Show report of the quorum simeon simmon A dunn box elden elder allram W mikesell Ml Ali kesell G S L city alfred randall do 10 lo F badh K fuller ri iller liler los vegas II 11 W V willis wills iron county wiiliam william W illiam lile lole meek ells eirp nepul nephi Cli chapman aliman dunan tootie Ti ioele daniel TI IT keeler george gates frances francs durch chirles Cli iries irles F randall kandall willis 1 fuller samuel samoei ogden william william M bit hit whitehead thead james G S L my olty samuel H william willum gabriel hayberry south sooth cottonwood amos ams gustin on ml maslon sion slon to canada II 11 J she Sie faker laker on milon to tb tri state states james W jones leil 0 A calvin allah itaw laws payson rayson ray pay son alexander P chesley chetley fal FAI edward ard V W clrk cirk niram hiram big diglow nathaniel p varden warden james jmes oar Car carrer Carrir rolls fl prove lorenzo john son lJoseph joseppi belfry t branfm liang liani om natch joseph Jaep ti taylors meltire natch hatch rett fett settlement lement janies james W wilkins spanish rort fort john T Itar liay barnard karnard nardy malad ephraim mcchane mec Mc chani liam dry creek creet wiiliam william K garball Par bail ball george window endows sp mantl mann jameel jamer W V preston Mountain mountainville ville vilie I 1 jemerson jeffi i ton son wright luther lather ensign william james jarne D ckles bux box elder eider william burston hiram D bayliss thomas davenport robert E miller parowan carowan Pa rowan robert shepley sall sail lake county roswell ferse zadoc parker parter thoele county charles wilder joseph C stewart john C festous weston george cory james dally iron co henry shaw aba ata davis lowa iowa nathan dutter butter janier il johnson juh Jub ratus hatus B D Llen lien ler lel ge george 0 rge IV springer silas S 3 davis ephraim cb cheney neury henry morer mores ephraim at 31 sherman residence un known unknown the quorum meets on the first sunday of every month at a t alfred randalls Ran rah ili lIl 17 ath ward wards immediately after the m morning orning meeting at the he Taber Tn bernacle tabernacle nacle Dacle all the members w ho can are requested to attend and those who have n not ot given in t thein their are particularly requested so to do hr br order of the council L IL chaffis CHAFFIN clerk cleric |