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Show r&gez Wednesday, June Nephi, Utah tUlpe Dear Editor Council authorizes . tavern but hesitates with JRsmovmij msjuioirzbls it private dub 1IC3HS3 How nice , He couldnt be here tonight, he said. However, the council will be holding a budget hearing soon. We will look at the request at that time, he said. Harmon said he would like to see an agreement with Snyder signed soon. By MyinalVauitveia Times-New- s Correspondent Nephi City Council members agreed to allow a tavern in the community to continue operation of the tavern but did not agree to authorise the tavern to become a private club. The former tavern owner and the tavern itself was put on probation for failure to meet the restrictions imposed for operating such a facility. Wanda Snyder, ! who is purchasing the establishment, said she should not be held By Myna fraintveta responsible for the problems of the past. s Correspondent The problems which occurred were charged to the business, not A public hearing will be held to me. The probation period was on over two weeks ago," she said. July 1 at 7 pain, lb take pubMilt Harmon, a council mem- lic comment on a requested zone ber and an attorney, said he change by Clark and Claudia thought authorizing the tavern Ostler. The Ostlers own a residential to the state was putting the city home in a residential area. Howin a tenuous situation. I do not think the city is in a position to ever, said Randy McKnight, the home has, over the fence behind sign at this time, he said. All I am asking is that the city the house a commercial propercouncil authorize me to apply for ty, Parkin Ford Motor Garage. Randy McKnight, city adminan opportunity to operate a private dub. All I am trying to do is istrator, said Ostler has been enhance this business,' said Sny- using a garage in his backyard to repair small engines such as der. lawn mowers. The east portion Robert Steele said he Mayor thought the council should have of their property would remain their attorney present before residential but the back portion agreeing to authorize Snyder. would be commercial, said McK-- is to have loved cemetery as Vine Bluff. Appreciation is felt for the waythe cemetery is so beautifully cared for. But, Oh, how sad when ceramf night.-- ' ic vases and wire wreaths (which Council member. Milt Hannon, said his only concern was that a are secured up on the headstones church was built approximately and off the grass) are removed 200 feet away. It was built there by rity workers. on the idea that it would never been a commercial zone, he said. 1 Church Public hearing camp Jims set on zone 11th to 14th change at Pinery Utah Girls Times-New- Nephi City Library new books, tapes and videos - Books y - -- y t , .?? Brother to Shadows by Andre Norton The End of the Drive by Louis LAmour Heart Song by V.C. Andrews Destiny s Road by Larry Niven The Presidents Daughter by Jack Higgins Children of the Promise vol. 1 Rumors of War by Dean Hughs Coming From the Light" by Sarah Hinze The Mormon Trail Cookbook The Oregon Trail Cookbook Stake Nephi Camp is this week, June 11 to the 14. The event will take jdace at Urn Old Pinery Recreation Center, southeast of Nephi. Special events around the theme: Follow the Prophets, have been planned. Girls Camp is for all girls from Beehive age through Laurel age. EMTs attend conference in Wendover Five Mona First Responders as well and four EMTk from Nephi recently attended the annual Emergency Medical Technician Conference held in Wendover. Attending the conference were: Lori Newell, Tferi Boyd, Sharon Michael, Shelly Savage, Debbie Younker, Linda Greenhalgh, Jea-n-a Higginson, Eudene Anderson, and Kellie Greenhalgh. Their attendance was made possible by the Mona Town Board and Juab County Commission. This conference covered a variety of medical issues these volunteers have to deal with as they go about their duties. Some of the subjects that were covered included organ recovery, pediat- t, mass caatr-altrics, gangs, domestic incident, violence, street drugs, d course, stress management and advance skills. The conference was an eye opener in many respects. For example awareness of personal safety as it relates to treating someone who is a victim of doHaz-Ma- y Air-Me- The library is how providing laminating services to its patrons. We have purchased a small desktop laminator and will be happy to laminate small items for you. We can do projects up to the size of a regular (8 12 x 11) sheet of paper. The cost will be 75c each large pouch and 50$ for the small pouch. mestic violence and getting caught in the middle. Or going to the scene of an accident and knowing you better have eyes in the back of your Lead should there be money or debris scattered about that would indicate someone transporting drugs. They may not be alone in their travels and what the First Responder or EMT think is just another bystander may be some- one wanting to retrieve what is x Allan R. Gibson, Publisher Mariann C. Gibson, Editor Myrna Trauntvein, Correspondent Nephi, Julie Smalley, Correspondent Levan, 623-019- 5 623-150- 3 Call (801) FAX: (801) for subscription, news or advertising INTERNET gibsontnnebonet.com 623-052-5 623-473- 5 Tle Baa Nw (UPSP is published each Wednesday by the Times-New- s South Main, Nephi, Utah 84648. Periodical postace Publuhing Co., paid at Nephi, Utah. POSTMASTER: Send address chances to The Times-NewP. O. Bos 77, Nephi, Utah 84648 631-06- s, DeadlinM: News and advertising, close of business, Monday prior to a hD on Monday, the deadline is the Friday prior to Subscription prices: Sis months, $14 in or out of Juab County; one year $19 in Juab County $23 outside Juab County, payable in advance. No subscrip-tioAccepted for km than six months. Single copy price, SOf. o Advertising rates Available upon request. ur articles and photographs submitted for publication are subject to editing endonly will be used if the editor deems them newsworthy. The editor rathe right to hold submitted news items for space reasons. AU Is Your Local Internet Service Provider That means "No Long Distance Phone Bills," unlike America Online, Prodigy, AT&T and other providers that have their "Local number in Salt Lake and Provo. Call us today and see how you can get on the net using one of our many LOW COST LOCAL , nptinn. , w q 4 a , theirs, even if it means the life of someone who is there to help. One of the most interesting and educational parts of the conference was the skills competition. Scenes were created and three EMT teams of 4 members each were judged on how well they handled each ofthe 4 emergency scenes. Scenes included: a burn victim, domestic violence involving a gun, a fall from a 2 story window, and a child that had been hit and dragged by a car. This was extremely educational for those that watched and more so for those on a team. Wendover has no hospital, but there is a clinic. There are six ambulances in the community that respond to numerous accidents on the freeway. It is a drive to a Saif Lake City ' hospital. K r- - . rro i;r ' . This Newspaper and afl inserts included are recyclable Please Recycle! Bins located at Juab High Middle School Parking Lot Could it have been thieves? No. For over a year now there has been one decorationmemorid or another secured to the marhsr and they have never been disturbed. Even the wind has been kind not to break glass The rules posted at the gate to the cemetery stated, all decorations removed June 2nd. Unreasonable? No. In fact, in an effort to assist city workers, my sister removed all plastic and wilted flowers from our families graves except for some special ones which she secured to the markers and placed so as not to interfere with the mower. Unreasonable to remove these memorials? Yes. Marjory Ewell (former Nephi resident now living in Salt Lake City) Happy Trails WceCs ecgM om Editors Note: According to Dale Worwood (written June 3), We are still on the trail about every day. We have a schedule to meet and that is where we camp each night They say Wyoming is going to be tougher than Nebras- ka. We will enter Wyoming tomorrow and then we Will find out We are now over halfway and time is going fast I hope all is well in Nephi, we will be home in July. wagewm Nebraska, which was 15 miles down the trail. As we traveled along the trail, people were ev- erywhere to greet us. There is really a lot of interest in the Wag-on Thun all along the way. Just after we made camp in the Torrington, Wyoming. Along the way we have passed many large com fields, alfalfa fields and sugar beets. On the out- skirts of Tbrrington we passed by a HUGE cattle feed lot, where there were several city - Mr Eldon Johnson, ReAnna Faerber, Janice and I (James Stephenson) met the Mormon - Trail Wagon Train on Saturday the 31st of May, in the campsite at Scottsbluff, Nebraska. There was a very large crowd of people, horses, mules, chickens, tents, wagons, camp trailers, motor homes, and PAST AND PRESENT The Mormon Trail Pioneer Wagon handcarts. We found Dale and Thun continues along its way as a modern-da- y train passes by. David Faerber (who has the team and wagon), also our son Mitchell Fairgrounds it started blocks of nothing but fat beef Bart and his wife Louise and to rain and it was a down pour, We camped in a very nice fairtheir family, who had been with lasting most of the night This grounds and had another good the wagon train from Chimney night we had a program from evening program with different Rock to Scottsbluff. We pitched members of the train, there is talent from the area and also our tent and had a bite to eat much talent on the train. Elder Pinnock. After the proand went to the evening proTiesday, the 3rd, we traveled gram we met the family from gram, which was a choir from from Mitchell to Henry, Nebras- Henry again, as they had come Cheyenne Wyoming, and the ka, 17 miles, there were many to the program. The lady wantspeaker was Elder J. Richard people again along the trail. As ed to meet Elder Pinnock and Clarke. After some visiting af- we entered the town of Morill, she and I talked with Him for ter the program we all went to Nebraska, we were greeted by a several minutes. bed, only to wake up to a very woman who called out to Dale, Again at 7:00 the train left strong wind around 2:30 a.m.. none of us knew who she was, Tbrrington going 24 miles to FI had to get up and secure things but she ran along the wagon and Laramie. This was the that we had left laying around, called out that she was Fred day since the train leftlongest OmaSunday morning we attend- Wilkeys daughter. After lunch ha. The last 9 miles was ed Church Service at the camp- break in Morill we traveled on to along the bank of the North site. There were many people Henry, Nebraska, which is a Platte River, through sand and in attendancMsin total, with ?mall on the Nebraska 'trees that lined the bank this just over 800 LDS. Also on Sun- Wyoming bordef. The program was a little hard on the horses, day afternoon we visited the had as speakers the Governors grave site of Rebecca Winters, of Nebraska and Wyoming and who died of cholera on August also Elder Hugh W. Pinnock. The 15, 1852. The grave was reins of the Wagon Train was w marked by an iron wagon tire, passed from the Nebraska Wag- - mired, they have a lot of faith which was later found by rail- on Master to the Wag- - in what they are doing, road surveyors who altered the on Master, who looming will lead the While I was on the train path ofthe track to preserve the TYain through the State of there were 3 wagons, Janice, Bart and Louise ming. We also met the Bob Hans-- handcarts and I couldnt beand family left to return to their en family from Ft. Green who lieve how many walkers. As the home in Hyannis, Nebraska. were going to ride the train the train had a rest day on Friday Each morning at 4:30, we next day. After the program we the 6th, I left at Ft. Laramie to were woke by a member of the met a family by our camp that go back to Hyannis, Nebraska. train who would go through wanted to talk to some real MorThis was one of those trips camp ringing a bell, and at 6:30 mons, they were interested in the you will never forget. I met would have a morning informa- Church so we talked with them many people who all seem to tion meeting and prayer to for some time. have a strong feeling for the start the day. Monday morning The train left Henry and Mormon Saints that traveled at 7:00 the Wagon Master crossed into Wyoming, a little this trail 150 years ago. sounded wagons ho" and we over half-wa- y to Salt Lake City. were on our way to Mitchell, We traveled 15 miles today to 8-- tcn Wyo-grav-e. 41-4- 7-- Juab County PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE testing Date & Time: June Location: 1 8, 1 997 at 7:00 p.m. Juab County Complex, Commission Chambers, Room 101 160 North Main, Nephi, UT84648 Meeting Purpose: The Juab " ; ; County Commission wishes to receive public comment regarding its intent to amend the purposes of Special Service, District 2.f The boundaries of the district include ail of Juab Cbunty, Utah, as described and defined in Utah Code Annotated The Juab County Special Service District 2 currently dlo.vs Juab County to use the funds in Special Service District 2 for recreational and transportation uses. The County proposes to expand the purpose of Special Service District 2 to also water, sewerags, drainage, flood control, garbags, hsstih ' care, fire protection arid enow removal. Utah Law allows Juab County Special Service District 2 to levy an annual tax on ail taxobis property located within ths district and fees and charges may bs imposed to pay for ail or a cf ths services to be provided by ths service district. Juab pert has not levied a tax or fees on ths District nor does ths County CceeV intend to levy a tax or fees under ths proposed 17-1-1- 5. in-du- ds MAA A Jk kUwwJ. 4 - ll, 1S37 - I expanded . t X ij per- I; |