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Show TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE J. I JjjJ Online Opinion Poll !UU X RESULTS j I ( j 2002 Where willyou be during the 2002 Olympic Winter Games? j ; - i I'll be right here in Salt Lake City. Tliis is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the Games in our own backyard: 35 (61 votes) I'll be outside of Utah. It will be a mess in February.: 25 (43 rotes) I'll be around. It will be challenging trying to navigate through the seas of people: 24 (42 totes) I'll be at home. The Olympics are excitingto watch on television. 16 (27 rotes) t n n nM 1 HERITAGE continued from page 10 cultures long before the pioneers determined that'This is the Place." Mr. Gatrell continues by stating "If they don't like it, then they should have thought of that before they moved here." Is Mormon culture the only culture allowed to exist behind this "Zion Curtain?" I am under the belief that Mormons are deeply rooted in family, and this I applaud. So why would you make a statement such as this when the majority of those moving here make such a journey to unite with their families and continue their Utah heritage? And yet our Utah majority passed the "English Only" law last year. A law that all but forces an abandonment of heritage and replaces it with a Mormon conformity. This majority tried to kill Utah's ethnic voice, thinking that the world media covering the Olympics would only hear one thing: Utah's Mormon heritage. If Mormons have indeed influenced this heritage, then why is it that the representation has been to replace the heritage rather than be a part of it? i) - I have yet to see an embracing or discussion of Black Mormon Pioneers during Black History Month, and yet there were many. I wonder why we don't spotlight Hispanic or Native American influences. And yet, as all eyes turn to focus on this city, we have somehow forgotten that one in 10 Utahns arc from an ethnic minority and not all living here are Mormon. We are Utahns, and our heritage is rich. Mormons are only a PART Mr. Gatrell, only a part. You moved here, get used to it. JUAN HERNANDEZ JR. "El " If JJiNii. Uhuil s ' ' 4. c liuilimill ? I I lliu. tJJ Senior, Political Science 4 TURBULENCE Undergraduates - Apply Now for the Beehive Honor Society Undergraduate Scholarship continued from page 10 in a similar situation. He would have either told the immigrants to bug off or issued a d statement which, translated into English, said absolutely nothing. Many state politicians, including the governor, did just that. Leavitt had no official comment on the issue, letting his administrative goons duke it out in newspaper battles with the mayor. Unfortunately for Anderson, the airport firings created a devil of a political predicament. The security crackdown was necessary and unavoidable, but its consequences were extremely unpleasant. The mayor's deep commitment to the plight of the economically and socially disadvantaged meant there had to be some way of expressing empathy and concern. The mayor's public condemnation of the brutal and unannounced character of the crackdown was the only way to reach out to the victims. Salt Lake City has a mayor with remarkable spunk, courage and honesty. Anderson could easily have glided through his term, doing whatever needed to be done, focusing on administrative details and avoiding high profile and politically dangerous situations. But his willingness to court disaster by sticking to his guns is truly admirable. At the same time Utahns complain about the dishonest and equivocating weakness of politicians, though, many of them complain about the mayor's willingness to rise above such behavior. But even conservative Salt Lakers should respect the mayor and his stance on airport security. You don't have to be a peace-lovinhippie liberal to respect the mayor. You don't even have to be a democrat. You just have to recognize that Rocky Anderson is a good guy an honest politician committed to his job. John welcomes feedback at: jmorr leychronicle.utah.edu or send letters to the editor to: 300-wor- BEEHIVE HONOR SOCIETY year the Beehive Honor Society recognizes an outstanding U of U undergraduate student with a $1,000 scholarship. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of the student's academic excellence and leadership and service to the school and community. , Minimum GPA of 3.0 required. Available to all undergraduates (including next year sophomores) All applicants must be graduating no later than summer term 2002. Please supply two letters of recommendation attached to your application. The letters should come from individuals who have worked with you on one or more projects listed in the application or professors on campus. Your signature is needed on the application to authorize verification of GPA. Each Applications can be located at www.alumni.utah.edu or at the Alumni House, 155 S. Central Campus Drive. completed form, official transcript, resume, letter of recommendation, and letter of introduction to: Please return the Nettie Bagley Alumni House 155 S. Central Campus Drive Salt Lake City, UT84112 do by Friday, January 18, 2002, at 5:00 p.m. Selection will be made in March and the recipient will be recognized at the Beehive Honor Society banquet on April 11, 2001. If you have questions, please call Nettie at 581-699- 6. MM if m Promise Competition I Prizes: $1,500 Scholarship Award Awards to Students enrolled full time at the University of Utah fall Semester 2002. At the time, of application the applicant must be a matriculated, full-ti(min. 12 credit hours undergraduate at the University of Utah. AmiCATJOX'S ARE DUE BYIANUARY 14. 2002. me Application Cover Page 2. A brief personal statement describing your educational and career goals and tbc most significant factors have that influenced J personal your decision to pursue an undergraduate degree. Explain how you show "Promise in Scholarship." Discuss how you plan to utilize the diverse educational opportunities offered by the University to make a substantial contribution to your community during andor following your University education. Be sure to consider educational experiences outside the classroom (for example, undergraduate research, internship, service learning, etc) as well as inside the formal classroom. Your personal statement should be limited to 500 words or less. 3. Two letters of recommendation from university professors with whom you have studied, or from 1 other of academic persons having knowledge your potential and who can attest to your scholastic I ability, motivation, discipline and initiative. In order to ensure confidentiality, these letters may be sealed and submitted in I signed envelopes. 4. A complete academic transcript. At the time of application the applicant must be a matriculated undergraduate student at the University of Utah and attend school (min. 12 credit hours). An overall undergraduate GPA of at least 3.50 is expected of successful applicants 1. g, full-tim- If e you have questions, contact Phi Kappa Phi at the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs or Carolyn Hebert at chebertsaff.utah.edu. 11 |