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Show o FSu-- e o cjoBinnall Cflonneovneps Insurance, 120 N. 100 E., American Fork J. Ralph Back to School night successful ILilffe State Farm Insurance Companies Office: Bkxxnington, Illinois 756-351- 8 EAiM INSURANCE Home Public Notice Advertising Your Right to Know Lehi legal Public Hearing - Board of Adj. Planning and Zoning meeting of a There will be meeting of the Lehi City Planning and Zoning Commission held Oct. 1, 1985 at 7 p.m. in the Council Lehi City Chambers located at 105 North 100 East. The agenda shall be as follows: 1. Approval Third place winner was Dorthea Strasburg. She won a subscriptin to the PTA magazine, "Sound-Off.- " Application to variance on the side yard to build John Price - Ap- a carport that is closed plication to build closer in on the rear. to the property line in Don Pinkham back than is presently Lehi City allowed because the Building Official shape of the lot makes Published in the Lehi it difficult to fit a house Free Press Sept. 25, on it. 1985. Parker George aP The Lehi City Board following Adjustment will hold plication(s): a public hearing in the Council Lehi City Chambers on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1985 at 17 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard for or against the lift (gin t!l II m tu il'" 'tn of 'ii Nn llll IttJI J Jesse L. Mellor final approval for subdivision located at 300 East 400 North. 2. -- Roy Ferguson -- mi irtn i, i lit " ;Un ' iicflr Rli MHO ill ii in Wiu c ilium ii'i:irM"fflr' Auto Body 1985. jl llll IJt Retired 3. Master plan discussion 7: 15 p.m. Published in the Lehi Free Press Sept. 25, The first prize winner, RaNae Curtis, won a night's stay at the Excelsior Hotel in Provo. !' II- Ill previous minutes. Second prize, a Gran Prix Radio from Cash's Western Auto, was won by Janet Lind. mw mi nui' sh nun " ill .$i. laxus ,atrjTjl4 saiOHD'tlr w itmuiusja i fflfXUS "IMffii jwi 'T'1 Now at home address: Jeff Kirkpa trick has lead role in Valley Centre Theatre play 682 East 100 South, Alpine Paint, insurance, glass work. 756-441FREE estimates. 2 Jeff Kirkparick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirkpatrick, will appear AUTO & TRUCK GLASS in Valley Centre Theatre's production of "Mission Call," a play by Marie Myer. Introducing Denise F. new designer Jeff is playing the lead role of "Will Nielson," a missionary called to serve in Tahiti. "Mission Call" is a true story, according to Jeff. Eastman "WE COME TO YOU" ALSO SLIDING TRUCK WINDOWS at 1 Nancy Blackburn Interior Design Exclusive Floor Coverings Accessories The play is on Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings until 8 p.m. Curtain time is 8 p.m. and tickets are $3.50 for adults and $2.75 for Commercial or Residential All your students. designing needs Get OUR Estimate Before YOU Spend Side Windows Leaks Fixed Windshields Back Windows SERVING ALL OF UTAH COUNTY Insurance Claims Wallcoverings Lehi senior is also music director for Lehi High's production of "Cheaper By the Dozen" The Denise Ferguson Eastman 'Exclusive Draperies AMERICAN FORK. Nancy Blackburn Interior Design scheduled for late October. The story is about Frank and Ernestine Gilbreth, efficiency engineers, and the pathos, and comedy of their efficiency efforts. 225-870- 756-216- 2 9 Weekdays 756-441- 2 0 to 6 Jeff Kirkpatrick LHS to hold ALPINE, NEBO AND PROVO SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYEES: parent-teach- er c conferences conferences r STATE PUBLIC NOTICES Protects Back to School Night at Lehi Elementary was a huge success, according to Karla Nielsen, PTA publicist. and children parents Many gathered to hear the school's plans for the coming year and to get acquainted with the teachers. The school mascot, Lehi Lite, helped to create school spirit and a highlight of the evening was the drawing of prizes for the membership drive. Parent-Teache- HeGaDoEa at Lehi High School will be held Oct. 2, from 3 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Teachers will be in the gym. Three videos will be shown inin the "Marijuana cluding Classroom," a video on tobacco and another on teenage pregnancy. Parents are urged to view these nj mmc n films. Members of the PTA will be on hand to sell tickets for a beautiful quilt to be given away at the football game on Oct. 17. The quilt is made of purple and white cotton fabric with the quilting pattern featuring the Lehi High School logo. The beautiful quilt is hand quilted and would be a lasting momento of yours or your children's school days. Tickets are only $1 and are available from any PTA officer. Call Kaye Peterson or Connie Nielsen for more information. The PTA membershp drive will continue until Oct. 17. All who join PTA will be eligible for gift certificates from local merchants. Drawings for these prizes, as well as the quilt, will be held during the football game that day. ON MM If you're an employee of Alpine, Nebo or Provo School Districts, now you have another choice for your health care provider. It's HealthWise, Utah's fastest growing Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). HealthWise has a statewide network of over 900 participating private practicing Physicians and 17 hospitals. (96 of those physicians are in I Utah County, and four hospitals.) That's more than any other Health maintenance organization can offer. With HealthWise you also have AEROBIC FITNESS PROGRAM i ONE FREE CLASS OR $2.00 I rhtiMt only) w 1 Ma'cfc Am. Fork Deni -- OFF thit ad Good tiru with Alpin Vj Sherry 225-549- Call for Inform of tn on dayi llnrn. r ' m m m wit Utev m - : ; i. DOKMA'S Kit. TOU3S, NEW WATTS NUMBER Orem & Am. Sat. morning; WENDOVER Fork pickup Thurs. Fri. afternoon, $10 COST, $10 CASH & 5 p.m. BACK PLUS Super Fun Package Oct. Jackpot llM li more clinics and pharmacies (all the major food store chains, and many independents) to choose from. FREEDOM OF CHOICE. That means you get more freedom of choice with better benefits than most traditional health insurance programs, and there are no payroll deductions with HealthWise. COMPARE OUR QUALITY OF CARE. With HealthWise, you get Utah County private practicing physicians, local medical facilities, and convenient access. That means you get the quality of health care you're used to, when you need it. What's more, because we're a locally owned and operated subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Utah, you can expect prompt personalized through our downtown Provo office. ENROLL NOW. Make sure that you get the best choose HealthWise, 12 customer service in health care benefits the solution to your health insurance problems. days, 3 nites, Oct 20. $75 10 cash back Elko- - Overrule. J30couple, 4 Veps days. 3 nites $65 Every Thursday Overnight. $10, every Saturday Reno- - 4 Wells- - Dnney - The Smart Choice .8 days. S190. individuals & Groups Welcome Nov 7 Free HEALTHWISE $75. day days. Oct 14 BijceZion V Federally A subsidiary Oualilied Health Moinlenance Ice. Popcorn Cngo Pop. Cups, Prizes and Fun galore can lor detans A 6 1434 0tgonl;olion ol Blue Cross ond Blue Shield: Utah's Favorite Color ol Insuranre |