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Show SMOKy Lt ByALAN 3TELS V.N.U. installment THE A r STORY JL Lew Gordon were King and n Lrt owners of the vast Klng-Gordo- y iotet CHAPTER VII Roper now gath-abohim hated a particular them-bu- t not only as lawless as a man who was more a r LAKF hat one man. Ben Thorpe was men; operating under Tanner in the south, and Walk leham in the north, his innumer-lItcFB P8j,a Sandwiefi,1bie retainers filamented the plains the Rio Grande to the Big men hated Ben r Wanted Jrm. That Ropers :orpe was no coincidence; Roper "ond nicked men of personal grudge. had first been out-isf- d Ojt of them because they had not suited TED the organiza- sa gle organization Tiese men whom ut Bdf O&l )rd So., of Ben Thorpe. and Up and down Si across half of Lias constantly in the saddle, Bill irnished toper threaded his new organizaPierce Sometimes Dry Camp with him; more often he i Li aone. These famous gunflght-itSlkan- d outlawed men whom Roper were Just youngsters, most- fettered I A -Some of them were true killers; bail, Satme merely reckless kids who had All of for mo" ilt.ofl on the wrong foot ompany fem were badly wanted by what was. Salt jttle law there uSedlai trav-loyme- nt wholraate SS? r v FAR: wealth and power, i,s,.aoB,L nd you want me to take em on the other side is that the idee? I want three dollars a American gold, paid off as thehead, cat-ti- e come out of the water Ropers ways of gathering his wild bunch were diverse, as diverse as the saddle men he gathered. One way or another, picking up a man here, three more there, he got all he needed, and more. But certain other things had to be done, in order that the wild bunch would have work to do, planned in such a way that something would be accomplished that would stay accomplished. On a steamy afternoon early in July, Bill Roper sat in Fred Maxims San Antonio law office. Maxim was an attorney who, some thought, had worked under a different name, somewhere before; but here, assuredly he was in no ones pay. Im not asking the likes of you whats what, Bill Roper said. I Li. at Or.e night in Tested Ch early June, Dry Camp Bill Roper sat In the room of a saloon, deep In AA 7 Sexes. 45 Dry CamP Pierce cows until I could pave Jy way to hell with their hides. -I dont know to steal cows for Hot" S7i5 aa f Fo, Denver. 8aid-repai- d ve stole kid1 lusty's Bill cows? steal cows that now. e City, figure you own these cows? now fm half of MENT King-Go- r slij. Ive taken, out of seven camp without cows; now adway.saiijn claiming the cows that Thorpe from Dusty King. And from IAN CHE: me other men that were going to 4 hand to pretty soon- TWYf! SHI, Ilur imoure going to elorg to me, King-Gordo- P? Camp Pierce he was called Present at because he hated to camp too Good eht '"es-ait- ? sheep. J- - water went to work for ,M p Roper as he had never worked Eot tfore; and thus the king of cow Siiijeves, the brand changer extraor-hairfor once aligned on the side Fo- - y, that was not. rustlers camps hooked into the law ants' sT "f1 territory it stocks) But Dry Says. A hot . . . Camp also helped in oth-- ! after June dusk, five days meeting at Whipper Forks, found 11 Roper at the Dry Saddle Cross-g- , where he was to meet Lee Harsh; and this meeting, too, was ar-nge by Dry Camp Pierce, though fris time Pierce was already far Say. Here ran the broad, d many-chan-lle- river, dividing two countries whose split wanderings made of intermittent shallows. this border of a vast, impercepti-Tollin- g of it fer d mom I prairie stood a narrow adobe shacks. That was je Dry Saddle Crossing. To men Bill Roper and Lee sat in front of one of those jarmsh 181110063 shacks, and tried to get mg of 1 ether. Tve always understood," Roper that you were acquainted imt, below the line. S- -o imishs hard eyes studied Rop-tllittle while nothing except the mourn-Th- l 1 f doves 1116 willow scrub by ater- Next to Dry Camp Pierce, was the oldest of those !n Roper; be was twenty-eighf as ta and 'anc al- m t0 the color of an Indian; his feer eyes were curiously blank, and he liked to look his 4 in the eye with the peculiar seen lb the gaze of hawks. w he i .Ve )een down there some, "lve made a few drives tto Chihuahua; one drive to Mex- - . e, and for a lu.h be heard 111 t - Lake now...'. t, & C e'rforms' sun-bake- d y fnr t I Lake nsrft'f had a big wet herd run Jtu just below the line, would tnow how to get rid of it? h cant make out your hand, fra sh said. never nfu King-Gordo- n long rope yet now. ?01 ni 11131 t0 8mash Cleve 1 My Tanner; and what costs. Su?rewrong with ix 1 'fx & a shont-ou- t. backing him what you if that st emes later. If I bust Tan- can bust Thorpe. But if Tan- 1 guanel before he's busted, 22 21 Jover in Texas, and nfVi. llthmneu0takebreak up his Texas gone." llnv ff1 going t0 bust hlm by rL0 8 few head of cattle, crossing is slow work, in F2.ee t I ikl 3nB m) LoMr p TipS nd Ad'1' Cr0SS flve thousand w!u!in nCXt threC monbhs. "c Wd h!m. Nch tuM.?ndof head wont even t Thorpe and Tan- 88 you- What Hi'r.ru1,88 WaU Tanner to tlirow ,nt Uie bordl'r- Thats wrkm!nL Bccause by then Ill 7rl"nd somewhere - - 1 else. I lnr.,.V.' , L.S." 3ft.ts.-- s mass:-- horse-and-gu- semi-circl- e, semi-circl- p long-hor- ..." g King-Gordo- Dry-gras- s n even by Pattern 6893 contains a transfer pattern of a motif 7'i by 19', 4 Inches; 2 motifs 7 i by 12'a Inches; directions for edging; illustrations of stitches; materials needed. Send your order to; .yV Sewing Circle Needlerraft Dept. Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 15 cents in coins for Pattern No Name Address 117 house and his windmill and his corrals. Now, I aim to hand back that range to Bob Graham; hes waiting BlSsPring for the word. Your part of the job is simple enough you just go and take It away from the Tanner bunch. Simple, huh? Just how do you figure this simple trick is to be done? A lawyer in San Antonio kept the Rangers off when Tanner jumped Graham. Now weve got another better lawyer In San Antonio to keep them off when Graham jumps Tanner. The only question is, whos got enough salt to grab that range and then hang onto It? And what do we get out of all this? ..." to do, ? pLEASANT dreams are assured when sheets and pillow cases are embroidered with these lovely Honesty Gains dower motifs. The designs and When rogues fall out, honest the crocheted edging will be found men come by their own. You cant be courteous if you dont feel right toy, JEANNE HESS, Switchboard Operator When I uai IS I fell in love with a handsome boy whose character my mother even then analyzed as weak. If e were lovers in last year High. By KATHLEEN NORRIS is one sin for THEREwomen pay a doubly, Thats why I like the ASHES OF LOVE Promises of marriage made by a high school girl are recalled to her years later by the man she had forgotten. His efforts to renew their affections and to hold her to her promise threaten to break up her engagement to another man she truly loves. Miss Norris advises the girl what she should do to not only end this affair peacefully, but to assure her happiness in the years to come. price. Perhaps this isnt fair or reasonable, perhaps some day things will be more honestly adjusted, but the fact remains that when a girl makes a misstep in a certain direction there breakdown. I am not a nervous are seventy ways in which ous woman, and had thought for several she can be punished. years that while a good many men is this punishment Very often merely a secret thing in her own soul; a little stain of shame and regret, a constant, sharp sting of humiliation in the knowledge that there is a man somewhere alive in the world, a man other than her CHAPTER VIII husband, who has an intimate knowledge of her sweetness, her kisses, Ropers ways of gathering his Hot, dry day of early August her warm young body, her first wild bunch were diverse. As the first sun struck with a red young passion. She writhes at the want to know who actually owns heat across the plains, the Tanner thought that this man may be tellmen who held the Graham ranch ing his wife of the early affair, may range rights on the Graham stand. were already saddling. All over be hinting it to others. It shakes hard-bitten The little man across cowmen were throwing toher pride In herself, her confidence the desk from Roper was still cadgy. Texas, the last trail herds of the In her own integrity or sense, it takes When lt comes to ousting a man gether year; it was time for these Tanner the bloom from her honeymoon and from possession men to roll their chuck wagons puts just a tinge of suspicion into You know who ousted Bob Graagain, to round up the last of the any slight or fancied slight she ever ham and his family from possession. trail-fistock that remained in the meets from other women. t Cleve Tanner took over that outfit herds which had belonged to Bob If she gets off with only this much n withpower, by main Graham. Other discomfort, she is lucky. out decent cause or reason. EveryOut from what had been the Grawomen have to pay higher. Naomi knows Im you that asking body ham corral, three riders swept is one. This is part of Naomi's now through the dusty dawn; but they letter: Taylor and Graves are already had hardly left the pole fences beHigh School Lovers. done be can that doing everything hind when six other riders confrontI was 18 I fell In love with When of Grahams ed to regain possession them, rising into their saddles a handsome boy whose character outfit, Maxim 'said, smiling. like Comanches, out of the brush. my mother even then analyzed as It was the smile that Roper liked. The strangers closed in a weak, but who seemed to me the Suppose I hold the Bob Graham in their carbines unhurriedly, sweetest, dearest fellow in the Bob Graham's family and lands, their hands. In another minute or world. We were lovers in last year are living on it. two the three Tanner riders were after graduation taking Bob Graham hasnt got posses- grouped in a defensive knot, while High, Donny a two years course in business said. e of the raiders sion, Maxim from the school and I going away to college Nate Liggett jogged forward to talk in the West. At first I felt very Suppose he did have? Ben it over. could Never happen. uneasy as to the wisdom of assumI dont think you want to go on Thorpe ing this relationship, but Donny was I don't even think you Shut up a minute, Roper said. he said. earnestly in love, as I was, and we Im not asking you to put Graham want to work for this outfit any talked continually of marriage. back in possession of his range. Im more." When I came home for my first not asking you to save him from Christmas holidays we were as pasTwo nights later, one hundred and being put off again in the way he sionately devoted as before, but bewas before. What I want to know is, fifty miles away fore midsummer there was a With the approach of dusk, a pecan you head off some cooked-uchange. My father went Into bankwith Graham, aft- culiar light lay upon the valley of ruptcy and I got a Job in the library, interference legal the Potreros. In a reach of open and Donnys mother, who disliked er he's in possession again? of five hundred head me, managed to send him away to Fred Maxim thought it over. I grass a herd tame, heavy cat- college. From that moment I heard bunched loosely can I that you can only promise well removed by breedin his voice and read in his letters cause considerable delay, he said. tle, already ing from the old, wild, that he was trying to end the afMonths of delay? strain. But they had not bunched fair. He no longer spoke of marProviding you can show posses- voluntarily. The shuffled restlessriage, and even showed some sion I'll keep you clear until hell ly, watching the brush! something anxiety to get back one of the few freezes. was happening around them that letters In which he had first promThats all I want they did not understand. ised it. What I suffered, nobody Still July, at Willow Creek As the light failed, the figures of but a girl who has experienced this A barren range of hills, sand hills; horsemen emerged from the brush, terrible time knows, I hate to think in the mile-lonshadows into the of It even now. Under the circumgolden in the dawn, purple Beneath cutting always. barren of sunset; the huge, heavytwilight, stances I could not hold him, and flat rays Willow them, what had been the shouldered man who signaled to his for three years we did not see each old Creek camp of the cowboys by turning bis other. spread-ou- t In the bunkhouse nearest the river, horse this way or that, in Indian Donny Reappears on Scene. little five men lounging around a That was eight years ago. Last horse language, was Dave Shannon. r00m- .. Bill They did not harass the cattle. year I became engaged to one of the All right, you hard guys, between sunset and the next finest men in fact, the very finest Only, know who told you daylight, no cow took a Btep other man I ever have known. He has a Roper said; you to come here. Dry Camp Pierce than in the direction of the Mexigreat political future before him and he a fine legal practice and we have border . told you to come here. Maybe can for told you what you could look already selected a home of our season; Texas scorched by own. Our wedding day was set, here, huh? who met the hut winds when Donny turned up last month. These four gunfighters none of them older All across the southern ranges a Immediately he renewed his attenwere here Roper As tions to me, protesting that he has was happening. 88 than Bill; yet each was Ja"aous all peculiar thing from twenty points of always loved me and always killer In his own right Of them no word spread His disturbance, certain of the older cat- planned for our marriage. Bill Roper alone had no name, the for in respect tlemen began to sense that there mother Is dead now and he has a reputation. Yet, come was a curious, almost systematic small income and a small salary name of Dusty King, they had out order to what in Itself seemed a so that he really is In a position to him to hear kid widespread disruption. All over the marry. His attitude was so unrearound-facea Nate Liggett, as if they Big Bend country, eastward almost sonable and Clark was so puzzled by with eyelashes that looked white dus, to the well settled Nueces, westIt that I had finally to explain everywith had been powdered Clark took it very nicely, seems to be your ward beyond the barren Pecos, thing. said. Well, what to the fever line, was said that of course It made no difnorthward offer? of raids of ference as far as he was concerned, breaking a spotty wav but that I must be the one to choose an unparalleled boldqess. Far apart hell had between them, and make my own but almost simultaneously, busted loose in a great number ot decision. more than half of This has thrown me into such a places, covering state of agitation and despair that Texas. I have been close to an actual nerv (JO liECO,rilLD' d WNU Service.) guess you already know Bob uraham, Roper said. "You know how a warrior gang of Cleve Tanner s jumped down on him, on some thin excuse, and run him off his range. They even took over his got anything to offer you, Roper admitted. But Ill tell you this the boys that string with me now will see the day when theyll run Texas; and Cleve Tanner, and Ben Thorpe, too, will be busted up and forgot! Its a hefty order! Maybe It is. This Graham business is a kind of experiment; itll work if you make it work. But if it goes through okay its only the beginning, you hear me? You string with me a little while; and maybe, by God, well show a couple of people something ITve 30 marl ill I'TAG Tl-- havent Ropers teeth flashed clean In :hines TilSTfsrin. stole"Whose cows ; ''" vantage." If youre satisfied with the lone wolf stuff youve been pulling i is- Ci (BeU Syndicate Graham takes over the outfit and runs it. You hang around and help him, and see that he doesnt get run off again. For that you get a half Interest In the outfit. You split it among you any way you see fit Ill back Graham with cattle, and what other stuff he needs. Nate Liggett said, Bill, I dont see where we come In for no ad- Serce and IKS When the Piper Comes for His Pay Release SO edhK'ngG)ordon In Texas to which stretched from this string ,,C,na"hes. When building uphad to fight t they continually Ben Thorpe. He ri- unscrupulous stop pleasant and easy the beginner. MAY Shop, S'nth Kathleen Norris Says: liked me, I was cured of liking them. But I am really in love now, and If I lose Clark I feel that I will never again know happiness in life. Senses Change in Fiance. The point is, would Clark have been willing to turn me over to Donny, as it were, if he really loved me? Wouldnt he have said then that nothing that had happened in my very young girlhood could paft us now? Is a man quite so reasonable when he loves a woman? Do you feel that there Is any Beethical consideration here? cause she once loved a man not wisely but too well should a woman feel herself morally bound to marry him years after their parting if the opportunity occurs? I dont want to marry Donny in fact, I could not. What I feel for him now is not quite so definite as dislike, but I dont want to see him or bother with him at all. The thought of marrying him is actually horrible to me. On the other hand, I know that in spite of what he says all this has shocked and chilled Clark. At first I really believe he did not resent it, or thought he didnt But since I told him I have noticed a change, a sort of quiet in his manner very unlike his old wild happiness and eagerness. Were Donny to disappear all this would come back, but Donny hangs around, reminding me of old times, of notes I wrote him and places we met, always acting and speaking as if out of deep love for me but knowing, of course, that he is driving me wild. Can you give me any suggestions as to the solution of a problem that frankly has grown too complicated for me? to Both. Say Good-b- y only advice I can give to Naomi is to say a definite good-bboth these men for a time. She must dismiss Donny absolutely, refusing to see him under any consideration whatsoever. Then she must break her engagement with Clark, telling him that if, after a period of perhaps six or eight months, he wants to come back for her, she will make him a true and devoted wife. No other course will bring her peace of mind. Only when she is freed from Donnys attentions, and from the false position in which her engagement to Clark places her, will she feel herself honest again. Then if Clark comes back she can accept him with a clear mind; in the long years of marriage he never can accuse her of deceiving him, because she will have freed him of her own will. Copr, 1041 by Company Kellogg BIG BOTTLE OF 11-OUN- :) HONEY & ALMOND CREAM Regular $1 size limited time only Outlook Is Virtue Ones outlook is a part of his Defeats Justice Justice tempered with too much mercy becomes injustice. Amos Bronson Alcott. THE SMOKES THE THING! and J Sf that!s) GOOD NEWS LESS IN camels TASTE SO GOOD-ABO- UT NICOTINeI$0 COOL, FLAVORFUL. THE SMOKE OF CAMELS. I LIKE THAT EXTRA MILDNESS y a very uncomfortable tangle all around; a tangle that a wilful little girl named Naomi might have spared the woman Naomi if she had been more eight years ago. But the probability Is that Clark will return after the stipulated period, or much sooner, that he will not let her youthful weakness rob him of his wife. Only, Naomi will have to take a certain amount of humiliation and shame with the reconciliation. Not very serious, probably not all 1 but so unnecessary! wish all girls who read this today would take a look at that country to which they are so steadily moving, the unknown country called Womanhood, and Wifehood. CE franca The Its some in the long run than a great deal of wit without it. La Rochefoucauld. Wit and Sense A small degree of wit, accompanied by good sense, is less tire if I I WITH CAMELS, DON'T GET TIRED ) OF SMOKING S,,' J rrnirh, a A THE SMOKE 28 OF SLOWER-BURNIN- CAMELS CONTAINS LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other cigarettes tested less than any of them according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself. largest-sellin- g mWtt.x'J: fsBDJlli?. T(P3 j |