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Show THE GIFT. disturbed. I don't know If I ought to! PREROGATIVE OF A SENATOR NO LONCER CARiiY LANTERNS n tell monsieur, but Monsieur .T Him lha Taka How Ktklm ItoqolN Thai With, CooOaetars la awinging Dmton Capitol l1'? nai " to bKwMtnied aai Itolii la 1w Ha DrilsMlrt. Cosily ljglili, n ben n'l the bird werewy, "Well! What? Monstk?- Lueten?" One of the prerogatives of a United Modern railroading has driven the file madrigals of My; siniing did not come bom iast night "lie : . wondrous gift Im bearing, States Senator is that when he steps passenger conductor's lantern si moot Ob. what la wrong with monsieur?" . I heard him an Senate aboard lu tbe elevator 'jwasfolk,thusroute out of use. Two decades ago or less wing rrjr, "I dont know I feel rather faint. get your (airiitg "jood of tbe Capitol be is carried Immediately the pride of a passenger conductor hire yet I Somerset By so felt Lady all Ive too." by." lleary ( (bt yiu to his destination, no matter in which was hia lantern. Tbeirtbe cars were "Monsieur bad to fils better go 1 broke off bound he direction T"(( wlifel elevator so hrilllniilly illuminated as they tbe not my spinning, may room." stands aiient yet, or who may lie aboard. Three rings are now, and the ticket taker was "Yea. I am going." Ad eager, too, for winning 'on the bell indicate that a Senator Game lWi and Jeanette: obliged to carry his light on hla left "I'll help you up stairs." to ride, and the conductor loses want And Pliy die from the herding, am In order to see the pasteboards as "No, no. Leave me alone." I do not know how many months spent j ,1A My lady from the haii. uo time in responding to the rail. fhrolIJsll tlie lighted can Monsieur "Yea, 1 yea! M hardly And faithful to hn wording . America perhaps I should say how many weeks; but One day last week Mr. lturnes. the Love staud up. Come! Carefully! Here Assistant souug gave gifts to all. wc usually And that people who spend a few weeks, Secretary to 1b President. jl think 1n (,r twelve years ngo tbe eotidue- we are! Rlt down lu your big arma book; af.er they Jme tor to are write in the Mates prepared from aboard elevator a Semite Young Love gave gifts indulged In eoti!derable extravachair. There! Doe monsieur feel siepied Ere yet his way he went; been there a few months they hesitate, and when they have gance In the matter of lanterns. Roma floor. In a portfolio under the ground better?" jov to ten and twenty, his arm he carried a message from the been there a year or two they decide that it is Impossible. of them were gnl.l and silver plated. Pair hope and sweet content. "Yea, yea." They rral'xe probably that It may be practicable to write something iiikiii Th upper part of the glass globe was Prcsliieut of the United States to the O- happy miles uncaring, am sure was vexed "I that monsieur ( one per imi of the Suites in which they have happened to sisy, luu to write j colored blue, and the name of the Kuo by, nor pause to sec . because Monsieur Luden did not come Congress. A heart ache for my fairing t'ena.e floor." said Mr. Barnes, as vaguely and br.vdly of America wlili limited knowledge of the continent is ownr was cut In old English let tera borne." Was all Ixive gave to me! oue of the snares into which ouly hasiy travelers are apt to fall. I the conductor shut the door. At the meeting of the Conductors Theodos.a Harrison, in Pnck. "Nonsense! I've felt badly all day." with but a superficial knowledge of what Iauly laiusdnle wrote. Nation manufacturers would arrange Just then 'here were three rings of "I will go and tell luadaine." th Ml. and the Indicator showed that I should say she probably forgets that eomparatlvcly few American jonug great disniny of costly lights at ons No. no!" n Senator sauted to be lifted out of inca make any lengthened str.y lu Emr'nml. tbe tllA ,1(1u j ti, Ply j whl-o( "Ah! Here comes mi.ilame now. the terrace. The elevator went down who travel wllh their mother or other womeu relatives American would be held. Rome of the mating Monsieur la ill, niadame." and having A visit to I'.vglauJ forms part of tlielr went bave Instend of tin, and Mr. Barn in t1(l ;gbts were unique, "1 am not; there is nothing the matI lie seem ntnrptl with our our tradition. studied girls It's and The the Senator lu only iry along. ranged from fit to ten fn, prnpR t)t ter with me. What is the girl talkiug wanted to to floor. A a to me now to prefer ns a rule to exchange tlicir dollars for English titles jjmMI ,at flgnrr. TIi glass and the ground go A OF A about? Go! Go to the kitchen. ban to remain lu th Nnw Woril to enrich their own coiiniry, he stepped off. however, there was ane w,,rr ent In a highly polished "Madame, I told monsieur that Mon- other Seuatorlal ring from the terrace. The American jour.g mun as scou ns he leaves college has usually to enter Ktntl, a,1( 1)0nr, ivl to meddle with sieur Luclen Tbls Senator wanted to go to the gal- li uI itc life, a life wh'U iindor the present conditions giies hut lltile leisure tl), of tIir puncher's equip- "Who told you to say anything about lery floor, and the elevator went there and allows but little fme for travel cr rerrention. incut. Mind your own affairs. That without A flying visit to Imnduu, to Home or to laris is usually all thnt Is iol-- . Translated From the French It? IsGo!unbearable! fonflnrtrtrs still enrry tlielr own lan-blstopping. Aa the car started She told you about down there were three girl it Is not given to him to cuter English society, in dawdle in couiury houses. a tnry arp 0M (he train rings from the of Tristan Bernard by Luclen? there Is nothing ground floor, and again the car failed to linger ih our pwn lanrs and trim flower gardcus, or to take leisure to woo rf.,ty for use-ti- nt Laurence U. Fletchers "Yes. That Is wbat upset me to stop at the destination of the Presi- and to win the affections of tiie Urg!!h girl. 11lr IIPPl himii that formerly ip.,. though I bave not felt well all day." Ou tiie other hand, there arc few English girls who travel In the Stales. I PXi,tcd.-nilrn- go dents Secretary. Fortunately for Mr. Tribune. Is not so much his not coming "It off There are many reasons for this, but probably the most potent Is tbe very to Senator wanted this get Barnes, OD are In a great burry, home that vexes me boys will be boys at the Senate yJEOJC. floor, and tbe Congress, great expense which such a journey entails, an expense that ordinary English Sit X Uouieur Gambard. but I confess tbat I am troubled by after long delay, received the message families never contemplate, unless some strong reason of business, tiie claims y P Y O down again for a few mlu-- I hla mysterious actions. Wbat do you from tbe President none ia the lnalnspring of life- .Washington Tost of relatives or the desire to seek a fortune in the New World make am-- nil )5 utes, won't your think? He came In, stealthily, two outlay desirable. "But It la nearly ten minutes ago. 1 waa in the ball, putIt has often been a matter of surprise to me that the English irnther, j jf t,00 wprt worthy, thou eonldat Jacques Ththaud. o'clock,' Monsieur Mon tier." ting In order the rloset under the Something of the career of Tblbaud whose ambitions are not one whit behind those of tlic American mother. In I iav(, no mercy. John Mason, "Well, what of It? The market stairs. He didnt see me In the darkher desire to acquire for her daughter tiie best of this world's goods, does not j jrror m,, V,.P niui injustice follow doesn't close until twelve. You have ness, but I saw him go to the cabinet may be gathered from a sketch by A. Den contemplate such trips as a matter of speculation. Uevua of dea editor tbe Dandelot, ,npvlfably (u,rpgnrd of conscience." of time." plenty and hang something on a hook. Ed. Ferbaps she feels, how ever thnt the competition Is too kern, that the ra it t II e we If "Yea, Monsieur Montier; but I prom- ward! What is the matter? You're Mondes: lie to American girl holds her piece too tirmly in her own country dipossessed on waa "Tblbaud born Bordeaux at 10 ,0 dW," ised to meet my wife at one of the ae white aa a sheet! i n., ;V8 8ept 27, 1880, and It waa under tbe by tbe daughter of England. shops." "Nothing, nothing! A alight faint- guiding eye of bia father tbat be began Be that aa it may, I am fully persuaded that the reason which lias been happiness, I "Oh, she will be too busy chopping ness like I had a while ago. Go away; The advantage of the fires of sorrow hla musical education, lie was near- suggested to me, namely, thnt the English girl would lose caste by such a to worry about your absence. 1 did I would rather be alone. In the tilings wliL-lies they cannot to exist. erased one. not Caste has la real tbe practically bis ninth year when one day marriage, . hope that you would see my sou beMatbeson. consume. George "The Idea! Leave you when yon are ing nf all kinds and distillers speculators Wealthy grocers and rich brewers, gin Ysaye came to play In Bordeaux. On fore you left" 111!" A nntii limy heroine weary of daily the stage at the end of tbe are now on tbe pinnacle of English fashion, and there Is no hesitation In allyleaving "Your sou? Oh, to he sure; he has man. "It is nothing, I tell you. My nerves performance Ysaye caught sight of tbe ing the oldest historical names with the wesllh of Hie toil, but It does not produce ae inueb come back from Paris. Well, are you are unstrung. It only Irritates me and Money la the key that will open the door to the most exclusive English depression as dives daily Idleness." , child. glad? Did he graduate with honors?" makes me worse to have people fussand the desire for money is not roiiflned to the scions of noble bouses society, happy nature la sometime a girt ."'Are you pleased with me? be who seek Yes. He Is a doctor of laws, and rich American wives, but I think It would equally apply to the iut h ing about me. Please go, dear. aiM a grace, aud can there-Englisasked. his mother la overjoyed. 1 cannot say millionaire. American a If the ahe had chance ef "Ob, how you worry me, Edward! acquiring and It should be a " girl fme ,e cultivated; I Ob, yet,' answered Jacques, bnt that I am. I find him a little bit too What do you . want now, dcfliiitc aim with tliore who are traincould as well.' play Parisian, tbls boy of mine. He says a Roulsby. ing a child.-Lu- cy Laughing heartily at tbls audacity, good many tblugs that I don't like at "A gentleman to see you, monsieur." to Jacques and bia violin .iiosl dangerous thing about the The Ysaye gave about all, argues boneity, property. "But lie is ill, I tell you." asked bhu to play. Without a trace path of sin is '.hat many believe It a Justice. Wljy, yesterday I would hare "It ia M. Meguin, the Judge. short-ru- t to happiness. of nervousness the child seized the It never baa left the dinner table If it had been "Tell him thnt Oh! I'll go and see numbers but Its lying never been and that had will, icd Just Interpreted there, anybody bnt my own sou talking in what be wants." Moved almost to tears by deceives thousands every Ysaye. by fiugeriHMt that way, and, being my own mm. it no. do Show him up here, "No, you year just the aatne." was bard work to keep my bauds off hear, Clemence? Go! Aud you go, hia performance, Ysaye took hie young colleague in hla arms and proclaimed la ears. And be spends too much, too!" Degrees infinite there must always loudly that he would one day be tbe t am continually giving btm tnonpy, but the weakest among us baa a lie, "Edward! To spenk to me like that! master of them all. Stokes Q. J, By Phelps la be forever after his mother for "Pardon me, my dear; but please "At tbe gift, how ever set mlngty trivial, which fet age of thirteen Thibaud enI.imjO.OOO deaths each year In the United is peculiar to him aud which, worthily bore. He goes to bed very late, and go. lie are of HEBE upward may have something to say tered tbe Faria Gonaervatolre aud won ' iv pry morning there is a great fans In confidence used, will lie a gift also to hla race Stales. that he a first honorable mention in 1895 and who die are forever. -- John Buskin, the out hundred cases a before monsieur consents to get up. would not rare toeomelhiiig of ninety-twIn people say before you." the first prise In 1S9U. lie was immelea than sixty-fivSo, no! 1 don't like such habit. If years old. Ko it Is plain that In the great Why, It is asked, are there so many "I don't know what la the matter diately engaged by Edward Colonne as to wishes succeed at the bar, be with le of eases the cause of death la neither old age nor ualural snares? That we may not fly low, but majority You Edward.me. you, frighten the first violin soloist of hia orchestra. aiuat take another road." wear and tear. may seek the things whlcli are above. I leave From that time dates tbe popularity in. Monsieur Meguiu. s ...."Tow Intend to make a magistrate! Come 1 of thq deuths and practically For just as birds, so long as they la found on Investigation thnt It with Oood husband. you my day." of Jseqnee Thtbssd ia Pirls.'1 df him, 1 believer all itl the sickness in the world are due to unsaiiitary conditions that could cleave the upper air, are not easily "Monsieur Meguin, I am right ui not News. "He soys no, at present. We shall be' corrected,- and to laid habits that weaken tbe body and make it less able to eu light, so thou ilao, aa iont aa thou 1 to be am her nut?" present, have to wait until he changes bis wishing resist the disease that comes its way. lookest at things above, will not easily You bave seen your sou, Monsieur Vrbsl Woman Once Couldn't WnrT mind." ia not the only evil that results from preventable disease. Nat- be captured, w hether by a snare or by death But Montier?" While we may pick and choose and "Have yon heard that young not an evil at all. Rurh any other device of evil. Chryaoatom, "Not yet" do exactly aa we please about our ural death, such as eornea from old age, Is perhaps baa come home aa a Juge "Bnt you hare beard of the murder clothes, there have been, in times gone death is painless, and usually cornea peacefully, during sleep. Death must, of course, come sooner or later; but the suffering nnd poverty of Madauie Toyle?" Asking Ton Mach. by. In many countries, and even in onr "I know, ne and my son are great that are so often caused by unnatural death and by preventable disease, and The Janitor employer in a downtowa "Yes." a what were own, knowu auiiipluary friends. A very serious lad, I hear." resigned his position the other The whole town knows It It Is laws." These laws regulated expen- the despair which bo often follows and which so often iesds to vice and crime, "Serious? He would send his own in effects. are , their sre and needless after evils, very having held the 'o lor only how day, fast such uews diture for dress, for ornament, for father to prison.' There will he no astonishing So The evils that are due to disease can lie escaped just in pnqortion as tb: a little ovw a week. I gqess I'm too sou i:ss told you food, or for whatever refreshment spreads. your smothering of scuudals with lilm rendition and hnhits Hint bring on disease become more widely iindertitood aensltive." he exclaimed to a friend nothing?" you might give company when they like that college afTafr last year. The social aspects of dlsesse (that Is to sa.v, the effects of disease upou I No." to came tea. take Monsieur Montier, It Is a quarothers than the sick thvmselvesi. should receive wider consideration. If people "lie has been of the greatest assistAmong tbe first of these sninpiury could be sick for awhile ami ter past ten. I really must go. my ance die, without suffering themselves, anil without to me in tiie afiair. We had laws was one nude hi Kume in 215 friend. Hello! What a pretty cab- dined and were at the theatre B. C., and called the Oppian Ijiw." (using suffering or sorrow or loss to fathers or mothers or rhildreii or friends, together inet! when a messenger came for me. Hut It declared that no wouiau suoiild pos- and without loss In the riitnmniilt.r. then sickness slid death would he far less "It Isnt bad. bnt I bave a more in- what is the matter? Are you ill? You sess more Ilian l.aif au iiiinee of gold, serious matters. But the person who Is sick and dies Is not the only victim. is kept from his work by j (u teresting one downstairs, in the hall. stare at me so wildly!" For Instance. It Is plain that if a wag'-eurn- er up, and there ou the black- wear a (trees of different colors, or rids I will go with you and show It to sickness nr dentil tiie ability of his family to support IliciiiKcit - Is lessened or Hoard was written: 'Find the I beg pardon. I am not sure thnt 1 in a vehicle in the city, or within s yon. Yon must see the Malay kris I understood you. 1 seem half deaf If inciensiiig poverty follows, more sickness is apt to follow, mo: piicnnd. I looked all over, but 1 mile of It except on occasions of pubpicked up the other day by pure acfor the chance of sickness increase ns the body become less well nourished oiuldn't find anything. The next Do you say that you were lic This law snd less well religious ceremonies. cident. Along comes a sailor let me with I went to the same room and princcied I rum cold and exposure. my son all last evening ?" morning lasted ' only years. twenty see, it was the day before yesterday There is a sort of endless c hain" system at work here. The sickness of fl1 i.iiiei.board was written: 'Find Why, yes! When I waa stiiiimoiied Italy and France are the countries sailor of some outlandish country, to the rhntenn g father, for Instance, brings poverty to his family: poverty he went with me. on where most of these laws have been I j,..,,,. cmmion divisor.' Then I with all sorts of foreign curiosities. seeing the wound he exclaimed: This lessens the ability of l In f.imiiy to secure 111" food and coal and clothing Hint f nl(.u things I iol passed, and some of them read very ire I bought something that he culled a wound was made with a where the body is weak mill the health poor dis- - Mllj ,j,il-- t llirn U,( the first thing I to lieai!h:: necessary Malay kris, strangely. In Ek'lo, lu Italy, no wo- euse more Malay kria. Malay or not, it Is very like the one in father's cnbluei.' He man ecsii.v bikes hold. unow they'll accuse uie of swipin' was allowed to wear a ureas with curious. I've seen such tilings In went home and feiehed The whole faiuMy, perhaps, become sickly in consequence of the bad eon- - . ji,, i ,in,w Up ,j- job. I Ku.-i,- s Ir.s. your on il; she could only dltlona which caused tl: fn'lier to heron:.' si'-- and nimble to support them. books, bnt I didn't know they really taking great care not to aivniten you, figures pHimed motive." riiilxde.pbla lie-have tlieiii embroidered. And in LMS. In existed. After stabbing, you press a for be knew that this horrible when the sick and die: lliri whole ciunmuii.iy miT.-tthe fact, story, in tbe same eminiry, neither dark green for the people are the (iiiuiiiuiiiiy. ninl iliseasp any where affects the health Hnd spring. The blade divides, and when heard suddenly at night. would , ,, give a ' Happiness and welfare of the whole. "I10"1.1 loaves It horrible It out. you pnll , Krh..b Mirha.i ;.! Kor asa.ooo. a hud shock. He gnir me a worn in the morning. Nlcnoln tlm effect of ilie disease hiihi; wound, abnped like a cross, Gome. and Consider also well known financier ot this city moral. a upon people's the who sailor sold you that Magazine. o' . I will show It to you. Taka care We know that pnvci-ilends to nnd mid tiial .wi-mslinn.. .vine ruliy ring. It was a.id 'wlio' uaa lik r uagr tbe last atop, the ball la so (lark. The to have anoMi-- about him. The tuun and desperation too often ieail to vice end crime. admired li) oue of his friends the other despair Klankal Inslea.1 or an Overrnat. Cabinet la by the window, llello! Many men Olid wonc'll stand tile trjHls Ilf poverty witll Mpieudi-- courage day. who said. "Don't you get tired has been a rtv led. three Vague- - from a blanket Is usually asso- - snd in the noblest way. but very many have not the moral strcnglli for tills. o curing that ring? For If you do Wearing "Wbat Is tbe matter?" here. He bus made a full confession, in ilie ordinary mind with In snd are driven to drink" and to nrry kind of vice ami crime sinl wrong"Well, here's a pretty biislneasr but still I must hare your testimony. elated ip it lo mo." lie laughed and said: diuus and barbaric surroundings, bul doing. What?" "Y'ou are imi lb: ouly one that ha Ah! Here Is jour son. Montier. your "The kria Is gone! Who can have father know tiie whole story. He is a blanket is far more useful tu thr Where vice and crime are the results nf imvertv Mint has been caused by ruk-- n a f n icy u it. The other day outdoor mini, than it would seem si preventable disease, they are ns needles as tbe din-nstaken It? I must see about this. self. Mr. Ilarriunii raid he would like to not very well." first glance, therefore I will attempt to Look on the floor. Monsieur MonWhen the people by Individual nnd united effort hair corrected She rondi have 1;." nervousness. Oil, it i 'I iie trieiiil Mien said: "Well. If It tier. Ferbaps the hooks bare given Why, I am crying like a baby! I beg make plain a few of Its good points lions which underlie disease they will have prevented n issl nmonii of seffe--In- g for the benefit of th: mini who likes a of i in lex will source removed have I'CMi and in fruitful and he would Inti evils hud that way." poverty, a' your pardon for my weakness." to know of the good things of the poverty brings. New York Eieulug Journal. No. the hooks are all right, aud you i'or it." The financier i,i:i ' Yoii are ia the WliHt father. ill. earth and the blanket Is one of them. there la nothing on the floor, "'ell! ' matter?" replied: "Yes. n would Schwab." and It make the best licii.er's ureniiat in well! I must see alioiit this at once." Hum tol'l a story of there being a Nothing, I te you. IiiI your arms the world for cold weather, because it "Well, I must be going. Monsieur around me. my boy my buj !" Now differ'ie'i' between Mr. Gates and Mr. is Ugh:, warm and loose. It clings Montier." Seliwali sic uii. lig to about R35,(NM. York Evening Iost. Good-day- , closely and yet it is not in the way at Monsieur Gsmbsrd. JusThey couiil not agree, anil rather thus all and It is good alike In tbe chill of tine! Justine! Oh. It's yon. Clemence. Hiiier iu'ii suy li'igatioii Schwab proAil Anil Spr Where on earth la Judlne? morning and in tbe mure moderate for the sum. It war posed to Once at least. III Egypt. tie loss of midday. Also it la a comfortable gar"In the garden, with niadame. I 'one and in1 wan tbe winner. his eye in an curlier bave Jnst enmr from market." The Question Is Howto Mcct Changes to Come Press. proved ment that enables a man to travel "But what Is the matter with you. a great service to Lord Wolseley and against a storm of wind and snow T. T. Munger By the Rev. ills army. He could gel no Information tbat would soon tire him out if he Oiemence? You look all upeet. liixnlnit With Warh. Thnt (litre is discontent with work "And well I iii'.y lie. iii'iiisircr. of the enemy's strength nr iiosition. tried to travel either with a cumber- ETtTHPr? ? 'rn of dii isiuii or semis to be drawing to an end mlddio classes It Is doubtful if we si hiii sen denomination of mi) .liming the Something dreadful has bR'ipcuml. An Arab was enpiured prowling around some overcoat or to "go light" Field :r ou'pnsts, and was brought before and Sires m. in America is due In large part to Monsieur knows the lady of the chluiHr;aiicc Mint can be called rhr.siiai.. There is gr.-ahim. It ve en to mie the sullen felof children, to the supin Ilie theological world, but it do h but li.ovr in Ilie direel n:i the ateau" FroflU Feean liaising. low knew every; hi rig. Lord Wolseley of rrrtslnl organisation. There Is iu iss theoh-gWell!" ter plying nf their natural and artlflcial Rome of the finest pecans in the ; i will iiMver go out of fashion tint il looks towards wants, ii ml tn the sentimental Idea "She was murdered last nicht. questioned him. Tli fellow answered never s word, standing stolid between world arc said to be raised In Florida, Mult thir day of toil will come snoa If not extinction of creeds already existing, ami lo other the gqrilener About nine nen-a scream and ran: but she was dead the two soldiers. At last a happy Idea where the industry ia becoming Imthat drop out or reinterpret old meanings ami bring lu new. I'liough. In general, work ia uot a years Careful distinctions and deliiiitious Mint ii.eruiliir the exact amount of freedom cnre. but a blessing- - a positive mean before he tracked lier. The murderer, struck the General. He said In Arabic: portant. A long time-elevu:m- - can hardly begin too It i no use your refus ug to answer Is required for a pecan grove to come or necessity tn the will are disregarded. iHvauee Clirisliun faith is uni now ap- of whoever he Is. must b a innnsier. Jnst Imagine, mons'enr! On the mnr me. for I am a wlxard, and at a wish to maturity, so ihat it requires pa- proached on that side of our nature. Emphasis is transferred iruiii the field early to ini rt -- s upon children lessons by tasks appropriate to Udy'a breast they found two wounds ran destroy you and your inastcrs. To tience to wail for tbe profits; but there n( speculation, where chiefly the denomination originated, to the neid of ac- nf self-helthat made a cros. l'.ut whnt ! the proe this to you, I will take out my are records of hingie trees yielding as tion, to psychology and human society. The pressure of the past is less felt, ;lieir age and fori-es- . and to beget in eye. throw It up. catch It. anil put It much as Slfi worth nf nuts in a single or is felt as reverenre rather tbau as authority. .lieui scorn of Idleness nnd of dependmatter with mons enr?" Pack iii my bead. And, to the horror season. In Jacksonville twenty-si- x niit no longer he resisted, and ence ou others. To do tbls is to maks nf Its cause-c- an the Tbe fact of change-whate- ver the ir.vil'f Nothing trees, lining nu avenue, yielded 8H0 the chief question that burdens thoughtful minds in the church is: At wild hem happy through tbe Does ma- - and amaxrment of the fellow. lady (hocked uic a 1! Wolseley took out his glass eye, threw pounds of mil that sold for S100 in speed aud by what road will it move into the region where It must go? hat roiue with the realisation of Acme know?" III up. caught and replaced it. That cash. And at the same time tbe trees what shall lie left behind and whet carried fo'wnrd? Tne ms id oi.vsiIim ul ower. and thus "Not yel. i.iif ir. approximate TenIs: How to retain steadiness of mii u in the confusion snd rush that fill nyson's goal of man: It might excite was enough: the Arab csplruated. and i.lorned tbe avenue and adiieJ greattell her. the Information be care t lie staff led ly to its attractiveness. Jacksonville the air. Serious minds ireiulde before tbe changes that some thundering down ' The seif control." bn.' Tlines-Uuiois ly , Century. r Eepe-lp'Upou them. The Atlanlir. already 'o Arahl'a defeat. London Onlooker. Why English Girls Do Not Marry Americans Lu-de- 'nl '. day-yester- day, rfei b The Malay Kris edm-miTo- tries TRAGEDY PROVINCIAL TOWN a plat-rath- , -- s. , ( h self-mad- e h o - - nine-tenth- - Me-gui- n g multi-destroye- d. to-da- wage-earuin- (r - pc-ip.- ofj" Iic-oiu- liivp'-railnii- 1 1 I J& J& No More New Churches 1 tmuumr m HIM-he- 1hiis-'.idplii- r i -- ilu-i.ln- expi.-inut.ni- en . K-i- ..: self-respe- r-- "Self-reverenc- |