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Show Sept 7, 1988 - Page 15 Citizen, Press, Review - Wed., 57SC-576- 37S6-7C- 69 X) X) Deadline Lb Mon.f 7:00 p.m. V 750-706- 9 I WOMEN'S TOPSOIL-GRAVE- Clannet-$12- HAULING NEW LIKE SERGER, ed BOAT MARINA TIMP WOOD TYPEWRITER FARM-GARDE- REPAIR, TYPING PRODUCE Sharing, caring, and loving couple cherish your baby. Call collect, Michele and Randy (215) will DO IT NOW! Lose weight, stop more. Hypnosis and smoking works. service person. Must customers. Metal personable work well with and work for electrical knowledge helpful. Some work in field and some at business in Lehi. Should have good problem solving ability PRESCHOOL LEHI morning or afternoon sessions. $35. Thursday-Friday- , morning. $30. Experienced teachers, limited enrollment. Carilyn Pierpont. Read's Jewelry & Gift- -a complete store. All work done on premises. 36 years in business. jewelry NURSING ASSISTANTS afternoon shift, full- - NEEDED, or TRUCK MASTER, DRIVER TRAINING, Assistance, Financial Aid Available, t Correspondence-Residen- Cer- Placement Experience preferred, but will contrain. Excellent working ditions. Call Merlene or Shirley. WOULD TYPEWRITER LARGE MILD SWEET ONIONS PRODUCTION e $3.35-t- CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY take specialty. Hundreds of satisfied clients. I stop creditor make while you harassment my payments you can afford. Initial consultation FREE. Call Bruce A. at Law, Embry, Attorney WORKER. committment. Benefits. start. No smokers. Must r apply in person between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m at 119 East 200 North. Alpine, or call BE WILL SOLUTELY DOVE a radius of the within HUNTING Paul & one-mil- J. ranch. Violators will be arrested fined. & Thank you for oguooperatiQa... ...;.... Government HIRING! area. Ext. jobs-yo- ur (602) AVON can earn extra income for school and Christmas ' expenses. Flexible hours. LaRee, over e r pricing designer, discount or family shoe store. Retail prices unbelievable for top quality shoe normallypriced from training, fixtures, airfare, grand opening, etc. Can open 15 days.Mr. McComb (404) 8590229. SPECIALS' STEEL BUILDING KITS. STATEWIDE COVERED S7.75-H- need assistance in evaluating and responding to daily work reports submitted by our agents throughout the state. No ex- to paid necessary; perience We at home. Work complete training. For information self- - send envelope, stamped inches long to: AWGA, Dept. E. Box 49204, Atlanta, GA 30359. addressed, v . morning outstanding noontime employee, full or 83 24x36xl0-$24- 21 24x48xl0-$29- 60 30x60xl0-$40- 94 experience has fall home and Roomy Dixie Call drop-off- . IN BABYSITTING MY HOME, near Forbes School. FREE BROCHURE 7:30 l :30p.m.: p.m. No smokers. Apply in person at: 119 East 200 North. Alpine. Fork. CARE School Shelley DAY CAR- E- my home. $8.50-on- Lots of fun All ages. CATHY'S CARE KIDS-CH- NAIL Ask for JOBS. GOVERNMENT Now $59.230-yea- r. Area. for Beginners Lisa intermediate. Rhodes, instructor. Student of BYU Master lulie Bevan Zunsteg fenced yard. State and city license. Jane. FUN SCHOOL offers current Federal list. Burt's 1 Crane Tree Call trimming. RAIN GARAGE SALE: Tree Service Sofa bed. and Saturday. ceramic molds, ski equipment, books clothes small camper shell, baked goods, miscellaneous items. 675 East 200 South. Lehi (One j today! YARD Ward Support the Grove Sale Yard Scout - SALE Boy 10. from Saturday. Sept. GRANNY'S NOOK. of editing Reasonable rates Norma Penrod tt- - YARD word IBM manuscripts Call 756 2356 equipment and supplies, tools, home furnishings, sporting goods. Continued daily until everything is 700 North. 257 East gone Fork American i MANUSCRIPTS. TO MEMOS word processing. WordPerfect. Business documents, etc Fast, histories, resumes, efficient Call Karen 1tM I CHIMNEY CONSIGNMENT CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. 4 ft. COUNTRY HUNTSMAN'S WOODS accepting quality gift and craft items for consignment. for antique gas stove with excellent condition. $300. box tiller Call or scraper steel, 25' x 38'. 756-634- 5 rounded-to- EXPERT HOUSECLEANING SEAMSTRESS sew will buildings 1 800 843 1300 74' x her come to your party. Games, magic, lots of fun! Let and weekend job. housecleaning bath, family room, fireplace, close elementary, fenced. $62,500. to AMERICAN HOME. plus PETS AND sheds. animal-right- after 6pm. REMODELED AF PLEASANT Victorian rambler, acre, fruit trees, irrigation, oak and pine trees, well insulated. $42,500. . Airdale-Lab- Free to a good home. CHESAPEAKE retriever BAY colors. All CTR Homes, PUD, $400-dow- Assume $27,000 mortgage. 423 E. 790 South. Leave message at $100 DOWN BUYS A HOME. Why pay rent? Call Jack or Marlene, or GROVE, townhouse, 7684777. pups. Born Starting at $150. Call acre, $49,900. HOME, WH7 SUPPLIES OLDER LARGE LEHI 2. OLDER CHARMING thirds . . location. large two- - HOME, Pleasant acre-id- eal Grove bath, kitchen and living room. stove, storm windows. Woodsman furnace, water heater and Fruit trees, grapes, berries, garden. Three shares irrigation. COMMERCIAL New roof. RENTALS Beautifully landscaped. $55,000. lor LABOR new equipment, such as chain mowers. generators. payment on a motorcycle, need framing and sheetrock in basement. Call Brett REDUCED ANOTHER beauty salon. 1200 sq.ft. All or Call Jack. part. power saws, down etc. OFFICE E. (evenings). (days) or Must have your own tools. ALPINE-VER- FAMILY HOME. finished. I work MOVE, SPACE at 405 AVAILABLE Y Newly carpeted rambler. baths, two fireplaces, family room with stove, fenced, landscaped. Close to church and school. Great State Road. Am. Fork. Call Stan 21 Robinson Robinson, Century and Wilson Realty, neighborhood. $84,500 (Appraised $94,500). Owner anxious. 756-831- STORAGE UNITS L 3078 SPACIOUS FURNISHINGS bedrooms, ALPINE excellent $175. BED, Queen-size- $5000. MUST MCE 2700 sq.ft. Free TOPSOIL delivery. 8 AMERICAN 6'xl5'-$25- FORK 9'xl5-$35- ; 32 West STORAGE, 100 FTXT with five air constove, woodburning ditioned, large fenced yard, quiet Under priced-$80,0- 00. neighborhood. 12'x30'-$54- . ; SQUARE finished, room family North, Butterfield 7684229. . LIVESTOCK mmWKsmm JF)tfV 'wurnc;' 896 MARE, great in mountains and with kids. $650 for horse and tack. PRODUCE REPAIR O home. family large Completely clothes items plus Barbie clothes. Alterations available. STUDENT WANTS ALPINE, deposit. Call for appointment-768-931after 6 p.m. Ext FARM-GARDE- LOVES CHILDREN. CLOWN LULU IN sell all Two. IMMEDIATELY! 46' sculpturing. Clown magic, college graduate with five years experience. Flawless condition. Must to pay tuition. Book value $1235. asking $800 OBO. after 4 or Donna ORGAN. black HOME IN ALPINE. K SELL MUST CANCELLATION. ALTERATIONS $42,000. nuuiL condition party, balloon HOMES FOR RENT CONSOLE ELECTRONIC BALDWIN TOPSOIL-GRAVE- SOFA Sheila, fun $2,700-askin- unKIC FARM EQUIPMENT Ask for John or cost new. yards $50, 15 yards $90. Also Lawrence Call Geneva slag. SEWING, room, family bedroom, basement. Low down. Contract No sale. closing costs. Only appointment. evenings Mountain Sweeps Like $950. TRADE "LIVE OAK" oven, - & CRAFTS: Call before winter $68,000, Three BARTER We are now ROTOTILLING Only or CONCERT LOWREY SWAP, TRADE, has moved to a new location: 105 East 100 South. Pleasant Grove. ANTIQUES loan. AMERICAN FORK STARTER HOME. SALE, GO! Business All large utility. $260. Lehi. Call WITH duplex, full brick. Low down large, $550 Call BEAUTIFUL AKC GIFTS Professional Landscaping. CASE AC. Fork American FORECLOSURE. Quiet m E MARVELOUS processing Resumes, term papers, reports, letters, proofreading and uw a WORD PROCESSING aialiiij service trcwv 10 655 South (Cherry HVli"Dri1e).f .'EroveT Z. 740 to5pm EVERYTHING MUST 1 DUPLEX. BEDROOM basement. Assumable FORK II( moMArsryJJ 5527. best $450-o- r GUILD GUITAR BEAUTIFUL OR SHINE. Friday. Thursday. Saturday 968 South Main. Orem 226 2653 fcmovt or no smokers pets. bath. DARLING! Pruning, topping & removing, including fruit trees & hedging. llFree estimates! Highland Elementary School. $78,000. Low loan. 634? down. Assume 9.5-VWest 10830 North. Highland. 75f APARTMENT THREE 9 Sept Friday Call ..Specializing in: air conditioners, trasses, lighl poles, etc. Crane can be equipped with workman's basket, welder, torch, etc exp. f4U1U66Ufli SAXOPHONE, finished with Near basement. in Lehi, or HOME LOVELY area. Lehi. $315mo. PIANO. I state Child care includes breakfast, snacks and lunch from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for children 18 mos. to 12 years old. Transportation available to local schools. Call Top. 1 Steve Calton. 12 yrs. WJrWestem CELEBRATION. CARE. YARD r evenings NICE block south of Wasatch Bank) WORKS UTA- two acres witfj water. $22,000. Approximately at 6. 10500 North 6000 West. Nice, clean, one room, three furnished, bedroom. You pay lights only. No Call pets. $260. top of the home organs. Our cost Si 2.378. sell for $5,950. One owner. Exquisite instrument. 1 756-287- I Service NATURE'S FORK. AMERICAN $50 and 10. 8 a m 6 p.m. Tires, baby and kids clothes, stereo, lots more 506 South 330 East. American jf PRUNING-TRE- E licensed child care with certified Montessori Preschool instructors. for see to appreciate Must until 9. Fork $16,040 Hiring. Your Ext. 10 ch FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Member UMTA PIANO LESSONS. il Lehi Drug. COCO THE CLOWN for a or BY OWNER apartment. oiler. Welding at- mosphere. Hot meals, pre school activities, computer skills taught, video of child's growth and large THE FOR SALE . $280-mo- FURNISHED basement storage LESSONS. PG care loving, smoking, pets. CLEAN NICE, luildmg YARD SALES DAYCARE. Excellent location. Low rates, fenced yard. a.m.-- AND-O- food GARAGE AND SERVICE LICENSED No INSTRUMENTS DRY GALLON WELDING o. e, anany occasion, birthdays, niversaries, I love you's. We deliver, too. Helium tank rental for parties. birthday HAIRDRESSER openings lor beginning and in termediate students College graduate, nurturing teacher 756 0480. Linda Peck. p.m.; ARTIST, Have in Have your chimney cleaned CALL WHITE OVERSIZED MUSICAL containers. IN ALPINE. BALLOONS BIRTHDAY CLOWN East FOOD STORAGE 30 7010 BALLOON BOUQUETS 2300 Day sheet cakes and mints. also do cakes Nancy. 756 Rocky PR0DU-CTI0- WEDDING CAKE, YOUR CLEANING ext. DECORATING ME DO LET - PIANO LESSONS DELIVERY. AVAILABLE. SIZES OTHER FORK two bedroom condo townhouse. 80 North 400 HIGHLAND, MUSIC LESSONS Cellist, CHILD $375 month. Lease; purchase. Corner lot. 1200 sq.ft building. PG. $39,950. Mansell Realty. R.E.. AMERICAN or Barbara. Steve or Kalyn. bricks. Call ?814 40x60x10-551- 01 HELIUM Guaranteed Even with Visa-M- C, US Charge. bad credit. No one refused. Call WORK. MOTHER or stop in for a today, visit at 55 E. 400 North, American LABOR, Bob Call IN Fork. FINANCING, T36-C- Try welcome inquiries ALTO and ANYONE CAN APPLY! (213) place your CELLO an for LOOKING IS ARBY'S 24x24xl0-$18- Kent PICKLING CUCUMBERS. CANDY Boy, Hills, Beverly Camp a "785-379- - much openings. convenient Lee, Claiborne, Healthtex, Chaus, .St Michele, Forenza, Bugle $19 to $60. Over 250 brands 2600 styles. $17,900 to $29,900:in-ventor- 4636. SELLING EARN IDS LICENSED and good food. bridal, lingerie or accessories store. Add color analysis. Brand names: Liz multi-tie- Call $15,000-$68,00- poisons. Excellent for winter storage Call 756 9132 or 920 East 700 North. American Fork from sizes, large organically grown, free CARROTS, repair dancewear-aerobi- petite, Levi Supply PROBLEMS? apartments. Utilities paid. Studio. I Cable and and 2 bedroom laundry. 7684632. Pure Natural Melaleuca Oil from Several times as efAustralia fective as Aloe vera Distributor LOWREY men's, ladies, Lucia, Organically Grown, 2,000 others. Or $13.99 HELP WANTED OR Choose from: SHOE STORE. e H. Rosemary Mendenhall paint classes starting classes: Sept. 15 & 20 Night classes: Sept. 27, 28, 29 Eight week classes Come in for more information. Sign up soon to reserve New TLC. area. Call Debbie, APPAREL OWN YOUR OWN and Office WEDDING CAKES, and save! AB- NO rental Victoria NEWLY REMODELED Lehi AND L PROP.' 7567039 American OPPORTUNITIES THERE tend your fun and games, preschool activities DEPENDABLE BUSINESS MACHINE Sherwood's COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIA- Day test at Job Service, then GATB Paints $1.09 OFF wood in store 15 ADDING AND FOR RENT , gasoline-driven- 200 amp and Craftsman. $500. Delta to LOVE children with lots of with Call Headquarters: Clearwater, Florida. is NEEDED. COOK Training, Member NHSC. Accredited DAYS. Rewarding work, benefits and paid holidays. Call Nadeen or Shirley. TRUCK DOT. Job tification, TEND WILL Children three years and up. Mon Fri. by appointment Call Sue I UNITED 10 Huntsman's Country Woods 105 So. 100 E., PI. Grove Great Savings! Come in State. Lehi, Utah. Don't lose your diamonds. We check & clean free. GRAND Sept. 8, 9, All at Alpine Fireplaces. 782 W. Apply HOMEMAKER ', Monday PORTABLE, plant power N : 4021. APARTMENTS WELDER, CHILD CARE COMPANY looking HEAT commodes, oxygen, other hospital supplies. Call 756 5712 or 756- -' CLUB 756 2382. G WHEELCHAIRS, BEDS, HOSPITAL Lee Contact STOCK. IRRIGATION . LEHI FOR PRICE TOP PAYING sale Make offer for MEMBERSHIP RENT FOR Rosenhan. 768 8714, SKIN ADOPTION MISCELLANEOUS WATER SHARES remote control car. Works great. $35 Huffy 20' boys' bike, good condition. $45. Daisy BB gun. $10 768 3979 TYCO INDY TURBO 756-766- HELP WANTED 7684753 Call Ron Clark THREE FACTORY-LO- GRAVEL SLAG, 44-mo. Paid S350 will sell for $200. 768 3012 SPOOL mini PERSONALS $30 deposit. Call 21 Century Robinson, Stan Robinson C Wilson Realty. 12'26 SAND, AVAILABLE UNITS STORAGE TOPSOIL T M Jones. 756 3675. 5. 7564683 TIL INSTRUCTION-TRAININ- STORAGE UNITS L ALPINE MOUNTAIN and bag CLUBS GOLF Brand In order to better serve you, we've extended our classified deadline to 7:00 p.m. every Monday. Now you can call as late as Monday evening and still get your ad in the classifieds that really work. Ads will appear Wednesday in the Citizen, Pleasant Grove Review, Lehi Free Press and North Utah County to every Shopper, home from Lindon to Lehi - almost three times as many (in this area) as the Daily Herald! Ask about the fourth CITIZEN PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW time free and our "guaranteed sale." LEHI FREE PRESS 9 59 W. Main, Am. Fork NO. UTAH CO. SHOPPER l J FOR SALE -- mail-deliver- Deadline Hon., 7:00 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS When your want ad can't wait... just call us late - until 7 p.m. Mon RfewtahWews I J 60 SET OF HARNESSES, Experienced. 'aiMITlffl X f te tf f experience fits quarter or horse. size Appaloosa Vr Excellent condition. TV SERVICE, last, expert service. Reasonable rates. HEALEY Service Directory for Building, Remodeling and service. Free pickup & delivery on portables. I H are ready now lor your canning and eating pleasure. Picked daily for freshness. Top Hales Stands in Payson on south quality 91 Highway Fork. 115 exit open Friday and . and west out ol Saturday Fast, Professional II Service on TV's, Ji VCR's, Stereos Sanlaquin on 6. Highway . The HOSPITAL BEDS, , Authorized RCA, Zenith & Sharp bunk bed set. $140. . Music maker, $15. TOMATOES FOR SALE, Highland. - STOKERMATIC-SALE- OUTSIDE t INTERIOR. Free estimates. n Professional. Guaranteed work. Call Homeowners. roofer, trouble-fre- and Contractors ATTENTION: Quality-minde- in specializing service. prompt, Free workmanship estimates, WASHBURN New or 1 SONS reroofing. Call ROOFING. for free estimate. TV REPAIR leave message on phone recorder. Excellent workmanship Reasonable rites Certified technicians ind shingles, call Lawrence Butterfield on Citizen discounts CaRValwCrttfiat 225-755- 0 Wf broke J NEW ffl Rotary upholstery RX 20 Rotary Jet Extractor the ultimate cleaning tool. with 5 spray jets and S vacuum head that deep clean and rejuvenate carpet pile like no other cleaning process, a must for the truly professional cleaner. GEAR CASES! 1987 HUGE SAVINGS! WILL BUY USED GOODWILL Sr. ROOFING AND REPAIR Gravel DISCOUNTS models! Prompt service in your home or our shop. guaranteed. Going ! WASHING business and residential windows; Phone Brian Mellor at before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m., on IPC JCT aXTR ACTION. & heating with propane, electricity? SUMMER PAINTING, JLrir 1 7684928 3754636 WINDOW ultimate system for your carpet MOTAJTf COMPLETE WINDOW WASHING BRIAN'S WHEELCHAIRS, commodes, oxygen, other hospital or supplies. Call also. Mc Mullin Orchards, available Payson open Honey Call 736.7669 ROOFING FOR SALE Open American Improvements PAINTING New advanced cleaning. Amazing results not possible with any other system. Must see to believe! Our new of the carpet, process means the actual REJUVENATION thoroughly yet gently MISCELLANEOUS South Pioneer Electronics i Home and Yakima FRESH PEACHES, LARGE Lila: Call us about THOMSON THREE PIECE 7564818 6130 (blue). this revolutionary new rotary electric extraction VINEYARDS W. 9600 Highland, Utah table grapes are now are extra ready. Juice grapes extra sweet from large mature vines for more Sweet t juice per bushel. ORCCR NOW! 650 Model N. BATH SET, Honda system. . generator. When our Drys 7 faster Gentle to carpets DAN 357, new. $200. powder pistol-$15- .44 Black 50 calibre $175. Craftsman 10' table saw, excellent condition-- Si 75. Large Fender amp. 16 inch 7689159. JBL,hkenew-$29- 5. Hawkin, truck pulls up, the dirt pulls out! Cleans better new Ml I. |