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Show ate for producing'iCHBLE t life than in this fQR h Iowa Is the cent1 'nbune. PATTERN 0 CAPES VARIETY 943 THE FEATHERHEADS J HAVE; BeeM Viili b. THiMKiNS ABOUT MT IDEA OF SNlM5 I! up I '(CPU the house and S TAKiWty AM APARTMENT? SUFFER . By (Mown I.VM ua l AWAY IIIIW,llil'l!l'i'iSl(,THEVBE' l'l f I ji TliST To ADVERTISE It i oMLY i HAD To PU'T THE ONE CAKE OP SOAP , THE NEURITi- H 1 1 Popsell I COULPMT ThiWK OF MidHT NEVER. t GET AMT FREE SAMPLES AN APARTME ihiTJ WAY UP EUlLDlMfS- r BUT UH-HU- H 1 Sally Sez The Eternal Feminine ) . About The APARTmeMT HoW - IPE-A- ? and European Sc ree That Minera. r Is Beneficial t NATURAL W 5 nd hundreds of mil1 very year going to 1 water health resor FINNEY OF THE FORCE America. lese people have to ti miles. Many of ing untold pain aches, from artfc is, from gout. O m certain stomach ess acid or sluggisl rundown condition, ific and medical re id America show tl rcentage of these o ed relief and hel 1 mineral water By Ted OLoughiin Wtrtcta PIPJA EVER. well-m- A PERSON HEAR OF GeTTiny Good A Nanrafai Got Yob cSioRY BsL N0 IWAIB' he y A No Idle Reflections U41M nephew! 01 know For. steady some PEOPLE THE WELL-HEW- eecAuse BROKE A LOOKIN- G- mirrer.2 rf wouldn't Consider Good . THAT luck-Bu- tifsHURE iSS" A DO LIAR out Of His paY OH- - SO EreakhV DUT A MIRRER, T- , buy what ether folk a ship to Their goodj are not to hot, home yoed ise Western people buy 'Cause what It take weve get. taraTS PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTXT tV 1 - FOR IT fourih of July everybody gete te mlirhty patriotic end duet a lot of fl.tg waving. the truest patriotism begin at home -- Tnteriumsntam Brandi" produce the beat goods that money raw buy and you are being patriotic whew you buy them too, HENRY B, JONS, Daniel, Wy On the I PROFESSOR PETTIBOHES UOMC capes are so fasclnat-yo- u emart This Is a lovely town wear-an- d 14 13 adapf- DASH IT ALLl MUST EXTRICATES MYSELF THIS DREADFUL PREDICAMENT UNAIDED-ThI of credit expected letter WOULD HAVE REVEALED y so THE MAIL OF A FAMILY OF SIMILAR NAMB ABSENT FROM JONESBORO... IN IS REPOSING TO THE TOWH FAILED TO REACH HIM FROM e D museum would m scarcely condone -n BRASH ACf llr Atm DO with could HAVE BACK turtle TH3 BETRAYED I MHH SPECIAL Tor The Month O! JULT US ton Com, 'ete Su Kanibs Sunt; Count Yes can now Warn a profession that will make you indt pendent for the rest of your date. $15 per month only for the complete course of bis monthe. Phone or write (o' our catalogue. M te becom-everyon- I (I Svr 18, 20, 30, 32, 34, 30, Size 16 requires 4 yards UTAH 121 I MC, ' i2, 14, 18, by dealers display! 40. id green Crazy W i fabric and yard contrast-,ign- . Get a box to " " FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or "li " ly may be ordered only ie 'Vs (coins SMATTER POP By C. M. PAYNE Just Improving Willyums Game HAIR BALSy", H :auiyItoPG7in1?F HIGH SCHOOL ADDRESS, ftnfl SIZE, 4 your order the STYLE BEAUTY OF CULTURE So. Alain 81., Salt Lake City ASK YOUK DRUGGIST FOR APEI VE AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT MADE OF T1IK FIN! ST INURTOIKNTS NO RESIDUE. AND preferred) for this sure to write plainly your moves Dandruff StopB Refining: Service Stations in Utah and Idaho REPOSED - sorts of occasions. It 3 lize how beneficial ally attractive If made of a so many sufferers.' print, as shown In the picture; ard size box costs-- 0f the checks, stripes or fig-e- s enough mineral fabrics are nice for It. The fashionable In that llinefaf Wells , JAnes tall slenderness with aimed curves. The curved hip ' repeated by the curve of the 1 ETy e tollar and capa Mfpt Very Jra Utah Oil va,' they Charge doctors office? rifling the the man CONFIDENCE HIM? e- WHY t full and fair tria r ff&VSTALS nrz3 u Vrhy VERY SIX 1 MONTHS; I AN HE 1 filing icliabie for ABoaT HOW? -, ; Oust 5Y DONT KNOW THAT THIS WEEKS FE1ZE STORY WHICH HIS IOEHTIT SS THIRTY DOLLAR RURRER THEY PUT HIM ON PEG'LAP T wever, you do not I distances to parta qualities of fine ns b, r. You do not even k. .cessive cost of havJ1, iu in quart or gallon,' Crazy Water Cr.' own home the pre'"" one of the worldi rs in crystal form in expense. Water Crystals absi s added. All you iVater Crystals to er and you have a er which has ben it FIRST PAY week Every PAY 1 any of your friends leumatic aches or investigate EXTRA store and HETBROKEA Furniture t tell 'Bout GLASS WORKiNCt AS A ASK FOR BEET SUGAR NUM- - THE ONLY nOME SUGAR to Sewing Circle rn Department, 232 West o fti street. New Yoik. N. Y. Elght-hampo- - ideal arker'e Hair Balsam. E tiSdll- - V. 60 cents by mail mical Works, Patchog Modern Bautlful-Ne- BEAVER DAM HOTEL I on the Arizona Strip. Half Way to Don Angelea Highway No. Di 34 Milee Beyond St. George HOTEL, CABINS AND CAFE Ktanonable Kates Prohibition Repealed in Arizona CAN looking ahead had s s just lost her baby teeth thrilled at the prospect of her mother saw her look-- i mirror, seriously studying that was soon to be filled by tond teeth. Presently Doris and said : ter, I hope my new teeth will 3 Toronto ones, dont you? day a P Word to the Wiio e you have a No Tipping sign wall," remarked the diner. a yes, said the waiter, but se on a diet ever pay any at- j to it." i day NIsM L OIL CO, B. C. Hairy lenny'e MuilC nnady Berry Cups and Berry Crates new ones. 4 ought It? VS&y KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES r al,my toy, will you do tie ILL OWE FiBvoR ? X KNOW fit L1TTLS ak OfiL of Tessie, th IS HER EIETHX)A WILL YOO STOP at a florist awj seH( HevJo NAine BY WORTH OF fit mb, oa FLOWCR-- to-e- v FOR IT TO yoO. GET fit ZQ b AL! AS (SOOW AS TVllU' IS OVER.? XPRSSION HeRe's- Tessies Salt BASKET CO. & Ui City, UL Wat. till ADDRESS, x T, KOUNDTRiP TO LOS AIIGELES VIA SAN FRANCISCO From Salt Lake City and Ogden, travel to Lot Angeles via Sj I ramiico for exactly the sam toundtrip fare as via direct l. toutes. Ihis low fare is good In standard Pullmans (plus berth Girl Examiner Have you irapby 3 making up your map? wn Girl Student No, I cant 3J S West, -- Glowing Utopia was Just myth. Courier-Journa- So. I'll this summer resort folder." ville SALT LAKE BOX Ill t d It With Flowers Our Pd Peeve Along the Concrete compact. 91DHT f-- 5AV TO KEEP dun? 0t This CHURCH AH MANY Sues dip vie 60 amoot CHURCH pASSEp THAT W .iLUf- - .Hi- - O VT HWRA6P 75UR& 50 $12 TO SAN FRANCISCO $19.87 TO LOS ANGELES From Salt Lake City and Ogden, in roomy coaches on fast trains. 0H'EPASSEP a charge). "T vmno vJAYfr Esistlicm Kidfic Ior details, or write D. see your local railroad agent K. OWLN, Gineral Agent, 41 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. Week No. ItS Salt Luke CHy W.N.U. See Same Side of Moon Ka the same side of the at all times became the per-io- d a exactly th of rotation ou same time that it takes for the moon to rcsoho nrouwl the earth a little more then 27 days. We moon $3.00 K c wuti be paid for arltcie nhon'd one on 'WhY yo InlermountaSri made l.oodi BuuiHr Iti above hm) ytur atorv In prone or vire to lnirrniiMintnin Preducfe Column, I. O. Box your aiovr apjicaie tht eohinm you wiU ceive chck for bait lake in re- CKf. if |