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Show iiuzen, tress, tveview - mur& Sept. 7, 1989 Page 16 mm Deadline Men., 7:00 p.m. FOX SALE BXOXEN AUTOS FOR SALE BY OWNER KAUT1FU. 0NE4CK WIUNiG Beat lake LOT. Owrlootunf IMS BEAUTIFUL BED BX paint. Super condition. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE TRUCKS FOR SALE 79 IMS 19 tO 7. New JUIMICK, home on two acres. Good horse pasture with creek, surface well. 4 $68 000. CMC SUBURBAN. bedroom. 3.000 AF good neighborhood. GREAT BUT starter AF Three home bedroom, great location, large lot. woodstove. many extras. 138.500. 3.000 Over sq.ft. completely finished. Five large bedrooms, double room, oversized family fenced yard. large garage, $80,000. PRIME BUILDING LOTS, fully improved. Best view in valley, choice location. Will finance. 1050 SIX 950 North, PG. East power $500. dependable AUDI FOX, MUTE CHEVY CITATION. new alternator, battery, tires. Best offer. 7861 169. 1913 MARVIN Home: 756 3591 756 3482 NISSAN '84 ENTRY. room finished in basement '87 TOYOTA Only BUS. Very or CHEVY S3500-OB- drive, BLAZER, good condition. HARLEY XLH SPORTSTER, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES "- 4 89 S-- 4 automatic CJ-' condition. Good new paint job, 5.5 HP. Runs good. Excellent condition. 8 Valued at $400, asking $150. 7566306. O. CHEV, or share of irrigation. OLDS CIERA. new tires. '85 clean $5500-080- Great condition, . $12,500. Standard XLT. 7663505. ftcftfeta I 1661.1625.1629 CAMPERS chairs. Captain's 79 NOMAD, excellent t, tandem axle. See to Make offer. 1981 DODGE utility bed, ladder rack, covered, lockable back doors, 360 engine. appreciate. Sleeps 1965 Chevrolet pickup. 7568254. compact pickup. Looks nice, good condition. $895. 7564364. CAMPER, 1988 FORD RANGER TON 4x4. Low XLT. condition. Excellent $12,000-0B- 0. 1988 FORD LOTS WITH ANIMAL RIGHTS. I TINTED GLASS. 1O00LB. PAVLOAD. 3.73 RATIO REAR AXLE. 5 SPEED, RADIAL TIRES. RALLY WHEELS. 1623, 1636. 1645. - TRAILERS, FORD BRONCO, mileage. PICKUP 10 ton 4x4, new one-ha- transmission. Excellent shell. 379 West 300 South, Lehi. Will combined. 78 condition, offer. 7567669 or formation, TWO evenings-786515- $3,000.7560392. 10' camper. $2,000 obo.Moe 7564315. See at 90 North 100 East. AF. '76 S800-OB- CHEVY 4X4, with $9900. exterior and reupholstered interior, rebuilt engine, new clutch and brakes, auxiliary heater, sunroof, radio and cassette. $2,000 MULTI-LEIN HIGHLAND. White brick, five bedrooms, office, three baths, new kitchen, new carpets and acre, full fenced, 3731 sq. ft. Only decorating. $129,900. V, 73 REDUCED-19- 78 VOLKSWAGEN CUSTOM acre, custom black, extras, clean, 13K, TERCEL, PftiCE and like new. Immaculate baths, two family rooms, great landscaping. Only $99,900. Vi Ford great MPG, 5 low miles, many extras. Call after 6 p.m. Beautiful views, all home. Five bedrooms, three area. CUSTOMIZED Full dress, West. AF. body. $3000. EAST HILLSIDE RAMBLER. LOT BUY IN LEHI. NE TURBO. KAWASAKI SOU. clean. '76 fenced. Only $59,900. FORT, Am. Fork Econoline van for sale. $16,200. bedrooms, family Two fireplaces, double carport full brick Top SI road bike. sleeper, sliding window, auxiliary gas tank. Excellent condition. $1995. or see at 471 North 100 transmission. 1? NICE FORK RAMBLER. Three BRICK AMERICAN DATTONA DODGE SUZUKI, 78 CHEV -- 756-045- 8 750-G- 1978 TON If! WE DO MOTORCYCLES TRUCKS FOR SALE 197S JEEP bedroom units, always rented. Buy as a pair of separate. Call for more details. $55,000 each. FULL . Under 50K miles. AC. tape deck, sport wheels'. Asking $4000. IN AM. FORK. Two DUPLEXES SENTRA-XE- condition. $4300. Great buy, 2540 sq. ft. all finished plus garage. Six bedrooms, three baths, large lot. Only $64,900. GREAT J4900-OB- everything. 1985 Office 756 sharp. Only $750. Marvin Cartwright 7563482 or office 7563591. Air. SCME?, Let us prepare your storm doors and storm windows for fall! four speed front Newly-rebu- trans., transfer case and drive shaft. J3500-OB- O. 1011. TOM WIKDSMItlOS? YES! Windshield, 0. new 4x4. Mon , 7:00 p.m. . WIKDOW? TON CMC 12 four-do- $900-offe- CARTWRIGHT AMERICAN FORK LARGE SPUT Low AM. GRAND 1979 PINTO WAGON. Needs work. J300-OB- '85 two acres in city limits, includes city water hookup and well permit. For more in- CEDAR good, 30 miles on 82 rebuilt, loaded, looks like new. Has sk fur Martin at: PLEASANT GROVE LOTS AND ACREAGE runs GRANADA, BUICK CENTURY, TWO NEIGHBORHOOD. LEW GREAT best 71 PONTIAC AC. mileage. cruise control, sports hubs. extended warranty. Must sell. Call 7861849 after 5. PICKUP. 63.500. nice on $1500 W2L clean, always rented, DUPLEX, Good condition. offer. 7567464 miles. sedan. Robinson and Wilson Realty black-hol- e t Wathen-buil- in Sin City 48.000 CHEVETTE, 77 six sq.ft. 1M1 some work. Equalizer hitch. AT. two wheel drive $300. raUR4EOK)OMS, room on main floor, family finished basement, tanxar garage, 540 69.500. acre. North 300 East. Af. OlT RENT: Needs OLDSMOBILE white, great shape. $3950. 768 3247. 7683204. CIENA, Good condition. $3000. 7562360. 1X7 NICE, l, van. Kary Anxious to sell Please contact tor lean PuUem at further details. 16foot. DODGE, $5900-OB- O. CUTLASS Deadline Supercab with condition. for PER MONTH $2058 TRAILER, 12,0061b. tandem-axl- capacity, wooden construction, both axles, 24'bed, electric-brakeexcellent shape, spare-tir4'high s included. $3000. SALE PRICE $ $12.500.7563075. 10,595 $9,900-tot- carry contract. DRIVELIfJES and Holley's Muffler Center TS 297 West Main REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WE BUILD 756-353- JUST NOT HOMES, FRONT WHEEL DRIVE CARS DImIs 4x4's PisMitgtr Can Agricultural make a science out of saving you money and specialize in quality, energy efficient homes. Free computerized bids. Taylor HOUSES. We Homes, Constant Velocity or 9 SPICER, NEAPCO UNIVERSAL JOINTS JUST REDUCED $10,000, 4000 home on 1 square foot Tudor-styl- e acre in north PG. Call Sherry R&W. Lindon. PROPERTY, access. One-haacre. Easy offer. Quick sale $19,200-be- st ALSO 14 x40' mobile trailer for office or storage, $4,200. Call 756 2664. BRICK trucks Classifieds work! Hunter's Specials Call 756-766- 9 ULT' Realty, Homes HORSE? KEEP WANT TO animal rights in north Utah County from $43,000. Call LaMar with 7563904, 7563591. Argyle MOBILE HOME Crestline in R&W 1 FOR Realty "We get calls every week" At SALE. Prow. 12x68. stove. woodburning $4.000. PARTS AUTO-TRUC- K ENGINE, short block. Chevy 7r PARTING-OU- OATSUN head, does not run. 5 7669908. v S AUTO WRECKING SELL USED PARTS and buy lunk cars. Kurt's Auto Wrecking. 1075 W. Main. American Fork. WE , TTTli , rf mm Kurt Bryant Kurt's 1075 W. Main, American Fork WINDSHIELDS 756-587- ON WINDSHIELDS. SAVE MONEY J -- Kurt's Auto Wrecking sells used parts for all makes and models and they also buy wrecked or junked vehicles. "We've run a classified ad with Newtah News Group for over three years and we continue to get regular calls . each week. "Classifieds are an inex- pensive way to advertise consistently and they bring an excellent return on investment." Auto Wrecking -- Kurt will waive $50 of your inINNO deductible. SURANCE? Call us for our very low cash price. You will like our work our perience. prices. 17 years' ex us in Sandy and Call Bryant how Till Issue can pay for three jsuss you y and get up to FRFF! AUTOS FOR SALE 10 lMf CLASSIC CAPRICE CHEV 15.000 miles, TRANS red metallic, power, Best offer. AM. five speed, flame diital instruments, performance. HK3H CWX-S- i 7664325.7568277. (Ranger manual transmission only, excluding "S" series) mere Example: 1989 Escort Pony Almond color, rear defrost Stock No. F1051 2o Comja BS000O. Tri-Cit- (l "- Red. 63.500 mi., tir conditioning, rims excellent, peat rnHetfe. $5900 For a Limited Time Only on If you can stand to save y a grand, Ford is at your command! one 766 owner, like new. 8055. to save o grand' FREE! 117$ DATSUN Mitt, Good tires, stereo, runs well. $475. 7567267. BROUGHAM, canwsiond 8 surance and I Tempo, Taurus, Escort and Ranger We IMi & AF. apartment in basement. Owner anxious.' Call LaMar Argyle, 7563904. Robinson-Wilso- n ill Ge) (installed) Just a word about our classifieds... IN HOME $57,500. 17 All SURJECfTONIORSAlE. PRICES GOOD UNTIL TUESDAY, SEPT. 12. Highland water and improved animals. New Pipes DEALER RETAINING ANY REIATES. PAYMENTS AT INDICATED AMOUNT FOR LICENSE WITH 1 1SOO DOWN O TRADE EQUITY WITH DEALER RETAINING ANY LOW INTEREST MANS ARE INK EU OF RE RATE PROGRAM. Vf MCUS UCEN9E, PtUtTAXft O AC. ADVtlTSCD OVER PAYMENTS, TAKE or RC RATES on most American Made cars Call on our Stlti 544 East Estimates tO Exhaust Pipes Dual Exhaust Systems Muffiers$41.95 Hydraulic Hoses LEHI Call For Free PIUI TAX, IMI MICE MONTHS 3 We Build 7CQ0171 Quality Parts Am. Fork SPECIAL1 NEW & USED A Guaranteed INDUSTRIAL Tail Joints (C V) Respected Name For Over 26 Years! Open Monday Through Friday 8 to 5 Saturday 8 to Noon GAYL0N PUGH or 8 U Mufflers - P.O. Esx 7, 59 W. H&n, LI iiwp CITIZEN PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW LEHI FREE PRESS NO. UTAH CO. SHOPPER bericx.n Fork, UUh 8C03 pi) 755-7CS- 9 PayacO! Selling price $7,625. Rebate used as down payment. financing at 11.9 APR. |