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Show THE MORNING EXAMINER: 8 OGDEN, UTAH, BOND AT MORNING, SUPPLIES TO UTAHNA MEN BOY SHOT BY RIFLE WHEN BE BOUGHT I ADJUST XliNERTELEFKONES EDITORIAL ROOM$ II Independent Rhone M Bell Phone BUSINESS OFFICE ...Ne. Independent Phone Ne. M Bell WM. 6LASMANN Independent Pnone 120 Bell Pnone ..Ne. 120 of both telephone syetemo COUNTY closed after I p. ...... i. BOARD OP EDUCATION TO SAVE MONEY. Method of Purchasing In Small Lota ia Abandoned end Nearly $1,000 Year Will ba Savad. I RANKS TRIG SPLIT IN SHAREHOLDERS' IS OVER. Party Wha Sold to Northwester VICTIM MARTINSEN GUN ACCIDENT. 190X. C, C. A. Mosman Dr. L. M. Brumbaugh New System Dentists HUNTING THINGS DIRECT Dr. 'AUGUST "This Particular System For Particular People OP Ball Entera Lag. Striking Bone, and Passes Dangerously Close to Main Artery. P pla Were In Full Control at Salt Lake. The small hoy and the gun was the cause of an accident yesterday afternoon, on lower Ninth street, when t a number of boys were shooting with a twenty-tw- o calibre rifle. Through someone's care less nee n youth by the President John Cort, Richard Bub name of Trig Mnrtlnasa, was shot in ion and R. A. Grant, of the Northwest the thigh, the bullet passing entirely era Therical association, wen in through the fleshy part of the upper at the meeting. It d part of the leg. attendance education. It appears that young Martin sen. after tha opening of shortly veloped, waa matters Do Not Let Your Teeth Go Because They Are Loose. Let Us Save Them Among the most important Haber Falklnan, the barter who northwestern peo- who Is but 11 years of age, and who the the that meeting, for s of la the son of Bent Maitiasen, residaccidently hur m a runaway at Plain brought before the board yesterday, ple had acquired over You With Our Latest . to waa of tat is mat the supplies. time some reported purchasing mad ago. Grant Ninth corner of the at i ha total stock, hence they had things City, ing It appears that the practice haa been pretty much be getting along nicely. nt In eompony with n number of their own way, although for the trustee to purchase the sup- there were no naplea sentries, and tha other boys, of about tha aauu Hyrum Vrstheretoa, of Logan, la plies from agents, which method It ie whole of the minority stockholders down Ninth street. One of the boy Failed catibre target riflte ia (he cltr for a few days, renewing claimed, roam the county probably SL- war represented. had n twenty-tw- o old acquaintance. Mr. West bent on OW in excess of what it would if the When the Northwestern association with which tha hoys were shooting. waa formally a resident of Ogden, but goods were purchased of the local first acquired their interest In the Ia some way the gun waa accidentally Every Promise We Make Is as Good as a Government Bond la at present employed ia its Logan merchants. Utahn houses, there was some diffi- discharged, tha bullet entering the According to the report submitted culty, which arose apparently from per- fleshy part of young Martinson's leg. Sujpr factory Notice Specimens of Our Work at Entrance yesterday the estimated saving to the sonal motives. At that time it was The ball struck the honey which Weber Reunion Excursion Students county would be $862.46. Tha new Impossible for them to get a quorum to caused it to deviate from Its coo re Stake Academy, Saltsir Beach, August method wjll be to buy for the combin- hold a directors' meeting. This waa and come out about five inches from Place-24- 51 10, special train via Rio Grands loaves ed district which will be included in due to the fact that tha of th place where It entered. AVENUE With the aasi stance of his companone order upon which n better price tha company .stated that n quorum Ogdea at 9 a. m., and 2: 15 p. 10 S beach and' at leave the Over Wm. Drivel's Drug Store can be secured, than if bought in should consist of four members. The ions Martlnaea was able to walk part p. m. Fare $1.25 tor round trip. Ail mull lou. full number being five, with the two of tha way returning, hut It became aro invited. The following committees were ap- Salt Lake directors remaining away, necessary to secure aid to carry tha no buaincaa that would hold legally boy to hla home, where Dr. J. 8. Gor. pointed: fu2 This afternoon It o'clock tha lock Carver. and oould ha transacted. At tha meeting don urns called to west the wound. Finance, Lay of neral services owr the remains s end held yesterday this matter was Fortunately, the main artery of tha Froerer Teachers end discipline, held at Dr. Errs G. Williams all! bs e wm not cut, although tho ball HYRUM PINCREE IS WANTS AN ALLIANCE. the of leg the sen only come through as Christiansen. by changing The the Third Ward meetinghouse. shall consist of passed very dose to it It is not to ' supplies X and read, with Japan. It hopes that th quorum Furniture, general manias will He ia state at the Relief BACK FROM EAST will results serloua that three members of the board of direc- thought My St. Petersburg, Aug. 5, 6:45 p. m. powers with which Mr. Witts taT Stratford and Carver. V la wound Society hall near the Third Ward meet- printing, a the follow, although The tone of the prsei today Is more Tested will permit him to deal vii Two appointment for the position tors," Instead of four. . inghouse today, between the hour of of teacher one. was decided at the of It painful also conthe meeting n of manager were and Of of than was ; Hyrum question Pingree, it (be pence hopeful possible siu.. yester-presented 12 :S0 and 2, when they may be viewed held yesterday (hat the name of tha den Furniture and Carpet company, day, Mr. Wittes welcome, coupled deprecate the possibility, tinued by the hoard. w by friends The"Tha should Utahns be an from with an company returned other from in were Mias Vera connection The morning United indemnity, the ymterdny with m . reports appointees CLOSE BAIUKTYKE PROF. JOS. ater company," instead of the Unique extended business trip through out States tending to partly remove some an allinace. Mis Lillian Stanley. Attorney Joseph Che, acting for H Smith and A MOST SUCCESSFUL SEASONS th east, where ho wont tor tho pur of tho Russian that the anarising from During the discussion on the matter Amusement company, alsowould F. Kiesel, fled a petition In the die, be held directors' meeting THE CATHOLIC PILGRIMAfil' pose of purchasing an entirely now tha belief prevailing here that Amertrtet court yesterday afternoon for the of insuring the school building, it de- nual the second Tuesday la August This Th teaching season juat closed hM fine of goods for th fall trade of tho ican sympathies are with Japan. confirmation of the sele of personal veloped that nearly nil tha buildings when on tha next There successful moat the the la is Tuesday meeting noticeably more or less company ho represent. insured. Steps will ha taken to brings Rome, August 5, Tbe property of the estate of the late an it will be held In Salt Lake and the career of Prof. Jos. Ballsntyn. Hia Mr. Plagfe woe seen by n repre- talk of n possible RnssoJnpnnese al- Catholic Julias C. Kissel, eousi.tlng and ap- Insure tbs balance. pilgrimage,' which has km the election of dirertors for liance numbered tha outcome ot tho peace In Rome since ensuing private puplla have many sentative of this paper last evening schools for various the Janitors the California to Bakery,' pertaining July 29th, left for fl term will then he held. more this year than at any previous and slated that ho had thoroughly negotiations. The questions at an In2524 Wall avenue, for the turn of $400, were appointed as follows: North Ogis stated that W. B. Egan, man- time. He hM also been instructor of enjoyed hie trip east, but was glad to demnity and of ths aoatrol ot tha Is- enee today. It 31. C. ShoeN. David Andrew den, Mutb end Reynolds; Randall, to Henry After s short stay In Floreac tfo ager of tha association's St, Paul music In th Weber Stake academy get bock to Ogden again. Ha stated land of Sakhalin nr still considered maker, also for the confirmation of a K. Randall; Pleasant View, James theater, will be choeeu to manage the Md State School for th Blind, m bo to blocks In the way of pilgrimage will go to Bvltxerisnd iter stumbling Grand visited had that he Chicago, a of rental at Jensen; Harrisvllle, Harvey Taylor; Balt Lake houae, and It !h laaaa of tha premiss possible that well m director of tha Ogden Taber Hsplds, Detroit end New York and an understanding, though the argu- a tour of which they will lae fer $40 per month. The petitioner claim West Weber, James Hogg; Kanet home. Tbs which iitnhm C. C. Richards, Jr manager of the narlo choir. He haa discontinued weather with the exception of ment is hopefully reiterated In cer, ono hundredpilgrimage, Is run vlUa, Andrew Anderson; Roy, Thos. local Utahns that the place was being it will be sent down teaching until after the return of tho that the few persons. knin peace quarters that President aecompuid theater, t was pleas-anthe first Hollands: loan io the earn! a. quits days, Hooper, Mr. Dolcampt; to handle the Utahns park at Salt Roosevelt would not havo risked his by two prelates. Bishop Northmy g Ogden choir from Portland, the latter cool. and Sou'h Hooper, Jed Gardner; North Ijike. ! Chattes ton, Bishop Kleley, of Sine prestige by n second tender of good Manager R. A, Orant will o part of Auguet, when hla pupils will In speaking of tho market Mr. Baa Pedro engine No. S$ waa Hooper, O. I1. G william; Wilson, Mary ! who Ja the ipiritul (In local Office BaJlon-tyn- e the Mr. work. resume during their park supervise tanned ths wlthoyt having again elated that ho had found It about minimum brought to Ogdrn yesterday and placed A. Wilson; Garland, B. A. Bingham; the remainder of the aeason. hM kindly" furnished this paper Japanese demands and tor. n number la tha local eh op for repaint. Burch Creek.' R. M. Burch; lUverdale, Messrs. Cort and Sutton will re- with the following list of pupils who tho same ns usual end that the maximum Russian concession, out of been new had HobL. brought James things Martha Moyrin; Poplar, week to have finished n successful aeason under end without pretty dearly seeing his 8L Petersburg, August I. With ft t The five bore used by Mr. Harri- - son! Plain City, South School, Corn main in Ogden for perhaps specially for tho fall trade la furni- way by his personal Influence to the German acquaint themselves with tha hla Instruction;' and French eomamh! man' In his trip through Yellowstone Ipsen; Huntsville, A. Berlin; Eden, better ture. situation and to attend the diMiss Alice Allen, putting aside of whatever differences treaties out of the way, ths gonra rd to paae through Og- Alexander Graham; Liberty, G. W. local Intended sold bin He that company park are expert rect or meeting at Bolt Lake on Tuesmay bar th way to th bringing about meat, which la carrying out a gam! Mrs. John Ashby. den nlthlit . the next few day en Dale. n day next making n larger display this tall than Of ponce; Mrs. Fred W. He, revision of Its tariff rdstieea tin route to Salt Lake. Order have been of ever cosiness the the that The salaries will be fixed by the before, Th Bloro soys that Russia needs take 19 next negotiations with Latte Mr. Mormon Cragun, issued for the careful handling nf the members residing in tha various firm had Increased very much this $ lasting peace and that such n pesos for commercial trestles. Mr. Reed Allen, car containing the horse, while en EN3INE AND CAR ARE ysor over previous years and that they Mr. Arehle Bowman, youte. anticipated a very good business for DERAILED IN LOCAL YARDS Mis LulU I. Mitchell, the fnlL Mr. Ben. J. Critcblow, A bulletin issiM by General While nwty Mr. Pingree placed n Mlae Joato Clare, unanimously voted to adopt raaolu-- 1 EL Buckingham of the Bhort About I o'clock yesterday afternoon number of targe orders for furniture; i of respect to late Hoo. Thos. D. Mullen Miss Oaraer, IJne, states that commencing August tlona who that will give them a display second had. up to the time of his engine 1611 and one car were derailed Min Lure Chambers, 5' ih, the name of the station of Hoop- Dee, to none in the city, which it ie claimat president In the Short Line yards at the JuncVeda Min Ashby. ARE er will he changed to Roy, The (fatten death, held the positionsame ed becomes necessary by the rapid was or tion of the main' line eroealng and Miro Beatrice Allen. of AVp.-i- t aide on tha cut off was ra- of tho company and ear house The handled business track. and the that of engine by filed. growth Mrs. Lily Pye Bradford. re ally changed to Bullna. were house. shortly afterward. The Mrs. Alice Brooke, be to now ia boon of number hsvs A alight. damage reported designs Miss Edith Barlow, Five cars of aheap and fifty-fiv- e A tourist car service haa been escars Juat who was to blame for tbe on th market recently, nil of placed Ruth Miss Brodeson, of fruit paaacd through tha local yards tablished by the short Line between could not be foamed, but It which will be placed oa .the market Mrs. F. W. Baker, yesterday en route from the west tg Ball Lake and Portland on trains No. that while engine 1511 wee ushere. D. Mr. Brown, eastern point. I and 10, filling a long felt want from ing tha main line eroealng in the Mice Harry MMAMASMSASSmVMMMASSMMWWMVWMMMWVMWMSM Mr. Pingree stated that he wu at Myrtle Ballinger, this point The first car on this new yards, n switch engine dropped n car ' Island at the time that a numNow Is n good time to supply your linen wants. We esny th Coney Mies Alma four At a meeting of the directors of the line passed through Ogden north thla down track, which struck ber of people were struck by lightMiss Oils M. Barker, beet of linen and ths prices were never lower with proepeets of Burton Iniplnmcnt company, held at morning. The first car returning the engine full force, causing n rail Miss Frances' Brown, ning, while thqy were on the pier nt their offlee, August 2nd, 1905, it w leaves Portland August Tib. being higher soon. to turn over end permitting the that resort, having arrived there but Mr. Claud Cara. to go to' the ground. The car about tea minutes prior to the Mira Edna Card on! BORN to the wife of W. G. Hamp- waa also derailed by Its contact with Misa Darle Dean, tbe MIm Gladys Douglass, ton, at I o'clock Friday morning, 2243 the engine. Fortunatelyat the engine of tlmo was not rapidly moving n Mia Lucille Driggs, Washington avenue, girl Mother and the accident, or the result would unMRS. SCKURTZ WANTS DWRCE child doing welL Mr. J. C. El forty, doubtedly have been more eerfons. Mias Fern Farr, An action for divorce was filed In Mr. Bait Foolger, Mrs. I. F, Flinders hue returned to the district court yesterday afternoon the city after spending a week with Min Florence Fisher, by Attorney W. L. Mmglnnis, for AMiss Ethel Garner, relatives In Collinston, Utah. llure ts Shurtx, against Don C. Bburu, Mrs. J. A. Gill, Mrs. William Glaamann, alleging desertion and W. G. " Hogcier, of Balt Lake, we The papers show that ths coupls Mr. David Oeertaon, an Ogdon .visitor yesterday. were married January 12, 1882, at Mrs. Clare D. Howard, Usrfleld county. Utah, and that Minn Ethel atamans, Huck Towels, good quality, 17x34. Reg The directors of the Weber county tber was born of sold marriage, seven Misa Clara Hardy, Fair Association met last evening, Is-Ou- r 12ic. Special, each ular ' child;-- i', tho eldest of which is 2L Mlae Llddle Horr, for the purpose of considering the tor n dissolution Is asked Naoxna Miss Hetsler, Jadgiueut quratlon of holding n fair In wber of the bonds of matrimony, custody Mias Marais HUllkor, county this year. A postponement of tbo minor children, an order for Mr. Leonard Howell, wu taken without any action on the Mlaa Helen Isloub, temporary alimony, costa of suit and nutter until neat Saturday. Mias Bessie Ingle, attorney fee. Misa Ella Ingloa, THIS WEEK FOR Miss Nora Jones, BANCROFT BACK FROM NORTH CARD OF THANKS Mr. Willard Land, Addle Jones, Min Genornl Manager W. H. Bancroft, of Mr. Fred Kltiley, To the many friends who were the Oregon Short Una, who accomMr.Ernest Janes, kind to ue In the laying to rset of our panied Mr. Harri mn. the railroad Mr. G. W. Nesbit, little babe Ethel May, we desire to Park, magnate through Yellowstone The following are the arrivals at Miss Anna Mortenoen. extend oar heartfelt thanks. returned from the north on n special Mr. Henry W. Mathewa, Mr. end Mrs. Giles E. Vender Hoof, train paaalitk thAugh Ogden without the Reed Hotel for the. past twenty-fouMr. Caleb Marriott, hours: Mr. end Mr. A. C. Wilson end family. atop at 1:10 o'clock this morning. The W. G. Hngeler. Belt Lake; William Min Martha Michael, special consisted of a caboose and Mr. Mr. Wtlford Madsen, McXellcy, Pocatello, Ida.; William F. Bancroft' special car 1902." Southport, Ene)and, August 5. B. Mien Celia Miller, Duaan. Ban Francisco; William Hill, amateur B. Kievan, the Australian ies Belts in good styles of shirred Minns, Mr. Castle Bowen, Sidney Gate; Utah: Jas. Price, R YELLOWSTONE PARK EXCURSION. champion. In a race here today, broke Mr. Albert Powell. Clin. Woolfender, Beaver City; R. T. and fancy leather. Special at the worlds quarter mile swimming Mies Emma Roth Paine, Sullivan. Ban Francisco; John Cort, bis time Tuesday, August Sth. AMMMVMMMMWMMWWVWMMMMMSSSSSSSSfo' record, B. W. Louln Mies Pearce, Dick WMMMSM Butte; Button, Seattle; 22 2 seconds. Grocer Ed. B. Baker. Jr.. DenMrs. C. 8. Potter. Seattle; Egan. $49.59. This amount round Fare trip C. R. Williams, Canon. Ohio.; T. Miss Frances Rogers, covers rail anl stage transportation ver; Moscow, August E. The former H. Richards. Boston, Mans.; Mis StelMiss Berthe Robson, Phones Bell 57; Ind. 30 also hotel arrommodationa for the reg- la school teacher, Knllkovsky, who, on B. Reeve. Alice Thoe. Mies Carnahan, Ogden; ular seven days trip beyond Monlda. J. Harmon, ebot and killed Major General 1 11. A. July Malden. H. Man.. Renstrom, Catherine H. r Miss When you want one come to us for it. Ilowde, Only a limited number can be accomBhuvnloff, prefect of police, Count M. Cause Richardson. J. and Esra Mrs. wife; Cor. 25th and Lincoln. modated. Make reservations early of llanaen, City: n coart I --wvo-ww-va today sentenced to death by J. Cause and one. Mrs. H. T. Dyer, Min Maggie Sundera. k any Oregon Short Line agent. marital. Mr. Slrtnghana Bteveni, MIm Dyer, City; H. L. Kohn, 8m Mrs. A. R. C. Smith, Franctpro. Mis Lola Selman. Misa Frances Smith. BADLY CUT BY COW'S HCOF Mr. D. Roy Bhurtllff, Miss Electa Bkeen. Mias Elsie Shorten, James Martin, living at Twentieth Mr. J. D. Snowden. wee severely Injured and Adame, on will Mr. Walter Stevens, about the head yesterday forenoon Carl Bamnelaon, Mr. a by being trampled upon by Miss Mary A. Shape. bottled Several atltehes were required to close Mr. J. H. Turner. Jr.. up tbe wound. Mlse Untie Thompson, It appears that Martin wm milking Mro. E. J. Ulrich. the cow, when the animal became mAT Miss Verna Van Dyke. frightened In some way. Knocking him B. Vender Sdinlt, Mr. J. over and stamped oa hla head. Tbe Miss Katie Van Dyke, If not we'll curs K, and whan we gat row's hoofs cut n circular wound taro Mr. F. Earl West, Martin's in inches It long scalp, with wonder laying you'll through why Ml Eva Weber. bone. Dr. It Gordon to waa the open you didn't bring it hare long age. Mies Mary Wheeler. after and called the treating Injury, All work is guarantted. Wa are official Min larnise Winslow. Declared superior to all pronounced k painful but not Misa Bose Greenwell. watch inspectors of every road entering Lillian Chamberlain. Miss other been by the Im tha city. The rsasoit We knew how work! and do only tho beat of Prices Pittsburg. Pa., August 5. Ground WARRANTY DEED. St perial Experimental Sta240 Twenty-Fift- h waa broken here today by the Freiued reasonable, too. Steel Car company on iwo plants, each The following warranty deed has tion for the brewing 810 feet long ami 110 feet wide, been filed in the county recorders ofwhich the officials say they will use for fice: Where the Palms Grow industries of the world the manufac'ure of steel street, cars. the to wife and E. Hoar, Ralph Church association of Weber Stake of Washington, August A Dr. w. r. Zion, for the sum of $2,500, part of krts D. Prop. Tilden. at one time chief rhemlat in $ and 10, block 27. plat "A." tin- - army medical museum, attached to the -- urgeou general's office, ie dead Vienna. August $. An extreme best !n this city. It wm he wpo discovered wave prevailed throughout Austria-Hungarthe poison In the bouquet sent to today. Many sunstrokes aro Uuiteau the day befor hi execution. reported. The regular weekly session of the cooncy board of education was held in the offlee of Superintendent PeterA marriage license see granted in son yesterday and waa extended late the county clerk's offlee yesterday into the forenAon. A great deal of to Rclder June. 22; and M:s work 1 being brought before the board Johanna Christina Groudel, 21; both oa account of the transfer of the of Ogden. school fund and property from the formiw trustee to the new board of Where la NoraT n The dove of pence hovered ever the meeting of tha stockholders of the Cuique Amusement company, owners of the Utahnn theaters ia Balt Lake and Ogden, which waa held In the former city yesterday afternoon. We Extract Teeth Without Pain Asleep or Awake Pyorrhea Alveolarls Treatment We Make Plates That Fit No Matter Who Has two-third- ' a, Remember The by-la- K (0 WASHINGTON . over-corn- tn-- -- M M M da -- a bib Mt U h tapr n tip vUe u i . . per-aonl- ly Pin-gre- t , - nl Super-Intende- 11BIS HUT INTEREST: i ii tATTiE PAINES HURST sins up-pe- ar the-houa- e t ea-gin- Good Goods and a REED HOTEL He M fen Erl kio bn bfl ft A fof at hri n ii Ue bfl few non-suppo-rt. Square Deal Pan-pilte- h, MV Motto . m kS dfl tan hi u CHERRIES Frank Gtr He DK) CAr Watkins JW 1-- SKIRTS! SKIRTS!! SKIRTS!!!? iIttaUta-te- w'vSSSSSSSSSSSKSSKHSSSSKE DOES YOUR WATCH KEEP TIME J S. Lewis (Q. f vJ You find it fraught or THE. :TRY IT: Company WatcH Inspectors y A. Slim m |