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Show 1 VOL 2. NO 18 MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 3 1909 stalk bears two perfect ears cf corn. ' Mr. Atkin has 320 acres of land which he filed on a couple of' ears ago under the desert act. This year he raised 40 acres of as good rye as any one could wish for and now has a field of corn that is good enough fur any country. He has just now finished breaking up 180 acres of this ground preparatory to feeding it to wheat and siellz and will begin seeding next week. A small patch of kafir corn and aorgum ia growing nicely on this farm which fully demon-trate- a that these can be successfully raised here and are destined to become some of the greatest dry farm Aside from the grain Mr. crops. SUCCESSFUL DRY FARMING AT MILFORD Elegant Crops Are Raised on the Atlin Dry Farm Five Miles East of Milford. To show to our readers that land adjacent to Milford is adapted to the raising of grain and produce by the dry farm method we herewith present a picture of a ten acre corn field at the farm of Geo. Atkin, five miles $2.00 PER purpose of irrigating about twenty acres of fruit. Neat spring it ia the inteutiou to put in apple, peach, pear and other fruit trees to cover this 29 acres and Mr. Atkin ia confident that this will prove must successful. Those who doubt that the land in this section is productive are invited to visit this farm and see just what ia being done. That was certainly some rain that Tuesday Had it not been for the ditches and ci.lverta put in last spring at our annual Gravel Day the town would have been pretty badly flooded. Aa it was the ditches carried off the wa'er very nicely and the only daro- f Giad Showisg 11 it Cadir-Tilismi- n. An ore body which has all the earmarks of developing into one of the liggest things discovered in Heaver bounty in recent cars is now being fathomed on the level of the ('edar Talisman company's properties. For over twenty feet in each flirt ciion from the point of contact, a ful! blast of ore that carries fine shipping values in silver, lead, copper and gold, has been opened up, while a winze has been sunk twenty-fiv- e feet in Lbs same material. Manager S. 8. Pond, who returned from the mine 4U0-fo- ot YEAR doubt at all exists that the same ore shoot will be found going down from the 400, and when it is tapped on the VK), during the next few weeks, extensive stopping Oierations can be carried on from Imlli levels, and a large tonnage of ore shipped to market. In the meantime samples of line ore, which niskes in snollier ledge in another portion of the cuinpany'a domain, the mass of which averages close to 50 per cent, are being shipped to the several prospective purchasers of tlie same in order that bids may lie n submitted for the output of that of the mine. There is any amount of tills sine ore and the management is already certain of securing a most profitable' market for it. Thus the future of the looks exceedingly bright, while Beaver comity boasts of one more regularly producing mine. Tribune. recently, states that the limits of the shoot, in either direction, are still undiscovered, with everything to indicate that the shoot will prove to lie an extensive one. Not all of the ore is extremely high grade, but the average of the mass, he says, will pay nandeoinely to ship just as it is broken. The strike is considered of importance at camp, where its characteristics are best undersUMid. The new machine drills tlist are to be employ ed in driving for and openlevel, ing up the ledges on the Have The News do your printing have been received at camp and by this time are in commission. No and it will be done right. jsir-Uo- Cedar-Talisma- n ' MO-fo- The Nevada Ready Pay Mining Go. Has Ont of Beaver Countys Coining Mines Tlie Nevada Ready Pay Mining (Vi. also Hie light. and power lines of the Carlson, both of whom ore well known is one of the newest companies of Beaver River Bower Co, snd this mining men of Utah. The former has Bearer county but it is aim) one of gives it adequate facilities for ship- beeu closely associated wit h the minthe most, progressive snd promising ping and power purposes. ing industry for the past thirty-fivl ompauics in tlie district in w hicli it The Nevada Fay Co., has years and was fur throe years superoperates. This company w as organ- sieut considerable money in the intendent of tlie Cactus mine, during ised in 1907 and capitalized at (1,200,- - search of mineral mi each of its claims which time it had its most successful 000. The rincipal promoter of the and this development has fully career. He is now In charge of the company at this end was W. L. duiiiuiiHtrated llml Him property is Majestic iroierlieH and is making of one of the Baclitcll w ho is a well known miner- situated in the ore zone of Hie dis- the lUrringti alogist, and he is backed by a strung trict. A true fissure vein, five feet greatest miues in the state. Mr. company of eastern jieople who pio-po- wide, has been exposed on this prte Carlson was for five years ground to fully develop the projierty ierLy and this has been traced for a manager of tlie Cactus and is connow owned. The officers of the distance of over 3UHU feet across tlie sidered one of the best mining men company arelJ. 8. Knders, president; ground northeast and southwest. Oil in Hie state. In speaking of the W. il. Hall, first vice president; J. R. the Baltimore No. 5 and the Portland large fissure vein exposed at the Cleland, second vice president and F. No. 1 claims where a ten foot shaft R ady Pay, these gentlemen said that r ore Lhis was the most promising proiosi-tiou- s G. Paulmer, secretary and treasurer, has been sunk a rich and these together with G. J. Teller, with traces of copper and gold, has that they had seen in tlie district 1. 8. Good, 8. C. Kidy, (.'has. Frazce lieen cut, and the indications are that and that there was no question but t is company had the making of and L. H. Harding are the directors. depth will demonstrate that tlie ore is that one of the greatest mines in the state. Since 1007 this company lias been richer and more extensive. Over 2t0 They selected samples from the work-- 1 operating in a small way in the San feet of development work has been lgs a id are having them assayed for Francisco district and now the man- - done on this group of claims and it t ie purpose of satisfying themselves of the real value of the ore. fcr horeturhTy orvluped that Is shown. on each claim that the dot At tLa present time Mr. Bac.htell; it has one "oFThe best projierties In phry dykes are in place and are has a carload of fine ora ready for' the 'district. A group of sixteen llireale 1 with gold, silver, lead and shipment and the accompanying e lb-ad- se Ten Acre Corn Field at the George Atkin Dty Farm east of Milford. This ia the Unit crop raised on this ground and until the rains of about three weeks ago this corn has not had a drop of water. It ia now tasseled out and almost every Atkin has raised an elegant crop of vegetables of all kinds. It ia hia intention to sink three wells on this farm from which he will pump water by means of a gasoline engine for the Hillard Gil the hLiimm Jurors Selected fir September Term. age done was the flooding of the railroad houses. It occurs to us that the railroad company ought to take a tumble to itself and provide an outlet for these flood waters. Grilifjist Results lead-silve- at Progressiii. The follow ing list of trial jurors has Word has reached the local officers That was surely a bitter lemon the Beaver fans hai d d to the Milford been drawn for the September term of the Progressive company that pn willow wielders last Sunday in the of the Fifth Judicial District Court: Jfhe ball game on the hemp c'Umoiid.. It . Beavgr Fenton Ifenwing, 1tseafrct,Vail propel ty a very gratifying showing of new ore is being made. required two games to fully satisfy While the ore occurs in no large the enthusiasts. The first game was the for sake of real the sport quantities, two streaks spyiearto lead played and waa a good game all round. strongly into something better, and t he work of tlie next two weeks will Neither team had the best of it aL '' . . Milin wulched with interest here. This the but road lie the any jump f J' ford boys succeeded in carrying off development is reaching out into The Progressive is the honors by a score of 8 to H. This virgin territory. ; ' surrounded by active and achieving .naturally caused the home team to i' ' ' become a little swelled tip and in propositions, and Hie management believes that the company soon will order to bring them down off their be restored to the shipping class again. high perch the Beaver team challenged them, to another game withiii Machinery Oi dared fir Majestic. twenty minutes for 50 a side. The Things will be hapjiening shortly at game was called and Uie boy's wen I the Majestic pro;er1y. Very little Into the battle feeling confident of has beeu given out by Ibis news winning the purse. There was a lot property, although it. has been movof rotten play ing on both sides and ing ahead rapidly. Under the directhe game was nowhere near as good tion of 8iiieriuteudent A. 1). Moffat, a inas the first. It required eleven large amount of ore has lieeu developteam decide which should to nings ed. At present it is said shipping have the money and w hen the ba.l xm could be curried on continuously. w ent up in the last and the An order was yesterday placed w ith smoke had cleared away we could Richmond Machinery company the seethe Beaver hoys hiking through a for compressor. This will the pass with the coin. The score SACKS OF HIGH GRADE ORE AT THE NEVADA READY PAY lie electrically driven. The foundawas 13 to 15 In favor of the visiton. the tions for have machinery already The Milford boy are billed to play a The above illustration is that of a carload of rich ore, sacked and icady for shipment, taken from the been started and within tlie next two return game at Beaver on I abor Day. weeks tlie compressor will lie installed. workings of the Nevada Ready Pay mine. This is one of the most promising properties in Beaver county next Monday, but uuless they do and is destined to take a position among the best mines in this county. Wild Bill Resumes Work. some tall practicing they will hardly lie able to regain the reputation they The famous Wild Bill property, ten 'lost in the Sunday game. miles northwest of Milford, is to be claims is owned by the Nevada Ready copper of considerable value. pictures liear out the statement that opened up by Matt. Cullen, w ho has Pay which comprises about 300 acres This property is joined on tlie east work is lining prosecuted quite exSchool Opens Kelt Week. owned it since some lime in the 00s. of ground lying about one mile from by the Cupric company which now tensively and that the shipment of Principal May informs us that A force of men is at work preparing Newhouse, and the famous Cactus has a shaft down to the 300 level and ore is really out of die ground and everything is now in readiness for for the installing of a hoist and com- mine. This ground adjoins die Horn is drilling oil a rich vein of copper ready to load on the cars. Later on the opening of school next Monday pressor plant, il lieing the intention Silver Co.s Cupric mine which has ore and the vein is traceable across we hope to be able to make a report and that all the teachers are here the larger bodies of lich recently developed into one of die the property of the Nevada Ready on the assays of the ore from this to after go and ready to start in the fall term of property, and in the meantime prewhich believed to lie at depth. finest- properties in the district. A Pay. are ore school. Monday will be devoted to parations are lieing made for extenwas A week one is of the Beaver branch of the Salt Lake Rout crosses The Wild Bill ago this projierty sive development of tlie companys the registration of pupils, the ascounty properties whose production the ground of the Ready Pay as does visited by A. D. Moffat and Victor group of claims. signment of books, etc. and Tuesday of surface ores in the early days promorning the work will start off in vided the basis for Mr. Cullens forearnest. During the vacation months tune. It is generally agreed that it many improvements have been made one of tlie besL surface showings lias in the Bchool building and about the in North Star district, the feature the grounds. The woodwork has all been of which is a big blowout, with outwalls and freshly painted, the ceilings croppings fur the width of more than calcimined, desks and furniture 1UU reel. varnished and otherwise given a The principle workings in the mine cheerful and inviting appearance. is an inclined shaft, which lias been New outbuildings have been erected sunk 2) feel on Hie vein. From this ore has a large tonnage of and cement walks have been pul in been taken, the values running as frum front fence to the main entrance higli us 75 per emit lead, witli 10 and of the building and from the rear of :tu ounces of silver to t lie loll. Conthe school house to the out buildings siderable good ore is iii sight in the old workings, and the plan is now to and ail especial effort has I eon made '"jsiuk a vertical alialt into tlie to make the Milford school house and formation, which it is grounds modem and sanitary in every bodies ol (ire will be opened. large returned is Mciarroll The faculty this year Miss Winnie ill i sped. Mr. Cullen's exiericiii-hia old Moscow mine, w Inch lias composed of careful and ci inpetent in- - yesterday from a two weeks visit with developed into a heavy shipper, has at rue tors and we arc promised one of relatives at Salt- Lake, " . ; '.S'. given him renewed tail h ill Ins Beaver col. of oul this j the most. succissful terms Inin It has taught YwU,nlllVi flir(.slire proceedings (iiiiily irosr:ies. I L behooves that the rich suriaee tire taken j ear we have, ever had. mgulu9l from those projiert.ies in the early the parents tu sef to H that the chil-- t iWI1Hp WrtH 1.i1H.l H(1 lllH days was only an indication of the1 dren sic au haiiil to Start, with the! wealth whieh'lies lielow. As a result, beginning of the jterm this year. of that exierieiiee, he has recently BUNGALOW AND SI fAFT AT NEVADA READY PAY started an active campaign of develDr. Wm. U. Ruckeolno. came over the place w ill be and Keis-in Old the mine, opment hum Btaver Wednesday and has This picture shows the bungalow, tlie ten foot shaft and the ore dump at one of the workings of the a duiihl. that Is.'li it und there is his alter week to looking filrIGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS tlie Wild Kill will soon b added spent the Nevada Rea Jy Pay Mining Company. the li it lit l j O ing prod'l'.'er. nd dtcnach Irqubia ind attt.on hkli paLielils htle. - V X f 7ui)-fu- ot high-grad- e nl hrlu-v-e- e rooM-n-iu- i 1 j reoM-neil- . I l I I 111 d vk s At- |