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Show It II. Keysor, the dentist, is with us again and he will establish a permanent oilire here, first door east of the drugstore, with Dr. Dry borough, lift will do all classes of work 3tf. at Salt Lake prices. Published every Friday morning by NEWMAN H. MIX. at Eureka. I'tah, Entered at tiio for transmission through the wails as second-clas- s matter. l'n.st-otli- I'KICE OF SUBSCKIl'TiON, IX (. Dr. THE TINTIC AUNER advance. S'-0- One year F. fte 11:20 a. 2:o0 ). 6:10 p. 11:40a. Ar. atSall Lake Lv. for Silver City Ar. from Silver City .. 1:110 in. m. m in. p. m. Lode location mlnins claim being of record In the office of the Kecorder of said mining Markland Mm. pjii The war is over between the It. G. U. P. railways, and the wings of peace hover serenely W. and white i DEHM h RIO GRANDE KAIIIOAD. Scenic Line of the World, The only line running two through fast trains daily to Pueblo, Colorado Springs and, Denver. November 10th, 1893. 7:4;-,.- . 0 . . . . . . c,.iw.. !il Hi livri i oneii from 8 a. m. to 7:W) cotn-fortrb- 1 1 ;" Denver, Colorado' jAS.P.nuicmL.P.M. l'LOAT. 'i- .:;")() XT and resist ry window from 8 a. Money order m. in. to p. m.. and from (:. to i :.i0 p.U::w a. m Sunday (ieneral delivery from tolUp.m. Train Xo. 2 leaves Ogden 7:00 a. m., Salt Lake 8:0," a. in., arrives at Pueblo a. m.. Colorado Springs at 7:20 a. m.. Denver at 0:40 a. m. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden at 8:20 p. m., Salt Lake at t':2o i). m., arrives at Pueblo at 7:30 p. m., Colorado Springs at 9:07 .p. m., Denver at 11:30 p. m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver with all lines east. Elegant day coaches, chair cars and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D. & R. U. and have a trip and enjoy the tinesc seen, crv on the continent. plied S. K. HOOPER, tel accommodations Sunday night. A." S. UGII ES, G. P. & T. A. Traffic Manager, Tuesday afternoon he was given the and of the joint city bridal chamber county building by kind hearted Po13. E. NEVINS, General Agent, lice Judge Watts, who also instructed Salt Lake City. Marshal Ilenroid to supply him with refreshments for the inner man while Ali he was a guest of the city. Pat got a little job Monday, and made enough In the Justice's Court, Eureka preceinct. to regale himself with "barrel house" Territory of Utah, County of Juab, R. G. booze all night. The fumes of his po Wilson, plaint Cf vs. A. A. Waggoner, defen tations rose to his head, arid so befud dant. Dei.iat.'!, StH.00. A. V'ii;rgouer, greeting: You are dled his brain that he, by mistake, To A.summoned to be and appear before hereby took a headcheese belonging to Rouse, mo. the undersigned, at my office in Kuroka Morgan & Co. As a result of his klep- precinct, Juab County, Utah Territory, tomania, a path appears to answer a complaint filed against you around the court house and gaol. herein by said piaimitV withih five days, (ex'It's an ill wind that blows no man clusive of the day of service) if this summons is served on you within Eureka precinct, good." . the following described mining claims, have expended two hundred dollars In labor and improvements upon the Bessarabia lode mining claim, located December 16, 1890 and KM0 in labor and improvements upon the Dutch Empire or Dutch Empire lode mining claim, located December 12, 1889, both claims being In Tintic Mining District, JuabC'ounty. Utah, iflUO during and for each of the years, A. D. 1KU and 1S92, upon and for each of said two claims, in order to hold said claims respectively under and as required by the provisions of Section ZiH of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and as and for the annual work and improvements required by law to be done for said years respectively: that your proportion thereof is J(!6.B6!j for each $0.33? for each claim respectively, claim for each of said said two years, and that upon your failure to contribute and pay to the undersigned your proportion of such upon either of said expenditures as claims, before the expiration of 90 days from and after this notice by publication, before the expiration of 00 days from and after the full 00 days term of the publication of this notice, your interest in each of said two claims as to which you fail, as aforesaid, to contribute and pay your proportion of mien expenditures will become forfeited to and become the property of the undersipien, under said section 2?4. This notice will be pubW". D. JIykrs, lished for 00 days. Conrad Kopman. Date of first publication Oct. 20, 1S9J. to-w- it; Leadville, Aspen, Effective, S. To J. Gable, your heirs and assipns: You are notified that the undersigned, as Any other Information as to rates of fare, owners of an undivided interest in eacn 01 etc., will be cheerfully furnished by . the i EVERYTHING Notice of Forfeiture, .. . . THIS W;s. better over the scenes of former hostilities. A force of men are grading for a con Through Coaches to and from Salt Lake without change. Shortest Line and Fastest Ftme. necting switch between the two roads in the lower pat of town, and a joint Rio Grande Western Tim3 Table. station will be established at the new No. 9. No 27. No. 10. Arrives, Mammoth mill at once. Passenger Leaves, p. m. a. in. trains will bcriin to the new station, l). m. a. m :( .Silver City Knirka 8:15.. and possibly the 11. G. W. crew will Goshen !::!.. :hi i:i annul layover there instead of at Silver City. 9:4'',.. ..ti:f 10:02. nivson The Mammoth company have their 0:1" 30:27.. .Spanish Fork Leaves. new.oflicc building about finished, and Arrives 6:0) 10: 15. ...Spriujiville 5:45 the company office, will hereafter be i'rovo 11:115. American Fork, .5:21 Ii::i0. at the mill, and the business of the 5:15 J ...Lehi !;:. 4:4:1 .. Bintrliani Jc 12:H!. will be transacted at that point. camp 4;25 ...Salt Luke i:.'::;o. It is a much better site than the old MAILS. one, besides being more accessible. Silver City and Mammoth closes at 11:00 Tatrick Dougherty is the name 'Sait Lake and all other points at l::S0p. m 1:10 m. a husky little Hibernian who apof at p. arrives Silver City nr.d fill oilier iiomts at 11:00 a. m K,,:t i. to Officer Stillman for ho- T::-'- LINE." SHORT "CHICAGO . '5 because merchants had failed to buy f ix months 1 W their winter stock last fall. lie says THE Three months six $4.00; One t hey still buy fur immediate demand year, If not pa iiJ in advance: months, K.i"; tliree months. Sfl.no. only, and that confidence in business circles bus not been even partially re FAOSFIG TiolE TABLE. stored. he m C. B. district at Silver City, in Juab County, Utah. The nearest known locations being the Dolly. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R, Middle Atlas. Cleveland and Dom Pedro lodes Is the only line running Solid Vestlbulod. as shown by the official plat. Trains Steamheated and Electric-Lighte- d Works, Rth Stnhh and 4th West. I direct that this notice be published in the between Chicago and Oniaha, Daily OMice, Opera Ituse building. Tistic Mixer, at Eureka, t'tah, the newscomposed of magnificent sleeping and sold at. highest paper published nearest the said mining Ores Ilamilton-lirow- n summed cars and the of the carefully II. J. Droste, weeks. for of ten sale. of the claim, period Let uhis made on day Siioe Co., of S Louis. sp r,t market l.Hc;. soliciu-i;BYRON GEOO, Register. The Finest Dining Cars in the World Address oni'.'tin.i T. C. Bailey, Claimants' Attorney. Friday and Saturday here awl at MumThe Ccnkling Sampling1 Works, First publication December 15. 1SSJ. nioth, on business. lie reports busi Utah. '. O. P.ox (jI Lake Stilt City, FIRST-CLASness than usual at tins season. 1 Ar. from Halt Lake.... Lv. for Salt Lake I 0. Horn. le to-w- it: to-w- it: J. S. Talbot, J. II. Allen, Commercial Agt. T. F. & P. Agent. 15 West Second South, Salt Lake City. H0DGIXS & YOUNG, maun tailors All Work GiiaranteEi!. UTAH. EUREKA. ASHEli BIDDLEC0ME, Practical Chimneys a Specialty, at the Miner office. "Leave orders UNDERTAKES EUREKA CO., JAMES EUSTICE, MGR. undertakers. Application for Patent. FULL LIITE OF NOTICE NO. 2258. Coffins anfl Caskels. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah December 12. lrt:S. f Hi lie. of the West Flour is the best Notice is hereby given that Lee Hopper, Ask-- vour irroeer for it and take no whose postofHce address is Eureka City, Juab EUREKA, UTAH. 33tf. other. County, Utah Territory, has made application for a United States Patent for the Gene Two children of Dan CoU'ey are down CARE vieve. Yorkville, Annie and Retribution, wini scarlet fever. consolidated, lode mining claim, situate in Tintic Mining District, Juab County. Utah c. F. LOOFROUROW & WILLIAM EARN, Deputy Sheriff Scot t is looking after linear feet of Territory, consisting of Atiors&ys aid Cuusdto at Law. the peace at Mammoth this week. the said Genevieve vein or loan, M07.7 linear feet of the said Yorkville vein or lode, UfK.7 OFFICE RoomsTO. 71,72, 7A Commercial El'k. d Miss Folland. of Salt Lake City, is linear feet of the said Annie vein or !odo and ITT AH. SALT LAKE CITY, GillesMrs. 1172.6 linear feet of the said Retribution vein Petel her sister, visiting on the shown as and or surface lode, ground pie, at Mammoth. E PWAED PIRE. plat posted on the ground, being Lot No. within ten days if served on you outside of and descri bed in the field notes and m U. S, Cosaiasiasr. J. I). Kendal and Mr. Chisholm, of Attorsey at notice. on official the survey said Eureka precinct but within the county plat of on .in Ceiitenaial-Eureka- , came the Burofca. Notice is hereby given that all ac- of Juab, ami within twenty days if served tile in this office, with magnetic varisition at Office in Nerr Court Housa, JHVi i.IMIIWMIMIIIWUPWPWWIW 10 degrees 28 minutes east, as follows: Com Monday's mail train. counts owing to Einbleton & Hayes elsewhere. Tm. THaCaSTON, is brought to recover from you mencing at l'ost .o. l, a corner oi saiu uene-viev- e, Said child of George have been legally assigned and trans- the sumaction ConA and Retribution Annie as Yorkville, of alleged to be due follows, t-Law, the sum of S1.00 for boord and room solidated lode mining claim, thence sonth9 McFurland's died Monday and was ferred to the undersigned and payor14ii7.7 feet to Post No. 44 inor east me to made be must minutes ment at my furnished degrees your special you by plaintiff Office at Union Drug Stwe buried the clay following. stance and request at Eureka. Utah, also in 2: thence north 79 degrees 54 minutes east James Tucker der. 1 UTAH. the further sum of 141.00, being a balance on 298.8 feet to Post No. 19; thence south degree EUREKA, Miss Eva Tompkins was the guest Eureka. Jan. 10, lSD-i- . 42 minutes east 1002.3 feet to l'ost No. 18; C. all from a"coimt an Chaitiberlin, assigned Silver at City, Miss A. ROBERTSON, Wheeler, of wh'i li more fully ajipears in complaint on thence north fi8 degrees 05 minutes east 3'j:i.2 N. ' "During the epidemic of la grippe of . feet to Post No. 17; thence north 12 degrees Wednesday and Thursday. liie herein. With Rennett, Marshall & Bradley. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy took the And you r.re hereby notified that'i you fail 55 minutes p.asta'S 7 feet to Post No. 16; thence C. M. Thackston has been confined lead here and was much better liked to so appear si nd answer as above required. north (18 degrees 05 minutes east 103 feet to MINING LAW A SPECIALTY. to his home for a week witn a severe than other cough medicine." II. M. ttiepIaiiitifT will take judgment against Post No. 15; thence north 2 degrees 57 minutes 163 S. Main St., Salt Lake City. west 843.7 feet to Post No 14; tjience south OS attack of "grippe,"' but is now about Eansjs, druggist, Chatsworth, Ills. you for the sum of $02.00 and costs vt suit. 2S5 No. 0 to Post west 21; feet min above die I of degrees recovered. hereby direct the pnblicatiou The grip is much the same as a very summons .TOAH W. MoC'HIlYSTAL, hi the Tintic Miner for the period thence north 9 degrees 4! minutes west 3(13.6 8 degrees OS cold No. north severe the thence and 12; l'ost to feet Of from hereof. precisely month requires date and Aaron Leach, Stevenson W. II. is Given under my hand, this 14th day of De- minutes west 068.2 feet to Post No. 13; thence ,Sait Lake, and .Mm MeAuley, of the same treatment. This Remedy f et to Post No. Office in Tintic Mercantile Co. a store. south 79 deg 54 min west A. D. 1S!H. cember. effectual will prevent I i!i;o Nklson. Justice of Peace. 1, the place of beginning; containing an area thriving tmnr of Springville, were in prompt and of the anf disease towards C. L. Hkovvn, Attorney for Plaintiff. any tendency of 32.18 acres, all of which is claimed and aptown this week. First public-si- ion Dec, 15, lhiB.l '1 c. bailey, sale For by Eureka Drug pneumonia. plied for. there being no conflicts. Lake From Post No. 15 of this claim, V. S. MinerMiss Lou Wheeler, of Salt Store. t-Law, Koike to Creditors, . al Monument No. 2, in the town of Eureka, and Ron her is brothers, visiting City, "We 9 3439 13 for and sale, have have east feet minutes bears south degrees prepared of Utah, l y Patents and Land Office Iluslaess a Specialty Claud, at Silver City, and spent Mon blank location t Creditors, notices. The form is Territory t distant actual measurement. From Post No. t oiiiiiy of J uhi). Eva Miss Tompkins. large, with ample room for descripSalt Lake City, Utah. Esr-itday, the guest of of r.en'nmin P. Thomas. Deceased. 15 of tHis claim, the nw corner of section 24, 5 cents each, 50 ets. dt.;vn. 10 south range 3w of the Salt Lake Meridtion. IS IICULHY GIVEN by the under NOTICE Tp E. J. Yard and S. J. Norris, of signed Adnd, list rotors of the Estate of Hen ian, bears south 36 degrees 51 minutes west AuUitivQttl Cripple ( ri . k service. P. Thomas Deceased, to the creditors 5376.3 feet distant actual nieasureiiien t. The Springville, J. C. O'Melvony, of Oien, jamin Commencing May 1st the Colorado of, and all persons having claims against th said mining claim being of record in the of and V. 11. Ware, Salt Lake, railway will put on and run said deceased, to exhibit them with the ne- fice of the Recorder of said mining district ottieials, came in Friday night and Midland railway additional suburban cessary vouchers, within ten months after at. Silver City, Juab County, Utah. The nearthereafter daily the- Gladstone, I'. registered at UuvEorcka Hotel. trains to accommodate Cripple Creek the tirst publication of this notice, to the said est tnown locations being at I'rovo City. Utah, address g. Lot No. 127, Pamfino, IT. S. Lot No. 262 and follows: as Administrators Florissant and business, L. S. Kempher, the electrician who WESTBOUND. postothew bov B21, in the said County of Utah. Peru V. S. Lot No. 341. S.u-'.hi AdministratI direct that this notice he published In the had charge of the plant in the new Ijpave Colorado Springs .. 8:10 a. m. C, F, Lv, . . iltltTia. m. orDivide f the r Mtc of llenjamin D. Thomas, Tintic Miner, the newspaper published nearMammoth mill, came in from Salt Arrive Florissant ta Troy and Ironing . . lll:t)'J a. m. est the said mining ciaim, for the period of Washing Deceased. Lake Tuesday and will proceed to EAST BOUN D, 1803. 2fi, lion ten weeks. Pec. First publica ..11:10 a., m. Frisco to assume charge of the plant Leave Florissant BYRON GROO. Register. . .11:10 a. m. Divide for Edward Pike, Attorney for applicant. in the Horn Silvi r mill. ..t!:Ml;i. m. Arrive Woodland Park Application UTAH ..H-.EUREKA, a. i,i. Leave Woodland I'ark First publication December 15, 1SC3. .. Colorado in. Arrive Springs almost 22."f. whom every KOTICK NO. Tom Diamo.id. . " l'ueblo ':') p. in. United States Land Office, I . ti:(HJ p. m. " lX'iivcr resident of Tintic district knows, is f I tali, Deccmher 13. 1s'j3. L:ilo Palt City. This arrangement gives a convenseriously ill at his home in Mammoth. Not ice is hereby given that llezekiah W. rapid service into and out of l'.rant. whose uostolliee address Is Eureka, Dr. Field is in attendance and every ient and Creek. COLORADO MIDCripple Juab County. Utah, and his thing nossible is being done for his A C S. Vnriati. of Salt Lake City, Utah, SOX, comfort. Have your prescriptions tilled at the Charles It. O'llrien. of Mammoth, Juab County, Lizle WA YS. Eureka Drug Store. Utah and Kavid Phillips, of Eureka. Juab Josephine Ucrthuleson has made a Go to the Eureka T)ru,' Store for County. Utah, hi:v.i made application for a The Only line which runs Pullman Palaco Sleeping Car3 between Thomas fornication of against charge United States i'atent for the Golden Chain medicines of any kind. Ggdcn, Salt Lake City and Chicago without change, and Davidson, and alleges that the o.Tcnse Lode ii'iniTr; claim situate in Tintic Mining -- 1th last. on stoves Utah cook second hand at July Disira'l. Juab Two Logan Territory, Pullman Palace Rpclining Chair Cars beCoiiti'y. good happened of sv;i. 5 linear feet of the Golden Chain IT. S. Commissioner Pike has trans- - for sale at the Eureka Tin Shop. tween Ogden, Silt Lake City, Lode and suifaei' proutid as shown on the Jerred the case to Logan, at wliich IM. No. Con Lot irroiind. th.? and on fresh beln;; fine For Denver and Chicago. plat pitted Cigars a place Davidson was to have had and described In the Held notes and plat of fectioncry trv tlit official sur ey on file in this othce, with THE SHORT LINE hearing yesterday. "TiiK Euu'kka Fruit Store," iiiapnetic, variation at. hi decrees :;a minutes SUPERB SCENERY Lower Main Street. ca.-- t, at Post No. 1, as Tho weather for tin; past week lias theme EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED coiner of the claim and runnlnir been the most severe the district Ins house. En anorth To riET. One 1s ihvoecs. 15 minutes west 1K feet to merhern visited with for ye.irs. The quire at Eurek Druji Store. l'ost No. thence north !' decrees .VI minutes 10 hetwecn each nilit has spent cury west (i"'s.5 f,- t lo l'ost No. 3; thence south ,1 JUST KKCt.lVKD, rleirrees 30 iniimtes west ,"e().7 feet to l'ost No. juid "0 decrees below the zero mark, I, ! an:l shoos of line A boots, handsome 4; thence south 'i feet to I'o- -t No. ".; thence has itnd a still breeze during the flay If so, be sure and secure your tickets over the I decree 57 minutes east (i!l- - feet to south inlhtenrc Co. Mer. the r.tcted Tintic Count rubbers. (jt'iierallv 15 minutes Tost No. ti; Isih'srecs is south Sol. The Old s!ei;:hin;r by "SANTA FE RQUTE," exerted CI excellent.' however. fs we have - been Go to F. F. Fleiner's restaurant. east !s" feet lo Post No. 7; thence north 71 de-I. 30 a st I'A") feet to Post No. Grandest and Greatest Railroad on Earth. liiiormed). and tnai t.isiyr"e;Loit.- mai-;id- Southworth lllock. lerular moaU crees ininuti's the pl.'ce of l:',r;i:nlin? survey of cUeriot hi gripp", lias abmu disappeared. 2,cls. short orders and oysters a sj.ee- boundaries (,f Uie claim, contalnind a total Leave Ogden or Salt Lake on the evening train in order to .17 tf. area of 1. HI acres hi reby applied for. Th Noah McChrvstal is repairing the ialty. Provo City. f"i-in contlict with the liolly." "CleTf sec the most beautiful scenery in Ainedcn. (,d "Hay and t;r,iin" saloon building, Faint.-- oils, varnishes, brushes, etc lam!" an Mldi'ii. Alius I.odcs. Lot, back of the Tintic Mercantile t,Vs. FiUUKK A Dura Sroitr.. are (, j, Train leaves Kio Gran-l- Western Depot, Salt Lake City, at 9:25 p. n. 'y Included In this application. store, and the buildingTin--adjoining, I :o:n ' No. 4, 0c no: Ihwrst corner of; Mim-.iwhich was at. one time Ticket Otllcp, No. V AV. Second South Si reet. I'.est nx als ia t'ivn it the Keys! :itie 10 ...hjIIi i ioim' 2 we.,t , tO ' t oilire, and will move his meat market Uesi auraiU. !"i t'.v: I-- I. ees :0 mlioiies wi'si fit: by there. The building now occupiedFull-ride fe. t siis.l fneu tiie same l'o A U. Fresh tisli ami oyslers aUva.vs .n it v, ill sic ill v bei.pi n'd by Fred Oenoral Airent Fassenor iV.pirtmest ")") Dooly Build injf, M. o. t . clr,;rees 21 north and Dan Fhids, yH.Uit class hind at (lie "Kurcka Frail More' . LAKE SALT U.Ul-lt CITY, VTA 11. ; C;.:.;ii L'.vver stn.'el. Main 0, tuni.scJ Milcon and cn;b room. I WWim :: well-tleitne- 111 ld l). Attorney to-wi- t:: . ' ttir y Ptiblics. CO-- tl-.- Attorney -a- SAM HING. LAUNDRY. ; I ea! Patent. . RIO "Sruitti Ici Route." GRANDE WESTERX, TOREK LAND, AT III SANTA EE RAIL AND !? follows:-Cmnicenc- ins firs Yoo Going - l!n-i!c- rl y, e i -- i l. C. BUKN lC'VT, i i. |