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Show The 8 7W Times-New- s Nephi, Utah Dec. 7,1978 It PaysTc Shop in Nephi The News, Vol. 2 , Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, Nov. 28, 1940 No. 48 CT1 The Times, Vol. "3 fr J 3 , No. 48 1 kJJ Lights To Be 1 urned On; Program Presented From High School Building 7 P. School Board Local - Social Election Next Happenings Nephi Social News R. Stanley Services Set For Friday Mr. and Mrs. H .E. Black and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Gardner family were Ogden visitors Sunday. spent Saturday in Salt Lake City. Lea Thurston of Manti was the Gordon Bailey visited over the Four Seek Position week end with his parents, Mr. and guest of Douglas Cox over the Nephi Man Dies week end. Mrs. Wilford Bailey. From District Monday Following Mrs. Samuel P. Nielsen visited Mr. and Mrs. Urin Gee of MorNumber Three week with relatives In Salt Lake oni spent Friday with their son-iLingering Illness i law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. City. All registered voters of the NeFuneral services will be conductClarence Ockev. Letters To Santa Will Mr. and Mrs. George Christian- ed Friday at 2 P. M. in the South phi South Ward will have an opfor ballot cast to their of Cedar Miss Elizabeth Foote sen motored to Moroni Sunday and ward chapel for Ruben Stanley, 74. portunity Get Prompt Answers a school board member next Wed- City visited over the week end died at his home here Monday visited with relatives and friends. for that in Nephi with her parents, Mr. and nesday, when the election following a lingering illness. The All andwho boys Nephi girls Mrs. W. H. Belliston spent the services will be in charge of Bishop district, School Board Representa- Mrs. V. M. Foote. want to write to Santa Claus, can tive Precinct No. 3, will be held. Thanksgiving holidays with relativ- P. B. Cowan and interment in the n be will this he assured that Ed. year Wortji-liDr. T. Warren Allred, incumbent, Margaret Crapo and Vine Bluff cemetery will be directRex Hawkins spent the holidays es and friends in Salt Lake City not only receive their letters but of Salt Lake City were weekLester H. Belliston, A. L. Garbett ed by Anderson funeral home. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl will one. answer each Mr. and Mi's. Ivin Dyreng and promptly The smvbol of the birth of the and James A. Phillips are the can- end guests at the home of her parE. Hawkins. Mr. Stanley was born in Nephi NeThats the arrangement the children of Salina spent Sunday in Christ Child was the biiliiant light didates whose names appear on the ents, Mr and Mrs. A. J. Crapo. Mr. and Mrs. Baine Norton of Nephi with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. October 20, 1866, the son of Wilfrom the Star of That phi .Junior Chamber of Commerce, official list of nominations publishliam and Ellen Pass Stanley. He Miss Claudia Faribourne was a led the Wise men to the Christmas Activity Committee, has Los Angeles announce the birth of Cox. ed in this issue. holi- symbol married Jessie L. Jarrett in 1890, over the himself. made with Santa Thanksgiving guest to a on and 10th. son They is of their Christ the not November It pay opportunity only Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pay were and following her death in 1902 he Dr. and Mrs. birthplace Since that of home at the will all his which receive mail has days of this ail of residents the time, homage. priviledge Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bailey visitors at the home of her moth- married Meda Holst. He spent his Christian people have given special ample postage (2c for local letters district to vote at the school board L. C. Warenski. and 3c for children in neighboring spent Thanksgiving day in Ogden er, Mrs. Carl Crowther on Thanks- entire lifetime in this city, engagelection, but it is also their duty. Mr. and 'Mrs. James R. Stanley significance lo light as their sign ing in many different enterprses. communities) and forward them with Mr. and Mrs. Reid W, Bailey. giving day. They should have ample Interest and family spent Thanksgiving day of renewed faith in Christianity. Survivors include his widow, and ia AIR MAIL to Santa at his in the affairs of the school district at the home of Mr. and Mrs. San-le- y Mrs. Davson Camille Bailey and Milton Tew, a student at Snow the following sons and daughters: Friday December 6th, the Christ- North pole home. As soon as to determine, in their own mind, id B. Wilson in Eureka. of Midvale are visiting for a R. V. mas lights of Nephi City will be he receives them, he promises the College, visited on Thanksgiving Stanley and Florence Stanwhich of the candidates they feel announcing the official Nephi hoys and girls a prompt ans-v- . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan week at the home of her parents, ley of Nephi; James R. Stanley of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowers and turned on, is best qualified for the position, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Cazier. Tew. of the Christmas season to er. Mona, Ellen A. Cass and Jessie E. and go to the polls on Wednesday family of Payson spent Thursday opening of and the McGill, Nevada, William Write your letter to Santa Claus Wright, and cast their ballot accordingly. and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. the people cities Nephi Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christiansen Miss Melba Christiansen of Log- L. The today, and tell him to look over and towns. Stanley, Scipio; Edgar E. StanThe board member named in J. Bowers Jr. of Logan spent a few days last an was a guest over the Thanksgivdecorand for the Mrs. Joseph E. Cox, Henry, lighting all the fine toys on display in plans next Wednesdays election will hold week in Nephi at the home of Mr. ing holidays at tne home of Miss ley, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Anderson ating of Nephis business section Nephi, and get you that nice doll Ralph and Clarence Stanley, and the office for a term of five years, G. R. Judd. Mrs. and Florence Crane. elabmore are now and Marie White, all of Sail Lake City, or a fine doll buggy, or some other complete announce the birth of a son, on starting January 1, 1941. and Mrs. Earl White of Nampa, beautiful article on dispaly in NeNovember 24 Mrs. Anderson was orate than ever before. The work, D. L. Bailey, a student at the H. Pex-toMr. Mrs. E. and Black had Idaho. under the direction of Munro U. S. A. C. spent Thanksgiving as phi stores. formerly Miss Evelyn Brough. Junior Chamber of Commerce day guests their one great Forty Mr. and Mrs. William son Thanksgiving with day Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers Jr. Christmas lighting chairman, and Keith, a student at Weber grandchild,grandchildren, and the following Bailey. in College, have as their guests this week, Ray Powell, Nephi City Electrician To Present Musical Ogden, and Lane Pet- brothers and sisters also survive: J. E. Robertson and Cecil Owens of is under way to make Nephi the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gadd and fam- erson of Scipio. William Stanley, Mrs. James W. finest lighted and decorated city in Long Beach, California, Next Week James Greenhalgh, H. H. ily visited during the Thanksgiving Jarrett, Comedy Mrs. I. M. Petty received word Utah for the third consecutive holidays in Salt Lake City at the Greenhalgh and Joseph H. GreenMiss Dona Belliston, a teacher at year. a musical unCynthia's of is Strategy left of today the birth (Thursday) home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Larson. Nothing being all of Nephi, Mrs. Joseph A. son to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hest-mar- k halgh, Delta, visited over the week end done by either the Nephi Junior comedy, w ill be presented Wednesof Sait Lake City and Mrs. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chamber of Commerce, and the day evening, December 4th, at of Ogden. Mrs. Hestmark Park Mrs. V. M. Foote returned to James Park of Idaho Falls. 8 P. M. in the ward amusement Salt Iake City after Juab county taxpayers will have George Belliston. spending the ras formerly Miss Wanda Petty. Nephi City officials to again win hall. The is ehcir ward in sponsoring of 12 Electrical noon the oclock until Saturday at holidays Nephi. Miss Donna of Salt the coveted award the presentation, and the cast of Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Nilsson and to pay their taxes for 1940, ac- Lake City was a Belliston League of Utah for Christmas characters is Mrs. Lizzie Nason Thanksgiving day include: Ruth visited over the spending Cynthia Perry, This trophy has been daughter cording to Mabel D. Christison, visitor at the home of her parents, lighting. won by the Nephi club twice, Veida Beck; Smith Stanley Young, two weoks with her son, Emery week end in Logan at the home of Juab , County, Treasurer, who an; Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Belliston. their and daughter, Mr. and if won this year it becomes the Rodger Lunt; Stephen Perry, E. L. Nason of Helper. ticipafeS a final rush from the time Mrs. Tom Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Keeler and permanent possession ot the Club. Beck; and Susan Perry, Emma C. the office opens Saturday until Mrs. Flossie Carter had as her and Cannon. non. children of Provo were Thanksd opening will get unThe cast is supported by all of guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Taxes this year have been com- giving day visitors at the home of derThe gland ar the choir members Whittaker of Salt Lake City. with an A new plan for holding quarterly in song and ing about the same as usual, Mrs. her mother, Mrs Katherine Bowles. rangedwayprogram fromespecially the roof of dance. A small admission charge Instead of monthly meetings of its Christison reports, with a large Mr. Mrs. and Norman Bowen executive board has been announc-b- y Mrs. Josephine DeWolf of Og- the high school building during w ill be made. her with percentage of the total being paid. spent Sunday mother, turnbe will the which time lights the Utah National Parks council den was a guest at the home of Mrs. W. W Kone of Tooele. on by Mayor P. L. Jones and as with headquarters in Profo. This her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William ed a will Claus Santa climax grand decision was unanimously approvReid Judd, a student at the U. Bailey on Thanksgiving. Honor Services step down from his sled drawn by Marriages, Engagements S. A. C was a Thanksgiving day Ephraim Sunday after spending the ed at the last meeting of the execThis lovable personage Are Announced Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Howell, reindeers. visitor in Nephi at the home of his Thanksgiving holidays with her utive board, according to Dr. M. W. Sunday Evening Vern Cox, and Mr. and Mrs. And- will then distribute some 3,000 parents, Mr and Mrs. G. R. Judd, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B Merrill, President. anMr. C. Mrs. W. and Johnson rew Shepherd of Fairview were bags of candy and nuts provided Bee-HiUnder the new arrangements, She is a student at Snow girls of Juab stake Will nounce dauthe marriage of their the Junior Chamber of ComMr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson of; Ockey. four Scouters Departmental Conclise their Silver Jubiloee year on guests Saturday at the home of by College. to Dick Nielson on Ogden, Miss Ida Wilson, a student merce. Special anangements have ghter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell. ferences will be held during the Sunday evening, when they will November 16, at Gallup, New Mex- at the B Y. U., and her guest, Miss been made for Santa Claus to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bowen and year at various centers in the counpresent the following program In Mr. and ,Mrs. A. W. Clyde of sonally Mt children who are perico The young couple are honey- Lenore Robinson visited with Mrs. sick the Stake Tabernacle at 7:30 P. M. American Fork, and Mrs Chloe and cannot attend the daughters Marie, Violet and Bar. cil. These will be on December mooning in New Mexico at the Alex Wilson on Thanksgiving. program. bara were Thanksgiving and week 7 at Richfield: March 1, at Provo; music, Mary Sells; Alexander of Caldwell, Idaho were PreliminaryBee-Hitime. present All the merchants of Nephi are visitors at the home of Mr, May 3 at Cedar City and Septemsong service, girls; lnvoc-ation- ,, visitors at the home of Mr. Howard Belliston, who is attend- end Mrs. ber 6, at Provo. The selection of participating in the Gala opening Elaine Nielsen; "Our Silver Sunday and Norman Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Gowers. of Mrs. wras and the McPherson a ing Roy Utah, University and will hold open house Friday different points in the council area Nielson, Stake Bee announce Jublpe, Pearl the visitor and at the apengagement Thanksgiving day Junior Bodell, a student at the for these meetings was made to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Painter had evening for the people of the trade Keeper; We are Grateful for the of their daugh- home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peace of our Nation Which has as Thanksgiving day guests, their area to visit their stores and in- proaching marriage Branch Agricultural college in Ce- promote full attendance from evAnn to Robbins Belliston. D. ter, George Maty Rudy dar City spent the Thanksgiving ery District at all conferences. Made Possible the Jubilee Trail, daughters, Miss Ruby Painter, and spect their stock, s which are more son Mrs. Katherine D. Ann Clair Bailey; singing, God Mrs. Willard Saunders and baby complete and larger than ever be- Young, of SaltofLake vacation here with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Monthly meetings of the council Mrs. Lunt and Floyd marHarry an City. The fore in Nephis history. Three Young will be carried on by a rs- Ora Bless America; We are Graeful daughter, of Salt Lake City. Lunt. will take place on December Beagley were guests for several riage of ten a thousand our for copies Church and Its Way for page of the executive board comdays last week at the home of! Ross Park, a student at the Snow tabaloid Christmas advertising sec- 11 in the Salt Lake Temple. rtrs. John C Hall had posed of the President, vice presMr. and Mrs. Ray Kelson in Salt Girls, Blance Ockey; Singing, We of tion the Thanksin the as their guests on Thanksgiving, idents, treasurer, and chairmen of Thank Thee O God For a Pro- College advertising carrying Ephraim, spent Lake City. and the week end at the Neph merchants will be dstrbuted, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie King of Provo, the separate committees. In these phet; "What I liked Best on the giving of the this trade Mrs. J. L. Bellison and sons Wal- - Tom Hal, who is attending the U. regular meetings current business Jubilee Trail, patrons Mildred Powell; home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. showng Local-Soci- al merarea that a complete line of e e Ralph Park. Jubilee Song ter, Allen and Jimmie, Miss Alice S. A. C. in Logan, and his guest, will be transacted, and these actchandise for Christmas can be had on the ions will be presented at the quarChristiansen and Miss Mary E. Charles Kasler of Logan. girls; Brown spent Thanksgiving day in. Memmott, a student at here at prices equal to, or less than conference of the entire execTrail, Tribute by Stake Y. W. M. Byron terly I. A President, Priscilla Wilson; the A. C. in Logan and Heber can be found elsewhere in the state. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Burns and utive board. Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Local merchants for the ChristAt the Departmentalized Confer"The Trail from the Sidelines, J. Memmott of St. George, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mangelson E. L. Brown. family, and Mrs. E. B. Burton and of Salt Lake City were the ences all the District Chairmen and Ralph Wilkins; "The Jubilee Trail Thanksgiving holidays with their mas opening evening are display- and Mrs. Maria Petersoni were family Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Beck and son guests on e parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Mem- ing in their windows 100 valuable guests on Honor Roll Call. Tribute to Thanksgiving day at the all other Scout officials of every Thanksgiving day at the prizes whoh will be given free home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Don spent the Thanksgiving week home of Mr. and Mrs. William district in the council are expected girls adn awarding of Jubilee mott. end at to Nevada where the Baker, Honor Badges, Burton. persons holding corresponding Mangelson at Nephi. Laura Morgan, to be present. These officials inEmmett O'Gara, a student at the numbers. These numbers will be Stake Bee Keeper; Presentation of clude chairman of ail committees Mr. and Mr3. N. G. Taylor, and Willardson family held a reunion of Warren and at Utah, University the home of in C. next Bee-HiChristmas found Willardweek's Mrs. A. M. Latimer and Mrs. and their members; district comHonor George girls, Ida Beck; of the A. C. at Logan vis- advertising section of The Times-New- Mr. and Mis. Ovsen Taylor spent sonParks Anderson entertained at last week in Butte, Montana at the singing, Carry On; benediction, OGara, missioners. troop committee, scout over ited holitha is Thanksgiving There Eleanor Young. absolutely nothing home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron TayThailksgiving dinner Thursday in masters and assistant scoutmasters. Mr Mrs and Rrieham Garrett with Mr. their and days parents, to are to win a piize. The publiq is cordially invited to Mrs. M. M. They buy lor. W. m Following a brief executive sesO'Gara. absolutely free. attend. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Johnson civine dav out P&nguitch. Other sion, they will separate for train5000 of people attend- and family of Ogden spent Thanksing and dsicuss on sessions into Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ralphs of ed Upwards Garrett and the Christmas opening ceremon- giving in Levan at the home of various and Panguitch with each Modepartments, of son Delbert and of Pitt Bountiful Ephraim, Stanley ies held last year and were thiilled Mrs. T. J. McClure, Ralphs JUAB HIGH SCHOOL Soouter meeting with the leaders mother of and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dahlen Norton Latimer of Cedar City. dena, Harold Olpin and Lee Arbon, by the program, lighting displays. Mrs. Johnson. in charge of his particular field oi of Provo. students at the University of Utah, Santa Claus, and the friendly spirMr. and Mrs. Vara Cheney and NEWS ITEMS Misses Beth Connelly and Beth This will were guests at the home of Mr. and it shown by the crowds, and by the Scouting. every two children left for their home Scouter in the council give Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Knight had Plans are already underway for Mrs. W. J. Olpin during Thanksgiv- entire businessmen population of Franrom returned to Salt Lake the opporin Laketown City Monday after spending the as Thanksgiving day visitors, four Sunday. Mrs. Cheney tunity to meet with men in iike the big festive Nebonian Yearbook ing and the wek eend. Nephi. holidays here with sisters of Mrs. Knight and two and children have been visiting at position and to direct their activdance. The date has been set for This year's program has been Thanksgiving brothers-in-latheir "Builders of Our Flag, a pagMr. and Mrs. A. J. the home of her parents. Mr and ities and involve more successful parents. December 20th. and a humerous planned to le out-- t indmg over ail Miss Martha Franrom who is Terry and family of Beaver, Mr. Mrs. J. A. Kendall for the past policies. assembly program is underway to eant by the Central School, will be previous is he and the pul years, Mr. Cheney spent teaching school at Fairview this and Mrs. Elbert Sanford of Delta, three weeks. be presented the last period of the presented in the high school auditvear spent Thanksgiving at the and Mrs. Nillie Wixon and Annie the week end at the Kendall home. same day. Each class, club, and orium Thursday, Decembe 5th, at urged to attend. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert of Oak City. orvarious types of organizations will 8 P. M. The Parent-TeacheJ. L. Franrom. Daryl and LaMar Stanley returnhave booths with numerous types ganization is sponsoring this proMr. and Mrs. S. P. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nosack and ed to Logan Sunday to resume of refreshments to be sold. The gram, and a small admission charge Farewell Meeting Set ind Vmnie Christensen spent the son Billie of Riverton visited over their studies at the U. S. A C., aftrevenue from these booths will be will be made. Thunks. used to pay for their yearbook .vmg holiday in Centerfield the week end with Mr. and Mrs. er spending Thanksgiving vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dar- Rodger Lunt. and with Mrs. Nos- at the home of their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olpin For Friday Evening space and thereby take the ia! Childs They were accompanied ack's brother-in-laand sister, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stanley. away from each Indiv- and children of Ogden, Miss Mary At North Ward Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chrisfinrsen home that i.ight by Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. George Stephenson of Leidual. It Is Important that we Olpin, a student at Weber College Mrs. Arvilla Lunt, Mrs. Ardella announce the marriace of their Bird Childs. van. and Neida Impress it on your minds that this in Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs, Dnrvl Dr.ny M. A will I. The North Ward Is not a school dance. daughter, Miss Alice Christiansen, Warenski. and Mrs Zoe Gibson Aijstm Mangelson, who has spent It Is an Olpin of McGill, Nevada were visat a f trowed pilgrim in to Allen Edwin Pel'iston, son of sure time Mr. Mrs. n entertainment sponsored by the on- itors on Thanksgiving day at the sponsor and A. Monday J. at the Kendall Mrxbo, evening had Tjcumrari, Fr. lav eser.ng n er. v i the word Lunt home for the teachers and of- Mrs. J. L. Belliston. The marriage ly project Juab high puts out as a home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Oipin. 7 30 P. Mchap for Clair Kniill who r.ts. (Mr a few riavs C.with h.s par-- i as their guests during the Thanks- ficers of the South whole. This Is a public dance and Mrs. Mangel-suand A. ward primary. took place Monday, November 25 Mr. and Mrs. giving holidays: will Rase this ttok er.d Ur a Mrs. Naomi Belliston lie was A enroute to your patronage and cooperation was had charge at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. at Miss held the Hinton. Della Ogden Wayne party Kendall, of '(in. uncle and aunt of the bride would be appreciated. the where has heen home of Miss Carma Vrkers last n,iThe games Henen-wafrom transferred the and E,l)ie during Vern Kendall, evening. Brown, program will con Nt of var- Mf ;ro The second issue of The Clarion Friday evening. Games and re- ious er.ti returned to St. George Refreshments were served to 23 groom, in Sait Lake City, They a and tions. rGinog se( Foliowing the ceremony, a wedJua bhigh school paper, was issued freshments were servt d to: MNses t ok Lee Mjrfenson, who is attending Sunday. Special guests were Mrs. J. Walter iy the m, or ary and ding breakfast was served by Mr Paxman and Mrs. Yvonne Carter. last week. Elaine Ostler is Editor Melba Christiansen of Logan. Mel- offo ers the U. S A C. spent Thanksgiving and Mrs. Brown. of the paper. The Clarion Staff ba Jbne. Carma Virk rs, Florerre w.rh rr iv ec here. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. .Andrews, The bride wore a blue velvet afJ -i are to be complimented on such a Crane, Lucille Hail. Jai e Burriige, M" Mrs Arrh; Lundsteen Mr and Mrs. George Worthington, PRIMARY UNION MEETING temoon dress wih corsage of gar-- t e well planned paper. Copies of each Barbara Burridge, Ida A'ilson, of Jo are vis.ting in Mr. and Mrs Wm Worthington, SATURDAY Oregon denia and white ro buds AFTERNOON Issue are sent to the surrounding Lev'ii. at he hi me of his parents, and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Park of Bigler, Lenore Re v ison. an!. TJe J r,h S' le Pi' They are at present on a hope Mrs N r's Lun schools, and In turn the Clarion Warren OGara. Tom ?a, Ross Ur ,n n- - t - g w T to t. d S this ser-v- i attended the funeral city Union Primary M- meeting will be moon trip to California, ar.dvn r e X rt h receives a copy of other papers Park, H M's Aion Clareno ard D'" - Dr 1 in es of Annie Andrews Hill. The held Reid, in the South ward their ret irn they Saturday a ! 1 make their !. Through this comunication students Painter, Max Lunt, Alma Garret, s, i 'r ar j v Pa';h Jackman services were held Sundav after- chapel at 3 P. M. The stake home in Nephi. where Mr a- - i Tit M ' and T.i get ideas for betterent of the var- Jack Shaw, Wilson Foog Chari", j of this noon in the 17th Ward chapel In Board would like to ill rs are i r Pdjon Is good livesf-in the ious schools. engaged ter. d Kasler. vstK in S.it Lake CVv. Sait Lake City. vul. attendance of officers and teachers. Ines. Wednesday n Santa Claus To Give Kiddies Free Candy Nephi Social News Items n, Taxes Become Delinquent Saturday Scout Leaders Make Change . son-in-la- w Le-lan- I j ve ' ve - - i Levan Bee-Hiv- Bee-Hiv- "Bee-Keepe- rs News i Bee-Hiv- s. - L,"nd S tnnllTn rs Marriage Announced n. no-ho- st -- y. 5 n- Ro-en- ' r- (a 1 iff. I S- w-,- i j j ha-.-- e |