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Show CFT tnyzAXJ6wfltifuvifl0 Weather, News, Post Information Dial DPG 2141 2 H Published for Duway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah Pub-lishiPublished., by the Transcript-Bulleti- n a private Company, Tooele, Utah, firm, in no way connected with the De-ng Elaine Fuller Miss Dugway 65 Send News Items For Test Run to ... cial expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not canatituta an pertinent of the Army. Opinions expressed by publisher and writers herein are their own and are not Information Office Friday, August 27, 1965 Vol. No. 9 No. 4 .endorsement by the department of the Army of the products or services Rdver- - Stone to Leave Col. Williams Leaving Anderson Commandant Fraser New CO Frank V. Williams, Commandant of the CBR Course will leave this week to assume Orientation Weapons the duties as Professor of Military Science at Southwest MisAt 4:45 p.m. today there will be a formal souri State College in Springfield. Mo. Elaine Fuller was crowned Mias Dugway for IMS Thursceremony during the retreat parade in which Colonel COL. WILLIAMS William W. Stone, Jr., will turn command of the poit over to day, Aug. 12 at the Sandy Acres Service Club. has been Pat England was selected first attendant and Bobbie Ger- - Commandant of the CBRWOC Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr. Colonel Stone has received rard was chosen second attendant since May 1M3, previously he to Hq. Munitions Comorders had been Director of InstrucSix girls competed for the mand (MUCOM) at Picatinny tion. Miss Dugway title: Pat EngArsenal in Dover, New Jersey, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Seven officers arrived durland, Elaine Fuller, Bobbie Ger where later this year he will Anderson, director of instrucing the past few days and rard, Cheryl Reeder, Ann Todd, assume the position of Direction will take command of the have assumed various duties and Dawn Ware. tor of Research and DevelopCBRWOC. MISS FULLER, a IMS Dugat Dugway. ment. Col. Williama has received 12 . STONE and his COLONEL way High School graduate, Captain Charles R. Bush has awards and decorations major taken over command of Headwill leave Dugway Sept. plana to attend business college, family since he entered the service in this fall. 1 and will report to hia new quarters Company. 1935. A National drivers test simiCAPT. BUSH graduated from on Sept. 7. Judges for the beauty con- -' post COL. WILLIAMS and his lar to the one presented on the University of Southern Mistest were: Vem Bruggaman, The reassignment came one wife, Francis, have four chilCBS TV earlief this year will KUTV newscaster; Joyce Olson sissippi with a BA in Chemistry year after his arrival at Dugdren the be presented Aug. 30. youngest of whom in 1M1. an agency modeling represenway last August. He said the lives with them, Kathleen 12. The show will be aired on transfer came aa a surprise David L. Mason has tative; end Marlene Blackburn Captain The Williams had previously KSL-Tat 10:30 p.m. fashion coordinator for "Sevenbeen assigned to the dental and that he and his family reserved a tour at Dugway from The results of the first test teen Magazine." clinic. He is a graduate of gret having to leave because IBM to 1958, when Col. Wiconducted in May revealed 42 they have enjoyed their assignMiss Fuller is the daughter Ohio State University. He and lliams was Deputy Director of of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert H. per cent of a cross section of ment here so much. his wife Pat are residing at Test Operations. licensed drivers in four major 507 A Peak Ave. Fuller of M B East Knight St During Colonel Stone's tenure It was good to come back cities failed to pan the test. MARTY ANDERSON,., last and William Miles Post Commander, Dugway as Major to Dugway in 1M2 and aee . ONLY FOUR per cent of has seen a number of changes. E. B. Lieutenant Colonel years Miss Dugway, presented of n old rated our were friends. . . the many' a bouquet of roses to the new Broom have The completion of the Michael joined the CBR we have enjoyed being here at' excellent, 21 per cent were Army Airfield crash- - rescue Miss Dugway and Colonel JoWeapons Orientation Course as Dugway very much. . ., Col. rated good and the remain- station, completion of the addiinstructors. seph J. Fraser, Jr., presented Williams said. Miss Fuller and the attendants ing 33 per cent were rated tion to the U.S. Army HospiMAJOR MILES is a graduWE DO regret leaving but "fair. UniA M. ate of Texas and trophies. tal, a new golf course driving we must. . ., he said. 20 million Approximately Miss Fuller said that she He and his wife Irene range, the reopening of the versity. Col. Williama plans to retire viewers saw the May telecast Teen Club, an enlisted men's was honored and thrilled to be are living at 515 A Peak Ave. after his tour of duty ends with and apparently millions actual activity in the Golf Shack, an Miss Dugway for 1M5 and she Lt. Col. Broom is a graduSouthwest Missouri State Colly took the test. thanked everyone. ate of the University of Maryclub, a postwide reorn of the archery The Aug. 30 lege in 1999. Jackie Tippets, Miss Tooele and extensive reland. He and his wife Kirsten ganization test will be conducted, in the modeling and increases in oth- - . reside at 513 B Peak St. County of 1964 was introduced same manner aa the previous er post facilities are only a . and described some 'of the speCaptain J. E. hyman has COL. WILLIAM STONE JR teat. cial events in which she parfew of the improvements seen been assigned to the hospital show will introduce The in the past 12 months. and is a graduate of Temple ticipated during the year. viewers to a number of potenCOLONEL STONE has workTHE DAVE WARD Combo He and his wife University. situatraffic dangerous towards the broadening of tially ed numbers and several 517 A reside Carole at Bonafin played tions, thus making them atr the testing capabilities of DPG the MC Jack Anderson played, Drive. . - tempt to make the proper into ..new . and varied activiA and sang several songs. Dugway scouts helped put MAJOR ROBERT Skimin has , which would prevent ties by initiating a large-scal- e ' choices out a fire in Yellowstone Na- assumed the duties as chief of Last years Miss Dugway, an accident. After each situa- capital equipment procurement tional Park August 12, when the Army Aviation Division. Marty Anderson and Jay Frastion the proper answer will be program. An increase in techer sang three stags together. lightening struck a fir tree. He and his wife Pauline live Lieutenant Colonel William M. Home was presented an nical facilities and equipment TVo of seven Dugway exThe girls were judged on given. at 504 A Bexfield Drive. SCORE CARDS will be disCommendation Medal for hia service during the past will aid in providing a more FULLER ELAINE in Army the scouts The and talent, beauty, staying poose. plorer has Wohlman Melvin Major tributed by the Dugway Safety table level of test activity for by Post Commander Colonel William W. Stone, Jr., girls appeared in street clothes, park were returning from Yel- taken over the duties of Chief two years Office in the local DB, in orAug. 13 at the Aloha. the Post and help to improve lowstone Lake with their leadformal wear and bathing suits.-MISat the Facilities Division. He COL. HOME HAS SERVED as Director of Personnel and der that local viewers may the utilization, of the proving DUGWAY received er William Rose when the fire and hia wife Shirley reside at Administration and for the past ten months had been Chief an accurate record of how ground and its experienced keep occurred. gifts from the following busi505 B Bexfield Dr. of Staff. fare against the correct staff. nesses and organizations: MR. ROSE said the fire they His next assignment will be and the national aver answers Radio Electric and Hardware Shortly after beginning his started in a patch of woods in the office of the Secretary tour as Post Commander, Col. about a quarter of a mile off Co., Parkers Music Box, J. C, of the Army in Washington DC. age. The shows principal objec- Stone received the Legion of the trail, shortly after lightning Penny Co., Bateman and TooCol. Home was cited for his is to point out to each Merit for tive his exceptionally ele Jewelry, Style Shop, Caldarea. struck the had The Proving outstanding contribution to the driver where his driving skills meritorious conduct" while serwell Drug Co., Tooele Merc Co. Anderton, Dennis Danny Grounds Management Confermission and work at Dugway are lacking and to familiarize ving with the Joint Chiefs of Browns and myself ran Store, Sales Craft, ence Steering Committee met Lamoreaux 1962. since the basic funda- Staff in Washington, D.C. He August him with Bulletin Are and arrived Transcript Publishing Six college courses have been scheduled to begin SeptemAugust 12 at Dugway and over to the The citation read in part: mentals of defensive driving. the tnira Co., Bevans Tooele Hardware, will be st heard a general briefing on about a minute before the forprented ber 1, as part of the expanded education program unWHILE ASSIGNED aa Din Western Auto, A1 and Lid Cluster to the Army Leaf Oak ' dertaken by the Post Education Center. Dugway 'management prac- est ranger. . . rector of Personnel and Adand Appliance, Anns tices by Post Commander Col. I grabbed a shovel and Commendation Medal at todays The required number of students (8 to 10) has been obministration Lt. Col. Home destarted shoveling dirt . . . in recognition of hia Shop, Tooele Drug Co., Tiny William W. Stone, Jr. tained for the following courses: Matrix Analysis, Constituparade monstrated admini as Tim Hobby Shop, Beehive State performance The WPGMC is made up of while the boys got fire extinoutstanding tional Law, Principles of Statistics, Comparative Dconomic strative and outstanding executive abilities. Officer of Dug- Bank, Sprouse Reitz Co., and' western proving grounds and guishers and began spraying Commanding to Introduction and Shorthand. Systems, Meteorology He was responiible for the deSunset Sporting Goods. the purpose of the organization the burning area. . and implementation he semester said, velopment hour, ?Tu,aZd8t.Hie' courses Other which have were: contributors seversaid ROSE MR. that Dugway is to facilitate improved man-5 Kennedy urged that in- of has Sp administrative System listed Run in been and Test the procedures Post Exchange, College Wat Dugway and al large fur trees were burnassignment persons contact the which contributed to' the been requested by the Depart- tion and ADP. be terested still Bulletin omens Club, NCO Wives Club, to seemed Dally fire be may and the requested BpecifiCally ing Center immediately all efficiency of post operment of Defense to provide and the Officers Wives Club. here. He ser- agement and aid in the solv- - spreading but that a short scheduled if sufficient students and reiili8nment for classes up they tions. - . Armed Forces Induction St here in the Te,t Operations ing of any problems which time later a fire truck appear-ma- y call the Education Center and wish sign to take. "Lt. Col. Home was initro-- tions with 27,400 men in Sep- Directorate from 1952 to 1955 occur. ed with more fire fighters and enroll. Specialist S Rsbert Kenscheduler: of Ocin mental Description tember and 33,600 men in improving logistical Also the WPGMC provides a the fire was quickly brought nedy, Education Center NCO and attended the November classes: and administrative support to tober. means of obtaining complete under control. 1961 session of the CBR Wea191 INTRODUCTION to Geo- - the chemical and biological The September call is a re- pons Orientation Course. information on the testing ca- The Dugway scouts were vision of the 17,000 announced testing programs. . facilities of staying jn the Weat Thumb' mihtaro' men 'especially take logy: A cultural and THE STONES were honorpabilities course dealing with physical The Homes new address will Inductees called in Sep- ed at the earlier. each and aids of area proving ground Yellowstone, education August Aloha where of the pro Papers will be picked up advantage 7404 be to Essex geology. the will be assigned tember Ave., Springfield, in the common use of mainte- - k they received best wishes and since the Army will pay 485 Matrix Analysis: An in- - Virginia 22150. Sept. 4 and Sept. 18 from the gram innance and available services. Army. In October 29,000 farewells from officers and cithree fourths of the tuition traduction to matrix analysis, post housing area by Cub COL. HOME is a native of ductees will be assigned to the vilian members of the Officers Col. Stone spoke to the group Scout Pack No. 417. costs. including the study of charac- - Salt Lake City. He graduated about the methods used by Army and 4,600' to the Navy. Open Meas. Residents are asked to conThere also is currently be- teristic values, cononical forms, from the Wash-an- d of The Marine Corps and Air University meet to certain probThe mailing address of Col.: Dugway to free a tinue saving papers and place program ing planned functions of matrices, with ing ton in 1947 and received hia Force do not intend to place and Mrs. Stone will be: Collems. men finish their applications. them on the street curb the military help masters from the University calls with Selective Service onel William W. Stone, Jr., He also reviewed the mis396 Constitutional Law of the of California in 1953. day of the pickup. high school education, Sp 5 sion of Dugway and outlined during September or October. Headquarters MUCOM, Pica-tinn- y ' said." gained-frothe sale Money U. S.: Origins, establishment, He has been awarded nine A Navy pilot flying an A4D Kennedy the training, organization, coat New Jerare Dover, Arsenal, classes of papers will aid the program COLLEGE THE and development by judicial decorations including the reduction, manpower manage- - jet aircraft in a turbulent wind open to civilians but they must sey. of DPG Cubs in Pack 417. the of leading bat Infantrymans badge and com ejected himself as his plane If papers are- - not picked up' merit, work measurement,e sealspay the foil cost of $13.50 per constitutional doctrines. the Bronze Star. - touched down at Michael Army munications and grade call extension 2557. Airfield at Dugway August 12. The pilot Lieutenant Commander W. Odeman was slight but received no ly shaken-u- p injuries and was not hospitalized. He was traveling at a sufficient speed to open his para-- , Dugway schools open Monday ending the summer of freedom for approximately 800 school age children. chute even though the plane The anticipated enrollment for the high school is 275 while had touched down, and Class Ward First 27 Sergeant won the residents elementary school expects more than 500 children. Dugway aircr,ft and piIot first place blue ribbons, eight Padefford each won sweep- - naval Ordnance Test Station, SOME MAJOR changes will John Southwick, Mr. William second-plac- e ribbons and two takes awards for their entries chins Lake California, were the students aa they be- Bugg, Mr. George Cook and greet in and awards in woodworking painting, the in field testa at sweepstakes participating gin the new school year. In- Miss Marilu Nashell are the Tooele County Fair which end- Their entries were judged the Dugway. cluding a new high principal, a new elementary school teachbest in each category. ed Saturday. The unmanned aircraft came new elementary school princi- ers. In addition, Sp4 Fegan re-- to a THE DUGWAY Sport Parastop after traveling a number of new teachMrs. Lee Greelings has been pal, of for each blue ribbons chute Club provided a skydiverai thousand feet and suffer- ers and some additions to the employed as the elementary wooded only incidental damages.. ing exhibition each day of the hia six entries In the school secretary. high school curriculum. fair and set-u- p a display of working category. Sgt. Padel-for- d Blaine Keller has assumed NEW HIGH school subjects two ribbons blue received parachutes and skydiving equip the duties of high school printo be offered this fall include: for hia paintings. ment. cipal and Don Lindsay hai beBookkeeping, Analytical Trig. Other Dugway winners were First Lieutenant MacAlan come elementary school princiCommercial Math, Physical 3 with Mrs. Carriere Richard Thompson of Dugway performModern Algebra, Human Phypal. ribed skydiving exhibition each firsts and 3 second-plac- e Mr. Keller waa the guidance siology and Art afternoon jumping over the bons; Mrs. Paul Schleser with counselor at Grantsville High Student activities and fall Fame first; Captain Harold Tooele Golf Course. There will be a swimming Mr. Lindsay waa aslast year. plana will be announced aa Miss Dugway, Elaine Fuller, gan, one first; Lieutenant Clyde meet for all young people unsistant principal last year and soon aa the high school student ind Miaa Pat England compet-i- d Hodge, one first; Sp4 Gordon der 17 this evening at 6:30 at has taught at Dugway for 7 council meets, Mr. Keller said. one in .the Miss Tooele County Goodrich, two firsts and the post pool. JOINING THE high school However the first definitely Mrs. Frank to William TEA W. Mr. FAREWELL Stone, pours five have events Jr., Jueen Contest Jackie Tippets second; Sp4 J. Peterson, one Twentyare: Miss M. Ellison, scheduled faculty high school event in was tea The on. Charles Mrs. looks while if Dugway, last year's Miss first; Sp4 Alfred Van Lew, five been scheduled. Anderson Williams given Ribboiy will Mrs. Robert Vanondni and than the start of school other n Peterson-Vaone Tooele County crowned the new firsts; Lew, be given for the first five honor of Mrs. Williams by the CBR Wives at the Officers Open Mess Mr. L. Harding. football game with will be a Mrs. three Comfirst; Miss Linda been 17. each in event. Williams who Shilling, Anderaon of has Mrs. Larry and Colonel Williams, on August )ueen places Mrs. Marilyn Roberts, Mrs. Union at Union, Utah, Septemand Edith Mrs. Dozoia, firsts; Srantsville. Post residents are Invited to mandant of the CBRWOC, are leaving for Springfield, Missouri, for an Rosa Garcia, Mrs. Cathie Bas-tiaber 10, Mr. Keller said. SPEC 1ALIST 4 William Fcgen one second. attend. Mrs. Diane Pearson, Mrs. assignment as Professor of Military Science at Southwest Missouri State Colonel change-of-com-ma- 7 Officers Arrive Drivers Test Scheduled August 30 V cross-sectio- . re-ru- DPG Scouts Fight Fire 1 Groups Hear Slone Speak Home Gets Honor. Leaves for D.C. . Ed Classes Set, Enrollment Open Western on-po- Tele--visio- hlT " T' over-Educati- ' Paper Drive Continues al School Monday, Changes Made Dugway Residents Win 37 County Fair Ribbons n sev-ceiv- Swim Meet Tonight 6:30 - v n, r College. (U.S. Army Photo) J IT |