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Show 173 THE WOMAN'S EXPONENT EMMELliE B. WELLS, ... . - t , ! . , - . t i ; i .' - : i Sister Published in Salt Lake City, Utah ierms: One popy one year, S3, 00; one copy, six, months $L0O Ten copies for the pijce to( nine. .AdyertiBing ten lines oi nonpareil 6pace,one Y rates: &acii square, $3.50: month, $3. 00. A liberal discount to per "time, TCar advertisers. Exponent Office, Lower TVest Koom of the Council J" ttouse South' Temple "Street." Business 'hours from 10 a. m. to 5 pi m. every day except Sunday. Address all business communications to Publisher Woxiw's Exi)kKKT, Salt Lake City Utah. : :r.: ! . r r ' send-monthl- f Editor. i. , y, Aaar-rraniara- APRIL rlyrum,sent at Con- The J ubilee Box, which has teri prepared bv Mrs. Sarah M.' limball, to be seated up for fifty years, i"ow'&ui t contains contributions from persons, and weighseiht , pounds, ptgCog e pubh in this issue the ; dedicaMon jpem, wjU give our readers a ytry good Mf&rrt.tbK. a tin box In. onefmadeiof'wood, and between the . twd ia placed a list of the contributions, also a" letterV addressed to' theprlispectiv President and Secretary of the i7eWtrat Board of Relief SocietyJasSingtvtnenf make "a similar deposit for the year 1980, and further expressing a wish that th wsfbm. may; continued from generation. .p generation tljrugh all, jtinie. The articles are, grapicalistpricaj, gejiealogical, wi th soqaef letters orailvicg. ;aad ik (ew poems. ' Mrs. KimbaEsays;; but clittle interest was manifested in ghe had then some, cause , to regret its, not beiDg a Mrs. Louslana Heppler has authority to act as our, agent iaGlenwoodi Monrpe,Annabeilat Elsi- npr, Salina, In verhary, Joseph, and, Reunion d, in Sevier County... Mrs Anh OdelJ isageflit for . Ogden, Plain ;City,:Slaterville,Lyiine aijd Mar- : riotsviJle. Mrs. Mary JJuightner lias been appointed to act as agent for Mm ersville. We acknowledge with' sincere tnanks a1 fcrettv Ifttle scroll of 6rnamen1aJ'paper'work by Mrs. Thomena Sorenson. The whole is cut out with ' Ai' "' iTit ..lu;i-" v.- ' anil? j u ll'f; i.ilu.iTTSui. "" t ,' ji cards for those whose memoiral ,very handsome lovea pnM pehmq thfe yeiLu She Is a poor sister and would be thankful for patron GENERAL, CttNTTERFNrrrF! - " Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints. The' flft-Wr- ' st u-.- , v and continued i tesesslon four ji&ys. Snday-morrii- ngf muf.Miav HTi.frnnnTi April Sd, and Weber. Consequehtly showing could be made. SEMI-srONTlI- - ralllcr 111 spirit and in truth. Some Elders were called to go upon missions to the British! Isles' andfecan'dinavia an'tfa few to different parts of the United States. Thejpreach- mg aifogelh'er was very instructive; and calcul- - jesece sort of General Retrenchrnnrit Mpa. LY atoe i;fa the chorus. Follpwjhg; this. Mrs. Ferguson Ings, as' much ,!good' adyice( fs'glvetf in Regard to tfTmnlanna the nractical tvorihtrs of and the (luties of women in 'dlscipllnrng'them- ocjiyco ttuu tiicu: : plentbnehe v"" forwarfor Alio Dest jnougnTs Jh'e ex- - mt tly r not perfectly urjderstoo. are a school for the development of intelligence. good A PARTY of thlrt v ladies riages, met Sisters "Eliza'' R. Snow 'Smith' and oiua xuuug ai me uepoi, on tneir return Hum ou vjrwrge, inarcn 61, ami escorted them to the Lion House, where a' delicious renast was arranged and suspended on the wall of the din ing room was the motto, "Welcome Home," the words, artistically interwoven with the most ex quisite flowers of the season, embedded in moss. : foe and also' spiritual sal n pertain to eyery-cfa- y exaliation. and On Wednesday afternoon ' va-tio- family government and home life was abl v treated upon by Pres. Joseph F. Smith and must uav appcjueu w me neari oi every person who is desirous of promoting the happiness, and best welfare of the inhabitants of Zion. We, must begin with small. things, the little details. which " ialut?- grcaw sum w numan existence. -jVUVAMU LiH lvi u ' ' and spiritual, and blest the people in the name of the' tord. 'The organ 'and tihoir discoursed sweet music during the Conference, but at the close of the'last'day the ' congregation standing ' upon their feet Joined the Choir In singing, "fhu Spirit of God like a fire is burnln,, and the grand assembly' Beemed to be tilled with the lx)wer of the Holy Qh'ost ;Benedictlon: by Pres. . . . m 1 . V : '' Cannon,1 and Cdnference :was ad. journed until the 6 of ;October next 10 o'clJck A. M. George Two poems by Irg. A.Crocherpn,-anaddresses by Dr. Eljen 3. Ferguson and Marv A. Freeze,in honor of the arrival pf these two distin guished ladies, were read during the evenimr. Sisters Eliza and Zina responded In a, happy .manner., A. closine Draver was ofTerfid bv Riap ' Pre?endia LI Klmball.and the company dispersed at nine o'clock. a lib liviuu iramauc ujud . HOME AFFAIRS. ; : .a- I?1 ' laid ' etehjWving Lmks and Jesse Burns are over until next Issue. TllfP? xooKYnd' mber of Primary Hymn JMjTmn tracVmpaflrthein. Dlaved verv sue. pupuiar, m ineir respecjjve character act ing. On the 20th "AUTOBrGGRAPHY and poems ' by Hannah Cornaby,Jis the Wtle of a new'oookof 158 pages, Just from the pres,f:p & Co, of this city. Graham The typographical work is iaitn ana promote and truth, (apd strengthen hope inthefu- - pjo, i2jcujavcu tu inapjre vir-tu- e ; UH$V$7l-P- J?11? ?ubjcqts, yet areapplicable The ;i JfAisan.. InyaUd.wfto ba r4ssecJ;muQh,of her Ia$?riAi?in, the sick ro9nlKAttdJbere.is.a,wealth iflf rntlernss.. ift , her , writings; a i:gen(leness in t.he. style that is specially touch&g,' and leaves a clHweet; impression-- , of r the; anthorV earnestness and. candor, It is a 'work calculated to do gad. Price, neatryjbound In 'cloth, $i.0d; handsomely bound inleather gilt edged Ac., $2.50,': For sale at this office nnd Deseret-News-- cessfully during Conference two very attractive pieces, "l'ique,, and "Rosedale These ama teurs are improving yery' grealyrVnd feeepming vjuimj was presented wtfh 't&'t lptVf .jlpck. The was deli was,a party cious, and all agreed.jthe eyening .had been a enjpableone.The lady in whose honor it was given, .althpught.yeryniuch surprised, collected herself syflcien tly to say a few words in response to her friends just before they dispersed. vcime!Ta of the sisters' are T hrough pression of vie ws and : , s i ing in the 14th Ward, Sabrday; April 9, was well attended, considering ' the Unpleasant weather. Coun. B. W. Smith1 Presided. Tt would be well for the sisters from' the 'country ' setliermerits, WVeIlMa8",ih68e, w6'TeVtde'in the John Smith, ifcshoD Edward Hunter and Coun- selbrs.;' Residents of BtakeaTromdlflrent parte of the Territory, Bishops, Elders, c women and children a mighty concourse of 'people, gathered to receive ins tructbn and counsel from the servants of God, and to partake of the influence of the Holy T8birit ' vouchsafed to UUI no , Ferguson me( at her Sonday, April to celebrate Jber, birthday and; acknowledge 11, their appreciation and esteem for One who is Ja- boring earnestly in the cultivation of, music and painting amtn. pur, ypung people, as well as ministering in Jier profession, asphysician and surgeon to all classes of society when called upon. Sisters Eliza R.1 Snow Smith, Presendia L. Kimball, M. A. E. Watm6Ugh, eacn' expressed her good wishes ' as well as several 'otners,Rtetn and sisters. Dr. R. B. PrattTeada very well written and ap Secretaries! failed W sending in half1 yearly reports to the central 6rganfeatldnv as'Had been requested. There were only 'two' receiveil tiavis, , wuiUJipHJg larger. - f season of spiritual refreshing long to be remem bered. There were present of presiding author ities of the Church, Pres. John Taylor, Counsel ors George ;Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith, Apostles, Wilford Woodruff; (Orson Pratt came in the first afternoon fPr a short time) Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow, Franklin D. Richards, Brigbam Young, F. M. Lyman and John Henry Smith, Counselor D. H. Wells, and Patriarch uuuiwm unuv m 4!r,unW - the last day.' It is'saiu to have been the largest tppnng vyonierence ever assembled, and was a ' navese alnatteY of reirret thai at thfe fMt f!nn- ference there were no rebort' froiUlthVhii noLadies Associations of the Territory; 'The 'Stake rn f 1o Tt an W TITO O U-il-T It Is 'inn ramiia Ann L - age. and-ejosi- ng wh. ed ( 15, 1881. , uu vice ex posed, though practised in its most intricate and fascinating forms.- -; In :fihort, the stage holds the mirror to life, and shows us, as nothing eli does or can, what Is golrigVri" aftiund us. V . V SALT LAKE CITY, C. Llijenquist, of '- ference time a specimen' of cocoons to this office, which are the largest we have ever seen. The good sisters of Hyrum are determined to perse- vere m sue culture, inougn tney nave iauoreu I in Her crrtxi t in 'rnTixr wavn , , up- as the -Derfection of nhlirnfM - - now readyramenf to supply -- the Territory. xney nave ueen prepareu uy oisver xj. rv. puuw, and published' atf the.f IbVest mat ever.y cuuu may nave une oi its uwu. ; inst tliey willarDear1n "Di- - voce,,, so uethiug more difficult tbau the Club has attempted before. This is, said.to be a verv charming drama, giviDcrone.a cood idea of mod- em;gociety As! people must 'have recreation, the theatre; should be made attractive in the oV llneitkm of; the Vaf Jons Tphases of hnmanichar-acte- r customs ahdhabiU ofiilfe. ' 'Virtue held ; . ' '. till ii'.'i.iii ft i EDITORlADNOTa CdMPiirMKXT' to irowTv Tf Vermonrbearly of all the tdwnf haVe (elkted'Wome in School Superintendents! one-fouT-tri ' ! |