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Show THE Friday, December 17th, 1926 TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, NOTICE State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, November IS, 1326. Notice is hereby given that Win. Henroid, Jr., whose post office address is Parker, White Pinu Couuty, Nevada, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1919 and 1925 to Appropriate .1 c. f. s. of water from Yellow Snrines in Juab County, Utah. Said water is to be diverted at the point of Issuance which bears S. 45 deg. 27.5 ft. from the NW Cor. Sec 2o, T. 14 S.. R. 19 W.. S. L. M. and con veyed in a ditch to two reservoirs, each one about 60 ft. long and 30 ft. wide and 3 ft. deep where water will be used during the entire year for the watering of 5000 head of sheep. I EVERY man has a right to become a pauper by waste and travagance; but he has no right to call upon the thrifty man to support him. "Whatever You Earn, Spend Less" IWMHWWMWIWUW- Mli 3S3H Ml NEPHI NATIONAL ? I 1926 PAGE FIVE A. A. A. OFFICIALS LAUD UTAH SCENERY (Continued from page one) era. He gave as his opinion that .ompulsory liability insurance will not get far, as it has already been defeated In several states. "We want to know how we can help the people," the president continued! "We are hoping to make it possible for members of all the local automobile associations which are with the A. A. A. to enjoy in all parts of the country the service of this organization." Monday's meeting was held under the auspices of the highways com mittee of the chamber, and was at tended by members of the chamber, the Utah Automobile association and This application is designated In representatives from the various the State Engineer's Office as File chambers and newspapers from difNo. 10046. ferent parts of the state. Malcolm A. All protests against tho granting Keyser, president of the bait JLaKe of said application, stating the' rea- chamber, introduced the speaker. sons therefor, must be by affidavit in Others who responded from dil- of a fee Hinckley, secretary of the Provo duplicate, accompanied with $1.00, and filed in this office withia chamber; A. L. Woodhouse of Cedar thirty (30) days after the comple- City, and Clark Allred, president of tion of the publication of this notice. the Delta chamber. The first two ad GEO. M. BACON, State Engineer. mitted there were some differences Date of first publication Dec. 3rd; among the various sections of the Date of last publication Dec. 31, 1926 state concerning the routing of tour ists, but said they believed they NOTICE TO CREDITORS could easily be ironed out. Mr. Hinckley asked the Salt Lake Estate of Magnus Larsen, de ceased. chamber to take the lead in calling Creditors will present claims with q mootine- with the result that a vouchers to the undersigned at Fill formal invitation was extended by more City, Utah, on or before the President Keyser for a meeting some first day of February, A. D. 1927. time in the near future. Salt Lake J. NOBLE ANDERSON, Executor Tribune. of the estate of Magnus Larsen. Spencer E. Forrest, Russell Haw kins T F. Carter. A. V. Pyper. L Deceased. Grover A. Giles, Attorney for F.T.- - W. Gardner and A. B. Gibson, attend ed the above meeting at Salt Lake ecutor, Fillmore, Utah. Date of first publication, Nov. 26th City, Monday; after which they had Date of last publication, Dec. 17th. an oDDortunity of telling Mr. Smith and the other A. A. A. officials, how thev felt in regards to routing of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Amos Stephen Allen. tourists over the Wendover Roufe. Creditors will present From present indications, cities of deceased. claims with vouchers to the under Southern Utah will be represented at the signed at her residence In Nephi, a meeting held in Provo prior to will Utah, on or before the 3rd day of Salt Lake meeting, where they of get together and plan out a course February A. D. 1927. Louise A. Christensen, administra- artinn nsrainst our friend ' Bill trix of estate of Amos Stephen Rishel. o out5 matnj Jtioutte i 1 C r n have on a most comprehensive collection of desirable and appropriate gifts in a wide range of prices especially featuring the many luxurious WE V toiletries for which the House of Colgate is famed. 'A Tor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Allen, Deceased. Will L. Hoyt, Nephi, Utah, Attorney Dfinartment of the Interior, U. S. or Estate. I.EVAN CITIZENS MEET Land Office at Salt Lake City, man 1926. Dec. 3rd, First Publication, WITH K1WANIS CLUB Nov. 30. 1926. Dec. 24th. 1926. NOTICE Is hereby given that Her Last publication, (Continued from page one) bert H. Greenhalgh, of Nephi, Utah. XOTIKH Home made assistance to the citizens of Levan, who, on Jan. 21, 1920, State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake in workine for immediate improve stead entry No 01S464, for V.UWU. NWUSWli Sec. Z2, JNW. City, Utah, December 10, 1926. ment, and the following resolution Notice is hereby given that Burton was duly passed: NW14 Sec. 23, Township 13 South, Is Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, S. Rupp whose post office address Whereas, the eleven mile strip 01 has filed notice of intention to mane Nephi, Utah, has made application state road between Nephi and Levan three year Proof, to establish claim in accordance with the requirements is in an unsafe condition for travel. to the land above described, Deiore of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, and. the Clerk of the District Court, at as amended bv the Session Laws of Whereas, the citizens of Levan Nephi; Utah, on the 10th day of Jan- Utah. 1919 and 1925 to appropriate have loyally stood by the citizens of 4 c. f. s of water from Couch LreeK uary, 1927. Nephi in supporting a bond jssue tor Claimant names as witnesses: in Juab County, Utah. Said water is improvement of tne roaa norm ui bears Neohi. and Joseph H. Greenhalgh, Edgar E. to be diverted at a point which Stanley, Alva R. Belliston, Frank P. 1982 ft. S. and 3416 ft. E. from 1 tne Whereas, the said Nephi-Leva- u 11 R. E, T. S., Utah. Sec. 27, SW cor. Greenhalgh, all of Nephi, road is an important unit, not only S. L. M. and conveyed ,n a flume and of the state ELI F. TALOR, Register. highway system, but of Date of first publication Dec. 3rd; nine line a total distance of 14 rr. the transcontinental highway, now Date of last publication, Dec. 31st. where the water will be used during therefore, be it the entire year for developing e RESOLVED by the Kiwanls Club We pay top prices for cream and ectric power for propelling mach of Neohi. that we pledge our assist Nelson-RlcK- s - creamery eggs ance and hearty cooperation to the inery and lighting at Mona, Jusb Hmintv. Utah. After Having been so citizens of Levan in securing tne to water will be returned construction at the earliest possible NOTICE OF MEETING FOR ADOP used the thp natural channel at a point which date, of the best type of road between TION OF COUNTY BUDGET bears 2167 ft. S. and 988 ft. E. 01 Nephi and Levan, for which Federal the SW cor. of Sec. 27, T. 11 S., R. aid can be secured. the Notice is hereby given that 1 E.. S. L. M. Board of County Commissioners of This annlicatlon is designated in Coun at meet the will Juab County Bar Men Dancer State Engineer's Office as File the on ty Court House in Nephi, Utah, 10082. No. Mantua, Italy. Mew In the province FRIDAY the 31st day of December, the nrotessts All Mantua have been forbidden to granting of against M. for A. ten o'clock D. at A. 1926, rea dance In public during summer. The the of said stating application, an appropriathe purpose of passing sons therefor, must be by affidavit prefect in issuing the prohibition said tion ordinance to govern expenditur- In fee his action was taken for hygienic and duplicate, accompanied with awithes of funds of Juab County for the in this office moral reasons. filed and of $1.00, year 1927, and that public hearing in comthe after days (30) thirty will be had at said time and place pletion of the publication of this Listen, Mothers on matters to be covered by said notice. Mothers who smoke. ordinance. Philadelphia. lation BACON GEO. M. listen to Prof. L. A. Hlgley of WITNESS my hand and seal thU State Engineer When ton colleee. He believes your 9th day of December, A. D., 1926. Date of first pufb. Dec. 17, 1926. children are liable to physical handi BEULAH H. BOWERS, of completion of pullcatlon, caps In early youth. County Clerk and Clerk of the Date Board of County Commissioner" January 14. 1927. ctrisW IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU N. THE CHRISTMAS SEAL (Tune "Jingle Cells.") Each year at Christmas Time The Good Health Christmas Seal Urines tidings of good cheer And makes its big appeal. It only costs a cent, No one's too poor to buy. So we can have a splendid sale If we will only try. Chorus Christmas Seals, Christmas Seals, Buy the stickers bright; In our war against Disease, Help us win the fight. Christmas Seals. Christmas Seals, Buy them by the score. Eevry penny helps a lott . . . Dollars help lots more. The symbol of Good Health, Of fresh air night and day, The seals leach ev'ry one. To live the proper way. They help to cure the sick, To keep the well folks well, The good that's done by each small seal We can't begin to toll. ft, lit, t il fc. II. I- - Special Closing-O-ut Prices on R. C. A. and Heraldyne Radios. Priced Less Than Cost. - ."to f . ft ' NIGHT ONLY OWE V TUMI DECEMBER 23 MOTOR F. P. HILLMAN and HARRY SOHNS PRESENT Hillman's Ideal Stock Co. with CORA SOUNS Ten People & A PRESENTING A IRISH NEW 5-Pie- ce Ladies lree fW Adults 50c Bab! COMEDY 'JUDY O'GR ADYV 1 -- rlv V: Orchestra Free W th Each Children 25c bUc Bab! ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL PLAY AUDITORIUM, DECEMBER 22nd, 8:00 P. M. 50c Reserved Seats 35c General Admission 1 t- Iicket No Reserved Seats Bab! F. P. HILLMAN III J I DECEMBER 21st 3:00 P. M. Only Grade and Junior Hih Students MATINEE 10c fnr all Admitted. |