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Show PAGE sa BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1931 joicing over the arrival of a daughter, born January 27th, making 3 sons and 3 daughters. Mother and baby are ' aoing line. Her Mother, Mrs. Able of American Fork came the next day to spend a couple of weeks, but on Saturday, Jan. 31 she was called over to her other uaugnier, airs. a. a. Munns wnen a son registered at their home. They also are feeling fine. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Andreasen and Norman Andreasen went to Brig ham City last Sunday, where the boys were asked to sing a duet at the funeral of Mr. Baron, manager of the Baron Woolen Mills at Brigham. Mrs. Andreasen remained to spend a few days with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Freeman. The Nightingale orchestra played at Harper ward last Wednesday. On Wednesday, January 28th Thel-m- a Bronson was married to Hyrum G. Udy of Fielding. They were married in the Logan Temple, accompanied by Mrs. Udy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bronson. They are respected young people and all their many friends here join in wishing them much happiness and success in life. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nielsen and children went to the Logan Temple , was spent in playing games and re day evening by the following ladies: Mesdames Wallace Bourne, Dean j freshments were served. i Coombs, J. W; Earl, Leo Farnswprth, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie motored 1. L N.'Garn, Cecil Haskil, W. B. Hansen, to Salt Lake Saturday, where they Geo Abbott made a business trip to will W. Hancber Gaddie Charles Hunter Dr. and Keith preach Driggs J. H. Lamb, M. J. Udy, A. W. Price, spent a few days, returning home at the Methodist church Sunday evenOgden Tuesday. A. R. Udy, E. O. Wilcox, Carl Welling left for California Wednesday of last N. W. Olsen was a business visitor Tuesday. ing at eight o'clock. Following the ser and Mrs. J. D. Welling. Many guests week. A large number from this place at- vices he will preside at the Second in Salt Lake City, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning spent from various the communities the in tended the basket ball game in Logan Quarterly Conference. All official Air. unii Davis or Malad was a last week in Salt Lake City. valley were invited. visitor of 0. L. Brough, Tuesday. Saturday evening. members are urged to be present for Miss Vanola of Orwin Lake Salt Thursday evening, Mr .and Mrs. Lee Miss Maudell Seager went to Salt Mr. and Mrs. J. J. White spent the this meeting. with last week her City spent parents Sanders were the complimented guests Lake City Friday, returning Sunday week-en- d with relatives and friends The Sunday school will be held at at a surprise party at their home. The Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Orwin. in Spanish Fork. evening.' Grace Miss usual hour of ten A. M. Junior Marriott has the returned evening was spent in games and a late home The following were transacting busi services at eleven A-- M. Story in after church three Harold weeks Persson Salt to motored spending Mr. Sanwas served. and Mrs. supper ness in Brigham City and Ogden Sat Salt Lake Lake sermon by the pastor "What Is City. City Sunday. ders moved to their home in Kaysville vrday: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kay, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren atT. Arbon, of high school faculty, J. League meetings at 7:1 Saturday. Mrs. Zeb White, Mrs. J. O. Garfield tended a party in Salt Lake City Wed- was a Brigham City visitor Saturday. P. M. The girls Junior choir will furMrs. Zina Peck and son, Horace, and son, Day, Mrs. Charles Garfield Edna Capener, student of the U. S. nish special music for both morning evening of last week. former residents returned after an ab nesday and children, Glen, Fay and Lavern, Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck and small A. C, spent the week-en- d with her and evening services . sence of several years, to reside at Mr. and Mrs. Jess Garfield, Leslie were R. CapMrs. A. and daughter, Mayor Sherry parents, Jean, Your presence is always appreciated Logan their home here. Garfield, Mrs. K. H. Fridal and son visitors Thursday. ener. our services. If you have not been at John. Mrs. Ira Fridal and Mrs. R. G Mr .and Mrs. Lavern Wilcox were The Misses Verna and Jessie Bishop Mrs. Harry Knott and daughter, to church for some time, come Sunday Brough. Sunday guests of relatives here. spent last week with relatives and Francis, were Ogden visitors Satur- Get the church going habit. The Wilford Olsen of Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Richards enter friends, in Salt Lake City. day. church is a bulwark to our civilizavisited his brother, N. W. Olsen two tained at a theatre party at the LibMr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis are rejoicBill Howard, of Salt Lake City, tion. It is a strong moral and spiritdays last week. erty in Tremonton Thursday evening, ing over the arrival of a baby girl is visiting here with friends. ual force in any community. It stands-fo- r Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and their guests were Mr .and Mrs. F. T, born last week. U. S. A. C. stuthe best things of life, and above Margaret Manning, children have been visiting Mrs. Pe Coombs and Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Spade Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway mo- dent, spent the week-en- d with her from its pulpit comes theXYes-saall else par terson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry man. tored to Salt Lake City Thursday, re- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning . of Eternal Life. You cETnot Jensen of Hyrum, for several days. John Petersen of Brigham City were turning Friday. A. R. Capener, Mr .and Mrs. afford to reject its message nor deny Mayor Roma Peterson was guest of honor the week-en- d and Sunday guests of Miss Edna Capener, student of the G. G. Sweeten. P. C. Petterson and J. its tremendous influence for good. We at a birthday party Thursday afterMr. and Mrs. Emar Harris. U. S. A. C. has been appointed stage J. Shumway motored to Salt Lake welcome you. Come to ChurchSunday noon, when eight of her little friends Mr .and Mrs. Hyrum Udy announc- manager for the Kampus R. Dickson, Pastor. Alvin City Kaprice Tuesday, Wednesday. returning were present and enjoyed the variety es the marriage of their son, Glenn, to Vaudeville, to be given this month. of games and delicious luncheon. A last Wednesday. Miss Thelma Bronson, daughter of F. S. Peck made a business trip to ten large birthday cake adorned with Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Hansen were Mr. and Mrs. John Bronson of El Ogden Friday. candles centered the dining table. wood, the wedding taking place Janu Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten and Brigham visitors last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and Mrs. P. C. Petterson were Ogden visQuite a number from this place en- ary 28th in the Logan Temple. Miss Lavern Harris left Saturday itors Thursday. daughter Roma were Logan visitors on joyed the e dance at Bear RivSunday. for Salt Lake City where she has er City last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall are rejoic Mrs. Louis Dodd of Harper visited Lyle Nielsen, little son of Mr. and accepted a position at the Salt Lake ing over the birth of a baby girl. her parents, Mr .and Mrs. George, Mrs. Elmer Nielsen had the misfor Beauty Shop. A number of Garland residents attune Brough, Monday.. off a ladder Thursday tended the dancing party at Fielding -0. L. Brough made a business trip and breaking his collar bone. He is last week. to Brigham City Monday. Miss Francis Knott, student of the getting along nicely. Vernon Hansen came home Friday U. S. A. S. spent the week-en- d with DRY COMPANY i to spend the week-en- d her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry from the U. of Utah, where he is attending school Elwood Miss Ree Orme spent the fore part Knott. He was a speaker at the Tremonton of the week Sargent Streeper, of the high school visiting friends in TreSchool Sunday morning. in Salt faculty spent the week-en- d monton. The Misses Merva Baily, Zesta Tay Sunday Will give 2 days a week service Tuesday and Friday miss ijavera innstensen came Mr. Alvin College of Salt Lake is Lake City. lor and Fredoma Strickler and the home On family washing and dry cleaning from Castle Gate Emery Co., visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. W. Chambers made a busi Robert Jones, Dewey Ravero and week-ento spend the ness trip to Brigham City Friday. Clifford College. Woodruff Deem, students of the We In A Newly Renovated and Equipped fearl Mortensen was accompanied Air. and Mrs. R. J. Stayner and son, Plant Mr. and Mrs. Royal Grant and Mrs. ber High School, who gave the As home from Thatcher school by Miss J. M. Grant were who have been Lake in Herbert, Salt in Ogden visiting sembly program at the Bear River LADIES SILK DRESSES OUR SPECIALTY for some time, returned home vis Thursday. Hodges. Ihey spent the week-en- d High School on "Friday, January 30th iting Mrs. Mortensen. Mary Mrs. Samuel Payne of Brigham were guests of Norma and Milton AnNina Larsen spent the week-enThe 'M' Men and Gleaner Girls of at spent the week-en- d at the home of Mr. We call for and deliver derson at their home Friday afternoon home Phone 132 from Brigham, where she is and Mrs. Frank Hunsaker. the ward M. I. A. had a sleighing and evening. school. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hunsaker were party .baturday evening. Mr. Jones .who is President of the teaching Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen and in Mrs. Ursel Rose, who is spending Ofden Saturday. Weber County High School, together small also Pheonix Christen-se- n the children, winter in Logan, spent the weekM. Gold The A. I. and all Green with Milton Andersen were Utah Fuweek-en- d in Preston, was held last Thursday night. A good end at her home here. ture Farmers delegates to the third Idahospent the visiting relatives and friends. crowd attended and a good time was Complimenting the birthday anniNational Congress of F. F. A. which Tremonton Utah Mr. and. Mrs. June Thompson and had, versary of her son, Keith, Mrs. L. E. by all. was held in Kansas City, Mo. in No visited Ohman Mrs. Walker Rivin baby Bear entertained his a number Mr. of vember. Lyman Chlarsen was in Ogden friends Sunday afternoon. The time on business last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Francom accom er City last Sunday. Mrs. Burnice Hunsaker and children Miss June Haws of a was to Brigham Lake Salt panied Wayne Monday visited her mother, Mrs. Ohman of guest of Miss Grace Hunsaker, Thurs morning where he will attend the Mis Bear River City last Sunday. day night. sion school before leaving for the Cen Those from here who went to BrigM'sses Lois Peterson of Garland and tral States Mission. ham City last Monday to meet with Nelda Burns of Tremonton were week Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunsaker are re- the Commissioners were: Amos Han ent truests of Ree Arme. sen, Casper Andreasen, W. W. Niel AUTOS IN AFRICA The basket ball men met with a de sen, H. C. Hansen, Elias Andersen, H. feat when they went to play Collin There were 8,368 automobiles in P. Rasmussen and Walter E. Fridal. ston last Saturday night. Christ Hansen of Mink Creek came French West Africa in 1930, as comLeon HunsaKer was in ogden on pared with 6,172 in 1929, or a gain down last week to see the fine daugh- business Thursday. of 2,196. These included 3,201 touring ter of Hector Height of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Boothe and cars, 4,994 motor buses and trucks, born January 16th, He also visited family were visiting relatives here 173 tractors, and similar vehicles. Ov- with H. C. Hansen before returning. Sunday. er 4,000 were of French make, while He visited with his mother, Mrs. Ger-- Frank Trease of this city and Miss the United States was second with trude Hansen, who is the euest of H. Tva Detta Murdock were married at J. Keller of Tremonton. the home of the grooms parents, Mr. 3,854. Italy contributed 280 and land 210. and Mrs. John Trease Saturday evening. The ceremonv was performed by Tolman. Our best CITY OF FLOWERS Bishop Abinidi wishes are extended to the couple Miss Ora Hunsaker was visiting in Florence, Italian center of art and Mr. J. L. learning, will be featured as a "City Adams of Atkinson and Mrs. Zelda Brigham Tuesday. SALMON East Garland were Friday of Flowers" in the coming springtime Our driver of the school van took of Mrs. guests and George festival commemorating the town's cul Godfrey, a large crowd of students down to the tural development. .This program of family who also had as their week-en- d High School to a basket ball game and Happy Vale fancy pink festivities will be the second celebra guest, Mr. George J. Godfrey of Clark dance last. Friday. Del Monte fancy yellow tion of its sort in Florence, but by no ston. Mr. Wynn Hunsaker spent Tuesday 1 Alaska Salmon. No. tall A dancing party was given Wednes- Cling Peaches. No. ' means the least The first, held in in. Brigham. fine Extra Utah granulated cans so successful that the 1930, proved Beet Sugar for table use. Pack city decided to perpetuate the custom. Music is to be the theme of the 1932 ed in a sanitary clothbag. Can fete. 11 H East Tremonton Methodist Church Garland Personals V1 " f ge m ANNOUNCEMENT!! old-tim- THE MODEL LAUNDRY:- - Honeyville -- -- AND ! CLEANING Of Ogden, Utah d. Up-to-Da- te d Daryl Beauty Parlor f , Prices In Our Tremonton Store Saturday Feb. 7 i Fielding Utah Beet Sugar 10 lb. bag ICELAND As an introductory offer Call No. 11 : $5.00 Standard Sweet tender Sugar Corn. No. 2 cans sum for Appointments Register By February 13th : PHYLLIS WILSON 10c Can ( 1 9L Can ) 55c CORN 10 lessons will be given for..... Nou-vell- e. 2141 10c "EXPRESSION IN DRAMATIC ART" Iceland's Allting, "the oldest parliament in the world" is expected to vote for the nation's entry into the League of Nations this year, according to a dispatch in L Europe This country is the only one in Western Europe that has not yet joined the League. The vote for membership was urged last year at the time of the ceremonies commemorating the thousandth anniversary of the Allting, but the government was loath to disturb its harmony of the national fete by parliamentary dissension; Such, s vote will be an affirmation of the island's total independence. PEACHES BUTTER Harvest Bell Flour Butter in now at its lowest price for many years. 29c Lb. An family flour. Every sack guaranteed to to please or your money cheer fully refunded. all-purpo- se PEAS DEPENDABLE PROPERTY INSURANCE Don't THE VALUE OP YOUR INSURANCE PROTECTION IS MEASURED BY THE RELIABILITY OF THE COMPANY BACK OF IT. THIS AGENCY REPRESENTS ONLY WELL KONWN AND PROVEN COMPANIES, OFFERING EVERY NEEDED FORM OF INSURANCE PROTECTION. IT WONT COST, YOU ANYTHING TO ASK US FOR INFORMA-- i TION AND ADVICE. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU EV- - j ERYTHING WE CAN ABOUT EFFICIENT, DEPENDABLE IN-- 1 SURANCE PROTECTION. Neglect your Eyes Van Alens Dainty Sweet Peas. No. 2 cans. 15 c Can. 48 lb. bag 83c SOAP Largest selling laundry Soap. P. & G. White. 10 bars 29c 1 ! They mean too much to you. We have the Experience and Equipment to give you the Best in Optoraetric JAMES BROUGH PHONE US TODAY Bonds : Insurance B. V. Utah Standard Pack Tomatoes. No. 2 Notary Public IL cans SOMETHING NEW V TOMATOES R. PHONE 101 3 cans 33c Oranges BEANS Fancy quality Navel Oranges Sweet and. full of juice. : Mediant Size Little Boy Blue quality i 1. cut String Beans.. liSc doz. No. 2 cans .... 10c A Group - Auto - Insurance Inquire About It 'mrrcBEr Phone 794.1. LELAND J. HANSON ft Local Agent Wef Are A V The Low - Priced JLeader s Where duality Counts |