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Show 8 THE BOX EIDER NEWS, BrigWGty, UtaK Box Elder Ends Season Tuesday, November 7, 1961 With 35-- 6 Grid Victory Box Elder closed its 1961 football season with a barrage of touchdowns and a Region One grid victory over North Cache in Brigham City. Friday afternoon. was the ofHarold Thompson fensive star for the Bees as he rambled to TDs on runs of 44, 28 and 86 yard from his wingback Fullback position. Greg Young and tailback Dennis Yamasaki added other scores in the onesided contest. 35-- 6 THE VICTORY rang curtain on Box Elders son. The Bees ended record paign with a play. 2 down the grid seathe camin region Meanwhile, Logan marked up its fifth straight win, a romp over South Cache, to claim undisputed right to the region bunting. The Grizzlies will host Jordan, Region Four champs, on Crimson field this week in a state quarterfinal game. 14-- 0 .vr'-VnT- - ,f r - r ' f ' 4Vt4'x'r-u Jr fT ' i; .u BOX ELDER started its scoring parade after Kase Larsen recovered a Bulldog fumble just into the first quarter. Tailback Richard Gomez, injured later the game, ran for five yards then passed to Young in the and the big guy sprinted down sideline to paydirt. Gomez plunged over for PAT. PoatHarborancjMarJna To Be Built at Bear Lake Utah Park and Recreation Commission has been given 14 acres of shore and underwater land at in Bear Lake to build a major boat transferred to the Park Commission through the cooperation of Max Gardner, director, and members of the State Land Board, without cost to the Park Commisto sion, Fabian said. and harbor and marina. flat The 14 acres will be added the eight acres of the Park Commisthe sion has already purchased from the Bureau of Land Management. According to Park Commission Box Elder scored the next time it got the ball. Gomez and Yama- Chairman Harold Babian, the will extend 600 to 700 saki combined to move from the marina Bee 36 to the North Cache 44 from feet out into Bear Lake and inwhence Thompson started the sec- clude docks for more than 120 boats of all sizes. ond of his long gallops. FUNDS TO build the facilities Young plunged in for the extra will not exceed $50,000 and will point. come from the boaters licensing THOMPSON did It again less and fees and from than four minutes after the second boat registering fuel revenue. period opened, this time from 28 Work on the harbor will begin yards out. Young repeated on as soon as weather will permit, the PAT carry. according to Aldin Hayward, Park North Cache scored its only Commission director. touchdown in the third quarter on Hayward said work on the an intercepted pass. But Thomp- to date includes installation ofparka son broke the Bulldog backs minlaunching ramp and parking and utes later when he ran 86 yards picnicking facilities. for the days longest TD jaunt. The additional 14 acres were Yamasaki put icing on the victory cake when he went in for the final touchdown in the fourth harbor-- Danish Class Scientist to Starts Nov. 9 Lecture at limited overnight camping facilities and unlimited good beaches for swimming, Hayward explain- Danish for Beginners, being offered by the evening education program of the school district will hold its first class on Thursday evening of this week at the Junior High school at 7 p.m. in Room Miss Pauline Jensen will be the instructor for this class. She has spent several years in Denmark on a mission for the L.D.S. church, and is well qualified as an instructor. We expect the marina to be one of the major developments of the Boating Division of the Park Commission, and that it will become one of the top attractions in Utah for boaters, said Tedd Tuttle, boating supervisor. The marina has been designed by Grant Fredrickson, Park Commission architect. Work will include excavating and dredging about 60,000 cubic yards of lake bottom which would be used for breakwaters. The breakwaters would then be covered with a gra- - Louis, a week for a period of ten weeks. national lecturer for the 1961-6The registration fee for the entire season. Dr. Van Wazer is being course will be $5. presented by the U. of U. Chapter of the Society of Sigma Xi for the Job For Jolene encouragement of scientific reHOLLYWOOD (UPI) BeautiHe will speak on the subful Jolene Brand has been signed search. of Molecular ject Reorganization to star with Jack Kelley in A Structures Through Technical Error, a Maverick drama being shot by Warner BroDr. Ewart A. Swinyard, profesthers for ABC-Tsor of pharmacology at the U. of vel and rock rip rap. U. is president of the University of The marina will be located on Utah chapter. U. S. 89 in Cache county, about Students, faculty and public are two miles north of Garden City. invited to attend the lecture. WHEN COMPLETED the marina will include three separate launching ramps, a parking area for 135 cars and trailers and offer ed. DIG THE COSTUME! Flora Wilson of Intermountain school poses in the beatnick costume that garnered the first place trophy in the Womens Commercial Bowling League contest on Oct. 30. Miss Wilson represented the Peters Jewelry bowling team, of which she is a member. that school and replaced in the account from sales of the store. 3. The general operation of the store shall be handled under the direction of the school principal as are all operations within the school. 4. Prices established on items for sale will be so fixed to allow the store to be Prices will conform to retail prices so as not to undersell regularly estabRegulations governing the operation of supply stores in secondary lished stores existing in the comschools of Box Elder district have munity. 5. All profits shown may be used been set by the board of educato purchase needed school equiption. ment as the Board of The stores are being established Education.permitted by to sell to students supplies, books 6. The store will purchase used and confections. Following are the books from students for resale. It regulations: is generally conceded the books 1. All monies received and ex- having had good care will deprepended through the operation of ciate at the rate of about 35 of student stores shall bo accounted the original cost each year. Howfor through the financial accountever, the store will be permitted to ing system of the school. establish the price paid for the 2. Funds for operation may be books purchased from students and advanced from general funds of resell to students at 25 discount. Rules Adopted For School Supply Stores For Waterfowl Partridge Hunts Continue in BE Through Nov. 19 ADVERTISING SERVICE JOB PRINTING shootwaterfowl are BOX ELDER NEWS AND JOURNAL Following pa Utahs chukar and Hungarian ing hours in Utah for the remainGreat Country Newspapers der of November. The schedule is partridge seasons continue stateComplete advertising service for all Box Elder County four minutes later at Locomotive wide through Nov. 12, with the Quality Commercial Printing Quick Service hunts for these two upland game springs. Shoot Shoot birds extended through Nov. 19 APPLIANCES Ends in Box Elder, Davis, Morgan, SumBegins BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC 6:36 a.m. 5:17 p.m. mit and Weber counties. Phone PA Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Dealer The season for hunting these ALL GE APPLIANCES 6.38 a.m. 5:16 p.m. Rent an Ironrite Automatic Ironer for only $2 a Week 6:39 a.m. 5:15 p.m. birds began Sept. 16 this year. Rechukars have been Box Elders Oniy Ironrite Dealer 6:40a.m. 5:14 p.m. ports show in every county . of the 6:41a.m. 5:13p.m. bagged with THOMPSON HARDWARE APPLIANCE SPORTING GOODS the Hungarian par6:42 a.m. 5:12 p.m. state, 41 South Main, Brigham City Phone PA 6:43 a.m. 5:12 p.m. tridge being taken from Box Elder, MAYTAG HOTPOINT RCA TV, Radios, Record Cache and other northern counPlayers 6:45 a.m. 5:11p.m. Bausch-Lomties Browning Automatics Colt Firearms Scopes 6:46 a.m. 5:10 p.m. The continuing open season for GLASS GLASS 6:47 a.m. 5:09 p.m. these birds GLASS GLASS during the Nov. Window Glass 6:48 a.m. 5:08 p.m. pheasant-quai- l Plate Glass Heavy Sheet Glass season will allow Automobile Windshield and Door Glass 6:49 a.m. 5:07 p.m. hunters to seek all four species MERRELLS. INC. 6:50 a.m. 5:07 p.m. while afield this Mirrors Cut to Size Phone PA year. 6:52 a.m. 5:06 p.m. The hunter may take a daily bag BABIES & CHILDRENS WEARING APPAREL 6:53 a.m. 5:05 p.m. of three chukar and three Hungar6:54 a.m. 5f05 if.m. ian, with the possession limit six The Home of World Famous FARAH JEANS 6:55 a.m. 5:04 p.m. birds of each species after the sec"Outwear Any Other Two to One 6:56 a.m. 5:03 p.m. ond day of hunting. THE YOUTH SHOP 22 South Main 6:58 a.m. 5:03 p.m. Quality Always Costs Lees 6:59 a.m. 5:02 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 5:02 p.m. BAKERY PRODUCTS AND PASTRIES 7:01a.m. 5:02p.m. 7:02 a.m. 5:01p.m. We specialize in beautifully decorated 7:03a.m. 5:01p.m. WEDDING CAKES AND SPECIAL PARTY CAKES All varieties baked goods fresh daily from your local bakery. For Special Orders Phone PA FOOD KING BAKERY Dr. John R. Van Wazer of the Research Institute, which operates under auspices of Monsato Chemi- The class will continue one night cal company of St. is the 2 - Ligand-Interchang- DRUG STORES - GLENS Brigham 36 South Main REXALL DRUG V PA Citys Largest Drug Store Free Prescription Delivery PhRrmnrlflt rm HiiPf t All Tim cxollJ FARM EQUIPMENT INSPECTION BRIGHAM TRUCK & PARTS IMPLEMENT CO. International Harvester Parts and Service Farm all Tractors nI Rrlfrham Cl tv Almnri Rhone PA Knnth ilW AND FLOOR COVERINGS FURNITURE b Brigham Man Is Top Graduate Of USAF Course BEAUTY SHOPS - HAIR STYLING - BEAUTY AIDS Captain Wesley J. Barlow, - Son of Roy J. Barlow of 586 South Complete new line of JENNY LYNN Products Sixth West, Come see our new Counter Display Brigham City, has been named honor graduate of the EVERTHING NEW Here are your complete reel estate listings Homes and Business Properties. United States Air Force technical LEWS BEAUTY SHOP - 51 North 1st West - PA instructor course at Amarillo AFB CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING in Texas. FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Estate Captain Barlow attained a final DURACLEAN SERVICE In Your Home FOR SALE By Owner One year LOT FOR SALE 4 rods x 6 rods, CHOICE NORTHEAST Location-T- wo score of 94 to win the honor. No messy soaking . . . shrinking no harsh scrubbing old duplex. Call PA bedroom, brick, large pancorner of 4th west and 3rd So. A graduate of University of LEWIS M. PETERSON, Duraclean Dealer eled living room, two fireplaces, Utah, and a member of .. Must sell soon. Call Ella Lum-da the 319 South First West Phone Anderson. family room, full basement, maDelta Sigma fraternity. CapMBSSX4 hogany kitchen with built-ins- , tain Barlow entered the service CHOICE EATING PLACES Cafes & Restaurants TOR SALE By Owner Beautiful carpet, drapes, landscaped. Ph. in March 1955. PA lor appointment. new home in northeast Brigham TROPICAL CAFE His wife is the former Maxine 128 So. Main Phone PA Visit Our Beautiful Tropical Room Tew, 2175 Richards street. Salt City. Immediate accupancy. 3 two & REAL ESTATE Lake bedrooms, baths, living rm, Regular Hickory Q Dinners Buffet Lunch Smorgasbord City. They have four chilAlso Catering to Special Parties and Banquets kitchpn, dining room upstairs. FOR SALE Three bedroom home dren, David, Julianne, Joseph and 319 NORTH MAIN Game room, bedroom, bath utilLynn. in northeast location, full baseCHURCH SERVICES Attached garity, downstairs. Special Programs ment with one room finished. DELUXE 3 BEDROOM Built-ins- , age, fireplaces upstairs and Call yard landscaped. CHURCH OF CHRIST built-idown, laige patio, oven, PA in choice NE location, 1 block 773 North Main and dishwasher. range Large 2 from new school. fireplaces, SUNDAY Bible Class 10 A. M. Worship 11AM &7PM corner lot. Phone PA central entrance, built-lnWEDNESDAY Bible Class 7 P.M. NOW SELLING new FHA and VA superb quality construction. homes, $12,500 and up. Located FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 504 South Sixth West For extra housing value, be Fifth West and Fifth North, 10: 00 A.M. sure to see this! $17,900, Sunday School Prayer Meeting hommodel Four Brigham City. 7:00 P.M. $1,300 on FHA terms. Training Union Wednesday 7 P.M. es completed. Ph. PA At a recent meeting of the Service 11:00 . A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Worship 81 So. Main Board of Education a plan was PA 3 BLOCKS FROM CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH set up for payment of construcRev. Cornelius Kuipers MAIN STREET 3 BTDROOM BRICK On the Air tion of the new bleachers for Bear At 652 South 3rd East FOR SALE Three 3 bedroom, Comfortable older home, 2 Full basement, large lot, $16,500 KBUH Way of Life 8 A. M. River High and Box Elder 11:00 a m., 7:00 p.m. Sunday Worship home High KLO Back to God 9 with full basefireplace, bedrooms main floor, recreafull price; $750 down. A.M. schools. Fellowship Hour, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. ment. 679 South Landscaped. tion room and fireplace In Edward B. Hansen, contractor, COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 304 South Second East Fourth West. PA basement a little flxln, a a bill for partial paypresented JUST HMSIIID 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. little paint and this would Worship Service ment on the projects. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 lirepluces, School 9: 30 a.m. be a nice home with baseSunday Board members approved a large lot, choice easlslde location. plan Rev. Earl Seymour Fox. Pastor Church PA ment apartment. New double Manse PA for progressive 1350 sq. ft. $2500 down; payments subject carport, corner lot. $15,950. THE BIBLE CHURCH to obtaining a 100 634South 2nd East percent perforREAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 9:45 A.M. mance bond and tor each pay- Sunday School 11:00 AM Morning Worship 3 BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 17 North Main PA 6:15 P.M. ment to be subject to ten 7:30 P.m! Evening Church percent Young Peoples and Bible Older home in country. $1000 down SPLIT LEVEL 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting Study Wednesday being retained. moves you in. Two bedroom home in Corlnnc, In oiher business, Supt, Walter Very attractive, extra roomy, SAINT MICHAELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH $7400, 2 years old. Buy equity or on good terms. D. Talbot was authorized to work Protestant Student Christian Center new I HA lonn. Price $15,300. out a plun for NICE SELECTION WANTED: Homes In Southwest of 429 East 7th South transportation Quick possession! of building lots. children In the Royal Morris famsections. SUNDAY SERVICE H A. M. ily who attend the Park Valley 180 acre farm at Thatcher CHURCH OF 2 DUPLEXES THE FOUR GOSPEL school. pricSQUARE Board members were in(Pentecostal) Office PA ed right to sell. 9:45 AM. formed that the school district Sunday School paying 10 to 12 on your InvestMorning Worship ll:0Q A.M. Evenings: Youth Crusaders 6.30 P.M. ment. has previously allowed $3 per Evangelistic Service PM Chadwick PA day 126 War Memoriul Hall E. Evenings call Dean Bradshaw Forest Rev. F. L. Stinson, Pastor of school Bowen PA attendance, however, Evenings PA AL Garland Morris would prefer that the board Monro PA Henry C. Johnson, PA CLEANING - DYEING . LAUNDRY - FUR STORAGE consider restoring bus transportaFOR SALE Three bedroom split tion for his children, or would at LADY, YOU NEED A WORKBREAK level, fireplace, basement par- least transport them In the mornDo All Your Washing Simply We Never Close tially finished, attached garage, ing with the understanding that Single load 15c Huge Double Load 25c THREE BEDROOM Dryere 5c fon 8 min. VACANT corner lot. Lindsay Park. Phone Morns pick them up to return LAUNDERCENTER 5th South, just West ol Main This fme three year old home has ww PA 3 6766. 18 Ch home. carpel on living room and three bedrooms. Nice big kitchen with built-lns- . Car-po- rt The board was offered a lease COAL - FEED SEED FERTILIZERS with storage large lot with curb all paid. Close to on the LDS seminary Ini parking schools on Sixth East. BEAR RIVER VALLEY CO-Onear the new high school In ling-haUNBELIEVABLE Max Johnson, Mgr. Feed Seed Fertillrer City. deferred They action OLDER THREE BEDROOM HOME Three bedroom home, 1083 sq. until a later date. Automotive Accessories Wholesale and Retail Gasoline Located In Southeast near Int. Ml, school. ft.,. Brick veneer, full basement, Cortnne, Utah Hardware Immediately availPhone SH built-lnable. New gas furnace and water heater. fireplace. $12,300 on HORSLEY'S 131 STORE SEED South Main Phone PA )our lot. WE ALWAYS Wholesale end Retail Dealer HAVE 3600 sq. ft. Fourplrx $24,500 Home In a wide range of prices with terms for all Alfalfa, Grains. Pasture Mixture, Corn, Garden Seeda qualified Custom Cleaning and Trusting of Alt Seeda buyers. Al SO wc arc local Agents lor a number of InUNITED HOMES, Inc. surance companies and Mmtgage Loin Corporations. I nng Call PA 34238 Brigham Citys 1962 streets Im- CONTRACTING lerm with the lowest ol Interest rates oil ull types of Real 1 state loans. provement will be explained to EUGENE HANSON GENERAL CONTRACTOR property owners at a special meetU Grandview Rd., Brigham City on ing PA Wednesday, Nov. 8. In the NEW-JOURN- Al We'U custom huilij your home. nty council chumhrrs. Plan are available. Starting time Is 8 p, m.. according to Conncllman Olof Zun- REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 1NVI STMI NTS . LOANS DRAPERIES del 140 South Main Phone PA 3 3269 The session will give BE PROUD OP YOUR DRAPERIES property llank Bahrn, Salesman owners an opportunity to express hi iv from opinions crmrenilng the proposed RESULTS! MODERN TRIM) SIUDJO cl Logan special improvement district. For Brigham call Delbert liadfiald FA ... 1 BOM Payment Plan On Bleachers Set By Board Mclntire Realty , . - DAY-N1T- Meeting Called On Street Dist. AMERICAN FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. Northern Utahs largest selection of carpet Mohawk, Firth, Beaty 5 Years to Pay Also Custom Furniture Nothing Down 86 South Main Phone PA Norge and Philco Appliances FINEST IN NATIONALLY ADV. HOME FURNISHINGS WINDOW SHADES - FLEXALUM VENETION and VERTICAL BLINDS HOOVER SALES and SERVICE BRIGHAM FURNITURE Phone PA 31 North Malo FURNITURE CLASSIFIEDS RESTYLING & UPHOLSTERING LAURTTZEN UPHOLSTERING Phone PA Add new beauty to your old furniture by Materials shown in your home JOHNSON and restyling Free Pickup and Delivery FURNITURE SHOP Repairing Refinishing Upholstering 35 Years Experience Antiques Our Specialty 142 South Main (Rear PA Entrance) HOME IMPROVEMENT ' ' MODERNIZE WITH MODERN BRICK weather-proois f water-prooand Insulates, Does not absorb moisture. MODERN BRICK APLICATOR CO., 1221 Emerson Ave., Salt Lake For Appointment call PA f. INVESTMENTS Ml j I MM Representative of Financial Industrial Fund, Keystone Custo dian Funds, One William Street Fund, Wellington Fund, etc. LANDSCAPING SHRUBS Complete Selection Patented and ROSES Shrubs Fruit Tree Evergreens Complete Landscape Service ANDYS NURSERY A GARDEN CENTER PA Perry LUMBER HARDWARE BUILDING SUPPLIES BESTWAY BUILDING CENTER ( formerly Phone PA Lumber - Plywood - Sheet Rock Knotty Pine DeVoe Paint Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Chain Link Fencing - Roll Roofing - Shingles Window LUMBER HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL BOX ELDER COUNTY Martin Senour Paint Plywood Hardware WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES MERRELL'S, INC. Phone PA (custom mlllwork) Tri-Stat- MOVING STORAGE C. R. JOHNSON TRANSFER CO. C. R. Johnson, Jr., Mgr. Local and Long Distance Moving, Storage, Packing, Crating TRANSIT Agent for Finest 807 Forest St. Phone PA NiRhta Days or PA R CO.-Am- erica OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS Sales Rentals ADDING MACHINES Repair! CASH REGISTERS Rented Bought Sold Repaired REMINDER OFFICE SUPPLY PHONE PA 34131 All Nationally Advertised Brands Handled PLUMBING HEATING SOFT WATER SERVICE CULLIGAN SOFT WATER SERVICE 48 North Main Phone PA Soft water service, Self service rental units. Home owned units. Industrial Installations. Complete line of water conditioning equipment READY-MI- CONCRETE X HEAVY CONSTRUCTION E FIFE ROCK PRODUCTS A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY East 5th South Ready-MiConcrete 1829 Wall Ave. BriRham City, Utah Heavy Construction Ogden, Utah Phone PA phone EX 620 SIGNS x NEON SERVICE FUNK SIGN AND NEON SERVICE Signs of All Kinds McLaren Funk, Proprietor 22 West Second North PArtway I4M1 TELEVISION REPAIR Smiths TV Service C.B. WILLIAMS -- REALTOR - The annual Sigma Xi lecture has been scheduled at the University of Utah Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 8 p.m. in Orson Spencer Hall. , Hunting Hours - University ( Hm You've tried the rest, now try the BEST Auto Radio ) PA ( Stereo WELDING SERVICE VINCENT McNALLY WELDING SERVICE Structural Steel Machinery Erection GET rt 3 ns Equipment Rentals rl(ham rirv ns Smith Pitta |