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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER October 25, 1963 WSCS holds meet Page Three OES elects at Theriaults Womens Society of Christian met last Friday ning at the home of Mrs. Service Myr- Jack and Cloyd Jameson hunted in the Maple Mountain area, and Jack bagged a nice five pointer, and Cloyd a four pointer. Cloyd had a bit of hard luck the second day of the hunt when his horse slipped and fell on him, inflicting a deep gash on his leg and a broken foot. As he said, "I got my deer anyway," so what else. Cloyds friends are wishing him a speedy recovery. Methodist services Rev. Russell Tanner will conduct the Sunday morning services at the Eureka Methodist Church and will also give Communion at the 11:00 oclock service. Sunday School at the regular time, 10:00 a.m. St. Patrick's mass La-Vo- Ewell. Air. and Airs. Carl Wall and family of Granger, spent the weekend here. Mr. Wall joined a party of hunters, and Mrs. Wall and children visited u4th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chriss Sorensen in Mammoth and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wall. 9.60 7.00 104.40 .30 Tischner Ford Sales & Service Maintenance Transport Clearings Instruction United States Post Office Box Rent & Supplies Utah Department Public Inst. General Control Utah-Idah- o School Supply Co. General Control, Instruction & Capital Outlay Utah Power & Light Co. Power and Light Ut. State Agency Surplus Property Instruction, Capital Outlay, Maintenance, Operation of 1,147.07 1,074.80 203.23 School Plant Utah State School Employees Retirement Boar-d- 3,466.68 Employers Contribution Utah State School Security Agenc-yEmployers Contribution Vestal Laboratories Janitor & Maintenance Supplies .. W. H. Blintz Co. School Lunch Supplies Walker, LaVon Accompanist and Clerical Walker, Lawrence Alaintenance ..... Ware, Janis C. Salary of Teacher and Community Service Wasatch Chemical Co. Instruction & Operation School Plant Webb, Elva School Lunch helper Webb, Richard E. Salary Teacher and 1,699.02 290.00 12.00 2,698.90 18.00 4,204.00 104.30 45.00 - Zellerbach Paper 5,505.00 228.71 Instruction BUILDING RESERVE FUND School Year 1962-6- 3 3 6,384.13 1962 Balance June 30, None Receipts Total Receipts 3 None Total receipts including balance June 30, 1962 3 6,384.13 Total Disbursements 3 4,783.54 Balance June 30, 1963 3 1,600.59 1TEAIIZED STATEMENT OF AIONIES PAID OUT, TO WIIOAI PAID AND FOR WHAT PAID: 3 19.97 Blight, Alexander TV Travel Expense Centennial Development Co. TV Building and Power Poles 2,850.00 A. 7.00 TV Worker of Donald Salary Greenhalgh, 153.50 Line Material Industries TV Supplies 466.96 McMillan, George M. Legal Representative TV T.H.S. Co. 1,100.00 Supplies Roofing Quality Roofing 10.50 State Insurance Fund Premium 34.88 Steele, George Salary TV Worker 34.88 Roberts, Henry Salary TV Worker 16.53 United Electric Supply Co. TV Supplies 50.00 Walker Lawrence Work on TV Station 19.95 Vics Key Shop Oil Heater, TV Station .... Fund 19.37 District School Tintic Adjustment Operating STATE OF UTAH ) ) to 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, is All Saints Day, and Masses will be celebrated at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, is All Souls Day, the special day set aside for prayers for our dead, and Masses will be at 7 and 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. LDS services Bishop Denton Bartchi presided at the Sunday evening services at the LDS Eureka Ward Chapel. The invocation was given by John Boss. Music was by Mayme Wirthlin at the organ and Carolee Bigler, chorister. Rhoda Bell was sustained as secretary of the Primary. An organ solo was given by David McKay of Santiquin. Speaker for the services was Kay of Santaquin, who recently returned from the mission field in South African. Benediction was given by Kent Bigler. 14.86 272.00 18.87 - Janitors helper Co. Sunday, Oct 27 is the Feast of Christ The King, and a Holy Hour will be held from 2 Tis-chn- er Community Service Western Book Co. Library Books Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Operation School Plant Wilde, Vance Rex Cril (Corner Ala-tro- eve- tle Theriault, with Mrs. Lynn Brady as hostess for the meeting. Mrs. Brady gave the devotional and President Alliene Farren presided at the business session. She appointed the various committees who were to serve at the Bazaar, which will be held Nov. 13, at the Memorial Building. Mrs. Virginia Badertscher gave the lesson on "Strength of the Christian Church in Southern Asia." After the business meeting had been disposed of, Mrs. Brady served delicious refreshments to members. Mrs. Farren and Mrs. Frances Ewell, n Mrs. Mabel Randle, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Elsie Nilson, Mrs. Rowena Hanks, Mrs. Theriault, Mrs. Pansy Treloar, and Mrs. Jackie Banghart. The next meeting will be held this Friday evening, ,Oct. 25, at the home of Mrs. Frances Tintic Chapter, No. 18, OES met in regular session Afon-da- y n evening, with Worthy Georgia Roach presiding. She was assisted by Floyd Nash, Worthy Patron, protem. Alarion Nash who was appointed Grand Martha at the Grand Chapter Sessions, held in Salt Lake, was welcomed as a member of the Grand Chapter officers. Worthy Alatron, Airs. Roach, gave a report on the Grand Chapter meetings, and Alarion Nah added a few well chosen remarks. Election of officers for the coming year, will be held at the next meeting. At the conclusion of the Chapter work, Mrs. Roach and her daughter, Mrs. Janet Anderson, served tasty ss COUNTY OF JUAB) I, Catherine K. Chatterton, the duly appointed and acting Clerk of the Board of Education of the Tintic School District, Juab County, State of Utah, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she 'prepared the above and foregoing statement, and that the same contains a full, true, and correct report of receipts and disbursements of all monies by the Board of Education for the school year 1962-6Signed, CATHERINE K. CHATTERTON, Clerk . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of October, Weekend guests at the Henry Wall home were Jejry Boyns, who is attending Utah State University in Logan and Miss Lynn Strang, who is attending Vocational School in Provo; and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wall and children of Granger. Jerry is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Wall. He joined the Henry Wall party, along with Don and Carl Wall, and Orris Sanderson. They hunted In the West Tintic Mountains and all were successful in bagging nice deer. happenings On Wednesday, October 30, at 4 p.m. the First Ward Primary will hold a Primary Carnival for all who would like to be in attendance. Everyone is being extended a special invitation. Costums are encouraged, but no masks, please, say leaders of the event. There will be a Fishing Pond, and good things like root beer, pop com, cup cakes, etc. for sale. Proceeds will be used for supIn plies for the Primary. of Carnival the will be charge President Naomi LeBaron and her counselors, Dorothy Jasper-so- n and Dorolou Clayson. AI I A Leadership Aleeting was held Alonday evening, Oct. 21, at the Stake Center. It was directed by President Vera Patten and Supt. Dale Jones, and their counselors. Members of the Board conducted departmental sessions. Friday night, Oct. 25, there is to be an evening excursion to the Alanti Temple. All who can arrange to go are being urged to do so. Next Alonday night, Oct 28, is Stake Genealogy Leadership Its a girl for Supt. and Mrs. Alex Blight! The very welcome little miss checked in at 6 lbs. 13 ozs., at the Utah Valley Hospital in Provo, last Friday morning. She will be named Laura Ann. Father Alex hasnt landed yet, but hopes to, in time to take over his duties at the Tintic schools in the next few days. Maternal, grandparents are Mr. and Airs. Roy Siler of Ogden. Air. and Airs. Fred Laird are the proud parents of a baby son bom, October 3, in a Pay-so- n hospital. The very welcome boy weighed 5 lbs. 2 oz., and will be named Brian Kelly. He has a big sister, Peggy, and two brothers, Larry and Randy. Happy grandparents are Airs. Nellie Laird, and Clarence Wilde of Eureka. Mrs. Laird is the former Bonnie Wilde Sparrow. Dr. and Airs. Edward Alerkes are announcing the birth of ba- by boy, born Oct. 9, in Cincin-natt- i, Ohio. It is the first child for the couple. He weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz., and will be named Frederick Henry. New mother is the former Gerry Carter, the daughter of Airs. Alaynard Carter. Airs. Carter was on hand to welcome her first grandchild. Of interest to many Eurekans is the announcement of the birth of a baby girl to Air. and Airs. R. L. Curtis of Spokane Washington. The little miss oz., and weighed 8 lbs. 13 will be named Catherine Ann. Alatemal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin of Pocatello. Airs. Afartin will be as the former Catherine Stack. Airs. Curtis is a niece of Airs. Clare Larson. erd meeting at the Stake Center. YWAIIA games Volleyball are being held each week on Thursday at the Stake Center. Bruce Thomas, a student at the University of Utah, spent the weekend here visiting with his parents, Mr. and Airs. Robert Thomas, and joining in the deer hunt. Air. and Airs. Tom Randle of Salt Lake joined Toms par- ents, Air. and Airs. Lloyd Ran- Curtis Butler and sons, Randy and Charlie in the deer dle, hunt. They hunted in the Diamond area, and Air. Butler was the only successful one in bagging a nice dee. IN UTAH BEER IS A NATURAL As natural as the wholesome grains and tangy hops from which it Is brewed, beer Is Utahs traditional beverage of moderation - light, sparkling, delicious. And naturally, the Brewing Industry is proud of the good living it provides for so many folks In Utah. Not only for employees of the Brewing Industry itself, but also for the farmers and other suppliers of beer's natural ingredients. In Utah, beer belongs - enjoy it. 3. 1963. Signed, SEAL ALEXANDER BLIGHT, Notary Public Residing at Eureka, Juab County, Utah. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC, IN DOWNTOWN PROYO UTAH DIVISION |