTci, tl. ( jrnnlde lasts, ftftultait enr elope. eol (all price list sent uo nppllcs-.o- ? Lomrul pad empire work nejlclted. Lead-HI- S, Colo. Bc(sreuSc,CuUWBs MsUossIhsolo Spsetmes prices: Onid SIItcK ti i When Answemog jpcdveftisements , Kindly Mention This Paper. BO- - to lb Fstt.wiu itcsil wS IM Mtots ta wafts eadwt msaeledatleg see efi eerred trtete eaoesrat la iMewy. ' or otbT ,o r nrert treatment. mu wit U boo. be r 'V 'J o TEA The Bank of England couldn't stand such, a draft, SEED as dissatisfaction with raon- SONS : tea would bring. ' errr. urs T eyback st., Tr Uk 8efeUir ITTMT redmrm jrmr r 1C Aom e per-sci- s g two-third- two-third- Recently Dr. Legrain communicated to the Society of Hypnology and Psychology some Tery interesting infor- mation retarding the treatment of alcoholics by hypnetism in Russia. In the cities of St Petersburg. Moscow, Uaroslav, Kieff, Saratoff and Astrakhan there have been established for several years, under government auspices, dispensaries to which the sufand wbere ferers resort hypnotism Is thfe principal, if not the soie,lhqrapentic agent. iLiiTuired to nove aka 5a career. Aa expres-sjem is used to designate this cocdi- tloo. Ptal'ppiEitis. Among the enlisted force that arrives maay are of castable nervous orgaalcsuo&s, and in the process of degeneration these peo- pie follow the lines of least resist- ance. Alcoholism, excessive use cf tobacco and other excesses are the usual signals cf aa impoverished nervous system, which under ordinary circumstances would require co stireula-t'oa- . The drinking of vino is common aasorg the enlisted force, and the tra-- a of unfortunate symptoms following this habit has no doubt been noted by others with longer expert-ence than mine. While all these ills cannot be attributed to the climate and environ meets, there is a frequency in their occurrence and a manner about the way in which they are com- milted that is different from that seen elsewhere. It was a wise step to cut the cruise in these Islands down to two years, aad I thoroughly believe that observation will prove that eves two years is too long for a white maa to maintain bis health in this ell-mate. ...... 1 More than likely you speak the samel words yocrelf, ard no doubt you far from welL Tfcecause may be easily j traced to some derangement of the femme organs wfekh manifrot itself ia depresvm of spirits, relnetanoe to go or do anything, backache anywhere i beanng-dow- a pains, fiatwleuey. nerve ; j oasaess. sleeplessness, leoererhoea. These symptosns are but warning that mere is danger ahead, and uks , heeded a life of suffering or a senoua j opersti.io is the inevitable result. e snre. The never-failinthe cremedy for all these ia Lydia E. Finkbam's Vegtrmpioms : etable Causea of Earthquakes. , Compound. Miss Kate McDonald, of WoodbriJgo, There are many earthquakes which there is reason to suppose have beea j X . writes: caused by those sheering movements Dear Mrs Ftnkham : i tak tfaai a wosnan aatomBy daiibm to of the rock which produce what ge-- make trmlens knowa to the hit Others are known restoredherhealth fass wwant to atk pufehe, ms ths j elegy terms faults. which appear to have been caused fey j I csnn.e hrip from nghag mine for the lake tuffernng saw the soddea dropping or faH cf a eon-- . ot ether a Vmg tune I tuffend tahM tpey siderable tract of the earth's surface j withFor uterua troubs and irreguianaes, a with the under-- g rocks cf great. which made me a phvwwl wreck, aad no one but unknown, thickness. In sack Uxwght i stud ivoortr. hst Lvdta fi fv.k-haOnytmd has eo&reiy cases large areas ot the surface, more eared Vegetable and made me niltad unag. aait than 108 miles square ia extent, sud- 1 IM It mrdotv to tell ether suffering wotnee ax the earth to trem- wnai a ljeexui wmix-uj denly sink, causing If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a J ble maay hendreds cf mfiee away. bottle of Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetaj ble Compound at once, and write to Pick ham, Lynn. Mam., for special VIEWS Mr iMR. advice it is free and always belpfnL j .TherGgess ref elepfcatlt' ca tching tn India,' as well as In fiiami writes Cas- par 'Whitney in .Outing, tends to one's settled notions of elephfeit sagacity, and to create 'Keeling that a lot ot sentimental tommy rot and misleading, conceived animal stories' forth about ray lord, the batssqs iwt elephanL The literal truth Is that the elephant, for all tis reputed' intelligence. is driven into places that no other wild animal eould possibly be induced to enter, te , in its native jungle held captive within a circle through which it could pass without an effort, and bullied Into uncomplaining obedience by a force the smallest A Ques g J-- 1 ta HATO Gins HIS OPUIOI OF THE BEST TEEATHEXT FOB PAEALTSIS. ... . bu-iue- TEA Its Ji ono f 0 reed ppisCore fw Ooovnnptios Is a infallible meUicmefor couch m4Wl-- N. V.Sixctt, Oceu Grove. X. I- - Feb. 1. 1SW. Boots More Fatal Than Storms. It was declared at Edinburgh re' cently that more fishermen were drowned from the pustom..of wearing ' long boots than by all the storms. 'cftiVi oTTH'EWO S7rlin lo ?1 aaurjSfftuV Bar Feet and Health. FeopU who go fear footed and those wbo wear sandals instead 4 shoes. St Ss said, rarely have colds Ss the head or any form of influenza. TEA Sell as your customer likes to buy. u A w I tut . Will you buy of your gro- cer & pound of our tea, and gD by the book in brew- -' ing h? tm mo ftwtw hoaIi Bow M art Thats how to do business; in tea or anything else. fck Tr iwam yw i ttywlo'l t bnt No Executions in Switzerland. Capital punishment still exists ia Switzerland, but all death sentenced imposed within the last half century have been commuted. TEA We blend lour types of tea for different tastes ; they are all on a level for quality. Twr T8Wf wenrai Sebum IM. ysr a Surely, A Pittsburg rabbi says Adam was myth. But there must hare been first man eo me time and somewhere. Buffalo Express. Good tea costs less than poor. Good tea costs less than poor. iu. re scum, i num j i.iy yn Owe ft God's Love of the Beautiful. God approves of beautifying. If not, why did He take such great pains to make the tiny snovliake eo fragile and perfect? - flO.OOO Plants for 16c. t a.Jp rmrrfipa ud tLW nr r 1 W QVB dwCtAtsm b on? Il ' ewer tot oaf f ) Pt WNITNNfH jom Ui wx UM lst nM HIM IM ft U lyhtlN Lara IniHmi K biriwiy AHlttuMllM iNnNmTd'ttw'" to rot RMMMJiLfc. suite Mttkete f VHIHbi -c- teAl eh. rot dsa tuts mo W fggifri nfMSMOL Mlfttor' M K Nil Bbfri. I FlMttR, MridkJ i A. ' this med lie m fiui'Lpd "mlLa sunn Cross. . te na 1 b ft M "" W; JOHN OGDEN ASSAY CO. 61ir:.Co!ri by matl 51-00 each receJte prtwnpt Ketn aad kicb B Wbt. te4 OWVIRCOIO I7?S Artpahoa Stratt When Answering Advertisement Kindly MertJon This Paper. : W. N. Sait Lake-N- o. S, 1905 z$33nasnn: uat Mo iw Cmh ittitE LI tjrrupk Sue Scum Ox4 tU. a a TEA Sduupte P ce TEA FREEST - We know our tea and we know your tea taste. Thats why we offer you back your money. I -- 4d TEA 1 ' Tq, In Pompadour Stylo. Wires of Siamese noblemen cut their hair so that it slicks straight ap from their heads. The average length of it U About oeo and s half (aches. ! . frn Deformities and Paralysis fL - e Dertam TU.t Dr. VTItHum rtk nits Bnun tkrfBhUBN UN Out common school educaiion does AU Other Im4m faiM. cot teach children to obey Implicitly. ' t coaxed into obedience, Pupils are' , , They are marked for failures. They Pw are disciplined for flat refusals, bat ! affectiagooe whole ade ( he scarcely anything in the routine of garuig; partial or enure inability to ue the fingers; distortKin of the features, sometimes an uncvkutrollabie quivering Honing obedience to an order, because of the oiOculrv- in severe pains; . . it U aa order, without stopping else snerefe.chin; first warning is vine Frequents that can be done beside fioicg as one f; 1 a vague feeling of headache, vertigo aad . is told muscular weakness. maa a basmes and every Every Ia a recent icnerview Mr. W. J. L Is knows that this the pktyer teaching said : I truly think that Dr. Hayden f himwhich first task to he addresses Pill are a great mtdi-cin- e Pink WHliams 1 self when a boy or girl comes from me when physicians cured for they school and begins their first work for and other remedies bad failed to give wages. Generally, if they come from me the slightest relief. Too close ataa American family, center in the brought on an arack school cor in the family have they tention to nervousness which finally develoiied of ever learned what it is to obey an paralysis. There were times when order. It is a fault in our national intowas impassible for me to move my life which writes itself in accidents it hands or to np from a chair. At every day in the year and to which j other time Iget had partial control of my ia large measure Is owing the ecor- - i was afraid to g far from mous proportion of fatal accidents in limbs, but I bouse for fear I might suddenly bethe this country as compared to all the j come helpless and have to be carried rest of the world. home. 'While I was in this miserable condition, I was stricken with malarial fever and confined to bed for four mouths. I I had the best physicians, but while they.; of the alcoholics that they desire sin- - j relieved my fever, their treatment did malaria from my cerely to be cured, and that they ab-- ! no entirely drive the not help my par-th- e stain from all spiraeas liquors during system, and they did period of treat menu This is per- - j alyasin the least, I was well nigh despairing when a haps to ask of them a colossal effort, j since their trill power has generally! friend persuaded me U try Dr. Williams been destroyed; but they are obliged Pink Pills. When I had finished one box to accept a continual surveillance, and I could see results that encouraged me improving, it is attempted to ameliorate their My condition kept steadily boxes I was conditions of life as much as possible. aad when I had taken seven These means succeed very well in cured of paralysis and the malaria was Russia; but, as has often been re- completely driven out of my system. the marked, the French drinker te much Foe two years now I have enjoyed less tractable, and consequently the best of health and have attended to bus cure of alcoholics in France te much in ess without any interruption." Mr. Hayden 'a home is at No. 833 Weal more difficult and much less durable than In Russia; with us, in fact, the 89th street, Xew York. Dr. Williams alcoholic poisons himself with es- Pink Pills have cured many similar case sences as various as they are in- of paralysis, also locomotor ataxia. The; A treatment jurious, and it is only exceptionally are cold by all druggists. and cuocessfn. inexpensive that he submits to treatment for a so simple, should be tried by every sufferer fron long enough time to effect a lasting in any of iu stage. 1s none the less true that at partial paralysis cure. It the present time hypnotism 1s almost Cold fitoraga. the sole means of cure for alcoholic The cold storage of fruit ha grown mania. Literary Digest. to Urge proport-ons- . nearly 3,000,000 barrel of apples having been stored in the United State during the last winter as a result of Investigations daring the last year. It is found that the condition in which the fruit te fraction of its own numbers. Part of grown and the manner of handling It this is, no doubt, due to its exceeding- determine to a Urge extent 1U keep ly suspicious nature; the other part irg quality and ultimate value. to its jack of originality, to which latter defect, however, its notable amenability Jo discipline is attributr.bie. Apropo f amenability', Sanderson reDo you know Schillings cords mounting and taking out of the keddah. unaccompanied by a tame eleBest, besides tea? phant. a female on the sixth day after her capture; and 1 saw on the lower all in the knowledge coast of Siam an elephant, that had a in been captured book pitfall by natives three weeks previously; rowed .out on TarTMitnijMrMM7tfyMtai1llteli two lashed sampans to a small coastmatte steamer and to successfully ing Polyandric Race Dying Out. kneel that it might get through the Tbe race of Todas, in India, which decks. door between port practices polyandry (one wife having two or more husbands), which waa 100.WO strong a century ago, has dwindled to 101 persona. i T lock principles. According to tha latest Baed ether's Egypt." it stockholders of the Suez canal exact from its customers every year as much money as it originally cast to dig the ditch! The expense for cannot be great. A score of puxp.s. along the seventy mile of channel, always puxpirg water thick with sand from the bottom of the canal and squirting It far upon the banks, ecsn- - El e jp haiyts Not Too Wise ' by Lydia Yagwtabie enterprise that pays k per cent per annum most fee conducted oa Shy-- j New Cure for Alcoholism That alcoholism .in Russia is widely treated' with success by hypnotism is asserted by the writer of a noieria Cosmos. The method , has been adopted la government instifallots, bet it is believed that the peculiar adaptability of the Russians to this mode of treatment is largely responsible for its good effects. Says the writer: The cure of alcoholism by means of hypnotism is the order of the day. Ptskteara An Obedience a Vital Point in the first half of the current year the figures jof a IfirtforC L43er inspec-tio- c service covficg lie United States show that there were thirty-onkilled. If f Injured and property U the value of something like fSoO.fKO destroyed . in boiler explosions, says the Philadelphia Press. Ofthese more than ocehaif were due to a failure to obey orders.'-- Maty of them made mistakes in wn'lT-- or reading orders, or forgot them ait oee there A foil tenth was due to men who simply fell asleep la steer reglect of their work. Ia alL s this made if these accident due to the personal failure of some man to do what he was told. This runs through all work. The great mass of accidents and of disass ard often more, ters, folly are due to the fact that some mao or some woman has failed to obey or remember aa order. It is success for life to have the habit of being attentive to' an order, the capacity for remembering it and the instant will to obey. Nothing is rarer. B. Suez Canal a Go d Mina. 1 He ha errvat faith in tear of bred He left a load, of anthrat door. For hurjrry iwojde. young and oid; ' In front of a poor widow A Pessimist at Sea white. And bepe-- i imp pj nr f wofd he said and snow, Wfcen the dtep To hm he heHeet fronn the eoteL street and square, mous He was a pessimistic business man Wrapped the moor. For m,in must fed tain and on his first trip to Europe. The third A as prav. ; w That waa bi deed; with was filled "Vi feat was his creedT when he only well. did He out, it day I can not say. creed T are ftredft Usd TLU was a n-- CrisC-tiJremarkhe much not and else, f misery ' I can aot teU. post on . z a. LUWSI a to! Ia words he did not put his trust; ed as he leaned over the rail of the In faith his words were never writ; barift and lla store, and All going buf nothing w ship: He tewed to rare his cup and crust Id vftttow down ard rising up, mora. With ary one that needed it. the be he (rot. gs, Whaa B'W crust aad cup. Is thre of need Withholding &ot tha A tiKnd was bo He took the lead What was ba creed T in each jred task r told not me. He V bat was h creed? . 1 did. not aak. c He put his trut in ferai an. and workeA Ever along with hand and head; IHs chart? sis Uke the snow, And what he gave in chanty a MnOvd suda; t Cols, white asd dkea in its fH; TWa tooW t win W 1 blow Swedtened ku sleep and dally bread. teara winds TT tairtv that Hot hke the aoir iuTWta Urnwglwita Let us take heed . tres the teases paJL thlwinjt j, fVte For Kor hf brief! flower asd weed 5iJkri5TS?J!1n!Srtaw aaaauy a. Adort h,, creed txc,nrtSj to tb PwaOMatj Drctpptey below. T relief. creed And was his Tt'hat a.-ter: era DfATtSC i T Selected. The poor may know. ferNirftiR.UM. PUE STREET. ST. LOUIS. rrtc jea viil l t w , Redl-Wrrft When a woman cant find anything else to worry about she can do It about whether. the baby U going to wear side burn whlskers.wbea.be grows np. New York Press. iaki titfrfltifc. On -- rla sum m Xsidwmlm BUASD 6UCKZKS. hcad'luarfrrs for the best quality Alfalfa Seed. Grain. un sod Garden seed business 40 yrs Bars. Twine etc. Inattention Mati ortcm lven special 'ii? i grsr sfxo ai.FALPANRSPITIL .. BAILEY a aLT Le so. .'L-k- O, C. HUNTING, Salt Per introduced by the U. S. Dept, ei Jtpc. It is a tremendous cropper, priding m Hi., ind, pod landN. in 4 bn. ill-- , ia, Mand on cry, 8) V. per acre, )., Pa., tnd lands, such as are found ta Mont., Idaho, the Lt. solas. Colo, etc , it will yield from 40 to 60 bn. This Wheat and Spelts and Hanna Barley and Bromus I Dermis and Bill on Dollar Gran, sake it possible tn grew aad fatten bogs, sheep found. and cattle wnerever soil I HsWa-indj- i Singular Wedd ng Present, Miss Masters and Mr. Booth f Ctax gleton. Eng, received a novel wedding present recently. Ttfl sct6rs of the bride presented theta with a sliver casket containing eight hundred threw . . penny, bits. SO : necessafy to keep it from interfering with bis duties. This indifference is aot confined to himself. Jhe dogs ia the streets move about la' a stupid state, aad one is compelled to stop frequently when driving to prevent running over these animals that have at concern enough for their welfare . . . roads oa the foreigner, and a daily battle against "mat anna tendency is BatMtlhaaLoRb . patients aad madests with bis impor-tanee. was Imsr'cf to bta stadeats oee day wbe a workingman catered the room. The sergeoa stopped him 1 by a restore asd ordered bis class to loo at him. Mow, Mr. X." be said to oae of the traded, what is the master :th this maa? From here yon sbca.d be able to make a correct dJ . - The constant exposure to the eler life is ments experienced in an toot so apt to cause coughs and colds aa . . sedentary habits. Those who hie brought face 10 face with the weather every day in active Hft.Q e. Bargeoo W. H Bucher of the nary, ! stationed at OSocgapo, P. I has mace ! aa interesting report to the nary department re yard mg certain peculiar physical results cf proSocged service in the Philippines. There are certain changes. fee says, that take place is those individuals wbo are compelled to feve here which are worthy of poring. Some show evidences of this change early, while ia others it does not appear until considerable time has elapsed. It comes to all. however, in greater or less degree. The first symptom is loss of memory and the necessity. cf using a note book to jot down almost everything. About I the sajse time an ind.fferenee. so com-ino-a ! among the natives, makes in-- 1 Colonel Paul E. Beckwith, Lk CoL. retired, 1st Reg. Minute Men in a letter from 1503 Vermont avenue, X. Y Washington, D. C., writes: IS EFFICACIOUS. pom-poo- Life in the Philippines at least. IN FIELD OR BARRACKS L self-oonc- man-boa- Why More Women Do Not Engage as Nursery Governesses. Mania S. Beasley in Every body's reMagazine in a series of article lates her experiences as a nursery governess. She says, speaking cf the Peruna has always been a p first family with whom She feted: favorite with the military men, both in "Their, chauffeur was paid 1M. a month, and be had only the eare of a are received from olbcers of high rank : machine ; their governess was paid concerning the virtues of Peruna for all 132. her board and half a room, aad catarrhal ailments. had entire charge of thetr three litOnly a small per cent, of these can be used for publication for want of space. tle gtrla.'6ody, mind and eouL The the Mr. Harrison L. Deam, Burnside Post one was a trained mechanic: No. 8, Department of the Potomac, other position required more qualifiColonel encampment No. 89, Union cations than L a college woman aad Veterans Legion, Colonel Green Clay a tenet er of considerable experience, Smith Regiment No. 17, U. V. U.. De- could boast. . t partment of the Potomac, Military My work began at 7 oclock, the Order Loyal Legion, Department of Columbia. Major 34th Indiana Veteran time I called Laura, aad lasted 'till about 9 ia the evening. . During this - . Volunteer Infantry, writes: time there was not a moment ot rest, Tbere.lt po longer, soy&estioaea not even a.respite at meals. In sptte to the curatl e qualities of Peruna ia all catarrhal troubles. Its successful of the pieasanr things doanected with use by many of my Fiends entitles It the situation, no woman of sufficient ability to discharge its duties would to confidence and endorsement undertake the work (unless (rose, motives of pure philanthropy). except for a larger salary than she could get in another occupation. ii SUFrlSTHSUEPElAlT Dst;nct Failure. s A tames German aargson. a man. wbo loved to impress kis attitude buoys up the spirit, sends How Baay wtnra do vow kueu who tie cements cf energy and skill pulsf W are perfectly well aad strong ing throngs the body aad makes the the same story over aad bear every day -mamma a of accomplishment possible. I do aot feel well 1 am aver again. There is notLeg of tbs nature that ao tired all the tsnel will make hard work nmaocessary. But hard work, vivified by tie electric current of faith and triumphant will te multipi.ei ia effect diagnosis mm ply by looking at tie mas s face, few bearing asd the cos-toas If by magic. Mr. X. Mr. Y aad cf bis bead. The human arechanism ia all its intricacies asd potencies is operated by Mr. Z taring failed to make any dia mental asd spirima! dynamo the es- agnosis whatsoever, the professor triTom ought to sence of which is faith, confidence umphantly declared: see at the first glance that tie maa and love. Wiy let life be operated at the is deaf asd iask." He forged to wbe desperate, persistent i tioa that te himself had frequently the patient. Ties the patient eff.wt can awakes the force which No, year excellency, it will male each tee the full mss at spike np: and dumb, aromas te or she was meant to be? ! is my brother who is Bat be locks very much like ran." Rocky Monsta-- a News self-datre- e - is less a matter of ul- ahilfcy aad external ereejnstance of a!l kinds are bore of cmj. buoyancy and faith. Dtacc-tt-eand hesitancy are all cankers, eating into every part of hie and destroying force asd perfect wo at every point. There is a peculiar potency ia belief ia one's own power. This need bare no element of egxisra is it. only a steadfast trust in toe s seif. Yet. ere childish is better than weak 'loc of self and tie palsied muscle refulr.z.g. To believe ia one's own success. to thick, and act always with confident assurance that it Is possible to do anything and all things that one desires to do such aa wirg-foote- skate-sailer- n 1ft dences. d thaS ever get to tie god that slid doers a n. a boar. Wangs b k:s feet and ka arras tethered to great kite wings, he is lie ire of the west wind ia a kin d of tagsody of morion, He is as sensi-av- e to tie s.tnatioe as a pfectograph-- c plate. Ererv tremor of the sail action passes tirotgh bin and be adapts himself momently to tie variations of aa breeie. Theroid woril dream was of a centaur man horse two tain res ia cee body, in tils twentieth century sport we have realized a Tie effort to pre-- e that a man may cover a mile a minute, unaided by steam or gaso'iae. by tie propulsive power of wind alone. will be made this ad- vancing season by some V of tie baittaal mental attitude. tiu Saccess. happiness aad tmephsh-mea-t g domes T we itiuevtoai . na! bring ta tie nirat el kis (M a iraj oa tie tpei; let Lose, of sports that attack time, makes ss of tie guidance ttseif aa a part of tie propulsive force. The man feiatself Ss both sat area tal he ballast. With a forty-mL- e ; breeze behind him, and dean, greea rkxte-saifei- in Ones Belief " VOMEtrSJSGlECTi His Effect to lie press Students Was a NSOMFkTIO - |