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Show I fielding. a line from this THAT MALA0 VALLEY RAILROAD. We were given reliable Information last Saturday concerning the progress of the Malad Valley Railroad extension to Malad City. At a meeting of the citizens, held last week, it was agreed that would part of the perhaps be acceptable, as it is a county would news go to waste. much so pity to let Since the completion of our new amusement ball the committee has been very energetic and successful in providing something entertaining for the people. Just a word in regard to our hall. It Is one of the finest in the Has a seating capacity of country. 600 with a large stage, gallery and a room. The people aplarge basement new building very much, preciate the and it is filled on all occasions. Two high class concerts were given on the ISth and 19th of this month. Miss Lottie Owen, Miss Lizzie Thomas and Prof. Kent from Salt Lake City furnished the music. Prof. WOMENS a rule they are very polite and kind, also hospitable. Salailua, Savaii, Samoa, Geo. Baer, who went to Oregon Before I came to Samoa I had only December 12, 1904. about Dec. 1st, had the misfortune to seen one woman use tobacco, but here SUFFERINGTHESUREPENALTV break his leg the first day he worked Editor or the News: the use of it is just as prevalent there, in the collapsing of a poorly Health Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydia Thinking perhaps a few lines again among women as men. My labors B. Plnkhams Vegetable Compound. built fourth story scaffold. He writes from far off Samoa would be of have been at tbe extreme west end of they that he is in the hospital receiving How many women do you know who interest to some of your readors, I the island Savaii, and alone most furnish right-of-wthe entire dis- the are perfectly well and strong? We take care. of best very tance from Garland to Malad. pleasure in writing. There have of the time. Can now talk pretty hear every day the same story over and They I do not feel well ; I am been several of our Box Elder boys fair In the gagana faa Samoa. The Herbert Swerdfeaer, who has been over again. even went so far as to agree that, two ao tired all the time I" called to these Islands as mission-- work of the Lord is progressing nicely should there be any small or narrow a resident of Evans for the past CanIn Is folk his home arles for the Church of Jesus Christ of at present. We have 24 branches years visiting enough to refuse to contribute a y relatives In to In letters ada. his Saints, but few have at- - tabllshed. over his land, the citizens foolish was he be this says place to who have the matter in tempted give any description of the From your valuable paper I see charge, would for land. braving the rigor of that norththemselves buy such . that all is well with our beautiful city old enemy the Iu view of such determination we ern climate where bis Samoa, or Navigator Islands, is a group I and county. I wish all my friends a been bad be which rheumatism (from In the South Pacific lying 134 degrees Happy New Year. I am too late to have little fear but the final right-of-wa- right-of-way- that Awarded Hlghast Honors World's Fair. Hlghasl lasts U.S. Govt Chemists The Editor's Appeal. Not long ago an editor of a result will be a railroad in the near future. We congratulate our neighbor on the north and shall be pleased to have this additional means of communication with such a live aud wide awake settlement. coun- Give Your Stomach a Rest try paper wrote a friendly letter to a Your food must he properly digested prano voice and charmed all with her number of his delinquent subscri- and assimilated to be of any value to bers which ran as follows: Dear Sir: you, It yorr stomach Is weak or pure tone and clear expression. diseased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Miss Thomas is an accomplished Four years ago I look all my ac- It digests what you eat and gives the accompanist on the piano and is des- cumulated the result of stomach a rest, enabling it to recuperearnings, erving of credit. Both ooncerts were ate, take on new life and grow strong years of saving, $500, and borrowed well attended and highly appreciated again. Kodol cures sour stomaoh, gas, an additional $500, and established a bloating, heart our people. by palpitation and all I had no other finan- digestive disorders. Sold by the Eddy Our regular Friday dances are well newspaper. Each night cial recources whatever and started Drug Store. conducted and orderly. finds a good lively crowd ready to en- the publication in a rented building. Wants To Hang Thieves. You became one of my first subscrijoy the dancing to the good music of is what the Tooele Transcript This bers, for which I felt duly thankful. the Garland Orchestra. about says grafters: I have sent A very pleasant affair was a social Each year subsequently We say, hang every land grabbing bill a tor the price of subscripparty given last week by the Misses you fraud and every postofflee thief Pose and MahaliaGarn at their home. tion, to which you have never deignin the nation, whether he Is a senator ed even a reply, and you now owe me The time was spent playing games or a jack tar, and give honest men a for four years. You are counted one of all kinds, music and social chat. show. of the sterling citizens m the comA fine supper was served at midnight The welfare of the country demands to which, nee Hess to say, all did munity, have held important public that drastic pun'shment be measured and are now a pillar of out to justice. The whole affair was enjoy- positions, every grafter or fraud detected You could buy me out ed by all. Besides the hostesses those the church. la the nation. Up with the convicted four times over, and still have more present from Field I ng were Misses thieves ou the nearest tree. The govleft than I now own. I am still in Meda Hans Loa Tingey, so, Arvilla of this country is too grand ernment debt for my plant, but by the most Wight, Messrs. Hyrurn Richards. Art to be jeopardized by any dishonest and Riy Stay nor. From rigid economy manage to keep the mao or Hanson, company in their grasping for Garland Misses Chios and Lottie Van interest paid, and my creditors fully wealth by unlawful methods. Hang satisfied and happy. My family Fleet, Messrs. Don Ray and Charles them up, aud save the United States is often deprived of some things that Drake. the fate of Rome. are justly entitled to, because o. ' The weather is stormy and they with that GROUP the roads are very muddy at the pres- your delinquency, together desire to humiliof I do not others. Begins with tbe symptoms of a coment time. Elder John Burns returned last ate you, but would like to cause you mon cold; there is chilliness, sneezing, to see our relationship from my view sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, week from a mission to the Samoan hoarseness and Impeded respiration. point. Had all my patrons been as Give Islands. He has had some very freauent small doses of Ballard's as you have been, my family Horehound Syrup, (the child will cry experiences, and enjoyed his negligent in that for it) and at the first sign of a croupy mission very much, yet is glad .to be and I would have been, bourn from whence no traveler re- cough, apply frequently Ballards home again. Snow LiDlment to the throat. from sheer starvation . turns, Chris Hansen returned last Friday Mrs. A. Vliet. New Castle, Co'o., If you do not desire the paper any writes, March 19th, 1901: I think from a two weeks visit to Mexico. He longer, call or write and say so, and Ballards Horehound Syrup a wondersays the climate is more pleasant do not place me under any further ful remedy, and so pleasant. :5c, 50c there than it is here at the present and 1.00. Sold by all druggests, obligation to you. I very much distime. They at least have 'no mud. order without an like to stop a paper Marinda. from the subscriber. Please be frank Jan. 30, 1905. and manly in his matter, either settle Startling But up, or give a reason tor not doing so, or request it discontinued, If you do the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a the latter, I promise never to refer Want your moustache or beard nor attempt to Chicago theater in which nearly six to the matter a?ain, abeautiful brown or rich black? Use hundred people lost their lives, yet collect the bill. mote than five times this number or It is now up to you to do someover 3,000 people died from pneuthing to settle the matter in your own monia in Chicago during the same way, just so we have an understandyear, with scarcely a passing notice. ing. Yours without rancor. Every one of these case of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could BAD MONEY COMING. have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Men With Bogus Wads Are Headed good From Far Off Samoa. NEGLECT 1 shown ion of songs, and he possesses the ability to please all, young and old. a very EVANS. ay Kents deep baritone voice was to good advantage in his select- Miss Owen possesses PAGE FIVE. THE BOX 'ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY Feb. 2, 1905 so- y- True-Peopl- to 14 South Latitude, and 169 deg. to 173 deg. VV.Longitude. They are about 350 miles north of Tonga and between More than likely you speak the tame words yourself, and no doubt you feel far from well. Thecausemay be easily traced to some derangement of the female organs which manifests Itself in depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do anything, backache, bearing-dowpains, flatulency, nervn ousness, sleeplessness, leueorrhasa. These symptom are but warnings tbat there la danger ahead, and unless heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result. g Tbe remedy for all these symptoms Is Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound, Miss Kate MoDonald, of Woodbrldge, never-failin- . . 20, 1905. Chamberlains Cough Rsmedy Mother's Favorite the Pink-ham'- leeled cross who Wyman a flirting New York man and with one hand on his collar and the other at his back sent him to the lavement says she learned the trick !n San Francisco. The soothing and healing properties HEALTH of this remedy, its pleasant taste and Means the ability to do a good days prompt and permanent cures have work, without undue fatigue and to made it a favorite with people everyfind life worth living. You cannot where. It is especially by have Indigestion or constipation withprized mothers of small children, for colds, out its upsetting the liver and polluting the blood, Such a condition croup and whooping cough, as it al may be best and quickest obtained by ways affords quick relief, and as it Herbine, the best liver regulator that contains no opium or other harmful the world has ever known, Mrs. D. W. Smith writes, April 3, 1902: "I use drug, it may be given as confidently find It the best medicine to a baby as to an adult. For sale Herbine, and for constipation and regulating the by the Eddy Drug Store. liver I ever used. Price 60 cents, Sold by all druggists. Wake up your liver. Cure your constipation. Get rid of your biliousness. Sold jfwttSSSi' for 60 years. BUCKINGHAMS nrxi ci. or pwmwmor wish them a Merry Christmas, but hope they had one just the same. Felix D. Baird, and 500 miles northeast of Fiji. Afraid of Strom Wadlcinos. They are about 2,570 miles from Sid Many people suffer for years from ney, and 4,400 miles from San Fran cisco. The group consists of nine Is rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so lands In addition to rocks, etc. All rather than take the strong medicines except one, are of volcanic formation I usua,1T 6iven for rheumatism, not and for the most part surrounded by knowinS that quick relief from pain b? PPty'ng Cham- coral reef. They are very mountain- - may be had ous and are covered with a dense herlains Pain Balm aud without ta- kFor growth of timber. There are four of ing an? medicine internally. sale by the Eddy Drug Store, the Islands of pretty good size. Savaii is the largest and most westerly. , The New York Worl(J recommwdg .the establishment of Hospitals for in w dth, The centre Is oomposed of L, drunkards where they may not be pMk "Uf-- m --, .uhcio-t- alch, the tb. group, 1. highest d0llbt 0 Ttli, said to be 5,000 ft. high. In 19Q2 the elevating effect on the criminals but crater on the summit of this peak was why not substitute the whipping post lu violent eruption for several weeks. for the luxurious hospital? Upolu, about eight miles southeast of Savaii Is a rich and fertile, t dough mountainous island, with an area of, E. T. Luoas, Wingo, Ky. writes, April 1902: For 10 to 12 years I bad approximately 600 square miles. It 25th, maIady knoWQ as eo, lc,tdhw! is on this island that the beautiful was most un- tbe itching city of Apia Is located, which is the bearable; I had tried for years to find centre of political and commercial life relief, having tried all remedies 1 Ides R number of of German Samoa. 36 miles southeast coud eaI 008 to. of Upolu is Tutulla, which is smallei Ballards Snow application than Upolu, but possessing a good Liniment cured me completely and In Pago Pago the United manently. Since then I have used tbe States Government has established liniment on two separate occasions for I worm and it cured completely. an extensive naval station. 25o, 80o and 1.00 bottle. Sold by all Tbe climate of Samoa Is variable cirugRista. and moist, the most pleasant time of In the District court of the First the year Is from May to November, when tbe southeast winds prevail. Judicial District of the State of Utah, In and for the County of Box Elder. The products of Samoa are chiefly Millie Landers, plaintiff, vs. E. C. Cocoanut trees abound: Landers, defendant, Summons. Tbe vegetable. the value of the product for the year state of Utah to the defendant,. You 1902 being 1333,800. Tbe population are hereby summoned to appear beta about 3,800 natives, 600 half- - fore tbe abo?e entitled court within I f..tblS The cast, and 600 foreigners. summons upon you, If served within mode of living, dress and customs of county in which this action is the people are very different to what brought, otherwise within thirty days we are used to at home. There are after service and defend the above and In case of your failthings that we are accustomed titled Ration; ure so to do, Judgment will he render- to that are very unseemly in the eyes ed against you according to the de- of these people, and some of their maud 0f tbe complaint, which, with-que- er customs are Just as objection- - in ten days after service of this sum able to us. One gets to like them I mons upon you, will be tiled with the J-Call, attor better the longer he knows them. As clerl of 8ald ney for plaintiff. P. O. addres: First National bank building, BrlgbamCity, rrfr - he TT I Miu Estelle Kennedys Laxative Honey and Tar Curas all Coughs, and oxpols Colds from tho system by gently moving tbe bowels. J I Utah. THE iu?.uaia4uo..xaihua, i. b. Denver & Rio Grande AND THE Rio Grande Western. THE SCENIC LINE TO Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east It might be well for Ogden people to exercise more than oidinary care for a few weeks wlcn accepting tea dollar bills from strangers as a report is current tbat counterfeiters are on the way here with wads of the bogus and especially for colds and influenza. money. Silver certificates, a fairly I know that it cured my daughter, good imitation of the genuine article, bills being circulated. They Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe are the per-taarb- I mm BYE This Way. had every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy The following is an instance of this sort: Too much cannot be said in favor of Chamberlains Cough Remedy J writes t Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I think that a woman naturally dislikes to make her troublee known to tbe public, but restored health has meant so much to me that I cannot help from telling mine for the sales Of other su:tiering women. For s long tuns I suffered untold agony with a uterine trouble and irregularities, which made me a physical wreck, and no one s thought I would recover, but Lvdla E. Vegetable Compound has entirely cured me, and mads me well and strong, and I feel It my duty to tell other suffering women What a splendid medicine It la. If you ars ill, dont hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mrs Pinkham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice -- it is free and always helpful. E.S. Jan. I 400 To the wife of D. D. Ryan was born Dec. 27 a baby girl. Fred Nlhart an old Pensylvania teacher and now Editor of Tremont-o- n Times, visited Evans school Dec.17 and gave the pupils a very helpful and practical address. There has been much sickness in Evans since Christmas. Marie Yoder only daughter of A. S. Yoder Is very sick, Dr. Pitt Is attending her. Sam Yoder returned from Idaho He has been working on Monday. tbe canal there, Ayers Pills t A great many who free here) attacked him. His description of Utah's climate has been so enticing tbat many of his friends are eager to come here. Geo. L. Swerdferger, who is representing tbe L- - P. Gunson Seed Co. Is doing well In his work. A. S. Yoder, writes from bis old home in Hawthorn, Florida, that he arrived to find that his brother-in-lahad been recently slain by a negro, and many of his friends from whom he expected to receive warm greetings, could be fouDd only by the intombstones, scriptions on their he had Ills that His last letter reports arm and hand mangled in a railroad accident. lie is expected home shortl- Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all PACIFIC and ORECON SHORT LINE TRAINS SOUTHERN The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City are numtered 32S09292 and markid D in imitation of the Buffaloseries, with pneumonia. VV. D. Wilcox, LoWhen held up to the light it is easy been gan, New York. Sold by the Eddy to see that pencil marks have threads. It silk the for substituted Drug Store, is said tbat Pueblo, Colo., merchants of the accepted over $1,000 worth Itodol Utah State Journal. saved her life when she was threatened In the District court of tbe First Judicial District of tbe Stateof Utah, lu and for Box Elder County, State of Utah. Caroline C. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. Fred G. Nelson, Defendant. The State of Utah to the said defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county In which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy Is herewith served upon you. Geo. R. Chase, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post office address: Room 4, Union Block, Brigham, Utah. First publication Jan. 19, 1905. f-- s. Cura Dyspepsia eat. Digests what you THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oir BBI9HAM CITY. ADVERTISED I as he Its a riot said Louis Verlooked out upon the mob at revolution No, Sir it is a sailles. Is it a riot or a courier. a replied out revolution that the Czar looks upon at St. Petersburg? XV DINING CARS Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rates, (olden, tree Illustrated booklets, etc , inquire ot jour nearest ticket agent .pacifying tbe Rio Brands route, or address I G. A BENTON A . nu ffWWS LETTERS Jan. 23. 1909 Tbe tallowing letter weeks, will be sent to Anderson Mrs A Hancock W Keel J U Peterson Janie ti not called lor la two tbs Dead Letter Offloe. Cozier Mrs T Johnson E Lund August Romlne George A When calling for the above letters P. D., state when advertised. Salt Lake City, Ut B. F. Booths, moi aBoag; Postmaster. One Minute Ceugh Cure I I Send mndAW'-S- ncto ol invention tor mm Cough Remedy How to Secure Patents nd DOtS STRICTLY A BANKING BUSINESS WrcuiN fiTON. D.COT directors: John I. Edwaras Norman Lee, Alma Nelson, Peter M. Hansen. Lobeszo N. Stohl, John D. Peters Cashier. President. roimmrciHcpp Dakas Kitloeya owl BlMUar Services at Presbyterian Cnapel a. m. Sunday school at 10 oclock - 8:00 p. m. pastor. CHAMBER-Iain- s In buying a eotigh medicine for children never be afraid to buy sure ie relief and always from Is no it, There danger Cough Remedy. and whooping to follow. It Is Intended especially for coughs, colds, croup world for these diseases. It is not only cough , and is the best medicine in the as soon as the croupy cough appears, when but, for given cure certain croup, i when this remedy prevent the attack. Whooping cough is not dangerous or other harmful drugs, and may M 3 given as directed. It contains no opium a to an adult, given as confidently to ahahy hor Sale at the Eddy Drug Store. W- - MONUMENTS Order NOW H. -P- TO INSURE DELIVERY A Safe Medicine for Children. Safety Deposit Boxei For Rent Lucius EUnow, Oleen N. Stohl, Nels Jenson, For Coughs, Colde and Crouet Chamberlam's free repo- -t on ROPRIETOR O-F- Livery and Fee d Becoration Stables, also manufacture . -I- RON FENCES Up-To-D- JOHN Rigs, Hack meets all Trains a H BOTT a; At All Hours of Mmus-- Glover, & Sons. at Depot. Brigham City Utah |