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Show CHINA IS ACTIVE IN COLONIZING KOREA ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 2tl. M. Ship-off, Ship-off, fornior Minister of Finance, returned here- todav after a live months trip In tho -Far East. Ho visited Japan, China and Siberia on a special Kcivommcnt mission, mis-sion, tho result of which ho haa embodied em-bodied In a report to the Emperor. M. Shlpojff today expressed himself op- tlmlHtlrallv rcgrardinp conditions in the oxtreme Orient, which ho unld Is rapidly recovering from the period of depression following the war, . He Is convinced from conversations which he haa had with prominent men of""nU shades of opinion In Tokio that hostilities between .tho United State; and Japan at presont are out of tho question. . Shlpoff was greatly impressed by Chinese activity In tho colonization of Core.n. Although faced by tho prospect of Japanese occupation of the provlnco. the Chinese are rushing thousands of sottlenj Into that country and arc displaying tho preatcst energy In developing business opportunities, op-portunities, openlnp mines nnd planning railroads. This tide of colohlzatlon, he nnld. has offered an Inspiring oxnmplo to Russia, which Is confronted by a 6lmllnr task In the development of Siberia. Many of the native Coreans, however, are leaving leav-ing the countiy to become Russian subjects, sub-jects, rather than remain under Japanese sovereignty. M. Shlpoff carefully avoided comment on Japanese activity In Manchuria, but it was his opinion that China would have to submit to the objections offered by Japan to the construction of a now railroad, rail-road, as Japan is fully prepared to support sup-port her demands. With reference to his reported appointment appoint-ment as Minister of Commerce to succeed suc-ceed the late M. FHossofoff, he said that he hnd no official notification as yot, but would be unwilling to accept the office pending the completion of his rnport, which will require a considerable time. |