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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPin, UTAH Thursday, May 13, 1948 !' ty Ill6ro0& Pegler WNU Feature Released -- HUOUSEHOLD: ' irlinTsM; 4 of those who fight the ROW APROPOS THE CURRENT Communists as traitorous the air forces and the against the United States army-navit is interesting to recall ow are enlarged by thousands of that in 1940 the army asked congress joiners. Most of these recruits are for only six Flying Fortresses. This sincere Americans who were either was one year after war broke in apathetic or deceived by political Europe, yet the army still didn't see agents who told them that Roosevelt the need of planes. was a great spiritual leader, beset And had it not been for Congress by man Ross Collins of Mississippi who The new opponents of the Commuthe army demanded more nist conspiracy also include, how- would have beenplanes, worse prepared ever, many yellow individuals, who than it was. used to run wiin uie Today, President Truman an ex- K' Reds because Roose is siding with Secre artilleryman velt did. Among Forrestal's navy and ground them are some dem- - tary while congress as in 1940 v A i " aeoeues of the radio forces, is siding with the air force. and the malicious Backstage battling between For- politico - underworld restal and Air Secretary Symington streak in our jour- has been even more vitriolic than nalism, some teach- most realize. Here is part ers and preachers. of the people repartee during a locked-doo- r show-offs a few who and gratified session of the senate armed services their vanity by political advertisecommittee between the air secretary ments published as "a public servand the man who is supposed to be ice." boss: his We have heard a brave patriot "The air force SYMINGTON Josef Stalin defying for three years has said it needed who didn't realize that communism the program In peacetime was an enemy until the last dirty and it has never deviated because dollar had been wrung out of the of the strategic aspect of the 70 Roosevelt idolatry. We have seen this year what an advertisement boldly damning groups. We asked we asked for in 1947 and 1948." Soviet Russia for the capture of FORREST AL "You have to exCzechoslovakia published by a hitchsome judgment between exercise hiker on the crowded bandwagon tremes. There is a middle ground who not so long ago was abusing for judgment which, as I say, I American soldiers in Germany, veterans of the war, for perceiving that have to rely on the joint chiefs of staff to furnish me with, and they Russia was the enemy. are going to have a very hard THE TO OPPOSITION REAL wrestling match to do it." COMMUNISTS NEVER HAS BEEN In addition to the 70 regular PLEASANT EXCEPT TO THOSE WITH A BELLY FOR A FIGHT. groups, the air force is asking for The smears were vile. Thoughtless, 27 groups for air national guard, 34 groups for air reserve, 22 squademotional millions with low Intelas reconligence were tickled to sneering rons for such activities mirth by coarse gags at. the ex- naissance, air weather and air com55 pense of decent citizens. The super- munications. The increase from stition that President Hoover turned to 70 groups will mean a correspondout the army to massacre starving ing increase from 364,000 to 453,000 men by the end of 1949. veterans of World War I in WashIf the program is apington is typical of the vicious frauds perpetrated on the people in proved, the air force plans on adding the interests of the Roosevelt myth 1,512 airplanes in fiscal year 1949. of compassion and love of man- The big increase would be in bomber prokind. strength. Under the bonus gram, the air force would be limited The march was fomented to 480 bombers; under the Plan and organized by the program, this would be increased to of It was 720 bombers. Commies Communists. dispersed only to up' "That is roughly a 50 per cent inhold the authority of the national crease in our striking force," Gen. government. Most of the participants "Touhy" Spaatz told the senators. never had heard a shot fired and "The plane we would like to conwere far from broke or, if broke, tinue to build," added Symington, were shiftless bums. Many of those "is a modification of the ..veterans drove to Washington in He pointed out that the first 9 laeir own automobiles to get some had a bomb load of 2,000 pounds, r easy money and the fact rarely is whereas the present bomb load is recalled that Roosevelt, too, in his 10,000 pounds. The original range turn, booted them out of town with was 3,938 miles, the present range out the money. is 4,100 miles and the expected range Franklin D. Roosevelt granted is 6,945 miles. However, the diplomatic recognition to Soviet already has been flown more than 5,000 statute miles with 10,000 pounds Russia, the enemy of today, and of bombs, Symington disclosed. gave every aid and comfort to communism in the United States as well as in Europe. By the very Air Force Maneuvers terms of that recognition, Russia IN MANEUVERS OVER GREAT admitted that she had interfered in the air force has demonBRITAIN, United of the domestic affairs the its strated ability to slip a bombing wife his States. Roosevelt and Superfortresses mission of also gave aid and comfort to the through the equivalent of Russia's Communists In the union movedefenses. ment in our country in return for Lt. Gen. Curtis Le May, air force votes and organifunds, campaign chief in Europe, arranged with the zation. Royal Air Force to send a mock They were the patrons of the Commission against Britain's tight inthe in the munists Newspaper guild, terceptor and radar net. Because National Maritime union, the United of long experience during the war, O. a as Auto Workers and the C. I. the British net is supposed to be whole. The pioneer fighters of the the most efficient In the world. C. I. O. were Communists, trained as not only broke Ilowever, the soldiers are trained and skilled in to their target, but most of through creating and exploiting disorder, them never were detected. confusion and alarm. Roosevelt and Secret of the American success his labor relations board, deliberwas altitude. The big Forts flew in Communwith actual loaded ately of 35,000 feet. at and proceiling encouraged ists, helped, As a result of the maneuvers, air tected them and gave them all the force strategists are convinced that breaks in official decisions. the "iron curtain" around the Soviet It was the most dangerous chalmis lenge to law and liberty In the could never stop a especially since Rus United States since the Civil War sion of sia's defenses are stretched out over and IT WAS ABSOLUTELY SELthousands of miles, compared to the FISH. WANTON AND UNNECESSARY. relatively small area defended by It is not news, of Britain. Note The Joint course, but the stateParly ment come with em-- p maneuvers were pulled off by Gen l eral Le May without orders from h a 1 i from Louis opinion e rs MfiiMassjSi ,v:.a4.- m H 'I Will' Red-baiter- single-hande- to be a general that the opening of season is an interesting item to only 10 cities in which the 16 clubs are parked. Nothing could be farther off the track of truth. e teams are largeThe 16 ly made up of ballplayers from the hamlets and the villages of the coun try who take a deep pride in the ex ploits of a native son. The big- league cities are only the spectators. They rarely contribute any of the talent needed to carry on the show. Here are a few examples: Ewell Blackwell from San Dimas, Calif.; Phil Cavaretta, Wilmette, 111.; Bill Nicholson, Chestertown, Md.; Larry Jansen, Forest Grove, Ore.; Harry Walker, Leeds, Ala.; Bob Feller. Van Meter, Iowa; George Kell, Swifton, Penetang, Ark.; Phil Marehedon, Ont.; Bill Johnson, Montclair, N. J.; Joe DiMaggio, Dom DiMaggio, Mar tinez, Calif., and Bobby Doerr from Illane, Ore. After all, Ty Cobb came from Royston, Ga.; Mathewson from Fac- t, toryville, Pa.; Lajoie from Cy Young and Alexander trom outposts in Ohio and Nebraska. Baseball is a small-tow- n game a village enterprise. There is little room for sandlots in the big cities. The cities only supply the spectators. They haven't time to bother about the kids who, in the main, can live or die unless they happen to be lucky enough to live under the rule of Commissioner Wallander of New York, who Is vitally interested in their careers. There are other Commissioner now but not enough of them. In the last few years, baseball has taken on a tremendous lift It broke all attendance records in 1946, It broke these records again in 1947. It is my belief the old game will set a new cluster of marks in 1948. This season, if one can judge from the spring hullabaloo should be base e record year as far as ball's attendance goes. The two leagues should pass the 20 million mark with something to spare. Which finds us hailing the Charley Ebbets of 30 vears aeo as ha remarked: "Base ball is in its infancy." rpHERE seems Military Bigwigs Battle bjr pHE ranks t4 ' " PAGE THREE d 11 Mill ..California FAVORITE SON. Gov. Earl Warren s a called for domestic policy to save the nation from moral and economic bankruptcy in his first nationwide radio address as a favorite son candidate for rock-bou- nd presidential Republican tion. t nomina- v ALL BOMBS. .. Secretary of the Army Kenneth Royal 1 bis neck to look up in the direction of the tall (left)of cranes bomb which attracted his attention a giant d fins during a visit to Aberdeen, lid. , proving grounds. The big boob was given a drop test (unarmed) at Muroc dry lake. recentlyfrom a converted With Royal 1 are iiaj. Gen. Everett Calif., S. Hughes, chief of ordnance, and MaJ. Gen. A. D. Quinton, Jr., (right) commanding the proving grounds. BOMB TO END 43.000-poun- B-- 29. 8 Graham, man's personal physician, gives the President's dispossessed pup. Feller, a grooming in pre paratlon for a dog show. The took over care of somebody didn' t want. the dog in the White House Grahams Feller when iHi -- S4- - are blooming .. Dutch one of for the Marshall plan. This is Just appreciation have sprung up throughout Holland, where the many designs that have designed In flowers words of appreciation for Europe program, word of the passage of the American aid to which speaks volumes. appreciation here is 'dollars,' OF THANKS. BULBOUS NOTE bulb-growe- 4 w. f. f bulb-growe- rs No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 rs fz-- alone military, or secret I. - Fadden, ld V'Vt't bis h V grandmother. McFadden plane, runs for own Florida. flies gover-- of 1 f m if 1 I -- I'1 - V' 3, t fei.;. .. COLUMBIA BASIN SIPHON. Near weave web of heavy reinforcing Adrian, Wash., steel bars around which will be poured workers concrete for Crab creek Inverted siphons which ill convev Columbia basin irrigation water across Dry Coulee to reclaim feet in diameter eastern Washington sagebrush land. Twenty-fiv- e and 4.500 feet long, lt will be world's largest ronollthic concrete pipeline. police, units In governmental agencies, departments, unions, schools, colleges, church organizations and fraternal It is organized along geographical lines in UTocJt or other bodies areas l The Identity of their members of the unknown to the ret community. These members are Inil i trln.tlcd and trained to disciplined obedience to the orders lines W their superiors. The 'j-.rpnlicire. are derided by an international body which Is an organ of the Soviet government, whlrb has Us seat In the Kremlin and determines Its policies in with the Interents of the Soviet government." Waldrr.an sny "There is a clear and preser.t danger to our country from a totalitarian organization, the Communist movement, a creature of a great world power that is. tn open hostility to our government." t blc , trvri MacArihur's Triumphal Teur MacARTI-UR'- ., iii ' ""I ' ,,in eji mm ' I ''"' l).l,lWaWsfsMS, mil ip miJ nail-- , as .iua 3 Broltman of .Phyllis the two new Is holding coins struck by the Philippine Islands to honor Gen. Douglas MacArthur. They are the peso Both bear and the the legend. 'Defender and of tho Philippines.' lib-crat- or lW.J. 'JT?" ft- '.'IWKI.JW 'Wl 4jWswjisjij.unsju pjll, r-4- i .k.. to Mao-Arthur- 's hero's ovation. If MarArlhnr flies to California and makes a triumphal, train trip t Washington, with a speech to joint session of congress, they claim his political appeal would be revived. Other public observers believe MacArthur micht wind up with as many boos as cheers rn surh tour. In addition, it would jurt about ruin his work as commnn.Icr of occu- llJ a COINED. . New York i,. S EOOSTERS are trying to find a way to revive their hero's battered popa larity. Despite the drubbing MacArthur received in California, Wisconsin and Nebraska, Congressman A. L. Miller of Nebraska says "MacArthur did not quit at Bataan, and he is still a very live candidate now. I am amazed that anyone should count the general out." Next move being urged by friends Is his Immediate return to the Vnited States for a v ' .: J: iFy UK cross-conntr- pied Jar on. Under the sound leadership of Bucky Harris, the Yankees are picked to repeat for one solid reason they look to be the most solid allaround team in the race. Eternarr Mc health faddist who is at 80. spry as a drinks a rousing toast in carrot buds and blossoms are a far to his new bride, the cryEarly the yellow and crimson from juice former Mrs. Jonnle Lee, mak- ' - y- Mfocuusl BLISS. . . WEDDED f i. Washington. GENERAL REASON IT OUT AND YOU IU THIS PREFER In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerals, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are le different orf different. Purely vegi-tab- a combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over SO years ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of NR's have proved. Get a 25 box. Use as directed leaves of late September, so In ing a selection one must gamble with fate and the fortunes of war, the breaks of the game, through the five and a half months beyond. The Red Sox are as good as the Yankees, perhaps a shade better, up to the important matter of pitching and strong reserves. With their excellent pitching, the Tigers might win through the right and left arms Steve O'Neil can throw against the enemy. But the Tigtrs have neither an infield, nor an out field to match either the Yankees or the Red Sox. Cleveland's improved Indians still belong in fourth place as Connie Mack's Athletics have a death grip on the top of the second division. The White Sox. Senators and Browns are strictly minor league clubs who have no place in a big league. They are out to live or make money on the four strong clubs where, on their own, they couldn't draw 300 thousand people. They are the league's chisclers. They should offer a spectacular battle for last place in the dizzy dip to the subway title. So we can forget about them as busy broom-mesweep away the debris. NATIONAL LEAGUE No. 1: 8t. Louis Cardinals. No. 2: Brooklyn Dodgers. No. S: Boston Braves. No. 4: New York Giants. No. S: Cincinnati Reds. No. 6: Pittsburgh Pirates. No. 7: Chicago Cubs. No. S: Philadelphia Phillies. . This Is a very different picture from the American league layout It will be a much better and much tighter race from top to bottom. There certainly should be a much closer scramble among the Cardinals, Dodgers and Braves than the younger league can give you. In picking the Cardinals over the Dodgers and Braves, one has to gamble with fate a kind of fate that will leave most of Eddie Dyer's veteran athletes Intact. The Cardinals, In their first-linn e lit' I ' 'I II II ii ' EXTINCT... This evil-lookigiant thing Is a cexeobrlornls, which eilsted 'terrorto bird' 20 million years ago eight In South America and which has been reconstructed at Chicago's natural history smseua. ng 8 .All kinds of people have scratched their heads industriously la an effort tofflnd any latent sycbollM la this picture of a coving ran carrying a globe inD. tlsenhower and bis to the New Tork homo which Gen. wife will occupy when he assucesbelght his duties as president of Cohmbla university. But. withal, lt Just 'a picture of a can carrying a (lobe into Ike a new abode. W0ru.i KOVES TO iKE DOOR.. res-sin- s arjj y ym ALWAYS CAWT, to-nig- ht QUICK RELIEF FOR ACID 1K01GEST10V strength, have the best team in their league, but their reserves are weak and thin. They can afford few reverses. Their catching is none too hot. But they have a pitching staff that should be well ahead of all others Dickson, Munger, Brecheen, Follet, He am, Brazle and at least two others who can win a lot of games. at to You Direct Amazing Over cutonKr Sold with v .Savmea! Guarantee. i if..; 100.000 satufia Iron-Cla- Order from tnia ma. write ior r n.r,n. CATALOG. ILLUSTRATED k Money-Hac- iwjw U i'qtmf $Vr Dtft WQ. LOAN COLLATERAL BERHAR'S tM mmthm place, ZJaasVfkslatiiaslSBAttiW 1 lines. It hai cells or secret AMERICAN LEAGUE 1: New York Yankees. 2: Boston Red Sox. 3: Detroit Tigers. 4: Cleveland Indians. 5: Philadelphia Athletics. 6: Browns, White Sox and Senators, neck and neck, for last British-America- familiar York lawyer thoroughly with communism and Its methods, that The Communist party is Stale rolls grate easily and pro duce fine, light crumbs. When watering the house plants. be careful not to wet the foliage of the begonias, it will curl if you do. Pennant Predictions $ with high-flyin- g d m a n, a New Open wrapper of wrapped bread carefully on one end. Replace unused slices of bread and roll wrapper down tight; bread will remain fresh until last crust is used. all-tim- B-2- I Roast meats will carve more easi ly if allowed to "set" a few minutes after they are taken from the oven. High ceilings appear lower when painted a dark, rich color such as red or royal blue. Wal-landc- rs .Mrs, Wallace wife of President Tru FELLER AND FRIEND. . B-2- 9 W a Keep glass coffee makers fresh and, sweet by frequently rinsing upper and lower bowls in baking soda solution. Rinse filters In solution (one tablespoon of soda to a cup of water), let dry, then rinse before using. Woon-socke- B-2- 9 A traveling clothes line saves on wet steps and eliminates walking threadgrass, etc. The wire may be ed through a well pully attached at the kitchen window and another on the garage, tree, post, or whatever Is situated at a convenient distance and line is reeled out or in as clothes are hung or taken off. Itt-3- W i BANK lifta. St.. tattt.1. Ml PILES TROUBLE? For Quick Relief DON'T DELAT ANY LONGER! Now, a doctor's formula you can u-- at botn to dlatrMSInf discomfort of pain-I- tch Irritation dua to plica. Tcnda ta aof-ta- n and shrink awaiting. Uaa this proven dsetar'a formsla. You'll ba amazed at Ha druerlst apeedy actios relief. Ask your Thornton A Minor a Kaetal Ointtoday for ment or Suppositories. Follow label Instructions. For sal at all drug atorea. rliv A AIf FTS ITX Double-dut- i 4JZ Aii iy ' On ounce plvi toae mod 4 fa Mom ftrctiv prey. en insect! y cidei Killi by onaet -"T rtimet. Destroys plant lie but spares beneficial insects, faiir triimtl Im jtMrr-wWi- immrt lull UrtntlK Utintrl ef f 9pu4 WITH TOBACCO CMlMICAl COStVOIATION Smfe IHH 4cmUtl KfNtUCKf Kiel lOUUVIUf I. mmm LIFE? of Are you going thrmieh the functional "middle age' period Dix-peculiar this to women (38 to S2 yra ) make you suffer from hot tutin, tired? feel to nerroua. Then do try LTdla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkknm's Compound call a a loalso has what Ixctir in echlo tonlo e Sect I mV" LTDIA E. PINKHAM'S Mima mm Strength and fnergy It Below Par ke catte. by rfitifeVf ef k'd- tt mf f to And Your that ptr n.ie poiannf-unit Fee trmiy mary (e arrumalale mk a. Ma lirad, the fctditays fail te r tr? a. da aae ether vaate Blatter Irotv tba mVt ate npl ft Yea may aefTer earf d'ira It tar-ar- reeumattt ftaina, ttarlahoe, aifMe. paiaa, .writing, r'tting frqwffit ind arartt enne-ti- e with martini ant burning ta anW arrest other tiff that la kitinv9 or felrldr Thra-Boub eedoM thai errpr J v at I aa treat rernt ia aria than It it bit feaVt Pitt ti rtrif ee thai baa erxi eeaatr? ee aiv favoaoiy Creat tr(Maeon anartfhtg have b ir4 and tt-ri A fa at at 4n$t rterae maif anfrx-llti- 4 I Cm lHn tmtay |