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Show THE Psoe Eight Delinquent Tax List for Juab County, Utah, For 1956 pt. 244 875 ft. S. of NW. cor. of Pursuant to Section SD. blk. 30, th. E. 214.5 ft. to the I 1953, Annotated Utah Code E. side line of SD. lot 2, th. S. D. Christison, Mabel undersigned 76 ft., th. W. 72.6 ft., th. N. Juab County, 10 875 Couny Treasurer ofnotice ft., th. S. 85 deg. 32 mln. W. the that hereby give public beg. are de- 128.39 ft, th. W. 13.9 ft. to$18.37 following named persons of genthe in payment E. J. linquent Vay J. Worthington, eral and all special or otiier taxes 74 ft. S. of Beg. Worthington their to the amount set opposite NW. cor. of lot 3, blk. 33, Plat respective names on the property hereby indicated, reference being roll for made to the assessment which go the respective amounts amount o. to make up the whole hereinafter set delinquent taxes same is hereby forth, and the made a part of this notice. toUnless said delinquent taxes, are gether with costs and penalty, paid before Thursday, the 10th pursuant day of Jan., 1957, I shall, Code Utah to Sec. real prosaid 1953 sell the a lien perty upon which taxes aremanner to Juab County, in the prescribed by law, for such taxes, penalty and costs, excepting only such property as is held by the County under a prior preliminary tax sale. Said sale will be made on Thursday, the 10th day of January, 1957. Dated this 13th day of December. 1956. (Signed) MABEL D. CHRISTISON Treasurer of Juab County, Utah (Seal) An-not- 9, BOOK "A" CITY Com. at SE. Lily Painter blk. 1, Plat A, corner of lot 2, Nephl Townsite Survey, th. W. 13 rds., th. N. 12 rds., th. E. rds. to beg. 13 rds., th, S. 12 NEPHI A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 13 ids. to W. line of SD. lot 3, th. S. 33.25 ft. to NW. cor. of S. of lot 4 of SD. blk. 33, th. K. 53 ft, th. S. 90.75 ft. to a pt. 1 rd. N. of S. line of SD. lot 4, th. E. 161.5 ft. to the E. line of SD. lot 4, th. S. 1 rd. to the SE. cor. of SD. lot 4, th. W. 13 rds. to the SW. cor. of SD. lot 4, th. S. 27.75 ft., th. W. 13 rds. to the W. line of SD. blk. 33, th. N. 168.25 ft. to place of beg. Subject to R. of W. over 1 rd. of E. 161.5 ft. of above proper- ty $91.25 Homer P. Carver, Mary B. Carver, Joint Tenants Beg. at SW. comer of lot 2, blk. 35, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 114.5 it, E. 11.875 ft, S. 114.5 W. 110.875 ft. to beg. $54.21 ft,Dean Quarnberg and Imogene G. Quarnberg Beg. at NE. corner of lot 1, blk. 41, Plae A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 6 rds. W, 11 rds. N. 6 rds. E. 11 rds. to beg $39.15 Sidney Scott Beg. 73 ft. W. of the SE. corner of lot 1, blk. 42, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Surft., E. vey, W. 73 ft., N. 243 146 ft., S. 128 ft. W. 73 ft. S. 115 ft. to beg $60.23 Jennie L. Wairen, In care of Paul Smith Beg. 71 ft. E. of SW. cor. of lot 2, blk. 47, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 71.5 ft. th. N. 151 ft, til. W. 71.5 ft. th. S. 151 ft. to beg. $44.27 $50.89 ., Beg. at George C. Sperrv Robert M. Sperry NE. comer of lot 4, blk. 2, Plat Beg. 129 A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. ft. N. of the SW. corner of lot 214.5 ft. to S. line of SD. lot 4. 2, blk. 50, Plat A. Nephi Town-sit- e th. W. 114.5 ft. th. N. 214.5 ft., Survey, th. E. 88.5 ft. M. $66 98 or L. th. N. 40.5 ft. to A pt. 45 th. E. 114.5 ft. t beg Smith Auto Co. Beg. 65 ft. ft. S. of N. line of lot 2, W. 88.5 E. of SW. corner of lot 1, blk 4, ft. to W. line of lot 2, S. 40.5 ft. $12.35 Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, to beg th. N. 13 rds. to N. line of said Charles H. Grace Beg. 50 13 to rds. 66 ft. E. th. lot 1, th. ft. S. of NE. cor. of lot 1, blk. S. lino of said lot 1, th. W. 66 59, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Sur64 $9 to ft. th. W. 50 ft, beg vey, th. S. 50 Vernon M. Bosh, Rose Zella C. th. N. 50 th. E. 50 ft. to beg. Bosh, Joint Tenants, in care of $3.01 Hazel Bosh Beg. at SE. corner Hosmer L. Grace Beg. at NE. of lot 2, blk. 4, Plat A, Nephi cor. of lot 1, blk. 59, Plat A, Townsite, th. W. 3 rds. th. N. 13 Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 50 rds. to N. line of said lot 2, th. th. W. 50 ft., th. S. 50 ft., E. 3 rds. to NE. coiner of said th. W. 164.5 ft. M. or L. to W. lot 2, th. S. 13 rds to beg. $20.18 line of SD. lot 1, th. N. 100 Mrs. Rose Austin, in care of th. E. 214.5 ft. to place of beg. Levia Dalton Beg. at NE. cor$16.56 ner of lot 1, blk. 6, Plat A, Nephi Aleta L. McSwain, in care of 8 4 S. rds. Townsite Survey, th. William McSwain Beg. 149.5 Iks. to a pt., th. W. 13 rds. to ft. S. of NE. corner of lot 4, blk. to 8Vs NW. 4 Iks. rds. N. th. pt., Townsite Sur59, Plat A, corner lot 1, th., E. 13 rds. to vey, th. W. Nephi 13 rds., th. S. 65 ft. $12.35 th. E. 13 rds., th. N. 65 ft. to beg Clark E. Morgan Beg. 70 ft. beg $9.94 S. and 200 ft. W. of NE. comer J. Gayle Yorgason, Cleve P. of lot 1, blk. 12, Plat A, Nephi Johnson 50 S. NW. of ft. Beg. ft., th. comer of lot 3, blk. 61, Plat A, th. S. 50 ft., th. W. 14 ft. to beg. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. N. 50 ft., th. E. 14 Clark E. Morgan, Laura M. Trim- 165 ft. th. S. 28 th. W. 165 ft. ble. Lila M. Johnson and Blanch th. N. 28 ft. to beg $464.67 Vi each. int. M. Gadd. Undivided Beg. Modernage Electric Co. $2 41 20 ft. S. of NW. corner of lot 3, P. Leona Lester H. Belllston, blk. 61, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Beg. Survey, th. S. 30 ft. th. E. 165 Belliston, Joint Tenants blk. 17, Plat corner lot NW. 3, at ft., th. N. 30 ft., th. W. 165 ft. A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. to beg $2.41 6 rds.. S. 13 rds., W. 6 rds., N. Verda Kendall Beg. at SE. .. $103.29 comer of lot 1, blk. 62, Plat A, 13 rds. to beg Herman W. McCune and Grace Nephi Townsite Survey, th. W. J. McCune, Joint Tenants Beg. 120 ft, th. N. 111.31 ft. th. S. of lot 84 deg. at NW. comer of S. 13 min. E. 120.74 ft. to 3, blk. 19, Plat A, Nephi Town-sit- e the E. line of said lot 1, th. S. $20.48 Survey, th. S. 50 ft., th. E. 99 ft. to beg 13 rds. to E. line of SD. lot 3. 16 rds. Beg. Hyrum Haynes th, N. 50 ft. to NE. comer of 22 Iks. S. of NE. comer lot 4, of SD. lot 3, th. W. 13 rds. block 1, Plat B, Nephl Townsite S. $104.80 Survey, th. W. 26 rds. N. to beg Arnold B rough and Ida B. rds. E. 26 rds. S. rds. to S: $23.19 Brough, Joint Tenants place of beg A. of lot 4, blk. 19, Plat Velma S. V. W. Tunbrtdge, Nephi $41.86 Tunbridge, Joint Tenants Townsite Survey Beg. Ellen E. Belliston Beg. 4 at NE. corner of lot 4, blk. 11, rds. 21 blks. S. of NE. comer Plat B. Nephi Townsite Survey, of lot 4, blk. 20, Plat A, Nephi th. S. 126.25 ft. th. W. 13 rds. Townsite Survey, th. S. 4 rds. 21 to W. line of said lot 4, th. N. Iks., W. 13 rds., th. N. 45.5 ft., 126.25 ft. to NW. comer lot 4, th. NE'LY. 40 ft. M. or L. to th. E. 13 rds. to beg $71.97 Verl W. Tunbridge and Velma pt. which is 38 min. E. 98 ft. S. of NW. comer lot 4, th. N. S. Tunbridge, Joint Tenants 18 ft., th. E. 176 ft. to beg. Beg. at a point on the E. line of $20.72 lot 4, blk. 11, Plat B, Nephi Town-sit- e Reese Painter, Fred L. Painter Survey, which is 126.25 ft. Com. at a pt. 6 rds. 12 Vi S. of the N. comer of said lot Iks. S. of NE. corner of lot 4, 4, th. S. 141.876 along the E. blk 21, Plat A, Nephi Townsite line of said blk. 11, to SE. cor. Survey, th. W. 13 rds., th. S. of N. V4 of lot 1, said blk 11, th. 8 ft., th. E. 13 rds., th. N. W. 13 rds. to the SW. cor. of 8 ft. to beg. $1,319.64 the N. Vi of said lot 1, th. N. Carlos Pay, Lola S. Pay, Joint 141.875 ft. along the W. line of corner of said lot 1, and 4, to a point 126.25 NE. at Tenants Beg. lot 4. blk. 26, Plat A, Nephi Town-sit- e ft. S. of NW. comer of said lot $52.10 Survey, th. S. 214.5 ft.. W. 4, th. E. 13 rds. to beg 214.5 ft.. N. 164.5 ft. E. 50 ft. Leona S. Horwarth and June H. N. 50 ft., th. E. 164.5 ft. to beg. Greaves, Joint Tenants Lot 3, $67.09 blk. 16, Plat B, Nephl Townsite Com. A rd. Survey Lizzie B. Pace $23.79 ft, ft, ft, ft, ft. ft 85-785-7- of the SW. comer of lot 3, blk. 27, Plat A, Nephl Townsite Sur-iveth. E. 13 rds. to E. line rds. to of SD lot 3. th. N. 5 N. line of the S 4 of SD. lot 3, th. W. 13 rds. to the W. line rds. to of SD. lot 3, th. S. 5 $9.94 place of beg Auto Smith Beg. Company 3 rds. 15 Iks. 8. of NE. comer of lot 1, blk. 28, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. W. 11 rds. 8 ft th. S. 155.1 ft. to bdy. line of SD. lot 1, th. E. 64.56 ft. to pt. 89.56 ft. E. of the SW. cor. of SD. lot 1. th. N. 6 5 rds. th. W. 18 ft, th. N. 11.85 ft., th. E. 142.94 ft. to E. bdy. line of SD. lot 1, th. N. 36 rt. to place of beg:. Also an undivided Vi Int. In and to the following. Beg. at SW. cor. of said lot 1, th. N. 6.5 rds., th. E. 25 ft. th. S. 65 rds. th. W. 25 ft. to place of beginy, . ning: $206.89 B. Lea-Vtt- t, Beg. 20 ft. 6, blk. 29, Leavitt, Louise dyne Joint Tenants N. of SW. comer lot th. N. 17 ft. 10 Ins. E. Plat A, Nephi Townsite 8. 17 ft. 10 Ins. W. 6 6 rds, Survey, rds. to George De Lee Garrett, In care E. Vi of of Wallace Garrett lot 3, blk. 8, Nephi Townsite Sur$9.03 vey Nellie Orme Beg. at NE. corner of lot 1. blk. 20, Plat B. Nephl Townsite Survey, th. W. 13 rds. th. th. S. 13 rds. th. E. 16.5 N. 124 ft. th. E. 198 ft. th. N. 90.5 ft. to beg $29.45 N. of lot Delia J. Pay 3, blk. 20, Plat B, Nephi Town-sit- e $40.96 Survey Emily Crawley Memmott S. of lot 1, blk. Zl, nat u, $67.09 Nephi Townsite Survey James E. Memmott Beg. at SE. comer of lot 2, blk. 21, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. W. 71.5 ft to a pt. 143 ft. E. of the SW. cor. of SD. lot 2, th. N. 13 roe. th. E. 71.5 ft. th. S. 13 rds. $6.42 to beg Clark B. Memmott and lone D, Memmott, Joint Tenants Beg. 148 ft. W. of SE. cor. of lot 1. blk. 22. Plat B, Nephl Townsite Survey, th. W. 66.5 ft, th. N. 13 rds., th. E. 13 rds. to E. line of SD. lot 1, th. 8. 107.25 ft., th. W. 148 ft. th. S. 107.25 ft. to bee. ft bee $30.72 $90.04 S. Lila C. Richardson, In care of George Harold Park Ernest LeRoy Chritensen Bee, of lota 1 & 2. blk. 28. Plat B. 107.25 ft. N. of SW. cor. of lot Nephl Townsite Survey $47.68 N. H of lot Elta O. Jones 2, blk. 30, Plat A., Nephi Town-sit- e Townto 76.875 A 1, blk. 28, Plat B, Nephl ft. Survey, th. N. ..... $56.92 site Survey Thomas P. Kendall, Ada B. N. Kendall, Joint Tenants of lot 2, blk. 29, Plat B, of S. $42.46 Nephl Townsite Survey Thomas P. Kendall and Ada B. The S. Kendall, Joint Tenants 26.815 ft. of the S. of the N. of lot 2, blk. 29, Plat B, Nephl Townsite Survey $14.15 Estella B. Garrett, in care of S. of lot 4, blk. Lee Olsen 11, Plat C. Nephi Townsite Sur$37.64 vey Leora B. Sperry Beg. 131.5 ft. W. of SE. corner of lot 2, blk. 19, Plat C. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. W. 83 ft. to SW cor. of said lot 2, th. N. 74.5 ft. th. E. 83 ft. to a pt. due N. of beg. th. S. 74.5 ft. to place of beg. $11.68 James Homer Anderson Beg. at SE. corner lot 1, blk. 32, Plat Townsite C, Nephi Survey, th. W. 70 ft. N. 70 ft. E. 70 ft. to E. line of said lot 1, S. 70 ft. to $18.53 beg Oris E. Whiting Beg. at SW. comer of lot 2, blk. 32, Plat C, Nephi Survey of Townsite lots, th. E. 100 ft., N. 100 ft, W. 100 ft. S. 100 ft. to beg $11.14 Max W. Bowles, Marjorie P. All of Bowles, Joint Tenants lots 1 and 2, blk. 33, Plat C, $47.59 Nephi Townsite Survey Alexander Park, in care of LeonS. The of lot ard Beulter 3, blk. 34. Plat C. Nephi Town-sit- e $31.62 Survey Orrin H. Johnson E. Vi of E. Vi of lot 2, blk. 36, Plat C, $36.44 Nephi Townsite Survey Joseph S. Vickers Beg. at the SE. cor. of lot 1, blk. 44, Plat C, Nephl Townsite Survey, th. W. 22 rds. 15 Iks. to the W. line of sec. 33, Township 12, S R. 1 E. SLM., th. N. 0 deg. 2b min. W. 380.7 ft. along the sec. line to the S. 16th cor. of SD. sec. 33 as reestablished and marked by Juab Co. Survey of 1946, th. N. 89 deg. 44 min. 22 rds. 15 Iks. along the S. 16th line to a pt. due N. of place of beg., th. S. 380.7 ft. to place of beg. $31.62 James Wallace Park Beg. 11.5 rds. S. of NW. cor. of lot 2, blk. 5, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 6.5 rds. th. E. 6.5 rds., th. N. 6.5 rds., th. W. 6.5 rds. to beg $72.58 LaMar C. and Deon G. Fax- - man, in care of Realty Tax Service, Joint Tenants Beg. at SW. corner of lot 3, blk. 5, Plat D. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N 1.5 rds. th. E. 13 rds to E. line of SD. lot 3. th. S. 6.5 rds. th W. 13 rds. to W. line of SD. blk. th. N. 5 rds. to beg $110.52 Peter Deon Kosquist and Geraldine C. Rosquist, Joint Tenants Com. at NE. comer of lot 3, blk. 5, Plat D. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 5 rds., th. W. 13 rds. th. N. 5 rds., th. E. 13 rds. to beg $19.88 Eva Linton Nielson Beg. at NW. comer of lot 6, blk. 6, Plat D. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E 96.5 ft. to a pt. which is 118 ft W. of NE. comer of said lot 6, th. S. 107.25 ft. th. W. 96.5 ft., th. N. 107.25 ft. to beg $34.33 H. D. Ballow, Jr., Colleen S. Ballow, Joint Tenants Beg. at NE. comer of lot 3, blk. 6, Plat D, Nephl Townsite Survey, th. S. 107.25 ft. to SE. corner of N. Vi of said lot 3, th. W. 118 ft, th. N. 107.25 ft. to N. line of said lot 3, th. E. 118 ft to beg. $11.44 Merle M. Wilkey Beg. 69 ft. S. of NW. cor. of lot 3, blk. 13, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 122.5 ft. th. S. 105 ft. th. E. 92 ft. to E. line of SD. lot 3, th. S. 40.5 ft. to SE. cor. of lot 3, th. W. 214.5 ft to SW. cor, of SD. lot 3, th, N. 145.5 ft to place of beg. . $91.95 com. at bk Eva p. Tutue corner lot 1, blk. 15, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N, 214 ft ft., W. 89 ft, S. 214 E. 89 ft. to beg $28.91 Willis Bryan & Norma Bryan, Com. 7 rds. S. Joint Tenants from the NE. comer of lot 3, blk. 15, Plat D. Nephl Townsite rds., th. W. Survey, th. S. 12 13 rds., th. N. 12 rds., th. E. 13 rds. to beg. $33.43 John H. Wilkey Beg. at SW. comer of lot 2, blk. 18, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, ....th. N, 122 ft to a point 307 ft. S. of NW. corner of lot 3, said blk, th. E. 26 rds. th. S. 122 ft to SE. comer of said blk. 18, th W. 28 rds to beg $63.24 Reta B. Nance Beg. at NE. comer of S. of lot 4. blk. 25, Plat D- - Nephi Townsite Survey, th. w. 13 rds. M. or L. to w, line of lot 4, th. S. 70 ft th. E, 13 rds. M. or L. to E. line of lot 4, th. N. 70 ft. to beg. John S. Bowers, Lois B. Brown, DeLoy Bowers, Mary E. Bowers, Ruth B. Kester, Reta B. Nance. $24.69 Annie Anderson, in care of Jo All of lot 4 seph Anderson blk. 30, Plat D, Nephl Townsite $24.69 Survey Herman W. McCune, Grace J, All of McCune, Joint Tenants lots 1, 2, 3. blk. 31. Plat D. Nephl Townsite Survey. Also beg. 75 ft. S. of lot 4, blk. 31, Plat D. Nephl Townsite Survey, th. S. 139.5 ft to SE. cor. of SD. lot 4. th. W, 13 rds., th. N. 13 rds.. th. E. 39.5 ft. th. S. 75 ft., th. E. 175 ft. to $98.78 beg. Beg. Springvllle Banking Co. at the NE. cor. of lot 4, blk. 31. Plat D, Nephl Townsite Sur vey, th. S. 75 ft., th. W. 175 ft, th. N. 75 ft, th. E. 175 ft. to $26.50 beg Don Howard Brown, Betty s Brown Beg. at SW. comer of lot 1, blk. 34, PUt D, Nephi Town site Survey, th. E. 67 ft to a pt. which la 147.5 ft. W. of SE. corner of said lot 1, th. N. 147.5 th. W. 33.5 ft th N. 67 ft. ft to N. Una of said lot 1, th. W 33.5 ft. to NW. comer of said lot 1. th. S. 214.0 ft to bee. $6.63 L. Thelrna Thomas Sperry, Sperry, or the Survivor of either All or lots 3 and 4, Block 44, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey $33.13 Edgar K. Haas and Carrie A Haas, Joint Tenants Beg. at 4 comer between sees. 3 T 13 S.. R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. S. 8 rds. 9 Iks., W. 10 rds. 2 Iks. N. 8 rds. 9 Iks. E. 10 rds. to bee. $1.20 Thursday, December NBPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- BOOK "A" LEVAN TOWN Paul Bowers Bee. at a ut. 36 rds. N. & 20 rds. W. of the SE. cor. of NW. Vi of sec. 31. T. 14 S. R. 1 E. SLM. th. NW'LY. following N. side of Levan irrigation Co. canal to a pt. 26 rds W. & 11.5 rds. N. of Dt of bee. Th. E. 26 rds., th. S. 11.5 rds. to pt. of beg. cont. 150160 acres, J. D. Youne. Jov joint tenants Beg. of SE. comer of SW. Vonnp' ft. N. Vi Sec. 29, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. N. 254 ft, th. W. 1264 ft. to E. side of County Road, th. S. 9 deg. 30 min. W. 257.5 ft th. E. 1305 ft. to beg. Cont. 7.491 ac Ross Newton E. of SW. comer 31, T. 11 S., R. th. N. 8 rds., th. 5 deg. W. of S. rds. 15 Iks. m Cont. ac R 1066 $8.10 Roc an rrf SE. Vi of Sec. 1 E.. S.L.M., E. 38 rds., th. 8 rds., W. 37 or L $43.77 All of lot jonn a. Anderson 3, blk. 11, Plat A, Levan Town-sit- e ... $34.90 Survey or 1. tn hpir ueram u. carter & Zella Carter. $5.i0 Joint Tenants SW. at Beg. is. Piatt S. of bW. comer of lot 2, blk. 16, Plat A, Vi James Of SW. VI of Smv 32 T 11 Levan Townsite Survey, th. N S. R. 1 E., S.L.M.. Cont. 20 ac. 175 E. 13 rds. S. 175 ft.,' ft, $12.96 W. 13 rds. to beg. $51.31 William Lark in Dewitt im. worwood All of lot at the NW. comer of Lot 3, Rp? iari Blk. 1, blk. 28, Plat A, Levan Town-sit- e 16, Plat A, Mona Townsite Survey Survey. $73.58 th. N. 16 rds., E. 11 rds., S. W. of lot 16 uay worwood W. 11 rds. to beg. Cont. 2, blk. 28, Plat A. Levan Town-sit- e 104rds., ac $5.67 $28.99 Survey D. Ballow. Sr.. Tlllie M. iienry Life BOOK "B" Tenants All of lot Ballow, Juab School District 1, blk. 29, Plat A. Levan Town- site Survey $30.15 uoyie w. Beard and Ella Fave 3396 ft. N. of an established rock Beard, Joint Tenants Beg. 126 cor. we sw. cor. or the SJ. 11. w. or jj. cor. of lot 1. blk. Vi ofaithe SE. of Sec. 21,. T. 30. Plat A, Levan Townsite Sur 10 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. runvey, th. W. 88.5 ft., M. or L. to W. bdy. of SD. lot, th. N. 13 ning N. 1901 ft., th. E. 2640 ft, rds. M. or L. to N. bdy. of SD th. S. 2640 ft, th. E. 1444 ft. lot, th. E. 88.5 ft.. M. or L. to a pt. due N. of beg., th. S. 13 rds. W., th. following curve of sd. R. M. or L. to beg. $2 61 M. Enck P. Thompson All of lots z and 3, blk. 32, Plat A. Le van Townsite Survey $55.88 Clyde D. Kay and Onita Colleen All of lot Kay, Joint Tenants 2, blk 33, Plat A. Levan Town- site Survey 22.61 Eidon Morgan Com, at SE. comer of lot 1, blk. 34. Plat A. ueg. m. w. niv it.. Ml. IN. iuoo.o 11. 111. w. j.dzu it. 10 tne piace of beg. Includes parcel in Sec. 22, T. 10 S.. R. 1 E.. S.L.M $143.45 Heber J. Fowkes Undivided Interest In the following: the SW. Vi of the SW. Vi of Sec. Levan Townsite Survey, th. E 1 28. T 10 S.. R 1 E.. S L.M.. $2.14 rd., N. 13 rds., W. 7 rds., S. 13 Cont. 40 ac rds., E. 6 rds. to bee $54.47 Interest In the following: Carl E. Foerster, In care of ed Lots 1, 2, 3 and ah 01 me o. yx 01 me J!i. ft Doyle Heard 4, blk. 36, Plat A, Levan Town- - of Sec. 29. T. 10 S., R. 1 E., $4.09 site Survey $35.37 S.L.M., Cont. 80 ac. Undivided Heber J. Fowkes G. M. Warwood Beg. at NE. interest In the following: All cor. or lot 1, blk. 38. Plat A. Le of the NE. Vi of van Townsite Survey, th. S. 56 of the N. rt. tn. w. 100 ft. th. S. 2 ft. th Rprv 52 T 10 R R IK.. SL.M.. $4.09 W. 21 ft, th. N. 58 ft, th. E. 126 Cont. 80 ac All of the Heber J. Fowkes ft. to beg $27.25 of the SE. Vi of Sec. 32, Keoecca Urant All of lot 3, E. blk. 42, Plat A, Levan Townsite T. 10 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., Cont. $21.83 . $6.09 80 ac Survey Heber J. Fowkes Beg. at Gerald H. Caraer & Zella Carof All of lot the NW. comer of the S. ter, Joint Tenants 4, blk. 42, Plat A, Levan Town-sit- e the NW. Vi of Sec. 33, T. 10 S., 1 W. E., S.L.M., th. E. to $50.15 R. Survey Glenn H. Stephensen, Gwen T. Bdy. of R. of W. of L.A.&S.L. All R.R., th. SWly following said bdy. Stephensen, Joint Tenants of of lot 4, blk 44, Plat . A. Levan line to S. bdy. of the N. .... $42.43 the SW. V4. th. W. to W. line Townsite Survey. ..... th. N. 160 rds. to Orlean Edna Larsen, In care of of said Sec. $41.90 All of lot 2, beg. Cont. 81 ac Parley Larson Howard Fabian Beg. at the blk. 49, Plat A, Levan Townsite Vi Vi of SE. $7.54 SE. cor. of NW. Survey All of lot of Sec. 33 T. 10 S., R. 1 E., Charles H. Painter 3, blk. 52, Plat A. Levan Town S.L.M., th. S. 89 deg. 28 min. W. site Survey $34.50 9.58 chs. along the S. 16th line Theda Pierce Chase All of to the E. line of the R. of W. 91, th. N. lot 2, blk. 2, Plat A, Levan Town for U.S. Highway No. site Survey $41.89 24 deg. 35 min. E. 6 chs. along Theda Pierce Chase All of sd. R. of W., th. N. 23 deg. 04 lot 3, blk. 2, Plat B, Levan Town-sit- e mln. E. 16.08 chs. along sd. R. $6.67 of W. to the Vi Sec. line., th. Survey 30 mln. E. 0.49 chs. Kae G. Tunbridge Beg. at N. 89 deg. cor. of the NW. Vi of SW. cor. of lot 2, blk. 7, Plat to the NE. B, Levan Townsite Survey, th. N. sd. SE. V4. th. S. O deg. 47 min. 116 ft, th. E. 133 ft, th. S. 116 E. 20.16 chs. to place of beg. 1 ft., th. W. 133 ft. to beg. $15.65 Cont. 10.39 acres m. or $2.34 William J. Worwood, In care of Heber J. Fowkes Beg. at All of lots Karl N. Worwood of the 3 & 4, block 7, Plat B, Levan NW. comer of the N. of the SW. Vi of Sec. 33, Townsite Survey. $12.18 S. E. Gerald H. Carter, Zella S. Car T. 10 S. R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. W. ter, Joint Tenants Beg. 44 rds to W. Bdy. of Railroad R. of fol11 ft. W. of SE. comer of N. of L.A.&S.L.R.R., th. SWly sec. 30, T. 14 S., lowing said W. Bdy. to S. bdy. of SE. of the S. R. 1 E. S.L.M., th. W. 26 rds. line of the N. 3 AC. of the SW. Vi., th. W. to W. to beg. cont. . th. N. 40 $26.38 bdy. of the W. $5.85 Gerald H. Carter, Zella Carter, rds. to beg. Cont 8.3 ac undividAn Heber J. Fowkes Com. at a pt. Joint Tenants 412 Interest In following: the ft. S. of NW. comer of ed T. NW. Vi of the NW. Vi of Sec. . sec. 32, SW. V4 of NW. 14 S. R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. S. 172 33, T. 10 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., Cont. .. - $2.14 th. E. 300 ft, th. N. 172 ft, 40 ac. ft, All of the Howard Fabian th. W. 300 ft. to beg. Cont. 1 A. 30 square rds. $28.41 NE. Vi of the SE. Vi of Sec. 33. T. 10 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M. - $3.12 Cont. 40 Ac. BOOK "A" ITnurlrM And L. Earl Tnhn T Mona Town All of Lots 6, 7, 8, and George Mayer, Jewell D. Mayer, Fowkes Joint tenants Beg. at SE. cor- 9 and the SW.11Vi or tne 1 E.. S. S., R. ner of Lot 1. Blk. 2. Plat A, of Sec. 3, T. $24.56 Mona Townsite Survey, th. W. 70 L.M.. Cont. 229.70 ac. Beg. at Heber J. Fowkes ft. N. Ill ft. E. 70 ft.. S. Ill SW. of the comer of the N. $42.10 ft. to beg R. Martha M. Garfield, John Owen SW. Vi of Sec. 4. T.16011 S., th. rds., All of Lots 1 and 2, I E., S.L.M., th. N. Garfield Blk. 5, Plat A, Mona Townsite E 129 rds. 7 ft. m. or L to W. .... $95.27 side of County Road. th. SWly Survey M. alone W. side of said County road Raphael Garfield, Martha All of Lots 3 ana 4, to a pt due E. of Beg. th. W. Garfield Blk. 5, Plat A, Mona Townsite 52 rds. 9 ft. m. or L to beg. Cont 14?17 ; $7.29 90 ac. m. or 1 Survey Beg. at NE. All of Lot 1, John L. Fowkes Earl Newton Vi of the NW. Blk. 1, Plat B, Mona Townsite comer of the SE. 11 S., R. 1 E., T. 4, Vi Sec. of $20.78 Survey ft to All of Lot 4, S.L.M., th. W. 24 rds. 9 Ross Newton Blk. 1 Plat B, Mona Townsite E. side of State and County road, $5.94 th. SWly following E. side of said Survey. the SW. Herman A. Young. Alice J, road to the N. line ofSec. of 4, T. Beg. at V4 of the SW. Young, Joint tenants NW. comer of NE. Vi of Sec. II S.. R. 1 E.. S.L.M.. th. E. ft. to NE. corner. 32, R. 11 S., 1 E, th. E. 4 rds., 101 rdd. 7 th. S. 16 rds., th. W. 30 rds., m. of the SE. Vi of the SW. Vi.h-Nor 1. to W. line of Blk. 5, Plat 160 rds. to beg. Cont. 70 ac. and B, Mona Townsite Survey, th. N. m. or 1. Less 8 ac. for State lH 16 rds. to Sec. line, th. E. 26 rds. County Road of m. or 1. to beg. Cont. 3 ac Emma Nevada Starr In care215 ..... $89.61 Mrs Eunice Starr Bryant Bee. at Julius T. Stlckney. Hattle P. interest in the following: NW. "4 Stlckney, Joint tenants In care the NE. comer ofR- -the 1 E., SX.M. of Ervin Newton Beg. 22 rds. of Sec. 7, T. 11 S.. E. 3 Iks. 1. and 11 rds. S. of NW. th. W. 1320 ft. S. 1320 ft. cor. of NE. Vi of SW. Vi of Sec. 400 ft.. N. 491 ft. E 802 ft. N. 32. T. 11 S, R. 1 E S.L.M., E. 23 deg. 42 mln. E. 317 ft. N. 54 13 rds. 14 Iks. th. S. 19 rds. 1 deg. 20 min. E. 186 ft.. N 43 deg. N. 37 deg 27 lk., th. W 13 rds. 14 Iks, th. N. 37 min. E. 330 ft.. 535 ft. to beg 19 rds. 1 lk. to beg. Cont. 1 9816 mln E. 242 ft. W. ac. Said property Includes and Is Cont. 32.98 ac also described and known as Lot Laura Starr In care of Mrs. in3. Blk. 1, Plat C, Mona Townsite Eunice Starr Bryant at $40.22 terest in the foUowlng: Beg. Survey Verlael S. Keyte, Edith Marie AU of Lots Kevte, Joint tenants ft 8 1320 1, 2. 3. and 4. Blk. 5, Plat C, E. $56.41 ft. E. 400 ft.. N. Wljt., E. Mona Townsite Survey S. of Lot 802 ft.. N. 23 deg. Floyd Swasey E. 4, Blk. 8, Plat C, Mona Townsite 317 ft. N. 54 deg. 20 mln. E. $23.60 186 ft., N. 43 deg. 37 mln. E. Survey E. 330 ft. N. 37 deg. 27 mia Clark E. Houghton of Lot 4. Blk. 9, Plat C, Mona 242 ft. W. 535 ft. to bee. Oont ,-1t $2.16 32 98 ac Townsite Survey Howard L. Starr In care Beg. at Jestln. D. Young 215 NE. comer SW. Vi of SW. Vi Mrs. Eunice Starr Bryant Sec. 29, T. 11 S.. R. 1 E., 8.L.M., interest in the following: Beg at of Vi th. W. 25 rds. to pt. th. S. 47 the NE. corner of the NW. ft. th. S. 78 deg. 26 mln. E. Sec. 7. T. 11 S., R. 1 E.. S.L.M. 373.6 ft to W. side of County th. W. 1320 ft.. 9. 1320 ft. E. Road. th. N. 9 deg. 30 mln. E. 400 ft. N. 491 ft. E. 802 ft. N. 110.88 ft. to Vi comer and beg. 23 deg. 42 mln. E. 817 ft. N. $47.77 84 deg. 20 mln. E. 189 ft. N. 43 75160 acre. ft . . in. - l' Mth. Vl320 " 201956 m. or 1. to W. line deg. 37 min. E. 330 ft, N. 37 E. 1193 ft. R. of W. th. S'ly deg. 27 min. E. 242 ft., W. 535 of Railroad $ 39 following said W. line 372 ft. m. ft. to beg. Cont. 32.98 ac John Albert Starr In care of or 1. to a pt. which1. is S. 78 deg. from pt. of 215 E. 185 ft. m. or Mrs. Eunice Starr Bryant beg. th. N. 78 deg. W. 185 ft. interest in the following: Beg. at m. 1. or to beg. Cont. 9.3 ac. m. NE. comer of the NW. Vi of Sec. 7, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. or 1. Subject to easement of Utah W. 1320 ft. S. 1320 ft, E. 400 Valley Land and Water Company for floodage. $14.42 ft., N 491 ft., E. 802 ft, N. 23 115 Warren Newton deg. 42 min. E. 317 ft, N. 54 Beg. deg. 20 min. E. 186 ft., N. 43 rds. 20 Iks. N. of SE. comer of deg. 37 mln. E. 330 ft., N. 37 SE. Vi, Sec. 30. T. 11 S., R. 1 deg. 27 min. E. 242 ft., W. 535 E., S.L.M., th. N. 78 deg. W. 52 ft. to beg. Cont. 32.98 ac rds., S. 3 deg. 32 min. W. 156.75 $.39 ft. th. S. 78 deg. E. 52 rds. 12 Eunice Starr in care of Mrs. Iks., N. 166.75 ft. to beg. Cont. 215 in- 3.17 ac. Also beg. 115 rds. 20 Iks. Eunice Starr Bryant terest In the following: Beg. at N. and N. 78 deg. W. 56 rds. -- the NE. comer of the NW. Vi of Sec. 7, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. W. 1320 ft S. 1320 ft., E. 400 ft, N. 491 ft., E. 802 ft, N. 23 deg. 42 min. E. 317 ft., N. 54 deg. 20 min. E. 186 ft., N. 43 deg. 37 mln. E. 330 ft., N. 37 deg. 27 mln. E. 242 ft, W. 535 $ 39 ft. to beg. Cont. 32.98 ac Jane Starr In care of Mrs. Eunice Starr SE. corner of SE. from Vi of Sec. 30, T. 11 S., R 1 E., S.L.M., th. N. 78 deg. W. 189 ft, th. S. 1 deg. 159 ft. th. S. 78 deg. E. 179 ft. m. or 1. to Railroad R. of W., th. N. 4 deg. 44 mln. E. 160 ft. m. or 1. to beg. Cont. 0.68 ac. Total acreage 3.85 ac $3.12 Warren Newton Beg. 86 rds. 20 Iks. N. of SE. corner of SE. 215 inter- Vi of Sec. 30, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., Bryant following: Beg. at the S.L.M., th. N. 78 deg. W.. 1170.3 est in the NE. corner of the NW. Vi of Sec. 7, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. W. 1320 ft. S. 1320 ft., E. 400 ft., N. 491 ft., E. 802 ft. N. 23 deg. 42 min. E. 317 ft. N. 54 deg. 20 min. E. 186 ft, N. 43 deg. 37 min. E. 330 ft., N. 37 deg. 27 min. E. 242 ft. W. 535 ft. to beg. Cont. 32.98 ac. ft. to contour of Reservoir, th. N. 1 deg. E. 318 ft, th S. 78 dee. E. 1160 ft. m. or 1. th S. 318 ft. m. or 1. to beg. Railroad R. of W. deducted. Cont. 8 ac $4.87 Ross L. Newton and Alice R. Joint Tenants Newton, Beg. 48 rds. S. and 37 ft. W. of the $.39 N. Vi corner of Sec. 32, T. 11 John L. Fowkes Beg. at NE. S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. E. 214.5 comer of Sec. 8, T 11 S., R. ft., S. 439 ft. to N. side of a 1 E., S.L.M., th. S. 20 rds., W. Public Road or Street, th. W. 120 rds., S. 20 rds., W. 40 rds., 214.5 ft. to W. bdy. fence, th. N 40 rds., E. 160 Ords. to beg. along said fence 439 ft. to beg. $30.99 Cont. 2.16 ac. 37 ft. on W. side Cont. 25 ac. Heber J. Fowkes Beg. 20 of this parcel is located In Mona Sec. 8, City limits of rds. S of NE. comer $38.37 Rulon Newell T. 11 S., R. I E., S.L.M., th. W. Beg. at SW. 120 . 20 E. rds., Vi rds.. 120 rds.. comer of NW. of NE. Vi of N 20 rds. to beg. Cont. 15 ac. Less Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., 1 ac. for County Road. Total acE. .80 rds. S. 29 rds., W. 80 rds. . $13.64 N. 29 rds., to beg. Cont. 14.5 ac. reage 14 ac $12.08 John L. Fowkes Beg. at NW, Warren Newton Interest. comer of Sec. 9, T. 11 S., R. . Vi of corner SW. NE. of 1 E., S.L.M., th. S. 326.25 ft, th, Beg. af E 200.35 ft. to center of high- Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., rds. E. 51 way, th. N. 22 deg. 36 min. E. th. E. 29 rds., N. 12 to beg. rds. N. 38 rds. W. 80 rds. S. 353.15 ft. th. W. 335.5 $34.69 51 rds. to beg. Cont. Cont. 2 ac . $6.43 Heber J. Fowkes Beg. 326.25 ac Earl Newton in care of Warft. S of NW. corner of Sec. 9, interest. Beg. T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. S. ren Newton 326.25 th. E. 65.2 ft. to cen at SW. cor. of NE. Vi of Sec. ter of highway, th. N. 22 deg. 30 32, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., rds., E. min. E. 353.15 ft. th. W. 200.35 th. E. 29 rds., N. 12 $1.17 51 rds., N. 38 ft. to beg. Cont. 1 ac rds., W. 80 rds., John L. Fowkes and L. Earl S. 51 rds. to beg. Cont. 21 140160 All of Lots 1, 2, s, 4, ac $39.13 Fowkes James E. Piatt, Helen Piatt, of NW Vi, 5. 6. All of the S. the NE. Vi of the SW. Vi of Joint Tenants Beg. 2203.25 ft. Sec. 10. T. 11 S.. R. 1 E., S.L.M., N. from SW. cor. of SE. Vi of $31.18 Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M. Cont. 400.40 ac in care of th. running E. 160 rds. th. N. Edgar Leon Newton Vi of the 420.75 ft. th. W. 160 rds. th. S. NW. Warren Newton SE Vi of Sec. 16. T. 11 S., K 436.75 ft. to beg. Cont. 25 ac. $12.86 m. or 1. Subject to roadway along 1 E., S.L.M., Cont. 40 ac $1.69 Utah Valley Land and Water land Warren H. Newton Co., In care of John W. Roundy, Beg. at corner of corner SE. NW. Vi of Bee. at the NW. Sr of Sec. 4, the NE. Vi of the SE. Vi of T. 12 S., R. 1 E., . S.L.M., th. a 60 S. 1 11 to rds. a 18. S.. R. T. K., Sec. th. W. 106.67 L. M., th. S. 1169 ft., N. 42 deg. rds. to a pt., th. N. 60 rds. to 38 min. E. 62 ft., N. 15 deg. 16 a pt. th. E. 10667 rds. to beg. min. E. 330 ft., N. 13 deg. 41 Cont. 40 ac $25.73 Ross L. Newton min. W. 333 ft, N. 41 deg. 22 Beg. 8 rds. min. E. 207 ft. N, 10 deg. 53 min. N. of the SE. comer of the SW. W. 352 ft. W. 124 ft. to beg. Cont. Vi of Sec. 31, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., $2.14 S.L.M., th. E. 30 rds. S. 8 rds., 2.88 ac J. D. Young and Joy S. Young E. 5 rds. 5 Iks., S. 18 rds. 16 Iks. Com. 30 rds. S W. 195 rds. 5 Iks, N. 26 rds. 16 Joint Tenants of the NE. comer of the SE. Iks. E. 160 rds. to beg. Cont. ac. Description includes Vi of Sec. 18, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M.," th. W. 80 rds. S 10 rds. parcel in Sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 1 to E. 80 rds.. N. 10 rds. beg. E., S.L.M $31.57 ac $3.31 Verda B. Kendall and Arvllla Cont S. H. Young J. D. Young and Joy Kendall, Joint Tenants Beg. Beg. 20 rds. N. at a pt. on the E. bdy. of highjoint tenants Vi NE. of comer the of the SE. way 91, which is 706 ft. N. and of the SE. Vi of Sec. 18, T. 11 27 rds. W. of Vi comer between 20 rds. N. 1 th. Sec.'s 28 and 29 T. 12 S., R. R. S.L.M., S., E., W. 80 rds., S. 20 rds., E. 80 rds. 1 E., S.L.M., th. running E. 204 ac to Beg. Cont. ft. th. S. 50 ft, th. W. to bdy. $6.43 line with highway 91., th. 19 deg. J. D. Young and Joy S. Young, 52 min. W. of N. following E. . ft ft. pt Com. at the SE. Joint Tenants of the SE, comer of the NE. Vi of Sec. 18, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., SX..M., th. N. 20 rds., W. 80 rds. S. 20 rds., E. 80 rds., to beg. ac. . $6.82 Cont J. D. Young, Joy S. Young, Joint Tenants Beg. 2441 ft. N. of SE. comer of the SW. Vi of 11 Sec. 29, T. S., R. 1 E., S. L. M.. th. N. 87 deg. 55 mln. W, 1176 ft., to E. side of State and County Road, th. N. 10 deg. 40 min. E. 164.5 ft., th. N. 88 deg. 43 mln. E. 1153 ft., th. S. 223 ft to Beg. Cont. 5.073 ac. Also bee. 1320 ft. N. of the SE. cor ner of the SW. Vi of Sec. 29, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. W. 1331 ft. to the E. side of State and County Road, th. N. 9 deg. 30 min. E. 76 ft., th. S. 88 deg, 30 mln. E. 1319 ft., th. S. 41.5 ft. to beg. Cont. 1.77 ac. Total $24.92 acreage 6.843 ac Warren Newton Beg. 115 rds. 20 Iks. N. of the SW. cor ner of the SW. Vi of Sec. 29, T. 11 S., R. 1 E.. S.L.M., th. E S 13 deg. 52 rds. 12 Iks., th. SW 1 deg. 8 rds., 23 Iks., th. N. 13 deg. 52 rds., 12 Iks., th. N. 8 rds. 23 Iks. to beg. cont. 3 ac 88160 $22.02 " Lynn W. Kay, Almlnla J. Kay, 7 E. rds. Tenants Joint Beg. of the NW. comer of the NW, Vi of Sec. 29, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M.. th. E. 48 rds. S. 2 dee W. 10 rds. N. 77 deg. W. 60 ac. rds. to beg. Cont. side of said highway to beg. Cont .22 ac $4 09 Althalia H. Kendall Beg at the SW. corner of the SE. Vi of the NW. Vi of Sec. 3, T. 13 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. N. 2405 ft., th. S. 89 deg. E. 92 ft., S. 40 deg. 30 min. E. 722 ft., S. 50 deg. E. 1150 ft., S. 2 deg. 47 min. W. 401 ft., S. 85 ft., W. 121 ft, th. S. to N. side line of State and County road, th. following N. side line of said road S. 70 deg. 57 min. W. 626.7 ft., N. 19 deg. 03 min W. 150 S. 58 deg. 29 min. W. 650 ft. ft. to center line running E. and W. of Sec. 3, th. W. to beg. Cont. 47.06 ac. Also Com. 2136.6 ft. S. of NE. comer of Lot 1, of said Sec. th. S. 89 deg. 48 min. W. 301.6 N. 79 deg. 29 min. W. 148 ft., th. N. 65 deg. 31 mln. W. 50 ft, ft. N. 46 deg. 45 mln. W. 387 ft. S. 77 deg. 42 mln. W. 465 ft. th. S. 85 ft. W. 121 It. to a con- crete marker bearing the designation for a pt. of beg. th. S. 132 ft, th. E. 82 ft., th. N. 132 ft. th. W. 82 ft. to pt. of beg. Cont. approximately of an acre. Total ac. 47.31 Less deed to Nephi Irrigation Co., Cont. 4.39 acres. Total acreage 42.92 acres. A-- -- 2 8, $86.15 Edgar K. Haas and Carrie A. Haas, Joint Tenants Beg. at the Vi comer between Sees. 3 and 4. T. 13 S.. R. 1 E.. S.L.M., th. E. 51 rds. 9 Iks., S. 3 rds W. 5 rds., S. 17 rds. 12 Iks. S. 75 $1.95 deg. W. 34 rds. 8 Iks. N. 18 rds. J. D. Young and Joy S. Young, to center of ditch, S. 85 deg W. Joint Tenants Beg. at SE 6 rds. 3 N. 6 rds. 4 Iks,' W. comer of NW. Vi of. Sec. 29, 6 rds. 5 Iks., Iks., N. 8 rds. 9 Iks. T. 11 S., R. 1 E.. S.L.M., th. N. to beg. Cont. ac. m. or 269 ft.. W. 1056.1 ft. to E. side $22.02 of County Road, th. S. 9 deg. 30 K. Haas and Carrie A. Edgar min. W. 271.1 ft., E. 1100.3 Haas, Joint Tenants at to beg. Cont. 6.656 ac. Also beg a pt. 51 rds. 9 lks. E. Beg at a pt on W. side of County Road rds. S. of NW. comer ofandSW.3 1013.2 ft. W. and S. 9 dg. 30 Vi of Sec. 3, T. 13 S., R. 1 E.. min. W. 1084.4 ft. from NE. cor S L.M.,-thW. 5 17 rds. ner of SE. Vi of the NW. ?4 of 12 Iks N. 75 deg.rds.,E. S.5 rds. 12 Sec. 29, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., Iks., N. 16 rds. m. or 1. to bee. th. W. 580.2 ft. to old field fence, Cont. 85160 ac. $58 th. S. 269 ft., E. 543 ft. to W. Edgar K. Hans and Carrie A. side of County Road, N. 9 deg. Haas. Joint Tenants Beg. 8 SO mln. E. 271.1 ft. alone W. rds. 9 Iks. S. of corner side line of County Road to beg. of SE. Vi of Sec.the4, NE. Cont 3.58 ac. Total acreage 10.2.16 R. 1 E., 8.L.M., th. E. T.8 13 S,5 ac $7.02 Iks., S. fl rds. 4 Iks., S. 85rds, dee. Jeston D. Young Beg. at a 30 mln. W. 18 rds. 7 Iks., N. 7 pt. 35 rds. 19 Iks. N. and N. rds. J9 Iks. E. io rds. 2 Iks to 78 deg. W. 996.6 ft. from EE. beg. Cont. 109160 ac. Includes comer of NE. Vi of Sec. 30, ' R'C. 3, T. 13 S., R. 1 T. 11 S, R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. N. E., S.L.M., Major portion in City. 78 deg. W. 807.2 N. 21 deg. $78 49 mln. W. 444.3 ft., S. 78 deg. K. Haas and Carrie A. Edgar ft Prrfl ft, |