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Show THE Adfrtiimtnt From where I in Stitches! the Friday Night Social, In our town, for instance: Some folks like band concerts, others don't some families serve beer blustering character who belittles everybody and everything that isn't from his own home town. Well, we can laugh at that sort with dinner, other?, buttermilk and as for politics, there's plenty of healthy disagreement. But when it comes to denying folks the right to think or act as Job Crowell had the audience in stitches doing a take-of- f on the character because from where I ait, Americana are just the We like to boast a bit perhaps, about the paint job on the new barn, or the missus' style of cooking but we aren't intolerant 2 people who don't think or act exactly the same way we do. ea? -- no, we're like you we don't believe in it, whether it goes for serving beer, or speaking they choose one's mind . . . on public affairs. NEPHI, UTAH S, Local News Social Items sit ...ly Joe Marsfi Jeb Had the Folks At TIMES-NEW- Local and Social Items Mrs. Wilford Belliston, Mrs. C. W. Morgan and Mrs. Frank Morgan were in Draper last Thursday attending the funeral services of Mrs. Caroline Webb Carter, mother of Mrs. W. A. Warr. A family dinner for Mothers day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers Jr. was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Davis and family of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davis and family of Salt Lake n City, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat and family of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foote were hosts to 20 guests on Mothers day at their home. Dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram and family of Lehi, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Frazier and family of Springville, Mrs. Ernestine Vest Ever told and son of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Olnrle S Miss Correen Oarrett Mrs .T Wm' Ockey and Mrs. R. P. Garrett were in oau raKe uity last week. Lee Christisnn and Miss T.0M00 Winn of Salt Lake City have vis ited ror a tew days with Mrs. Mabel D. Christison. Mrs. Bert Scoll and daughter Janet of Los Angeles, California are spending a few deeks with her citoi cdt ctMptai utr mm cur. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lunt. The Ladies I.iterarv Tjp(ti,o holrl a Mothers day party at the home cf Mrs. Fontella Boswell on Thursday, May 6th. Club collect was FURNITURE MOVING given by Fern Garrett and President Donna Beard intrnrinrwl tho chairman of the program, Virgin PACKING STORAGE 1 he ia uowers. tollowmg program was carried out: Guitar solo, Bonnie Mayer, two vocal solos by NATION WIDE SERVICE r lorence riaynes accompanied by Fireproof Protected Storage TWillio Reta SnptTV rpnrlincr Bonded Insured Hauling Smith; piano solo, Reta Sperry; iviinnie riaiverson; poems by skji, Mrs. A. W. Clyde and Virginia For information & Free estimate Gowers. The remainder nf tho Call evening was spent in games led Whit-tingto- ' I United Stales Brewers Foundation ; ".; ' i - i n mil t,avon Jones Ketreshments were served to 16 members. Special guests were Mr-- . Wm. G. Dy Orme, Mrs. J. E. Memmott. Mrs. Stephen Boswell, Mrs. Stanley STORAGE ,Mrs. Alec Wilson, Mrs. jarrett Ed. Bean, Mrs. John C. Hall, Mrs. PROVO 300 Susie WorwnoH Mrs A T era, Mrs. R. P.' Garrett, Mrs. F. PHONE COLLECT m. tsecK, Mrs. Lynn Jackson, Mrs. Beard of Levan, Mrs. A. W Clvde of Orem Woodward of Wellsville. Governor and Mrs. Herbert B. Maw entertained at a delightful tea at the Governor's mansion last week in compliment to Mrs. David Broadbent, the State Mother of 1948. Ms, and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox were among the hosts in the recWHEN YOU FEEL eiving line. 600 guests called, them were Mrs. J. A. Burton Mrs. and J. L. Belliston of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs . niiamott Vnnnii iwuuan THERE'S NO REMEDY. ana were, in ?al T ali-family rn.,1 . '' 1 n T. wnue mere they xucsuay. at LIKE READING YOUR tended the water follies. Mr. and Mrs. Guarnett K"nHi,n A visited in Payson Sunday evening with her Darpnts Mr. nnri .HI .3 . l L.IN I l L-- f Gus Stemer. A. J. Goiwers .Tr nf 3oH T City SDentT Saturday with Mr ' a. jjowers ana on Sunday! win, . . n Mr on4 j.Hm family of Lynnwood, California ana tneir daughter Claree, who is a student at the R v it of were guests at the Gowers home. Mrs. . .Inhn . W o ... ITU;. oan r rancisco nalifomioU1I3U ho. k Iting with relatives and friends in Salt Lake fitv onH io iu i111 j Nephi for a few days visit. ouesis ai ine home of Mr.an d Airs. Civile Oh ristocetin loot day were her sisters. Fay Bailey iuruni ana Alton Kasmussen n,-v,- "Let's give this guy a break he's just had his suit dry deaned." Evea the little striped fellows have respect for garments well owned out after our dry cleaning treatment. For that self eonfideoce which comes with feeling well dressed, have us sake year suits and coats neat and natty as often as necesor Cash sary. Call Maid 000 for pickup and delivery actd Carry for economy. ... LONESOME.: HOMETOWN MFWQPAPCD r -- I T, T."1, OSED CARS That Prctoct Yr lavtitHMt Our ji Rptatl e COMMUttl puttoaigt it. wu Your good will and mean more to us than any tmaMMM profit we might make by selling you r of questionable mechanical a umcI e5 1 mmi Thursday, May i 13, 194S You will see ... Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hawkins of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Talboe of Provo were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Kaiph Brough. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ockey and family of Salt Lake City spent Saturday in Nephi as guests of his moiner, Mrs. w. J. UCKey. Mothers dav cniesta nf Mr anA Mrs. Robert Winn were "Mr unri Mrs. Morgan Greenwood and family of Price, and Miss Virginia Simkins of Springville. Mrs. Stella B. Slack of Superior. Arizona left fnr her Monday evening after spending Motner s aay with her mother, Mrs D. K. Brown. Miss Mildred Jones who is at tending the U S A C spent Moth ers Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Christison announce the arrival of a son on 10th at Payson hospital. May Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Garbett and Mrs. P. P. Christison. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kendall are the parents of a son born at the Payson hospital May 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Chester' Johnson of Fountain Green and Mrs. Maude Kendall of Nephi are grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Tate and family of Park City visited Sunday witn Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Beag-le- jb learn WaUzitta from when she wears a little original Patai <ap 7!4e SUITS by Deanne Dee especially designed for graduation DRESSES created by Nan Parker and Robt Gould of California Also lovely Carole King Cottons BLOUSES . , . Dressy and tailored See these and Many More Lovely Things Today! VENICE THEATRE BUILDING NEPHI. UTAH y. Mr. and Mrs. EIRay Fehr of caiiente, Nevada were in Nephi Saturday visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Bai ley and family of American Fork were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chase. Mrs. Mary J. Winn, Mrs. Ruth Houghton and children Marion and Steven spent the week end with relatives. Mrs. Winn will remain in Nephi for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Jensen and children spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Belliston. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Hyrum Broadhead were Mr. and Mrs. Valter Olpin of Salt Lake uty. mm TO BUY A C00LERAT0R HOME FREEZER Put in the home grown Vegetables and fruitsO Enjoy them garden fresh the entire year. Coolerator Refrigrators and Presteline Ranges in stock for immediate delivery. University Bono 'Bank' Reduces Amputation Cases KANSAS CITY, MO. A bone "bank" in the medical center at the University of Kansas hat prevented leyeral amputations and speeded the recovery of many patients. It is a system of preserving hue man bone sections In a unit until needed in surgery and was set up by Dr. James Weaver, head of the department of orthopedics. Bone sections ranging from tiny j fragments to pieces eight inches long and one Inch wide are kept in the "bank."No complete bones are preserved. Dr. Weaver explained that the bone bank does not keep spare arms and legs, since techniques have not been developed to use them, but that the addition of a small bone section frequently enables physicians to save limb from amputation. Improperly Knit Fractere The most frequent use of boa embank "deposits" is In cases of improperly knit fractures,, the doctor said. In such case the faulty boo area Is removed by surgery and section from the bone bank Is fitted carefully Into the gap. Almost invariably the substitute bone la accepted by the body and the splice heals perfectly. g Dr. Weaver explained that operations have increased in recent years and that many surgeons have performed scores of them successfully. The practice has been to obtain the needed bone tee-tlofrom other part of the patient's body usually the hip or shin and In many cases this has presented considerable problems. The bone bank has provided a simple answer to the question cf bone supply and physicians at the medical center expect similar refrigerating faoaitJes to be set up by other hospitals. So far there are only three or four In the United States. . R. SHflliJ CO. 45 NORTH MAIN deep-freez- SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI bone-graftin- condition. ns I SMITH HALVERSOII MOTOR COMPANY -- Pbow 312 Nephi, Utah ORDER YOUR CORSAGE EARLY FOR THE I BEESLEY MONUMENT CO MONUMENTS VAULTS MARKERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED JUAB HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION . FRIDAY MAY 21st AGENT LEVAN, UTAH WRITE OR CALL PHONE 439R4 OJICoIkct 1 I I D W. W00DR0W BEARD Obttoed rreea Bone-ban- i J 0 i Flowers for All Occasions OperaMe deposits orlglaaBy were obtained to the operating rooms at the center. Many types ef ehefct and lung operatieaj require the removal of a rib and these rlbc have been placed In the bank if the patient from which they were obtained passed rigid physical toste. tome types of amputations have bone sections perfect yielded enough for preservation and in one case bone sections have been token Immediately after death. Written permission was obtained from the survivors of the paiaea who died and the death was the result of an accident Physicians found those bone sections which were taken under operating condition, functioned perfectly as graft material. They hope to receive an increasing percentage ef ftie bone-badeposits from cuek sources la the future. k Li UM XAJomtn save? yood judges fmen Tew fA clolkeS. mnfe or sweetheart lay any-tiabout your Utt sua? Many advantages having clothes tailored to order They're individual and distinctive. Choice of several hundred patterns CLoiot of model M Tov're tall or short, the clothes re cut to fit. g CARTER CLEANERS & DYERS nk Phone 280 Established 1920 |