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Show October 30, 1964 THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Spike Sorensen was taken to the hospital on Monday, where he was treated for a heart condition. Hie was transferred to the Veterans Hospital in Salt Lake on Thursday. His many friends in the district are wishing him the best in the way of a speedy and complete recovery. Page Nine Mrs. Tom Judge was in Provo on Monday attending a Junior Girl Scout Round Table discussion and a district meeting, which was held at the Provo Community Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson and boys were in Tooele on Mayor and Mrs. Charles Ferris and daughter, Rose Ann, and Mrs. Virginia Cartwright returned home Sunday evening after spending the weekend iin lias Vegas. Sunday, extending birthday greetings to their daughter, Mrs. Gary Boswell (Janice Johnson). They spent the day at the Boswell home. Mrs. Inez Barney of Payson visited here Monday at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Bert Hanks. I veto To make Sunny Brook a bigger made it an even greater value thaneverl favorite than ever OFFICIAL JUDICIAL SELECTION Jessie Edward Dorman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dorman, who celebrated his frist birthday on Tues., October 6 BALLOT JUAB COUNTY, UTAH Lowell Ekker, who is em- ployed in Salt Lake, was home over the weekend visiting with his mother, Mrs. Althea Cook and other relatives. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote for a candidate place a cross (X) In the square to the right of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote, and in no other place. SUNNY Robert Hassell and two sons. Hank and Billy, of Oran, and a friend, Mike Saslin of Price, were in Eureka last week, joining in the deer hunt and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanks. Three nice deer were bagged by Mr. Hassell, Hank and Mike Saslin. Ed Snell, who had been home on a 20 day leave from Fort Carson, Colo., left last Saturday to leport back at camp. He was accompanied to the Salt Lake Airport by his mother, Mrs. Helen Snell and Mrs. Bennie Dorman. KENTUCKY Tended whiskey -- i i - I, James P. Christensen, County Clerk of Juab County, Utah, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Judicial Selection Ballot to be voted on within Juab County, Utah on November 3, 1964. Absolutely no change in quality! Enjoy it tonight! Juab County Clerk' Freda Ohlson visited here for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wilma Webber. She returned to Provo Tuesday morning. Miss w'x ' nUBMfinKDIST.C&.LODlSVIUE.KV. KENTUCKY B(IME0WHISKEVNPI(MF.65X8imKirnUlMITt REPUBLICAN Mrs. Ed Thomas and Mrs. Bcmell Thomas were in Salt Lake Monday, combining business and pleasure. They stopped in Tooele on the way to Eureka and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jensen. Candidates for SPECIAL! Maurice 2-Y- ear L. Memmott Term M3 for a Clicuiae New Ideas Are Necessary After One Party Control for 33 of the Past ..m kiilm Beautiful 5x7 handcrafted baby portrait plus a picture in the Reporter all for just $3.00 Castletons Photo Vernon Gastleton, photographer ISO South Main, Sprlngvllle Phone 489-458- 1 37 Years!! We believe there could be improvements for smoother operation of our hospital. 2. We believe the hospital could be operated at reduced TAX COSTS. 1. We believe we could get more efficient use of the $103,000 of road funds expended by Juab County. 4. We believe the people should be served impartially. 3. 5. We believe long-ran- ge planning is necessary to improve county facilities. WE ARE PRESENTING CANDIDATES PLEDGED TO GIVE JUAB COUNTY CITIZENS ALL THE CHANGES NEEDED . . . GIVE US A CHANCE TO COOPERATE IN SOLVING YOUR PROBLEMS! WDTTE MPDlOJWm Paid political advertisement by Juab County Republican Committee Vaughn J. Paxman, chairman |