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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY. FEUHUAKY 18. REAL ESTATE. riiElLTfS HEM j ILL 1NUTHEB IXMMtV THE ejfXX CITY. Extern Ei-nB-ibie Bw4 Buul R n (Vurt-r- u u Gibson, rati V rorivtJ iL firm of Grave UU broker, let'usf from jrtu-- r vo-sei- laa-Hio-n ()-J- the Um im iuubuaa Adli-tu- a. IMS VB a rlj-eL- I tint urn Tratj-KLt- f)( but t t9xlS tf mitt. k M&Mm aneGA, A lOuOtHi Good .. nmur hxm ilTh aivl TKslauia liii Ktuiacf, tT..i (irr wr au jirl ut ixmi. ri'.L-- Su ao r ntanjr, uc cuua uitni, a Ul fell eimnp. Bokiitw prvnmj oa Grut Aran. I flfti foot luU u Citf Tk Adiiuoa, tacL. 300 m Suc Comer ua Adastt muc f ir 10 Aneajr ia k11 diraniuo. Giail bamina ia Sob Hill. Lk VUm ani rruaart HtrteUit AddiUim. Call aod ut U t itjr at 'I nt. Pniprrty is ail ! price U U11 iru J uu. J. A.. McCulloch I.j6 Wabicruia Ara.. Rrd Hnt4 Buililirur. We have a few Snaps for you this week. LOOK AT TIJEM! 6x10 rods on Quincy, nerr 21th born. Mr. Cortez, owner of the Cortez was the block. on Washington . avenue, . . I - me 4k.lt . 1 - Xuu- J. D. GILL h s h plenty. California and Nevada are investing money in Ogden realty. H. M. O'Hara, the real estate broker, received several thousand dollars this week to invest here for parties in those states. Real Estate! Experience of tho past three years has tanght us that all property bought well at this season of the year will bring at least 50 per cent, profit dnring the following winter. We offer for sale the following choice proporty Real Estate Transfers. atthese low prices : Real estate transfers furnished by the Sixty acres in section 10, overlooking the $ 100 00 city Hendershot Abstract office, 24U Washbetween 66x330 feet on Twenty-fonrt- h 1891: Feb. 17, for ington avenue, Lincoln and Wall Avenues, per foot.... 275 00 J. F. Downev to R. H. Loughhead, lot Lots on the Bench 50x130 feet eight blocks 300 00 from Washington Avenue 4, block 33, Nob Hill; $350. R. Robinson to F. L. Chapin, lots 9 Two, acre lots on Thirieth, near the Park . . 3200 00 Lots in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. and 10, block 51, Nob Hill; $1,500. paying 1223000 G. Musgrave to E. Dix, part of north- Improved business property 00 per cent, net, leased for 4 years west of section 27, township 7, range 165x148 feet between J ackson and Quincy . . 1650 00 2, west; $(50. 150 00 Addition A..B. Pstton to Emma Powell, lots 31 Lots in Mountain Viow Also 8x3 rod corner on Twenty-fourtand 32, block 17 Lake View; $250. Avenue property below real value. H. J. Ganey to S. A. Hanson, part of 22 Wall acres near north Washington will lot 10, block 48, plat C; $325. subdivide. W. G. Wright to M. S. Browning, part of lot 5, block 26, plat A; $15,000. If you will call on us we will show and con M. S. Browning to J. J. Cortez, part of vince you there is money in buying now. lot 5, block 26, plat A; $15,000. & P. Sherner to A. Green, part of northeast of section 17, township 6, range l, west; WJM. I. C. Dennett to Mary Rippon, five lots in block 17, Lawndaleaddition; $500. REED Total, L30 acres of good cleur land is Texas, for OtfdtNi property. 40 lots (Wr of incumbrance in La Junta, Colo, for Odea reul estate or stock of guuda. 50 Iota clear of ineumbraore in Laramie, Wya, for OJen property. 21 Ma io City. CoSou, clour, to trade for IVtiea property. 2 lota in Denver for OJt-- property. me. Call and L. II. MITCHEL, Avttae. 2105 Wiikftsi Xa. feriaii $33,175. How is Yotjr Liver? BURGITT. Anition Needs toning up, ot course. English Dandelion Tonic is a specific for all such troubles. Will be Given Away. pur enterprising druggist H. A Walker, who carries the finest stock of drugs, perfumes, toilet articles, bruehen, epongos, etc., is giving away a large number of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. Ho guarantees it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. . . ' :. . . Tlnini.i. they ever knew, and is universally satisfactory. He also guarantees Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases" free. Money to Loan! Money to loan on Diamonds, Watch 03, Jewelry, etc Unredeemed pledges for aale cheap. 204 and 206, Twenty-ti- f th St A Meat,PonltryamlFisL Try ear Pnra Lard. auf&rtarv4 by aod fom ul m any uUmw. -- r,.1 Kail aiden Bed BtaAnMdi&r villi aa. Twoiy-- n mjmh. J. & Fiitx. K. lint-clan- number of Choice Lots are still unsold in this Jfavorite Locality, and are now offered for sale at LOW PRICES and EASY TERMS, by No. 2414 Washington Ave. .Ul MAKING CF 1S4 KINDS Call I'. tive. Tehl'houe A ,nmt U, atten- U,7. junx walsh". Jr. Wktberbi. L. U. Balch Boston Meat Market. KINDS OP'SS JGSAI.I., St., at your door, and roods delir-ere- d to any part of the ciiy. 1'lfO.Ml'T a niecially. Our Moat lKJ.IVI-.ltWacon is a Market onaheels which mils at your bonne so that you may selert your own Onlom taken M. O'lIAVElt. JJ i!l Fresh Meats, Fish, Ttmltry and Game in Season. UTAH. OGDEN, (roods. It runs north of Avenue and the Itench. (Member Keal Estate Exchange) Tel. No, Real Esfcite and Loans. ld St. on Wanhiugtun l.yilll Wnnhineton Ave, CHOICE LOCATIONS in aU parts of the City. GOOD RANCHES anil Gnrdcn Tracts. NOB HILL PROPERTY lTJ A SPECIALTY. No trouble to show property. Call and see me No. 241 1, Wash. Ae., . . UTAH OGDEN, A M SPECIALTY. OGDEX CITY RAILWAY CO. AND & Ogden Hot Springs Ry MARSHAL'S SALE. AND By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the First Judicial DiMrict of the Territory of Utah, (luted the liith day of February. 1M)I, in a certain action wherein the First National Dank of Oifden, a corporation, as plaintiff, reerered a judBment against the Oacleul'ity Railway Co., V. R. Swan and Elizabeth Swau, copartners, doing business under the name and stylo of V. R. Swan A Co.. and Robert Robinson, defendants, for the sum of four thousand six. hundred and tweuty-thre- e hundredths dollars, lawful and money of tbe United States, with interest and 1 levied upon the following have thereon, cost, : described propertv, 12 Lots 11, and IS, in block 51 ; lots 4, !. , 7, 12, 13 and 14. in block 53; lots 10, 11, 12, 13. II, 15, lti, 17 and IS, in block fiG; lots 5, 6, 7. 8 and 9. in block 57 ; lots 1(. lfl and 20, in block 74 ; lots 4, 5 6. 7 and 8, in block 75 ; lots 13, 14. 15, 1, 17. IK and U, in block 7ti: all in Nob Hill Annex Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Also lots 14 and 15. in block 13; lots 10, SO, 21 and 22, In block 13; lots 25 and 2ii, in block 14; and hits 1. 2, 3. 4 and b, in block 15; all in Nob Hill Addition to Opden City, Utah. Said property was levied upon under a writ of attachment on the 27th day of Octolier, ISflO, said attachment being issued out of the above named court, and in the above entitled action. Notice is hereby given tnat on Wednesday the Hth day of March, lStl, at 12 o'clock, noon of that day, at tho front door of tho County Court House in the county of Weber I will sell all the right, title and interest that the said defendants, the Ogden City Railway company, and W. R. Swan. Elizabeth Swan, doing business under the name and style of W. R. Swan & Co., and Robert Robinson, had on tho 27th day of October, 18110, of, in and to the abovo described property, at public auction, for cash, lawful money of the United States of America, to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and all costs. Ei.ias II. Parsons, U. S. Marshal. By B. A. Bowman, Deputy U. 8. Maishal. Oeden City. Utah. February 17th, 1M1. HEALTH RESORT CO. TIME TAULK Between Twenty fifth Street and Hot Springs, taking etTcct Thursday, 'J'J, ISM. January OOIMO NOIiTII. eiKhty-nineon- e C2 p-- 2. to-w- MARSHAL'S SALE. By virtuo of an execution issued out of the District Court of tjie First Judicial District of the Tortory of Utah, dated tho 13th day of February, 1(4)1. in a certain action wherein the Utah National Bank of Ogdn. a corporntion, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against W. R. Swan and Elizabeth Swan, d'rtng business nniW the name and style of W. Si. Swan & Co., and Koliei t Robinson, defendants, for the sum of Sit Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten Dollars, lawful money of the United States, and costs of suit taxed at Kevn-ou- e and fifty one hundredths dollars, ou the 13th day of November. 18110. I have levied upen tho following described : property, Lots 11, 12 und 13, in block M: lnis 4, 5, 6. 7. 12, 13 and 14. in block 53; lots 10, 11,12. hi, 14, 15, t7 and 18, iu block 56 ; lots 5, 6, 7. and 9, in 1, block 57 ; lots IS, and 20, in block 74 ; lots 4. 5. , 7 and S, in block 75; and lots 13, 14, 15, 10, 17. H and 19. in block 7( ; all in Nob Hill Annex Addition toOtdcji Cily.Utuh. Also lots 11 and 15, in block 13; lot 19, 20. 21 and 22,, in block 13; lots 25 and 26. in block 14: nnd lots 1. 2, 3. 4 and 5, in block 15. all in Nob Hill Addition to Okdon City. Utah. Said property tv as levied upon tinder a writ of attachment on the 27th day of October, 1890, said attachment, being - sued ont of the above named court and in the above entitled action. Notice is lieri'by given that on Wednesday the to-w-it 111 llth at o'clock, noon, of that day, at the front th or of the County Court house in the County of Weber, I will sell all the riirht, title nmt interest that the said defendants, W. R. Swun and Elizabeth Swan, doing licsiness under tho firm name and style of W. R. Swan A Co., and Robert Robinson, had on the 2ith d iy of ISM, of, in and to the above described property' at iublic aution, for cash, lawful money of the United Stul, to tho highest or.d best bidder, to satisfy faid execution and all costs. Ki.us n. Paksons, IT. S. Marshal. P.y B. A- V,ovman. Icmity IF. S. Msrshal. Ogden City, Utah, February 17:1-- , 11)1. day of March, tt lah A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. C:50 7:05 8:15 9:35 10:45 11:55 7715 7740 8:25 9:45 10 55 8:50 10:10 11:20 P. M. P. M. P. M. 7:50 9:00 10:10 11:20 9:15 10:25 11:35 7:(rJ 8:14 9:30 10:40 11:50 P. M. P. M. P. M. 12:30 1:40 2:50 4:00 5:10 0:20 7:30 8:40 10:00 Sm t:00 12:45 1:55 3:05 4:15 5:25 0:35 7:45 8:55 10:12 etm4 it cot IU W lint of woilt-atuu Huniniuij. "7 yrmrt or old, and t I A. M. r2705i2:30 2:10 3:20 4:30 5:40 2:15 3:25 4:35 5:45 0:55 8:05 9:15 G:50 8:00 9:10 10:24 1:15 2:25 3:35 4:45 5:55 7:05 8:15 9:25 1:40 2:50 4:00 5:10 G:20 7:30 8:40 9:50 GOINO HOUTlt P5. as A. M A. 7:40 9:00 10:10 11:20 r. M M. A. M. A. M. A. M. 8:00 9:20 10:30 11:40 8:10 9:30 10:40 11:50 7:05 8:15 9:35 10:45 11:55 8:27 9:50 11:00 r. P. M. P. M. M. A. M. 77n 8:40 10:05 11:15 fi lath 12:30 1:40 1:00 2:10 12:50 2:00 2:50 3:10, 4:CK1 4:20 5:10 0:20 7:30 8:40 9:50 5:). 0:40 7:50 9:00 10:10 Trains will on Sundays. W Wi - Bf P. m. I P. w. 1:05 2:15 2:25 4:35 5:45 6:55 8:05 9:15 10:20 1:20 2:30 U:20 3:40 4:30 4:50 5:40 6:00 6:50 7:10 8:00 8:20 9:10 9:30 10:20 10:38 begin running at 8:00 .n 1 4J ldlschnrr-v.!0 ! l! ''' 'Jlnrtx. SlliLJlt V 1:35 3:55 5:05 G:15 7:25 8:35 9:45 a. m. Gonorrhma andl irorn jie uriiinTo.J ed :' limit lmyinvenfwec.1 Sa;NI, Nct Verify M.TEAHEN HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING ALSO PAPER HANGING AND CALSOMINING. HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY. hi la their SHOP One door I43 MAIN ST. Xorth of the Hontz VI&b !itrtct (Vuirt of h of IU IrtT-v.r- j wf I laJi,fi'.tji rrttM-f- t naid anu fiteiittir ueir at4 i Itj-K-: f the igwutf th; lrtrii.NTi I t,H. h R. David lie... bilm, I'iamtiif, vs. Johu Am nMtn.-- t Im. 1 fr, rm-y-uidiiiaf . ,l.iie TruM io flat Jarti4 ,.ii!iu M,,rtk-ajuf LUo Ti rril.a-- y ot I'ub i t cr4- rt.aUHl Etei rxiMlllr t'tn. hii, a i'Ht: li Mte:f eutlr Mod h tiriur vi xh IVfcu-lant- . J.'lia A. a Wai - O.-.S--o .a,u,r.) .: i ii ci.ra'n ! or Uf to a rt ,,f fit;hi ral.. iw.ui'i nrl ur;a- 1 ui i, a f tliouNu..! ,I.U!.ir lo r ou to aiiar In an ar li) thw Imxif ht ajnij. by Um al,.-j- i ,r -- 1 l iaiii'i'f. in ilm id.lnrt t ,.urt of tlrtJu-oicii- j of ii. ,4 I .j ui tiU-a::.wer thr r.:.Uu,t l.frn.rf, ll.er. iii, s.iliin tB .A lists ierl i.ivr ,.( I at'.er tha youuf tin. .uimih. if .. wilh. iu this conn! ; nr. U eiir. i.ut i,( this eixtuty, but IU tin. lM.lri.-t- , will. in da.;i.nti-- r. tibia Umy dav . luoil) by - ar-l-- )u . irii,-ri- : f,,il,ii4iK uwit t Ad ji.d .,t liar aiitl and mural, and all lixtuiek, f tti-ia- rt-- r;i,it. .nv it s. 1 4tteuu, riKlitfe of aa , eaiiettnts rur!it uu.h r 1. Irnm and .:ri of , aiHu-iit.of all aiid ibi.ut awl efy Li:el l,lt. ouiiel r urcuid- 1 ft i, rnu io. r ! allien ai any iiiim- li,-- r ilir o by or (e a.jtiiu-ir trt'l.t, utii, bnlou U .Hid Vila 4 i'y Kauutkl I MliMtl,y. r or Mfii.. ; iurlt.ihii4 all ana jr ii. tie liuof ir,.H railway of tin .aid Oif-d-- n t i:y l.ailway t'4iii.aiia imiw or lift I'i. h,T act,uiiv.. aii'l al.irh liuof ratiaxv t end t,f j atntM itli le.w lns.'iii. at tl r,l iw will l,etr lr.t ComDaDj. B road-waj- S'iier-tructiin- t, a apr ui.-n tb.-de-n t. hereim-dersine- 021 and Jn,l.-i!i.i- takr, acii:i.t .l t"U. accordiiiK Ui Ui l.rmer of Mid c,ni. tii.t. . boMikdlt tot.MiMulK J V- Tl.s.ai.l m.ut ol tin. tS.ert auaui.t tiie is t,.r tbe sum of .lie. with mtfMt iionitiieXl.t tictot.-r- , of Ibi. nwln.unf dyl to be due I'iamlill f. aiwtcrw actt.ai. rnl ! and and nierrhamliw at In. riueat, M41i.uk, I'laiu-ti- d furtl.. r aliirea that It. K. llrowiiintf on account perlonivl by tl, .aid 0. K. Ilr wtnair at tbe rr.iu.- -t of the .aid winch wnre worih tha aura of oue hundml dotlam; , i tn. mmi rmim oi one uuuiirfii itiuars tiaa bora duly assiinied U this Hamuli for a valuable consideration. For furtlu-- r and fuller particular reference u hereby made to tbe roniUiut on file herein. And you are linn-bnotim d that if yon fail to apa-a- r and answer the said complaint aa alar reuutnxi, tle said plaintiff will tak affainsu you for t he sura of f, 49.IU, aad tutor eat and coata of suit. Witness the Hon. Jams A. Miller, Jmhre, and tha seal of the Hi.trirt Court of tha r irsi jii iirisi iM.trirt, in and fsf.tL. for the Territory of Ctah, i iiis i n nay of January, in the year of our one thousand ilit hundred and ninclv-oiieC. ll. Clerk. Tlx I.. II. I1fT. Dei.utv Clerk. ln. aib-vtv- at a i.'iul hear t'niiu ii,t.,i f ari1 tty, riiuinnff tlu iier nat alouM'i l 1 ui iu intersect m aiih A Mhtiurt"ii avrtiue, tlH'ie imitiU ard Mititii aloutf aid tt eud avetiuv to ttiervof. AUo rinu:4irtn? at a .ent alH-r1 went I luierMrt. said Wuliitur-to.tlx avnuue: thenn eal to JiHrmm iimiip. tlicrireatMitu to Taenty-tlf'.tre.t, theuctf ea-- t to la) lor s veil ue in Sb Mill Addilioo Ui .aid Otritea t'iiy. tlnoeo stoith on Talor avtiue ti I niTen-il-) I'lnr. as well a n and all line of railroad, bet her arated liy aniiunl. ratile, electric or Uief tMiwer which may hertafter tie omstneted, maiutained or oeraled tiy said Oirdoal'ity Railway t amimny.its inrmmii or akitrns, and all aud situnilar. tlie Innda, trarks, rail, laid or to be laid, siditiKH, turnouts, tracks, bri ways and rbrhu of ways, electric equipment, di ladra, wire, ilefiota, tabli, car Vinuea, shops, buildintrr. at riirturea, leaxe and leasehold interest, contracta, eluNH in action, and iririletfea now Ix lonmiiK or taiiiiiiv to or tiaed or trocnred or uWiitned for the iiiirpomi of or in connection witli the line of railway of the said Ouden City ilway Company, or the iiiniiiteiiaiiee or o;.ration thereof, or of any part thereof, or whether the same shall at any time hereafter belong or aiartain to or Iw tiwvl or ;ireured wilh the desiicu of e used for the iiiiriaaH of or in connection with the lims of rnilwity now or hrrenf'er to he constructed by the said Uuden City Uuilway Cimpnny, its successors or ait(ii, or the maintenance and operation of the untie or any piirt thereof; aud aho nil lite cars mid all other stock or equipment, all hone, mules, littruetis. titii.i.ini. r.iil.n I... itll.hW Itl.kU.'. .Minm, i n 11 tools, tx, f oriut uro ani ollico fixtures of eery kind; nil rod. chains and spikes and all other ninterinl nhntwn-ve- r now owned or jiosen by esid (h:drn City Uailway Cuntpuny, or vhirh slinll at any time hereafter Iw acquired tiyit, its successors und for the uso sml puriatses or desiirued for use in connection wilh or for theierntion, maintenance or reparation of sxid lines of railway, now or horoailcr to la- - constructed hy the said City Itnilws) Company, its snccos-sor- s or aw itus, w hether liorap, entile, electric or other riiilways or any pert thereof. Also the following Jiwrilwl renl estate, to-- it : All of (Ml iuNob IliU Addition to said Ocdim City, ronsit-tini- ; of twenty-si(2tt htn. And nlso all the riuhl, privileires and franchises which the said Otrdeu City Kailwuy Comiwiey now holds. or is eutiiled or whirii it. or its successors .ir assian. mav hereafler nr. become or laixsessed of or be entitled to, quire also rnrenue tolls, and income of any and nil tlie lines oi railway of the said Usdeu t ity Ituilwsy Conii'Stir now or hureafter to hnnm. tructtsl, together with all and sinulnr the tenements, berditamonU and apiinrteimnces of tlie premises uioretuiil.or any of tlum, or any pnrt thorexif. Which said mortgage hidenturo was on the 29th dy of Jun A. I)., lv9lUt lie hour of U ;::') a. m., tiliKl for record in the oilice of the recorder of dood:. in and for Weber county. Utah and duly recorded in book "L"' at Territory, 5 XI to 5;i inclusive ; and paire W iir.RKAR. it is in said deed of trnst that in case default shall lie made in proide the payment of interest or any of said bomls, and such default shall continue for thitty days, then the principal of all of said bonds, if the trustee so elects, upon written liotio by said trustee to the party of the first part, (meaning tho Osdnn City Kiulwny Cotnpnr.yi shall become and be at once due nnd payable ami so held and deemed for tho purixise of foreclosure and sale in eit her of the met hiuls hereinbefore prorided, and for all other purtioscs. And WntitfcAS, the Interest nion said bonds due on the Hrst day of Novenilier 1SS0. is in default and unpaid, nnil such defunll has cotit inued more than thirty days, and tho trnstoo lias elected to declare tha of all of the bonds secured by said deedprincipal of trust due and payable, and has given written notice of such election to the said Ogden City Kailway Company, and Wiikki.as, it is further provided in said deed of trust that if the said Ofiden City Kailway ( ompany shall fail to pay the principal or part thereof, or tbe interest or any part thereof, which may become due on said bunds secured or intended to be secured by said deed of trust at tho time when and at tho place where samo may become due and payable, according to the tenor and effect thereof or of the conpons thereto ami for thirty dnys thereafter, then it shall bo lawful for this trustee in its discretion, personally or by it attorney, attord neys, npent pr ajrents, to cause the said railway premises or pronerty, riphts and interest to lie sold by public auct ion at tho front door of the county court house of the said Weber county in the Territory of l.' tan and in said thrden City, tirst riv in not less than thirty days' notice of the time, tonus and place of such sale by advertisement in some newspa- Mr!, (U' i.'n 1 J tie- - fr fur-hi-l-nl a fr IM.-mla- Ju.t-ni- ut per published in saial Oden City. And WllKEKAH. the said iuterest coupon attached to tho said bonds, due by their terms on the Hrst day of November 1WS)0, and beioir the interest on said bonds due at that tiato, areand have to this time, remained unpaid. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that tho undersigned trustee in said mortgage or deed of trust named, will on Thursday the rtb day of March proceed to sell all the property hereiubefore and in said mortowro dcwcriiied at at tin front door of the county auction public court horse o Weber county. Territory of i:i the said city of Oirden, between the Utah. hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and live o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to satisfy the debt secured by said mortgage and tho costs of such sale. fcORTAfiE TatTST ( o. jABVlg-COXKL- r R. L. R. Hiiode. Atty. t ONKLIN, Svcy. LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that I, Cb.irles M. Rrough, assigneo nnder a deed of assignment made and delivered to me on the 2Hh d;iy of December. 1L!0, by tha Printing and Publishing Company, will from this date to the SMn day of January. 1MU. oiler for sale and sell tho following described personal property conveyed to mo by said deed of asssniment: The entire plant of the Oirden Daily Democrat newspaper, coneistiujl el jiresses, type, paper, machinery, etc., etc., at private sale; and if1 not sold before said 3th day of January, isstl, will on said day s '11 said property at public sale to . lrf . M. V.tilLMkHr, Attorney for I'laiutilT. SUMMONS. IWoro It. Ternes, Justice of the Teacc for 2nd Ogdni pnenei. TKftlillOltV Oi'i;TAll f CuiNrv ct V km. Mrs. A. Blehan'. itlff, V. Wm. Dwver, nefetidant. Ul. t of Ctah T. .' ryiaeiul treetlng! lli l'.H.,le Win. lo d"te..u i t ;i Von are hereby tlirecud and answer t.,i.re Um Justice ot the 1'eacitipear at Ins office iu Ogden City, iu said County, th complaint of said Pluintiir Hied herein, wilhia five days aftor service on you of this Summons if served on yon in Ogden City, within ten dava if served out of said fit) but in tho 4'ounty iu, which thin action is brought, aud within twenty diij if sei vod elsew here. This net ion is brought to recover of yon the sum of IS.Ul alleged to Is- - due Plaintiff from you as follows: For hoard and room rei.t furnished you by PlHintiil' nl i:istais and request, during IMKt. yoursiwciul l or further particulars refi is hereby made to Phiintilf's complaint now on Ulflit my in mil ,im,, And you aro hereby notilled that unless do so apaar and an.wi'r said complaintyou aa nbovo reiuirel. Plaintiff will take juil.Tmen, acninrt you for the sum claimed by her, I mt,Ti-- ( and cost of suit. Kri.j, To the Sheriff r any 4'onstable of Wehes County. Territory of I tali, (insting: Hake legal service and due return hereof. Oiven undiT my hand this ilh day of January A. D. 11. H. Tebkkb, .notice of the Peace for 2nd Ogden Precinct. W hits, k hitk. Attorneys for Plaintiff. len,a. ' i . ,.oovt-aame- to-w-it NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Terrritory of Utah, Count y of Weber, ' In the Probate Court of said County. In the mntterof theestnteof George A. Witch-el- l, deceased. Knate of (ie"ge A. Mitchell, deceased : Notice is hereby given hy the undersigned nilmmhtrator of the of (ioorgo A. Mitchell, deceased, to the creditors of, and all l er.'ous having claims sgaint the said to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within ten (l:o i.iout lis after the first notice to the raid adminispublication - ofolh--this o in the ollVe of the County trator at hiRecorder of Welwr t'oiiuty. I'tah.iu the County Court house in City. S Jons (i. Tvler, Administrator of the ostatfl of George A. Mitchell. Dated. Ogden. ITtah, Fi b. l:lth, Ml. IMFORTWT TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN UTAH. atini-xe- mort-Kaire- 12:10"12:25 12 do th work. Kaav la learn. Wi femifli Trrtl.ffir. We Mft jnm. ho risk. T. can drot momenta, or all your time- lo the work. Thii I a yoar mllraly tww irad, and brinra oortrfrU aarerw l rrry wurkrr. BflnsMn ar rarninff from lo S&O perwrrh and upward, nd iKHt at t eta Hit la riperieora. Wi eta fnminb vow Uit imi'n brra. Fu fit t.V. o anarato jm WtTMiw irtiUt. 'j'K I Jt IU. ItiLilA, qn til.. lU- SUMMONS. e-- Estate. h ,. Iu,u,n but u.h, tic Inn f.nMranuxl. Our i.r'U-- r a iron call for order if d,in"l. French aud to,(li.-i-i i.Hkiii. (iive ns a trial. A. E. 340 Twenty-lhurl- r,-- 24th St.. Near cor. Grant Ave. Huy anil Sell Real wxn. in rT cmiiol """in IVditenvl I WASHINGTON AVKNUK. -- a dore. (tamft C. B. WHEELER, inuM K.Ti:iti'iiisi; Hotel Building, MARKET HOUSE, Jlth Street, Next to Thomas Br.n. OGDEN, UTAH. CO. and Childs avenue, near Grant, h NOTICE Or SALE. Rcetl D. II. PEKRY and Twenty, h li OF SAUSAGE . Twenty-nint- 2101 o SIEC1ALTV. L. R. P. HUNTER, MONEY! SOLE AGENT, rks. on $2,000. POOLE, proprtit bandied. s feet on Fowler a venue, bet ween Twenty-fiftsixth streets, choice, $i,&o. 135X1S6 Foot of Twentieth .St. All orders by mail or wire c None bat anj sea as. 19x462 100 Sausage Works! WaJJn-to- TUB GROIXD FLOOR. ON" $525.00. CHICAGO - OVER! IS or 1 acres on South Washington avenue, new brick house and barn, fine orchard, etc.; a model home on 1 2y terms; rent, $25 per month. $5,500. 8 lots 25x143. to alley, three blocks from Union depot. $1,3(0. 2 nice lots in Voodmanee addition on Sullivan avenue. 1 Kot. Eui;ei.Mia. CityOffif.4Tjjc- Ileal Estate Dealers. GbT IX iter el I TAIL LAFKKNTZ WASHINGTON AVE. leei 01 grounu purcnaser loining nis present, property sponeu 01 Offer ron the following properties : in veeieruav s issue 01 ihk 4.a.mmi.i.ial He proposes to erect on bis now pur '.0. Choice Nob Hill lot. 50x137 to alley. chase a block uniform in elegance und $1000. On Twenty-eftstreet, 50x125 to alley, on hone can. ibstantiability. to his present building. mil wnicn mere is no ociier ou mo t 500. tor mere. 21V4 arrefi. near Tninnitv. W ill cut into t"n lota at fciO roet. The meat market now on the r lot. AdioiniiiK sold and aelunff for &KJ eacn, i. round has a lease which expires May liargain. lh tiiwl nnr.li ita ovnirnt ion wnrK unnn $1000, 53xl4S with two bousai rentinir J18.00 per month. he new block will be commenced. Talk of Colarado excursious is heard $1500. Choice Nob Hill corner, 105x137 to alloy. On me street., l la uuuersiouu unit me $ 650. 41x1:18 to alloy on Harrison near Twenty-fift- h street. railroads would be glad to receive prop Prior water right. On moositions from responsible parties wno $2500. 3S toracres. line, would undertake the running ot excur- - $2250. 42xlf5 on Twenty-fourtFine residence rions and would make very low rates lot. from Denver and Colorado points. $100. Per acre. Fine farm land; water; in tracts to suit. There is a large class of people in Color ado who have investments here who A BARGAIN. Feed and crist mill complete, on Main street. One mile from P. O. on would patronize such excursious, and Motor line. who would no doubt bring considerable $23,000. The best payintr property in Opden for The investment. for more monev here an.ount invested, leaped for 3 years. ex25 500. foot. and Per feet on Tweuty-fourt- h the $ matter should be taken up street bueinogB. cursions inaugurated at an early date. Another sale was reported yesterday of $15,000. It I have a larpe list of residence, farm and aero amounting to was a piece. of ground Lit reel square on property, and handle nothing that I cannot see money in for my customers. Am pleased to street and show the corner of Twenty-sixtat all times. Wall avenue. The sale was made by McGuire & Campbell. Money is- becoming easier. Yesterday J. D. GILL, 2101 Walton Ave., OGDEN. several drafts were received in this city, anticipating payments upon real estate which are not due for several months NOW 13 THE TIME TO BUY yet. When people are so anxious to save a few months' interest upon notes it must be that money is becoming more 01 TO TRADE! west. 240G BUTCHERS. St, ." $ 175 per rod Wxlll feet, corner 24th and Jack-- ' son streets 2,250 17x132 feet on 23rd street OX) Seventeen rods on corner Quincy 200 and 20th street, per rod Twenty-fiv- e lota in Ruve addition, between 21st and 22nd fetreeta. Cheap and easy terms. Several houses to sell on small cash payment, and balance monthly or quarterly. Five houses to rent in good location. Lt our Ugden business men now step & Co. forward and accept this offer, and let us Brainard, Robinson get this mill here and ready for operation before the summer is muun more than THE WAR PEAUX3 IS Mm. Uuul Viinrt ul Tsmtf ricitb ab4 Quiarr at 1 ixua-e- REAL ESTATE. C.lI.(ircemvellilJrus. tT.M 00 bJ lbjr uoequuled in Ate. TJ Bin-K- uaie twrtero tfxSJt oui.n null tkeiroua of moving their Lat to ua point in the tL They L prepar! t remote tLeir present .tit, which u in good ruiitacg order, iutJ fct tfJO.O 0. and ojn a mill in any iUro city with a goxl location, pro- Lling that fluO additioc&l capital a be raied to put into the bueintea. a dul- lliie gentlemen are not itkir. dvsir to r of premium, out ttai-ljtenon their capital hock lo JL,ttJ, d are milling that the control of stock ,.ul J Lie id the Lauds of Ojiifon stock- Idera. It they move their plant to den, Borne thirty fdtuuiwof operatives 11 tvme ith thm, and it will b a osiderfable benefit to th city. Mr. to reeeira pr- buon is in a teitioud from Oden citizens towards rtheriug this euterpru-e- , and it is pro- fee! to form a stock company here, king the present plant and machinery FJLIXV and raibiri; by subscription fj,UW additional. This subscription is in aur way to be donated to the mjwiny as a suoskly, but is to be m- ill uc- ostcd in the company, which lUUetlly pay dividends within a year its BUrtuiir. " The parties now operating the mills e men of long and successful cxper- nee in the woolen manufacturing trade nd mho have built themselves up to The status of successful manufacturers - in fitct, just such men as 0'i!i n needs to further her success and growth. One of the firm has visited our city and is already inclined in favor of for a new location, llore we have every requisite for the successful operation of the proposed enterprise. We have tbe raw material in abundance, plenty of water, railroad transportation east, west, north and south, and a market for the manufactured product -la- ktiii f ! Choice business and residence property in all parts of Oden at prices that will astonish you. . A .. Le G,lijn, of z, wyi.j.f liuuM fears. f I Uu. Mck S CldUBtwUia Uttt to EraJj OfrAtes Wuuku JlilL Vlf- - FOR SALE a CuOit tx c MARKETS. REAL ESTATE. J. A. McCuiioc Its I. Diseases of (lie Eye, Ear, Nose. Throat, Chronic Diseases anil Deformities. Tlie old snreeon and examining physician of "The Liehig Scrgicnl Institute ami World of Kansas City ami Irian Francisco will vint Ogden and have office at the Hroom hotel. Fob. 25 and HA. nt ('lift, house, Salt Lake, Feb. 21 nnd 1MI. This will be a rare chance for the lieoplo of Utah to consult free wi!h the oldest and most successful California specialist, who has had nearly fifty years special practice, having graduated in 1M:1. Kememher the old doctor will visit Utah himself. Dr. Liebig At Co. of Knn Francisco are tho only reliable sixKialifts from the large cities who visit Utah quart' rly. who front all wasting nnd chronic diseases of men, women and annoying children, and the only brace and deformity manufacturers who vis;it Utah from Son Francisco and Kansas City. Crescent Novelty 23C0 forts ! Washington Avecue. Electric Wiring- and Electric Supplies of all Kinds - Locksmiths, StcnciU Made, Rntber Starept to order. IRON FENCING. tbe highest bidder. Persons desiring to pnrchnse any of said property can examine tlie samo by applying to nie at the Utah National Hank of Ogden. Terms of llod' ls ar-- nr.p"r;raenini Jfrc'iiuery ' ,, rfr le. cash on delivery of property. All luids of Novelty Ke; airing Ogden, Ctah. Jauuary 3ni. m. Chaui.es M. Hbol'OH. Trustee. Above sale postponed to Feb. 10, 1x91. CRESCENT NOVELTY W0k.aS Abovo sale ostponed to Feb. 23th |