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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. MAY 7. FAG38IX Z m i - j 1938 p Three t.P. Streamliners J To Be An average of 5,338 miles, or more than of the distance around the world, will be traveled every day by Union Pacific Streamliners after the first of June when three trains that are to follow the "City of Los Angeles", which has just been delivered to the company will be completed. 'The Union Pacific Streamliner y "City of Los Angeles", after a exhibition in Chicago, is scheduled to depart for Omaho on May 1 and begin its series of tests and break in trips. The Streamliner will start on its first regular service trip from Los Angeles at 3:45 p. m May 15, arriving in Chicago 39 hours and 45 minutes thereafter. Its regular sailing dates provide for five roundtrips between Chicago and Los Angeles ' per month. At the present time the Union Pacific Streamliner "City of Salina", which has been in regular daily service for more than a year, is covering an average of 510 miles per day on its run from Kansas City, Mo., to Salina, Kansas. This train is the first one completed by the Union Pacific and is the pioneer of all streamline trains in the United States. The No. 2 train, the "City of Portland", is operating on regular sailing dates, malting a roundtrip each five days be- tween Chicago and Portland, Oregon. The Streamliner "City of San Francisco" and "City of Denver", two of the latter, are nearing completion in Chicago and are. all scheduled for delivery prior to the end of May and are to enter service on or about June VVOWEt one-fif- th ACHIEVEMENT WAS UTE LEGEND OF CREATION PART I In the beginning of time there were streams, no hunting In those days no forests. and grounds there were no red men roaming the plains, no buffalo, no antelope, no deer and no other living beings. Even was there no earth, but only the blue sky and the clouds and the sunshine and no mountains, no the rain. The Manitou then dwelt only in the center of the sky where he lived all alone, for there were no other gods in heaven. Then as now he was ruler of the sky and the sun and the rain. The lightning and the thunder too were at his command, and the sun sone and the rain fell at his desire. But by and by he grew tired and lonely and wished for new things to see and new work to do. So he took a' stone and whirled It round and found until he bored a hole through the floor of Heaven, which is the sky. And the hole he made larger and lmger until he could look through it at. the nothingness beyond. And he " was 'pleased. ; He then took the snow; and the rain and poured them through the hole. With them he also poured a great In Service Soon quanity of stone and dirt from the floor of Heaven. And the snow and the rain and the dirt and the stones fell from Heaven into nothingness. And be wa3 pleased with his work By and By when he had thus poured for a great many many days, he look, ed down and saw below him a great mountain which he had builded with the rain and the snow, and the dirt and the rocks. And, far below the mountain he could see a great plain which stretched away and' away as far as he could see for great was the quantity of dirt and rock which he had poured. Seeing the mountain, he was curious to know what lay beyond and what wonder the dirt and rack had worked. So he made the hole bigger until he was able to crawl through it and then step down from1 the floor of the sky to the summit of the great mountain which he had made. When he had come down he found that the earth and the stones had spread out and formed this vast world. But it was a world of bare rocks and dirt; and he at .once wished for something to make it more beautiful. , ENOUGH STIMULANT X Ik two-da- "A - mm r (J , j.,. . Arthur Brisbane editorially said on May 16, 1935 "AMELIA EARHART : . is hot a good shot with champagne bottles. She tried to christen a new airplane, 'hurled' the bottle and missed The second time she broke the bottle and released the foam. "There are more important things than knowing how to throw a champagne bottle. Miss Earhart, who drinks nothing with alcohol in it, started from Hawaii, flying to this country, over 2,400 miles of Pacific Ocean water, and the did not miss the road. When . . . she flew from Mexico City to New York, first man or woman that ever did it, in one hop and alone, she found her way across seven hundred ' . niles of the Gulf of Mexico and above lonesome forests . . . "Such an American girl need not know how to throw a champagne bottle." Here was history in the making ... wonderful personal achievement, contributions to science and progress, splendid examples of ability and courage. Could this or any great success have been achieved with out clear thinking? The human mind refuses to associate cool scientific daring or achievement with drinking or alcohol. . Drinking habits, lightly entered upon, may be slowly but inexorably closing the door of achievement against you. . i ' i-- . be built in. the Pacific .Fruit Express Company's shops at Roseville and Los Angeles, Mr. Gray said The remainder jot the work will be divided as Contracts have been awarded for the construction of 2700 new refrigerator cars at a cost of more than General American Car Co., Chicago follows!:; . - , cars. American Car cars. - 500 A LCO H OL EDUC ATION 1730 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Spmnnd by the National Ifiman't Christian Tmperance Unim V & - " , Foundry . Co., OW.C.T.U. ' .;, .. . . . ' EVERYONE READS THE CLASSIFIED ADS $10,000,000 for the Pacific Fruit Exd Car .Mfg. Co., press Company, jointly owned by 500 cars. Chicago Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, Pacific Car & Foundry Co., Renton, it was announced by Carl R. Gray, 500 cars. Washington Railpresident of the Union Pacific The new refrigerator cars repre road. Seven hundred of the cars will senting the latest developments in de sign and construction will be considerably lighter than the present equipment. It was stated the underframes 1 will be lightened by the use of imRECONDITIONED proved metals. Plans call for the new cars to go into service this summer. The new rolling stock will afford imreWe have the following proved facilities for the handling of conditioned and late perishable freight and assure adeel cars for sale: quate refrigerator car supply to meet all emergencies, according to the announcement. 1934 FORD DELUXE Starting with 6600 cars in 1907, FORDOR. the Pacific Fruit Express Company 1931 FORD COUPE. now has about 36,000 cars in service and 4s the largest company of its kind BUICK 1930 9 in the world, it was pointed out by 6 Wheel DeLuxe Sedan H Giddings, vice president and genU eral manager. (1 1930 CHEV. SEDAN. 9 1930 FORD COACH. Mv mother's influence in molding 9 1929 HUPMOBILE my character was conspicuous. She SEDAN. forced me to learn daily long chapters of the Bible by heart. To that SEDAN. 9 1929 DODGE discipline and patient, accurate resolve I owe not only much of by gen9 3 CHRYSLER SEDANS eral power of taking pains, but the 1928 STUDEBAKER best part of my taste for literature. , Reports received by Union Pacific officials from Los Angeles and Chicago indicate the first trips of the "City of Los Angeles- - will be comIncluded in the pasplete sell-out-s. senger lists a,re a number of the nation's most pro mien t business and professional people. . (To Be Continued) Contract Awarded for Construction of 2700 Refrigerator Cars .r...-:.- -- Subscribe for the Leader Pullman-Standar- SEDAN. 1927 PONTIAC SEDAN. O 1928 WYLLIS KNIGHT SEDAN. 1934 CHEVROLET 157 W. B. TRUCK. ' FORD PANEL. 1929 FORD PICKUP. Ruskin. . Eat up distance, but not your bearings Get Good Truck Chassis ONE " . 1933 CHEV. V2, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1931 FORD Vi, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1929 " alloyed oil . . . and you'll get the difference for Wagon UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. Tremonton, Utah BAKTOS ARFNT Ask your wife; The least little heat makes smoke out of some of the oily substances she puts in her frying pan. They vanish double quick, while others stay put. drive will That's the sort of difference your hilliest show you in Germ Processed, the alloyed oil. Patented. THE ONL ONEi WHO HAVE CP-US- hot-weath- 5Jsffl t 'ft It not only stays up around "Full," but aire DeLUXE FORDOR 1929 FORD FORDOR 1929 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1931 NASH SEDAN RD TRUCK, 157" TRUCK, 157" 1928-PON- TIAC 1933-FO- 1931-CHEVR- OLET Callister Motor Co. MASTER SERVICE "oil-glazed- ." $450.00 $175.00 $165.00 $125.00 $225.00 $375.00 $200.00 If You Haven't Been TERRAPLANING You Heven't If You Haven't Been TERRAPLANING You Haven't stays right up in every working surface of your engine. Yes, the pistons, cylinders, valve gear, and any types of bearings ever used, can really take in this alloyed oil. You might say they become lastingly, smoothly Guaranteed and Reconditioned Cars 1934-F- ORD er And vou can see that this added sleek together oil-filProcessed Germ easily doubles with the Now when you want to go your guard against summer grief. farthest fastest, get Conoco Germ Processed oil the alloyed oil. Continental Oil Company. oil-surfaci- high-durabili- ty CONOGO Drive to Texas Centennial GERM PROCESSED OIL Travel Bureau, Denver, Colo. ' this year's greatest show. Open June 6. For free marked maps write Conoco |